package worker import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( rate = 0.1 postReplyNotificationTitleFormat = "%s to %s" commentReplyNotificationTitleFormat = "%s in %s" privateMessageNotificationTitleFormat = "Message from %s" usernameMentionNotificationTitleFormat = "Mention in \u201c%s\u201d" ) var notificationTags = []string{"queue:notifications"} type notificationsWorker struct { context.Context logger *zap.Logger tracer trace.Tracer statsd *statsd.Client db *pgxpool.Pool redis *redis.Client queue rmq.Connection reddit *reddit.Client apns *token.Token consumers int accountRepo domain.AccountRepository deviceRepo domain.DeviceRepository } func NewNotificationsWorker(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, tracer trace.Tracer, statsd *statsd.Client, db *pgxpool.Pool, redis *redis.Client, queue rmq.Connection, consumers int) Worker { reddit := reddit.NewClient( os.Getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"), os.Getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"), tracer, statsd, redis, consumers, ) var apns *token.Token { authKey, err := token.AuthKeyFromFile(os.Getenv("APPLE_KEY_PATH")) if err != nil { panic(err) } apns = &token.Token{ AuthKey: authKey, KeyID: os.Getenv("APPLE_KEY_ID"), TeamID: os.Getenv("APPLE_TEAM_ID"), } } return ¬ificationsWorker{ ctx, logger, tracer, statsd, db, redis, queue, reddit, apns, consumers, repository.NewPostgresAccount(db), repository.NewPostgresDevice(db), } } func (nw *notificationsWorker) Start() error { queue, err := nw.queue.OpenQueue("notifications") if err != nil { return err } nw.logger.Info("starting up notifications worker", zap.Int("consumers", nw.consumers)) if err := queue.StartConsuming(int64(nw.consumers*2), pollDuration); err != nil { return err } host, _ := os.Hostname() for i := 0; i < nw.consumers; i++ { name := fmt.Sprintf("consumer %s-%d", host, i) consumer := NewNotificationsConsumer(nw, i) if _, err := queue.AddConsumer(name, consumer); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (nw *notificationsWorker) Stop() { <-nw.queue.StopAllConsuming() // wait for all Consume() calls to finish } type notificationsConsumer struct { *notificationsWorker tag int papns *apns2.Client dapns *apns2.Client } func NewNotificationsConsumer(nw *notificationsWorker, tag int) *notificationsConsumer { return ¬ificationsConsumer{ nw, tag, apns2.NewTokenClient(nw.apns).Production(), apns2.NewTokenClient(nw.apns).Development(), } } func (nc *notificationsConsumer) Consume(delivery rmq.Delivery) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(nc) defer cancel() id := delivery.Payload() logger := nc.logger.With(zap.String("account#reddit_account_id", id)) ctx, span := nc.tracer.Start(ctx, "job:notifications") span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("job.payload", id)) defer span.End() now := time.Now() defer func() { elapsed := time.Now().Sub(now).Milliseconds() _ = nc.statsd.Histogram("apollo.consumer.runtime", float64(elapsed), notificationTags, 0.1) _ = nc.statsd.Incr("apollo.consumer.executions", notificationTags, 0.1) }() // Measure queue latency key := fmt.Sprintf("locks:accounts:%s", id) ttl := nc.redis.PTTL(ctx, key).Val() age := (domain.NotificationCheckTimeout - ttl) _ = nc.statsd.Histogram("apollo.dequeue.latency", float64(age.Milliseconds()), notificationTags, 0.1) defer func() { if err := nc.redis.Del(ctx, key).Err(); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to remove account lock", zap.Error(err), zap.String("key", key)) } }() logger.Debug("starting job") defer func(ctx context.Context) { _, span := nc.tracer.Start(ctx, "queue:ack") defer span.End() if err := delivery.Ack(); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to acknowledge message") span.RecordError(err) logger.Error("failed to acknowledge message", zap.Error(err)) } }(ctx) account, err := nc.accountRepo.GetByRedditID(ctx, id) if err != nil { logger.Info("account not found, exiting", zap.Error(err)) return } rac := nc.reddit.NewAuthenticatedClient(account.AccountID, account.RefreshToken, account.AccessToken) logger = logger.With( zap.String("account#username", account.NormalizedUsername()), zap.String("account#access_token", rac.ObfuscatedAccessToken()), zap.String("account#refresh_token", rac.ObfuscatedRefreshToken()), ) if account.TokenExpiresAt.Before(now.Add(5 * time.Minute)) { logger.Debug("refreshing reddit token") tokens, err := rac.RefreshTokens(ctx) if err != nil { if err != reddit.ErrOauthRevoked { logger.Error("failed to refresh reddit tokens", zap.Error(err)) return } if err = nc.deleteAccount(ctx, account); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to remove revoked account", zap.Error(err)) } return } // Update account account.AccessToken = tokens.AccessToken account.RefreshToken = tokens.RefreshToken account.TokenExpiresAt = now.Add(tokens.Expiry) _ = nc.accountRepo.Update(ctx, &account) // Refresh client rac = nc.reddit.NewAuthenticatedClient(account.AccountID, tokens.RefreshToken, tokens.AccessToken) logger = logger.With( zap.String("account#access_token", rac.ObfuscatedAccessToken()), zap.String("account#refresh_token", rac.ObfuscatedRefreshToken()), ) } logger.Debug("fetching message inbox") opts := []reddit.RequestOption{reddit.WithQuery("limit", "10")} if account.LastMessageID != "" { opts = append(opts, reddit.WithQuery("before", account.LastMessageID)) } msgs, err := rac.MessageInbox(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { switch err { case reddit.ErrTimeout, reddit.ErrRateLimited: // Don't log timeouts or rate limits break case reddit.ErrOauthRevoked: if err = nc.deleteAccount(ctx, account); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to remove revoked account", zap.Error(err)) } else { logger.Info("removed revoked account") } default: logger.Error("failed to fetch message inbox", zap.Error(err)) } return } // Figure out where we stand if msgs.Count == 0 { logger.Debug("no new messages, bailing early") return } logger.Debug("fetched messages", zap.Int("count", msgs.Count)) for _, msg := range msgs.Children { if !msg.IsDeleted() { account.LastMessageID = msg.FullName() _ = nc.accountRepo.Update(ctx, &account) break } } // Let's populate this with the latest message so we don't flood users with stuff if account.CheckCount == 0 { logger.Debug("populating first message id to prevent spamming") account.CheckCount = 1 _ = nc.accountRepo.Update(ctx, &account) return } devices, err := nc.deviceRepo.GetInboxNotifiableByAccountID(ctx, account.ID) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch account devices", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(devices) == 0 { logger.Debug("no notifiable devices, bailing early") return } // Iterate backwards so we notify from older to newer for i := msgs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- { msg := msgs.Children[i] if msg.IsDeleted() { continue } // Latency is the time difference between the appearence of the new message and the // time we notified at. latency := now.Sub(msg.CreatedAt) _ = nc.statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.delay", float64(latency.Milliseconds()), []string{}, 0.1) notification := &apns2.Notification{} notification.Topic = "com.christianselig.Apollo" notification.Payload = payloadFromMessage(account, msg, msgs.Count) client := nc.papns if account.Development { client = nc.dapns } for _, device := range devices { notification.DeviceToken = device.APNSToken res, err := client.PushWithContext(ctx, notification) if err != nil { _ = nc.statsd.Incr("apns.notification.errors", []string{}, 1) logger.Error("failed to send notification", zap.Error(err), zap.String("device#token", device.APNSToken), ) // Delete device as notifications might have been disabled here _ = nc.deviceRepo.Delete(ctx, device.APNSToken) } else if !res.Sent() { _ = nc.statsd.Incr("apns.notification.errors", []string{}, 1) logger.Error("notification not sent", zap.String("device#token", device.APNSToken), zap.Int("response#status", res.StatusCode), zap.String("response#reason", res.Reason), ) // Delete device as notifications might have been disabled here _ = nc.deviceRepo.Delete(ctx, device.APNSToken) } else { _ = nc.statsd.Incr("apns.notification.sent", []string{}, 1) logger.Info("sent notification", zap.String("device#token", device.APNSToken)) } } } ev := fmt.Sprintf("Sent notification to /u/%s (x%d)", account.Username, msgs.Count) _ = nc.statsd.SimpleEvent(ev, "") logger.Debug("finishing job") } func (nc *notificationsConsumer) deleteAccount(ctx context.Context, account domain.Account) error { // Disassociate account from devices devs, err := nc.deviceRepo.GetByAccountID(ctx, account.ID) if err != nil { return err } for _, dev := range devs { if err := nc.accountRepo.Disassociate(nc, &account, &dev); err != nil { return err } } return nc.accountRepo.Delete(nc, account.ID) } func payloadFromMessage(acct domain.Account, msg *reddit.Thing, badgeCount int) *payload.Payload { postBody := msg.Body if len(postBody) > 2000 { postBody = msg.Body[:2000] } postTitle := msg.LinkTitle if postTitle == "" { postTitle = msg.Subject } if len(postTitle) > 75 { postTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", postTitle[0:75]) } payload := payload. NewPayload(). AlertBody(postBody). AlertSummaryArg(msg.Author). Badge(badgeCount). Custom("account_id", acct.AccountID). Custom("author", msg.Author). Custom("destination_author", msg.Destination). Custom("parent_id", msg.ParentID). Custom("post_title", msg.LinkTitle). Custom("subreddit", msg.Subreddit). MutableContent(). Sound("traloop.wav") switch { case (msg.Kind == "t1" && msg.Type == "username_mention"): title := fmt.Sprintf(usernameMentionNotificationTitleFormat, postTitle) postID := reddit.PostIDFromContext(msg.Context) payload = payload. AlertTitle(title). Custom("comment_id", msg.ID). Custom("post_id", postID). Custom("subreddit", msg.Subreddit). Custom("type", "username") pType, _ := reddit.SplitID(msg.ParentID) if pType == "t1" { payload = payload.Category("inbox-username-mention-context") } else { payload = payload.Category("inbox-username-mention-no-context") } payload = payload.Custom("subject", "comment").ThreadID("comment") case (msg.Kind == "t1" && msg.Type == "post_reply"): title := fmt.Sprintf(postReplyNotificationTitleFormat, msg.Author, postTitle) postID := reddit.PostIDFromContext(msg.Context) payload = payload. AlertTitle(title). Category("inbox-post-reply"). Custom("comment_id", msg.ID). Custom("post_id", postID). Custom("subject", "comment"). Custom("subreddit", msg.Subreddit). Custom("type", "post"). ThreadID("comment") case (msg.Kind == "t1" && msg.Type == "comment_reply"): title := fmt.Sprintf(commentReplyNotificationTitleFormat, msg.Author, postTitle) postID := reddit.PostIDFromContext(msg.Context) payload = payload. AlertTitle(title). Category("inbox-comment-reply"). Custom("comment_id", msg.ID). Custom("post_id", postID). Custom("subject", "comment"). Custom("subreddit", msg.Subreddit). Custom("type", "comment"). ThreadID("comment") case (msg.Kind == "t4"): title := fmt.Sprintf(privateMessageNotificationTitleFormat, msg.Author) payload = payload. AlertTitle(title). AlertSubtitle(postTitle). Category("inbox-private-message"). Custom("comment_id", msg.ID). Custom("type", "private-message") } return payload }