2023-06-13 16:35:58 +04:00

406 lines
14 KiB

use std::num::ParseIntError;
use std::str::{self, FromStr};
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::ops::{Add};
pub use nom::character::complete::{char, digit1};
use nom::multi::many1;
use nom::sequence::{separated_pair, tuple, delimited};
use nom::{Err, IResult};
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::combinator::{map, map_res};
/// Allows measurement in 128th notes.
pub trait KnownLength {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum BasicLength {
impl FromStr for BasicLength {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let result: Result<u16, ParseIntError> = s.parse();
match result {
Ok(n) => Self::from_num(n),
Result::Err(e) => panic!("{}", e)
impl KnownLength for BasicLength {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
BasicLength::Whole => 128,
BasicLength::Half => 64,
BasicLength::Fourth => 32,
BasicLength::Eighth => 16,
BasicLength::Sixteenth => 8,
BasicLength::ThirtySecond => 4,
BasicLength::SixtyFourth => 2,
impl BasicLength {
pub fn from_num(n: u16) -> Result<Self, String> {
match n {
64 => Ok(BasicLength::SixtyFourth),
32 => Ok(BasicLength::ThirtySecond),
16 => Ok(BasicLength::Sixteenth),
8 => Ok(BasicLength::Eighth),
4 => Ok(BasicLength::Fourth),
2 => Ok(BasicLength::Half),
1 => Ok(BasicLength::Whole),
e => Err(format!("{} is not a num BasicLength can be constructed from", e))
/// Private unsafe method, so it should only be used from `add`.
/// Reverses `to_128th`.
fn from_128th(n: u16) -> Result<Self, String> {
match n {
2 => Ok(BasicLength::SixtyFourth),
4 => Ok(BasicLength::ThirtySecond),
8 => Ok(BasicLength::Sixteenth),
16 => Ok(BasicLength::Eighth),
32 => Ok(BasicLength::Fourth),
64 => Ok(BasicLength::Half),
128 => Ok(BasicLength::Whole),
e => Err(format!("{} is not a num BasicLength can be constructed from", e))
impl Add<BasicLength> for BasicLength {
type Output = Length;
fn add(self, rhs: BasicLength) -> Length {
let f = |x| match x {
BasicLength::Whole => 128,
BasicLength::Half => 64,
BasicLength::Fourth => 32,
BasicLength::Eighth => 16,
BasicLength::Sixteenth => 8,
BasicLength::ThirtySecond => 4,
BasicLength::SixtyFourth => 2,
if self == rhs && self != BasicLength::Whole {
Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(f(self) * 2).unwrap()))
} else {
let n1 : u16 = f(self);
let n2 = f(rhs);
let total = n1 + n2;
if total > 128 {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 128).unwrap()))
} else if total > 32 {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Half), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 64).unwrap()))
} else if total > 16 {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Fourth), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 32).unwrap()))
} else if total > 8 {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Eighth), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 16).unwrap()))
} else if total > 4 {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Fourth), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 8).unwrap()))
} else {
Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Half), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::from_128th(total - 4).unwrap()))
fn test_add_basic_length() {
assert_eq!(BasicLength::Half + BasicLength::Half, Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole)));
assert_eq!(BasicLength::Whole + BasicLength::Whole, Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole)));
assert_eq!(BasicLength::Half + BasicLength::SixtyFourth, Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Half), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::SixtyFourth)));
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ModdedLength {
impl KnownLength for ModdedLength {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
ModdedLength::Plain(bl) => bl.to_128th(),
ModdedLength::Dotted(bl) => {
let l = bl.to_128th();
l + l /2
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Length {
Tied(ModdedLength, ModdedLength),
impl KnownLength for Length {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
Length::Simple(ml) => ml.to_128th(),
Length::Tied(ml1, ml2) => ml1.to_128th() + ml2.to_128th(),
Length::Triplet(ml) => ml.to_128th() * 2 / 3
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Note {
pub static WHOLE : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole));
pub static HALF : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Half));
pub static FOURTH : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Fourth));
pub static EIGHTH : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Eighth));
pub static SIXTEENTH : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Sixteenth));
pub static THIRTY_SECOND : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::ThirtySecond));
pub static SIXTY_FOURTH : &Length = &Length::Simple(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::SixtyFourth));
pub static WHOLE_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::Whole));
pub static HALF_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::Half));
pub static FOURTH_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::Fourth));
pub static EIGHTH_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::Eighth));
pub static SIXTEENTH_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::Sixteenth));
pub static THIRTY_SECOND_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::ThirtySecond));
pub static SIXTY_FOURTH_DOTTED_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Dotted(BasicLength::SixtyFourth));
pub static WHOLE_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Whole));
pub static HALF_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Half));
pub static FOURTH_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Fourth));
pub static EIGHTH_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Eighth));
pub static SIXTEENTH_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Sixteenth));
pub static THIRTY_SECOND_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::ThirtySecond));
pub static SIXTY_FOURTH_TRIPLET : &Length = &Length::Triplet(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::SixtyFourth));
pub static HIT : GroupOrNote = GroupOrNote::SingleNote(Note::Hit);
pub static REST : GroupOrNote = GroupOrNote::SingleNote(Note::Rest);
pub static ONCE : &Times = &Times(1);
pub static TWICE: &Times = &Times(2);
pub static THRICE : &Times = &Times(3);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Times(pub u16);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GroupOrNote {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Group {
pub notes: Vec<GroupOrNote>,
pub length: Length,
pub times: Times
impl Group {
pub fn empty() -> Self {
Group { notes: Vec::new(), length: FOURTH.clone(), times: Times(1) }
impl KnownLength for &Group {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
let mut acc = 0;
let note_length = self.length.to_128th();
for group in self.notes.iter() {
match group {
GroupOrNote::SingleGroup(subgroup) => { acc += subgroup.to_128th(); },
GroupOrNote::SingleNote(_) => { acc += note_length; },
acc * self.times.0 as u32
impl KnownLength for Group {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
let mut acc = 0;
let note_length = self.length.to_128th();
for group in self.notes.iter() {
match group {
GroupOrNote::SingleGroup(subgroup) => { acc += subgroup.to_128th(); },
GroupOrNote::SingleNote(_) => { acc += note_length; },
acc * self.times.0 as u32
impl std::ops::Deref for Group {
type Target = Vec<GroupOrNote>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Groups(pub Vec<Group>);
impl KnownLength for Groups {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
self.0.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| { acc + x.to_128th() })
impl KnownLength for &Groups {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
self.0.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| { acc + x.to_128th() })
fn hit(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Note> {
map(char('x'), |_| { Note::Hit })(input)
fn rest(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Note> {
map(char('-'), |_| { Note::Rest })(input)
fn note(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Note> {
alt((hit, rest))(input)
fn length_basic(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, BasicLength> {
match map_res(digit1, str::parse)(input) {
Ok((r,1)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::Whole)),
Ok((r,2)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::Half)),
Ok((r,4)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::Fourth)),
Ok((r,8)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::Eighth)),
Ok((r,16)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::Sixteenth)),
Ok((r,32)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::ThirtySecond)),
Ok((r, 64)) => Ok((r, BasicLength::SixtyFourth)),
Ok((r, _)) => {
Err(Err::Error(nom::error::make_error(r, nom::error::ErrorKind::Fail)))
Err(e) => Err(e)
fn dotted_length(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ModdedLength> {
map(tuple((length_basic, char('.'))), |(l, _)| { ModdedLength::Dotted(l)})(input)
fn modded_length(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ModdedLength> {
alt((dotted_length, map(length_basic, |x| {ModdedLength::Plain(x)})))(input)
fn triplet_length(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Length> {
map(tuple((modded_length, char('t'))), |(l, _)| { Length::Triplet(l)})(input)
fn tied_length(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Length> {
map(separated_pair(modded_length, char('+'), modded_length), |(x, y)| { Length::Tied(x,y)})(input)
fn length(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Length> {
alt((triplet_length, tied_length, map(modded_length, |x| { Length::Simple(x) })))(input)
fn times(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Times> {
map(map_res(digit1, str::parse), |x| { Times(x) } )(input)
fn group(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Group> {
let repeated = map(tuple((times, char(','), length, many1(note))), |(t, _, l, n)| { (t, l, n)} );
let single = map(tuple((length, many1(note))), |(l, vn)| { (Times(1), l, vn) } );
let (rem, (t, l, n)) = alt((repeated, single))(input)?;
Ok((rem, Group{ notes: n.iter().map(|x| GroupOrNote::SingleNote(x.clone())).collect(), length: l, times: t}))
fn delimited_group(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Group> {
delimited(char('('), group, char(')'))(input)
pub fn group_or_delimited_group(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Group> {
alt((delimited_group, group))(input)
pub fn groups(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Groups> {
many1(group_or_delimited_group)(input).map(|x| { (x.0, Groups(x.1)) } )
fn parse_length() {
assert_eq!(length("16"), Ok(("", *SIXTEENTH)));
assert_eq!(length("8+16"), Ok(("", Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Eighth), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Sixteenth)))));
assert_eq!(length("8t"), Ok(("", *EIGHTH_TRIPLET)));
assert_eq!(length("4.t"), Ok(("", *FOURTH_DOTTED_TRIPLET)));
fn parse_group() {
assert_eq!(group("16x--x-"), Ok(("", Group { times: *ONCE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), REST.clone(), REST.clone(), HIT.clone(), REST.clone()], length: *SIXTEENTH})));
assert_eq!(group("8txxx"), Ok(("", Group { times: *ONCE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), HIT.clone(), HIT.clone()], length: *EIGHTH_TRIPLET})));
assert_eq!(group("16+32x-xx"), Ok(("", Group { times: *ONCE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), REST.clone(), HIT.clone(), HIT.clone()], length: Length::Tied(ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::Sixteenth), ModdedLength::Plain(BasicLength::ThirtySecond))})));
assert_eq!(group("3,16xx"), Ok(("", Group { times: *THRICE, length: *SIXTEENTH, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), HIT.clone()] })));
fn parse_delimited_group() {
assert_eq!(delimited_group("(3,16x--x-)"), Ok(("", Group { times: *THRICE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), REST.clone(), REST.clone(), HIT.clone(), REST.clone()], length: *SIXTEENTH})));
fn parse_group_or_delimited_group() {
assert_eq!(group_or_delimited_group("(3,16x--x-)"), Ok(("", Group { times: *THRICE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), REST.clone(), REST.clone(), HIT.clone(), REST.clone()], length: *SIXTEENTH})));
assert_eq!(group_or_delimited_group("16x--x-"), Ok(("", Group { times: *ONCE, notes: vec![HIT.clone(), REST.clone(), REST.clone(), HIT.clone(), REST.clone()], length: *SIXTEENTH})));
// “x” hit
// “-“ rest
// 16x-- => 16th hit and 16th rests
// - 16x-xx-x-8txxx(3,16+32x-xx)4x-x- => x-xx-x- of 16th, then three hits of 8th triplets, repeat a group of tied 16+32th x-xx three times, then 4th x-x