2020-05-17 16:03:04 +02:00
This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Projucer!
Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
and re-saved.
Created with Projucer version: 5.4.7
The Projucer is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
//[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
#include "PluginEditor.h"
//[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
PluginEditor::PluginEditor (AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor* ownerFilter)
: AudioProcessorEditor (ownerFilter)
//[Constructor_pre] You can add your own custom stuff here..
PropertiesFile::Options options;
options.applicationName = ProjectInfo::projectName;
options.osxLibrarySubFolder = "Application Support";
options.filenameSuffix = ".settings";
options.storageFormat = PropertiesFile::storeAsXML;
options.folderName = "~/.config";
2020-05-18 08:25:26 +02:00
options.folderName = "";
2020-05-17 16:03:04 +02:00
pluginSettings.setStorageParameters (options);
comp.reset (new PluginGui (ownerFilter));
addAndMakeVisible (comp.get());
comp->setName ("Main GUI");
comp->setBounds (0, 0, 860, 580);
setResizable(true, true);
setSize (860, 580);
//[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
int w,h;
w = pluginSettings.getUserSettings()->getIntValue("Width");
h = pluginSettings.getUserSettings()->getIntValue("Height");
//[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
comp = nullptr;
//[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
pluginSettings.getUserSettings()->setValue("Width", getWidth());
pluginSettings.getUserSettings()->setValue("Height", getHeight());
void PluginEditor::paint (Graphics& g)
//[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
g.fillAll (Colours::black);
//[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
void PluginEditor::resized()
//[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here..
Path path; // the only reason we use a Path is that it implements the handy getTransformToScaleToFit()
path.addRectangle(0, 0, comp->getWidth(), comp->getHeight());
auto transform = path.getTransformToScaleToFit(getLocalBounds().toFloat(), true, Justification::centred);
//[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
//[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
#if 0
/* -- Projucer information section --
This is where the Projucer stores the metadata that describe this GUI layout, so
make changes in here at your peril!
<JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="PluginEditor" componentName=""
parentClasses="public AudioProcessorEditor" constructorParams="AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor* ownerFilter"
variableInitialisers=" AudioProcessorEditor (ownerFilter)" snapPixels="8"
snapActive="1" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330" fixedSize="0"
initialWidth="860" initialHeight="580">
<BACKGROUND backgroundColour="ff000000"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="Main GUI" id="63d69ee5cf07179d" memberName="comp" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="0 0 860 580" class="PluginGui" params="ownerFilter"/>
//[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...