package cmd import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" "strconv" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( batchSize = 100 maxNotificationChecks = 500 ) func SchedulerCmd(ctx context.Context) *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "scheduler", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), Short: "Schedules jobs and runs several maintenance tasks periodically.", RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { logger := cmdutil.NewLogger("scheduler") defer func() { _ = logger.Sync() }() statsd, err := cmdutil.NewStatsdClient() if err != nil { return err } defer statsd.Close() db, err := cmdutil.NewDatabasePool(ctx, 1) if err != nil { return err } defer db.Close() redis, err := cmdutil.NewRedisClient(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer redis.Close() queue, err := cmdutil.NewQueueClient(logger, redis, "worker") if err != nil { return err } // Eval lua so that we don't keep parsing it luaSha, err := evalScript(ctx, redis) if err != nil { return err } notifQueue, err := queue.OpenQueue("notifications") if err != nil { return err } subredditQueue, err := queue.OpenQueue("subreddits") if err != nil { return err } trendingQueue, err := queue.OpenQueue("trending") if err != nil { return err } userQueue, err := queue.OpenQueue("users") if err != nil { return err } stuckNotificationsQueue, err := queue.OpenQueue("stuck-notifications") if err != nil { return err } s := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC) _, _ = s.Every(100).Milliseconds().Do(func() { enqueueAccounts(ctx, logger, statsd, db, redis, luaSha, notifQueue) }) _, _ = s.Every(5).Second().Do(func() { enqueueSubreddits(ctx, logger, statsd, db, []rmq.Queue{subredditQueue, trendingQueue}) }) _, _ = s.Every(5).Second().Do(func() { enqueueUsers(ctx, logger, statsd, db, userQueue) }) _, _ = s.Every(5).Second().Do(func() { cleanQueues(logger, queue) }) _, _ = s.Every(5).Second().Do(func() { enqueueStuckAccounts(ctx, logger, statsd, db, stuckNotificationsQueue) }) _, _ = s.Every(1).Minute().Do(func() { reportStats(ctx, logger, statsd, db) }) _, _ = s.Every(1).Minute().Do(func() { pruneAccounts(ctx, logger, db) }) _, _ = s.Every(1).Minute().Do(func() { pruneDevices(ctx, logger, db) }) s.StartAsync() srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":8080"} go func() { _ = srv.ListenAndServe() }() <-ctx.Done() s.Stop() return nil }, } return cmd } func evalScript(ctx context.Context, redis *redis.Client) (string, error) { lua := fmt.Sprintf(` local retv={} for i=1, #ARGV do local key = KEYS[1] .. ":" .. ARGV[i] if"exists", key) == 0 then"setex", key, %.0f, 1) retv[#retv + 1] = ARGV[i] end end return retv `, domain.NotificationCheckTimeout.Seconds()) return redis.ScriptLoad(ctx, lua).Result() } func pruneAccounts(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, pool *pgxpool.Pool) { expiry := time.Now().Add(-domain.StaleTokenThreshold) ar := repository.NewPostgresAccount(pool) stale, err := ar.PruneStale(ctx, expiry) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to clean stale accounts", zap.Error(err)) return } orphaned, err := ar.PruneOrphaned(ctx) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to clean orphaned accounts", zap.Error(err)) return } if count := stale + orphaned; count > 0 { logger.Info("pruned accounts", zap.Int64("stale", stale), zap.Int64("orphaned", orphaned)) } } func pruneDevices(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, pool *pgxpool.Pool) { now := time.Now() dr := repository.NewPostgresDevice(pool) count, err := dr.PruneStale(ctx, now) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to clean stale devices", zap.Error(err)) return } if count > 0 { logger.Info("pruned devices", zap.Int64("count", count)) } } func cleanQueues(logger *zap.Logger, jobsConn rmq.Connection) { cleaner := rmq.NewCleaner(jobsConn) count, err := cleaner.Clean() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to clean jobs from queues", zap.Error(err)) return } if count > 0 { logger.Info("returned jobs to queues", zap.Int64("count", count)) } } func reportStats(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, statsd *statsd.Client, pool *pgxpool.Pool) { var ( count int64 metrics = []struct { query string name string }{ {"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts", "apollo.registrations.accounts"}, {"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM devices", "apollo.registrations.devices"}, {"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subreddits", "apollo.registrations.subreddits"}, {"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users", "apollo.registrations.users"}, } ) for _, metric := range metrics { _ = pool.QueryRow(ctx, metric.query).Scan(&count) _ = statsd.Gauge(, float64(count), []string{}, 1) logger.Debug("fetched metrics", zap.String("metric",, zap.Int64("count", count)) } } func enqueueUsers(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, statsd *statsd.Client, pool *pgxpool.Pool, queue rmq.Queue) { now := time.Now() next := now.Add(domain.NotificationCheckInterval) ids := []int64{} defer func() { tags := []string{"queue:users"} _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.enqueued", float64(len(ids)), tags, 1) _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.runtime", float64(time.Since(now).Milliseconds()), tags, 1) }() err := pool.BeginFunc(ctx, func(tx pgx.Tx) error { stmt := ` UPDATE users SET next_check_at = $2 WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM users WHERE next_check_at < $1 ORDER BY next_check_at FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 100 ) RETURNING` rows, err := tx.Query(ctx, stmt, now, next) if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var id int64 _ = rows.Scan(&id) ids = append(ids, id) } return nil }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch batch of users", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(ids) == 0 { return } logger.Debug("enqueueing user batch", zap.Int("count", len(ids)), zap.Time("start", now)) batchIds := make([]string, len(ids)) for i, id := range ids { batchIds[i] = strconv.FormatInt(id, 10) } if err = queue.Publish(batchIds...); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to enqueue user batch", zap.Error(err)) } } func enqueueSubreddits(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, statsd *statsd.Client, pool *pgxpool.Pool, queues []rmq.Queue) { now := time.Now() next := now.Add(domain.SubredditCheckInterval) ids := []int64{} defer func() { tags := []string{"queue:subreddits"} _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.enqueued", float64(len(ids)), tags, 1) _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.runtime", float64(time.Since(now).Milliseconds()), tags, 1) }() err := pool.BeginFunc(ctx, func(tx pgx.Tx) error { stmt := ` UPDATE subreddits SET next_check_at = $2 WHERE IN( SELECT id FROM subreddits WHERE next_check_at < $1 ORDER BY next_check_at FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 100 ) RETURNING` rows, err := tx.Query(ctx, stmt, now, next) if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var id int64 _ = rows.Scan(&id) ids = append(ids, id) } return nil }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch batch of subreddits", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(ids) == 0 { return } logger.Debug("enqueueing subreddit batch", zap.Int("count", len(ids)), zap.Time("start", now)) batchIds := make([]string, len(ids)) for i, id := range ids { batchIds[i] = strconv.FormatInt(id, 10) } for _, queue := range queues { if err = queue.Publish(batchIds...); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to enqueue subreddit batch", zap.Error(err)) } } } func enqueueStuckAccounts(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, statsd *statsd.Client, pool *pgxpool.Pool, queue rmq.Queue) { now := time.Now() next := now.Add(domain.StuckNotificationCheckInterval) ids := []int64{} defer func() { tags := []string{"queue:stuck-accounts"} _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.enqueued", float64(len(ids)), tags, 1) _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.runtime", float64(time.Since(now).Milliseconds()), tags, 1) }() err := pool.BeginFunc(ctx, func(tx pgx.Tx) error { stmt := ` UPDATE accounts SET next_stuck_notification_check_at = $2 WHERE IN( SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE next_stuck_notification_check_at < $1 ORDER BY next_stuck_notification_check_at FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 500 ) RETURNING` rows, err := tx.Query(ctx, stmt, now, next) if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var id int64 _ = rows.Scan(&id) ids = append(ids, id) } return nil }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch accounts", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(ids) == 0 { return } logger.Debug("enqueueing stuck account batch", zap.Int("count", len(ids)), zap.Time("start", now)) batchIds := make([]string, len(ids)) for i, id := range ids { batchIds[i] = strconv.FormatInt(id, 10) } if err = queue.Publish(batchIds...); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to enqueue stuck account batch", zap.Error(err)) } } func enqueueAccounts(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, statsd *statsd.Client, pool *pgxpool.Pool, redisConn *redis.Client, luaSha string, queue rmq.Queue) { now := time.Now() next := now.Add(domain.NotificationCheckInterval) ids := make([]string, maxNotificationChecks) idslen := 0 enqueued := 0 skipped := 0 defer func() { tags := []string{"queue:notifications"} _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.enqueued", float64(enqueued), tags, 1) _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.skipped", float64(skipped), tags, 1) _ = statsd.Histogram("apollo.queue.runtime", float64(time.Since(now).Milliseconds()), tags, 1) }() err := pool.BeginFunc(ctx, func(tx pgx.Tx) error { stmt := fmt.Sprintf(` UPDATE accounts SET next_notification_check_at = $2 WHERE IN( SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE next_notification_check_at < $1 ORDER BY next_notification_check_at FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT %d ) RETURNING accounts.reddit_account_id`, maxNotificationChecks) rows, err := tx.Query(ctx, stmt, now, next) if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() for i := 0; rows.Next(); i++ { _ = rows.Scan(&ids[i]) idslen = i } return nil }) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch batch of accounts", zap.Error(err)) return } if idslen == 0 { return } logger.Debug("enqueueing account batch", zap.Int("count", len(ids)), zap.Time("start", now)) // Split ids in batches wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i := 0; i < idslen; i += batchSize { wg.Add(1) go func(offset int) { defer wg.Done() j := offset + batchSize if j > idslen { j = idslen } batch := ids[offset:j] logger.Debug("enqueueing batch", zap.Int("len", len(batch))) res, err := redisConn.EvalSha(ctx, luaSha, []string{"locks:accounts"}, batch).Result() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to check for locked accounts", zap.Error(err)) } vals := res.([]interface{}) skipped += len(batch) - len(vals) enqueued += len(vals) if len(vals) == 0 { return } batchIds := make([]string, len(vals)) for k, v := range vals { batchIds[k] = v.(string) } if err = queue.Publish(batchIds...); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to enqueue account batch", zap.Error(err)) } }(i) } wg.Wait() logger.Debug("done enqueueing account batch", zap.Int("count", enqueued), zap.Int("skipped", skipped), zap.Time("start", now)) } type Int64Slice []int64 func (ii Int64Slice) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) { bytes, err := json.Marshal(ii) return bytes, err }