package repository import ( "context" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) type postgresAccountRepository struct { conn Connection tracer trace.Tracer } func NewPostgresAccount(conn Connection) domain.AccountRepository { tracer := otel.Tracer("db:postgres:accounts") return &postgresAccountRepository{conn: conn, tracer: tracer} } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) fetch(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]domain.Account, error) { ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() rows, err := p.conn.Query(ctx, query, args...) if err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed querying accounts") span.RecordError(err) return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var accs []domain.Account for rows.Next() { var acc domain.Account if err := rows.Scan( &acc.ID, &acc.Username, &acc.AccountID, &acc.AccessToken, &acc.RefreshToken, &acc.TokenExpiresAt, &acc.LastMessageID, &acc.NextNotificationCheckAt, &acc.NextStuckNotificationCheckAt, &acc.CheckCount, &acc.Development, ); err != nil { return nil, err } accs = append(accs, acc) } return accs, nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (domain.Account, error) { query := ` SELECT id, username, reddit_account_id, access_token, refresh_token, token_expires_at, last_message_id, next_notification_check_at, next_stuck_notification_check_at, check_count, development FROM accounts WHERE id = $1 AND is_deleted IS FALSE` accs, err := p.fetch(ctx, query, id) if err != nil { return domain.Account{}, err } if len(accs) == 0 { return domain.Account{}, domain.ErrNotFound } return accs[0], nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) GetByRedditID(ctx context.Context, id string) (domain.Account, error) { query := ` SELECT id, username, reddit_account_id, access_token, refresh_token, token_expires_at, last_message_id, next_notification_check_at, next_stuck_notification_check_at, check_count, development FROM accounts WHERE reddit_account_id = $1 AND is_deleted IS FALSE` accs, err := p.fetch(ctx, query, id) if err != nil { return domain.Account{}, err } if len(accs) == 0 { return domain.Account{}, domain.ErrNotFound } return accs[0], nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, acc *domain.Account) error { query := ` INSERT INTO accounts (username, reddit_account_id, access_token, refresh_token, token_expires_at, last_message_id, next_notification_check_at, next_stuck_notification_check_at, is_deleted, development) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, NOW(), NOW(), FALSE, $7) ON CONFLICT(username) DO UPDATE SET access_token = $3, refresh_token = $4, token_expires_at = $5, last_message_id = $6, is_deleted = FALSE RETURNING id` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if err := p.conn.QueryRow( ctx, query, acc.Username, acc.AccountID, acc.AccessToken, acc.RefreshToken, acc.TokenExpiresAt, acc.LastMessageID, acc.Development, ).Scan(&acc.ID); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed upserting account") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, acc *domain.Account) error { query := ` INSERT INTO accounts (username, reddit_account_id, access_token, refresh_token, token_expires_at, last_message_id, next_notification_check_at, next_stuck_notification_check_at, is_deleted, development) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, FALSE, $9) RETURNING id` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if err := p.conn.QueryRow( ctx, query, acc.Username, acc.AccountID, acc.AccessToken, acc.RefreshToken, acc.TokenExpiresAt, acc.LastMessageID, acc.NextNotificationCheckAt, acc.NextStuckNotificationCheckAt, acc.Development, ).Scan(&acc.ID); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed inserting account") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, acc *domain.Account) error { query := ` UPDATE accounts SET username = $2, reddit_account_id = $3, access_token = $4, refresh_token = $5, token_expires_at = $6, last_message_id = $7, next_notification_check_at = $8, next_stuck_notification_check_at = $9, check_count = $10, development = $11 WHERE id = $1` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if _, err := p.conn.Exec( ctx, query, acc.ID, acc.Username, acc.AccountID, acc.AccessToken, acc.RefreshToken, acc.TokenExpiresAt, acc.LastMessageID, acc.NextNotificationCheckAt, acc.NextStuckNotificationCheckAt, acc.CheckCount, acc.Development, ); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to update account") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int64) error { query := `UPDATE accounts SET is_deleted = TRUE WHERE id = $1` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if _, err := p.conn.Exec(ctx, query, id); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to delete account") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) Associate(ctx context.Context, acc *domain.Account, dev *domain.Device) error { query := ` INSERT INTO devices_accounts (account_id, device_id) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT(account_id, device_id) DO NOTHING` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if _, err := p.conn.Exec(ctx, query, acc.ID, dev.ID); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to associate account to device") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) Disassociate(ctx context.Context, acc *domain.Account, dev *domain.Device) error { query := `DELETE FROM devices_accounts WHERE account_id = $1 AND device_id = $2` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() if _, err := p.conn.Exec(ctx, query, acc.ID, dev.ID); err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to disassociate account from device") span.RecordError(err) return err } return nil } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) GetByAPNSToken(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]domain.Account, error) { query := ` SELECT, username, accounts.reddit_account_id, access_token, refresh_token, token_expires_at, last_message_id, next_notification_check_at, next_stuck_notification_check_at, check_count, development FROM accounts INNER JOIN devices_accounts ON = devices_accounts.account_id INNER JOIN devices ON = devices_accounts.device_id WHERE devices.apns_token = $1 AND accounts.is_deleted IS FALSE` return p.fetch(ctx, query, token) } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) PruneStale(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Time) (int64, error) { query := ` UPDATE accounts SET is_deleted = TRUE WHERE token_expires_at < $1` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() res, err := p.conn.Exec(ctx, query, expiry) if err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to prune stale accounts") span.RecordError(err) } span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int64("db.result.rows_affected", res.RowsAffected())) return res.RowsAffected(), err } func (p *postgresAccountRepository) PruneOrphaned(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { query := ` WITH accounts_with_device_count AS ( SELECT, COUNT(device_id) AS device_count FROM accounts LEFT JOIN devices_accounts ON = devices_accounts.account_id GROUP BY ) UPDATE accounts SET is_deleted = TRUE WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM accounts_with_device_count WHERE device_count = 0 )` ctx, span := spanWithQuery(ctx, p.tracer, query) defer span.End() res, err := p.conn.Exec(ctx, query) if err != nil { span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "failed to prune orphaned accounts") span.RecordError(err) } span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int64("db.result.rows_affected", res.RowsAffected())) return res.RowsAffected(), err }