2023-06-28 16:37:44 +04:00

174 lines
5 KiB

extern crate derive_more;
use std::{cmp::Ordering, str::FromStr};
use crate::dsl::dsl::{BasicLength, GroupOrNote, KnownLength, Note, Group, groups, Times, EIGHTH, FOURTH};
use BasicLength::*;
use Note::*;
use GroupOrNote::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct TimeSignature {
pub numerator: u8,
pub denominator: BasicLength,
impl TimeSignature {
pub(crate) fn to_midi(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
let denominator = match self.denominator {
Whole => 0, // FIXME: should it be an error?
Half => 1,
Fourth => 2,
Eighth => 3,
Sixteenth => 4,
ThirtySecond => 5,
SixtyFourth => 6,
(self.numerator, denominator)
impl FromStr for TimeSignature {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut after_split = s.splitn(2, '/');
let num = after_split.next();
let den = after_split.next();
match (num, den) {
(None, None) => Err(format!("Can't parse neither numerator nor denominator of a time signature: {}", s)),
(None, Some(_)) => Err(format!("Can't parse time signature numerator: {}", s)),
(Some(_), None) => Err(format!("Can't parse time signature denominator: {}", s)),
(Some(numerator_str), Some(d)) => {
match BasicLength::from_str(d) {
Ok(denominator) => match u8::from_str(numerator_str) {
Ok(numerator) => Ok(TimeSignature { numerator, denominator }),
Err(_) => Err(format!("Can't parse time signature numerator: {}", s)),
} ,
Err(e) => Err(e),
fn test_time_signature_from_str() {
assert_eq!(TimeSignature::from_str("4/4").unwrap(), TimeSignature { numerator: 4, denominator: Fourth });
impl std::ops::Mul<u8> for TimeSignature {
type Output = TimeSignature;
fn mul(self, rhs: u8) -> TimeSignature {
TimeSignature {
numerator: self.numerator * rhs as u8,
denominator: self.denominator,
fn test_cmp_time_signature() {
let three_sixteenth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Sixteenth,
let four_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 4,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let two_secondth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 2,
denominator: BasicLength::Half,
assert_eq!(three_sixteenth.cmp(&four_fourth), Ordering::Less);
// weird, but not worth changing
// May implement a new type Ord if it needs to be Equal.
assert_eq!(four_fourth.cmp(&two_secondth), Ordering::Greater);
impl KnownLength for TimeSignature {
fn to_128th(&self) -> u32 {
self.denominator.to_128th() * self.numerator as u32
fn test_time_signature_known_length() {
assert_eq!(TimeSignature{numerator: 4, denominator: Fourth}.to_128th(), 128);
impl TimeSignature {
pub fn converges<T: KnownLength, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(&self, multiple: I) -> Result<u32, String> {
let bar_len = self.to_128th();
let result = multiple
.fold(bar_len, |acc, t| lowest_common_divisor(t.to_128th(), acc));
let limit = 1000;
let out = result / bar_len;
if limit > out {
} else {
Err("Does not converge".to_string())
fn lowest_common_divisor(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
let mut lcm = u32::max(a, b);
while lcm % a != 0 || lcm % b != 0 {
lcm += 1;
fn test_lcm() {
assert_eq!(lowest_common_divisor(128, 96), 384);
assert_eq!(lowest_common_divisor(96, 128), 384);
fn test_converges() {
let four_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 4,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let six_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 6,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let three_fourth = TimeSignature {
numerator: 3,
denominator: BasicLength::Fourth,
let thirteen_eights = Group {
notes: vec![SingleNote(Hit)],
length: FOURTH.clone(),
times: Times(12),
let in_shards_poly = Group {
notes: vec![
length: EIGHTH.clone(),
times: Times(1),
assert_eq!(three_fourth.converges(vec![four_fourth]), Ok(4));
assert_eq!(four_fourth.converges(vec![three_fourth]), Ok(3));
assert_eq!(four_fourth.converges(vec![three_fourth, four_fourth]), Ok(3));
assert_eq!(four_fourth.converges(vec![three_fourth, six_fourth, four_fourth]), Ok(3));
assert_eq!(four_fourth.converges(vec![in_shards_poly]), Ok(13));