2023-05-15 19:45:36 +04:00

824 lines
24 KiB

extern crate derive_more;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::iter::Cycle;
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul};
use std::path::Iter;
use midly::{
num::u15, num::u24, num::u28, num::u4, num::u7, Header, MidiMessage, Smf, Track, TrackEventKind,
use midly::{EventIter, MetaMessage, TrackEvent};
use crate::dsl::dsl::{
group_or_delimited_group, groups, BasicLength, Group, GroupOrNote, Length, ModdedLength, Note,
// Typically used as number of ticks since the beginning of the track.
pub struct Tick(pub u128);
fn test_add_tick() {
assert_eq!(Tick(2) + Tick(2), Tick(4));
// Delta in time since the last MIDI event, measured in Ticks.
Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, derive_more::Add, derive_more::Mul,
pub struct Delta(pub u128);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum EventType {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct TimeSignature {
pub numerator: u8,
pub denominator: BasicLength,
impl TimeSignature {
pub fn new(numerator: u8, denominator: BasicLength) -> Self {
Self {
impl std::ops::Mul<u8> for TimeSignature {
type Output = TimeSignature;
fn mul(self, rhs: u8) -> TimeSignature {
TimeSignature {
numerator: self.numerator * rhs as u8,
denominator: self.denominator,
fn test_cmp_time_signature() {
let three_sixteenth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Sixteenth,
let four_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 4,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let two_secondth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 2,
denominator: BasicLength::Half,
assert_eq!(three_sixteenth.cmp(&four_fourth), Ordering::Less);
// weird, but not worth changing
// May implement a new type Ord if it needs to be Equal.
assert_eq!(four_fourth.cmp(&two_secondth), Ordering::Greater);
impl TimeSignature {
/// Checks if these two signatures converges for the next 200 bars.
fn converges_with(&self, other: TimeSignature) -> Result<(u32, TimeSignature), String> {
let d: u32 = std::cmp::max(self.denominator, other.denominator)
let d1: u32 = self.denominator.to_u8().into();
let d2: u32 = other.denominator.to_u8().into();
let coef1 = d / d1;
let coef2 = d / d2;
let num1: u32 = coef1 * (self.numerator as u32);
let num2: u32 = coef2 * (other.numerator as u32);
let greater_time_signature = self.max(&other);
let f = |max, min| {
let mut res = Err(format!("Not converges over 1000 bars of {:?}", other));
for i in 1..1000 {
if (max * i) % min == 0 {
res = Ok((i, *greater_time_signature));
match num1.cmp(&num2) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Less => f(num2, num1),
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => Ok((1, *greater_time_signature)),
std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => f(num1, num2),
fn converges(
time_signatures: Vec<TimeSignature>,
) -> Result<(u32, TimeSignature), String> {
.try_fold((1, *self), |(bars, ts), x| match ts.converges_with(*x) {
Ok((new_bars, greater_signature)) => {
if new_bars > bars {
if new_bars % bars == 0 {
Ok((new_bars, greater_signature))
} else {
Err(format!("{:?} don't converge with {:?}", self, x))
} else {
if bars % new_bars == 0 {
Ok((bars, greater_signature))
} else {
Err(format!("{:?} don't converge with {:?}", self, x))
Err(e) => Err(e),
fn test_converges_with() {
let three_sixteenth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Sixteenth,
let four_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 4,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
Ok((3, four_fourth))
fn test_converges() {
let three_sixteenth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Sixteenth,
let four_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 4,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let three_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
three_sixteenth.converges(vec![four_fourth, three_fourth, four_fourth]),
Ok((3, four_fourth))
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Part {
impl Part {
// https://computermusicresource.com/GM.Percussion.KeyMap.html
fn to_midi_key(&self) -> u7 {
match self {
Part::KickDrum => u7::from(36),
Part::SnareDrum => u7::from(38),
Part::HiHat => u7::from(46),
Part::CrashCymbal => u7::from(49),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Event<T> {
tick: T,
event_type: EventType,
// Events are supposed to be sorted by T at all times.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct EventGrid<T> {
events: Vec<Event<T>>,
length: Tick,
impl<T> IntoIterator for EventGrid<T> {
type Item = Event<T>;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Event<T>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<T> EventGrid<T> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, Event<T>> {
// impl <T> Iterator for EventGrid<T> {
// type Item = Event<T>;
// fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// let e = self.events.iter().next();
// e.map(|x| *x )
// }
// }
impl<T: Add<Tick, Output = T> + Clone + Ord> Add for EventGrid<T> {
type Output = EventGrid<T>;
fn add(mut self, other: EventGrid<T>) -> EventGrid<T> {
let other_events: Vec<Event<T>> = other
.map(|mut e| {
e.tick = e.tick.clone() + self.length;
self.length = self.length + other.length;
impl<T: Clone + Ord> Mul for EventGrid<T> {
type Output = EventGrid<T>;
fn mul(mut self, other: EventGrid<T>) -> EventGrid<T> {
let other_events: Vec<Event<T>> = other.events;
self.length = self.length + other.length;
fn test_arith_event_grids() {
let eg1 = EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum),
Event {
tick: Tick(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum),
length: Tick(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128),
let eg2 = EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::HiHat),
Event {
tick: Tick(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::HiHat),
length: Tick(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128),
let mul_res = EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum),
Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::HiHat),
Event {
tick: Tick(48),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum),
Event {
tick: Tick(48),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::HiHat),
length: Tick(96),
assert_eq!(eg1.clone() * eg2.clone(), mul_res);
fn test_add_event_grid() {
let mut empty: EventGrid<Tick> = EventGrid::new();
let kick_on = Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum),
let kick_off = Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum),
let simple_grid = EventGrid {
events: vec![kick_on, kick_off],
length: Tick(48),
assert_eq!(empty.clone() + empty.clone(), empty);
assert_eq!(simple_grid.clone() + empty.clone(), simple_grid);
assert_eq!(empty.clone() + simple_grid.clone(), simple_grid);
simple_grid.clone() + simple_grid.clone(),
EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(48),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(72),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
length: Tick(96)
impl<T> EventGrid<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
EventGrid {
events: Vec::new(),
length: Tick(0),
impl EventGrid<Tick> {
/// Converts a sorted `EventGrid<Tick>`
fn to_delta(&self) -> EventGrid<Delta> {
let mut time = Tick(0);
let mut delta_grid = EventGrid::new();
for e in &self.events {
let delta = e.tick - time;
time = time + delta;
delta_grid.events.push(Event {
tick: Delta(delta.0),
event_type: e.event_type,
static TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE: u16 = 48;
impl BasicLength {
/// `BasicLength` to MIDI Ticks
fn to_ticks(&self) -> Tick {
match self {
BasicLength::Whole => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE * 4) as u128),
BasicLength::Half => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE * 2) as u128),
BasicLength::Fourth => Tick(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128),
BasicLength::Eighth => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE / 2) as u128),
BasicLength::Sixteenth => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE / 4) as u128),
BasicLength::ThirtySecond => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE / 8) as u128),
BasicLength::SixtyFourth => Tick((TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE / 16) as u128),
fn to_u8(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
BasicLength::Whole => 1,
BasicLength::Half => 2,
BasicLength::Fourth => 4,
BasicLength::Eighth => 8,
BasicLength::Sixteenth => 16,
BasicLength::ThirtySecond => 32,
BasicLength::SixtyFourth => 64,
impl ModdedLength {
/// `ModdedLength` to MIDI Ticks
fn to_ticks(&self) -> Tick {
match self {
ModdedLength::Plain(blen) => blen.to_ticks(),
ModdedLength::Dotted(blen) => {
let Tick(whole) = blen.to_ticks();
let half = whole / 2;
Tick(whole + half)
impl Length {
/// Note length to MIDI ticks
/// The function converts a musical note length to ticks, accounting for simple notes, tied notes, and
/// triplets.
/// Arguments:
/// * `length`: `length` is a variable of type `Length`, which is an enum that represents different
/// types of musical note lengths. The function `length_to_ticks` takes a `Length` as input and returns
/// a `Tick`, which is a struct representing the number of ticks (a unit of time in music
/// Returns:
/// The function `length_to_ticks` takes a `Length` enum as input and returns a `Tick` value. The `Tick`
/// value represents the duration of the note in ticks, which is a unit of time used in music notation
/// software.
fn to_ticks(&self) -> Tick {
match self {
Length::Simple(mlen) => mlen.to_ticks(),
Length::Tied(first, second) => first.to_ticks() + second.to_ticks(),
Length::Triplet(mlen) => {
let Tick(straight) = mlen.to_ticks();
let triplet = straight * 2 / 3;
static MICROSECONDS_PER_BPM: u128 = 500000 as u128 / TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE as u128;
static MIDI_CLOCKS_PER_CLICK: u8 = 24;
/// Microseconds per quarter note. Default is 500,000 for 120bpm.
pub struct MidiTempo(u24);
// impl MidiTempo {
// fn from_tempo(Tempo(t): Tempo) -> Self {
// let mt = t as u32 * MICROSECONDS_PER_BPM as u32;
// Self(u24::from(mt))
// }
// }
/// Returns an EventGrid and a total length. Length is needed as a group can end with rests that are not in the grid,
/// and we need it to cycle the group.
fn flatten_group(
Group {
}: &Group,
part: Part,
start: &mut Tick,
) -> EventGrid<Tick> {
let time = start;
let note_length = length.to_ticks();
let mut grid = EventGrid::new();
notes.iter().for_each(|entry| {
match entry {
crate::dsl::dsl::GroupOrNote::SingleGroup(group) => {
let mut eg = flatten_group(&group, part, time);
grid.events.append(&mut eg.events);
grid.length = grid.length + eg.length;
crate::dsl::dsl::GroupOrNote::SingleNote(Note::Rest) => {
let rest_end = *time + note_length;
*time = rest_end;
grid.length = rest_end;
crate::dsl::dsl::GroupOrNote::SingleNote(Note::Hit) => {
let note_end = *time + note_length;
let note_on = Event {
tick: *time,
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(part),
let note_off = Event {
tick: note_end,
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(part),
grid.length = note_end;
*time = note_end;
cycle_grid(grid, *times)
fn test_flatten_group() {
&mut Tick(0)
EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(72),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(96),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
length: Tick(144)
fn cycle_grid(event_grid: EventGrid<Tick>, times: Times) -> EventGrid<Tick> {
let mut grid = EventGrid::new();
for _ in 1..(times.0 + 1) {
grid = grid + event_grid.clone();
fn test_cycle_grid() {
let empty: EventGrid<Tick> = EventGrid::new();
assert_eq!(cycle_grid(EventGrid::new(), Times(2)), empty);
let kick_on = Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum),
let kick_off = Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum),
let simple_grid = EventGrid {
events: vec![kick_on, kick_off],
length: Tick(48),
assert_eq!(cycle_grid(simple_grid.clone(), Times(0)), empty);
assert_eq!(cycle_grid(simple_grid.clone(), Times(1)), simple_grid);
cycle_grid(simple_grid.clone(), Times(2)),
EventGrid {
events: vec![
Event {
tick: Tick(0),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(24),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(48),
event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum)
Event {
tick: Tick(72),
event_type: EventType::NoteOff(Part::KickDrum)
length: Tick(96)
fn flatten_groups(part: Part, groups: &Vec<Group>) -> EventGrid<Tick> {
let mut time: Tick = Tick(0);
let mut grid: EventGrid<Tick> = EventGrid::new();
groups.iter().for_each(|group| {
grid = grid.clone() + flatten_group(group, part, &mut time);
// Combines a vector of sorted EventGrid<Tick> into a single `EventGrid<Tick>`
fn merge_event_grids(mut eg: Vec<EventGrid<Tick>>) -> EventGrid<Tick> {
let first = eg.pop().unwrap();
eg.iter().fold(first, |mut acc, next| {
acc = acc * (*next).clone();
pub struct EventIterator<T>
kick: Peekable<Cycle<std::vec::IntoIter<Event<T>>>>,
snare: Peekable<Cycle<std::vec::IntoIter<Event<T>>>>,
hihat: Peekable<Cycle<std::vec::IntoIter<Event<T>>>>,
crash: Peekable<Cycle<std::vec::IntoIter<Event<T>>>>,
kick_length: Tick,
snare_length: Tick,
hihat_length: Tick,
crash_length: Tick,
limit: Tick,
time: Tick
impl<T> EventIterator<T>
T: Clone
fn new(
kick_grid: EventGrid<T>,
snare_grid: EventGrid<T>,
hihat_grid: EventGrid<T>,
crash_grid: EventGrid<T>,
limit_value: Tick,
) -> EventIterator<T> {
let event_iterator = EventIterator {
kick_length: kick_grid.length.clone(),
snare_length: snare_grid.length.clone(),
hihat_length: hihat_grid.length.clone(),
crash_length: crash_grid.length.clone(),
kick: kick_grid.into_iter().cycle().peekable(),
snare: snare_grid.into_iter().cycle().peekable(),
hihat: hihat_grid.into_iter().cycle().peekable(),
crash: crash_grid.into_iter().cycle().peekable(),
limit: limit_value,
time: Tick(0)
impl Iterator for EventIterator<Tick> {
type Item = Event<Tick>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let mut min_part = Part::KickDrum;
let mut min_tick = self.limit;
let mut min_event: Event<Tick> = Event { tick: Tick(0), event_type: EventType::NoteOn(Part::KickDrum) };
let mut min_group_length: Tick;
let candidates = vec![
(self.kick.peek().unwrap(), Part::KickDrum),
(self.snare.peek().unwrap(), Part::SnareDrum),
(self.hihat.peek().unwrap(), Part::HiHat),
(self.crash.peek().unwrap(), Part::CrashCymbal),
for (&e, p) in candidates {
if e.tick <= min_tick {
min_part = p;
min_tick = e.tick;
min_event = e;
} else {
match min_part {
Part::KickDrum => {
min_group_length = self.kick_length;
Part::SnareDrum => {
min_group_length = self.snare_length;
Part::HiHat => {
min_group_length = self.hihat_length;
Part::CrashCymbal => {
min_group_length = self.crash_length;
if min_event.tick < self.limit {
self.time = self.time + min_event.tick;
if self.time > min_group_length {
let remainder = Tick(self.time.0 % min_group_length.0);
min_event.tick = self.time + remainder;
} else {
} else {
// Returns time as a number of ticks from beginning, has to be turned into the midi delta-time.
fn flatten_and_merge<'a>(
mut groups: HashMap<Part, Vec<Group>>,
time_signature: TimeSignature,
) -> EventIterator<Tick> {
let f = |p| {
.map(|g| flatten_groups(p, g))
let kick = f(Part::KickDrum);
let snare = f(Part::SnareDrum);
let hihat = f(Part::HiHat);
let crash = f(Part::CrashCymbal);
EventIterator::new(kick, snare, hihat, crash, Tick(1000000))
// The length of a beat is not standard, so in order to fully describe the length of a MIDI tick the MetaMessage::Tempo event should be present.
pub fn create_smf<'a>(groups: HashMap<Part, Vec<Group>>, time_signature: TimeSignature) -> Smf<'a> {
let tracks = vec![] ; // create_tracks(groups, time_signature); // FIXME
// https://majicdesigns.github.io/MD_MIDIFile/page_timing.html
// says " If it is not specified the MIDI default is 48 ticks per quarter note."
// As it's required in `Header`, let's use the same value.
let metrical = midly::Timing::Metrical(u15::new(TICKS_PER_QUARTER_NOTE));
Smf {
header: Header {
format: midly::Format::Parallel,
timing: metrical,
tracks: tracks,
// /// Translates drum parts to a single MIDI track.
// fn create_tracks<'a>(
// parts_and_groups: HashMap<Part, Vec<Group>>,
// time_signature: TimeSignature, // tempo: u32
// ) -> Vec<Vec<midly::TrackEvent<'a>>> {
// //FIXME: unhardcode time signature
// let event_grid = flatten_and_merge(parts_and_groups, TimeSignature { numerator: 4, denominator: BasicLength::Fourth );
// let mut drums = Vec::new();
// // let midi_tempo = MidiTempo::from_tempo(Tempo(130)).0;
// // drums.push(TrackEvent { delta: u28::from(0), kind: TrackEventKind::Meta(MetaMessage::Tempo(midi_tempo)) });
// // drums.push(TrackEvent { delta: u28::from(0), kind: TrackEventKind::Meta(MetaMessage::TimeSignature(4, 4, MIDI_CLOCKS_PER_CLICK.clone(), 8))});
// for event in event_grid.events {
// let midi_message = match event.event_type {
// EventType::NoteOn(part) => MidiMessage::NoteOn {
// key: part.to_midi_key(),
// vel: u7::from(120),
// },
// EventType::NoteOff(part) => MidiMessage::NoteOff {
// key: part.to_midi_key(),
// vel: u7::from(0),
// },
// };
// drums.push(TrackEvent {
// delta: u28::from(event.tick.0 as u32),
// kind: TrackEventKind::Midi {
// channel: u4::from(10),
// message: midi_message,
// },
// })
// }
// vec![drums]
// }