;;; ;;; PgBouncer configuration file ;;; ;; database name = connect string ;; ;; connect string params: ;; dbname= host= port= user= password= auth_user= ;; client_encoding= datestyle= timezone= ;; pool_size= reserve_pool= max_db_connections= ;; pool_mode= connect_query= application_name= [databases] apollo = host=localhost dbname=apollo user=apollo ;; foodb over Unix socket ;foodb = ;; redirect bardb to bazdb on localhost ;bardb = host=localhost dbname=bazdb ;; access to dest database will go with single user ;forcedb = host=localhost port=300 user=baz password=foo client_encoding=UNICODE datestyle=ISO connect_query='SELECT 1' ;; use custom pool sizes ;nondefaultdb = pool_size=50 reserve_pool=10 ;; use auth_user with auth_query if user not present in auth_file ;; auth_user must exist in auth_file ; foodb = auth_user=bar ;; fallback connect string ;* = host=testserver ;; User-specific configuration [users] ;user1 = pool_mode=transaction max_user_connections=10 ;; Configuration section [pgbouncer] ;;; ;;; Administrative settings ;;; logfile = /usr/local/var/log/pgbouncer.log pidfile = /usr/local/var/run/pgbouncer.pid ;;; ;;; Where to wait for clients ;;; ;; IP address or * which means all IPs listen_addr = localhost listen_port = 6432 ;; Unix socket is also used for -R. ;; On Debian it should be /var/run/postgresql ;unix_socket_dir = /tmp ;unix_socket_mode = 0777 ;unix_socket_group = ;;; ;;; TLS settings for accepting clients ;;; ;; disable, allow, require, verify-ca, verify-full ;client_tls_sslmode = disable ;; Path to file that contains trusted CA certs ;client_tls_ca_file = ;; Private key and cert to present to clients. ;; Required for accepting TLS connections from clients. ;client_tls_key_file = ;client_tls_cert_file = ;; fast, normal, secure, legacy, ;client_tls_ciphers = fast ;; all, secure, tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3 ;client_tls_protocols = secure ;; none, auto, legacy ;client_tls_dheparams = auto ;; none, auto, ;client_tls_ecdhcurve = auto ;;; ;;; TLS settings for connecting to backend databases ;;; ;; disable, allow, require, verify-ca, verify-full ;server_tls_sslmode = disable ;; Path to that contains trusted CA certs ;server_tls_ca_file = ;; Private key and cert to present to backend. ;; Needed only if backend server require client cert. ;server_tls_key_file = ;server_tls_cert_file = ;; all, secure, tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3 ;server_tls_protocols = secure ;; fast, normal, secure, legacy, ;server_tls_ciphers = fast ;;; ;;; Authentication settings ;;; ;; any, trust, plain, md5, cert, hba, pam auth_type = any ;auth_file = /usr/local/etc/userlist.txt ;; Path to HBA-style auth config ;auth_hba_file = ;; Query to use to fetch password from database. Result ;; must have 2 columns - username and password hash. ;auth_query = SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename=$1 ;;; ;;; Users allowed into database 'pgbouncer' ;;; ;; comma-separated list of users who are allowed to change settings ;admin_users = user2, someadmin, otheradmin ;; comma-separated list of users who are just allowed to use SHOW command ;stats_users = stats, root ;;; ;;; Pooler personality questions ;;; ;; When server connection is released back to pool: ;; session - after client disconnects (default) ;; transaction - after transaction finishes ;; statement - after statement finishes ;pool_mode = session ;; Query for cleaning connection immediately after releasing from ;; client. No need to put ROLLBACK here, pgbouncer does not reuse ;; connections where transaction is left open. ;server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL ;; Whether server_reset_query should run in all pooling modes. If it ;; is off, server_reset_query is used only for session-pooling. ;server_reset_query_always = 0 ;; Comma-separated list of parameters to ignore when given in startup ;; packet. Newer JDBC versions require the extra_float_digits here. ;ignore_startup_parameters = extra_float_digits ;; When taking idle server into use, this query is run first. ;server_check_query = select 1 ;; If server was used more recently that this many seconds ago, ; skip the check query. Value 0 may or may not run in immediately. ;server_check_delay = 30 ;; Close servers in session pooling mode after a RECONNECT, RELOAD, ;; etc. when they are idle instead of at the end of the session. ;server_fast_close = 0 ;; Use as application_name on server. ;application_name_add_host = 0 ;; Period for updating aggregated stats. ;stats_period = 60 ;;; ;;; Connection limits ;;; ;; Total number of clients that can connect ;max_client_conn = 100 ;; Default pool size. 20 is good number when transaction pooling ;; is in use, in session pooling it needs to be the number of ;; max clients you want to handle at any moment ;default_pool_size = 20 ;; Minimum number of server connections to keep in pool. ;min_pool_size = 0 ; how many additional connection to allow in case of trouble ;reserve_pool_size = 0 ;; If a clients needs to wait more than this many seconds, use reserve ;; pool. ;reserve_pool_timeout = 5 ;; Maximum number of server connections for a database ;max_db_connections = 0 ;; Maximum number of server connections for a user ;max_user_connections = 0 ;; If off, then server connections are reused in LIFO manner ;server_round_robin = 0 ;;; ;;; Logging ;;; ;; Syslog settings ;syslog = 0 ;syslog_facility = daemon ;syslog_ident = pgbouncer ;; log if client connects or server connection is made ;log_connections = 1 ;; log if and why connection was closed ;log_disconnections = 1 ;; log error messages pooler sends to clients ;log_pooler_errors = 1 ;; write aggregated stats into log ;log_stats = 1 ;; Logging verbosity. Same as -v switch on command line. ;verbose = 0 ;;; ;;; Timeouts ;;; ;; Close server connection if its been connected longer. ;server_lifetime = 3600 ;; Close server connection if its not been used in this time. Allows ;; to clean unnecessary connections from pool after peak. ;server_idle_timeout = 600 ;; Cancel connection attempt if server does not answer takes longer. ;server_connect_timeout = 15 ;; If server login failed (server_connect_timeout or auth failure) ;; then wait this many second. ;server_login_retry = 15 ;; Dangerous. Server connection is closed if query does not return in ;; this time. Should be used to survive network problems, _not_ as ;; statement_timeout. (default: 0) ;query_timeout = 0 ;; Dangerous. Client connection is closed if the query is not ;; assigned to a server in this time. Should be used to limit the ;; number of queued queries in case of a database or network ;; failure. (default: 120) ;query_wait_timeout = 120 ;; Dangerous. Client connection is closed if no activity in this ;; time. Should be used to survive network problems. (default: 0) ;client_idle_timeout = 0 ;; Disconnect clients who have not managed to log in after connecting ;; in this many seconds. ;client_login_timeout = 60 ;; Clean automatically created database entries (via "*") if they stay ;; unused in this many seconds. ; autodb_idle_timeout = 3600 ;; Close connections which are in "IDLE in transaction" state longer ;; than this many seconds. ;idle_transaction_timeout = 0 ;; How long SUSPEND/-R waits for buffer flush before closing ;; connection. ;suspend_timeout = 10 ;;; ;;; Low-level tuning options ;;; ;; buffer for streaming packets ;pkt_buf = 4096 ;; man 2 listen ;listen_backlog = 128 ;; Max number pkt_buf to process in one event loop. ;sbuf_loopcnt = 5 ;; Maximum PostgreSQL protocol packet size. ;max_packet_size = 2147483647 ;; Set SO_REUSEPORT socket option ;so_reuseport = 0 ;; networking options, for info: man 7 tcp ;; Linux: Notify program about new connection only if there is also ;; data received. (Seconds to wait.) On Linux the default is 45, on ;; other OS'es 0. ;tcp_defer_accept = 0 ;; In-kernel buffer size (Linux default: 4096) ;tcp_socket_buffer = 0 ;; whether tcp keepalive should be turned on (0/1) ;tcp_keepalive = 1 ;; The following options are Linux-specific. They also require ;; tcp_keepalive=1. ;; Count of keepalive packets ;tcp_keepcnt = 0 ;; How long the connection can be idle before sending keepalive ;; packets ;tcp_keepidle = 0 ;; The time between individual keepalive probes ;tcp_keepintvl = 0 ;; How long may transmitted data remain unacknowledged before TCP ;; connection is closed (in milliseconds) ;tcp_user_timeout = 0 ;; DNS lookup caching time ;dns_max_ttl = 15 ;; DNS zone SOA lookup period ;dns_zone_check_period = 0 ;; DNS negative result caching time ;dns_nxdomain_ttl = 15 ;; Custom resolv.conf file, to set custom DNS servers or other options ;; (default: empty = use OS settings) ;resolv_conf = /etc/pgbouncer/resolv.conf ;;; ;;; Random stuff ;;; ;; Hackish security feature. Helps against SQL injection: when PQexec ;; is disabled, multi-statement cannot be made. ;disable_pqexec = 0 ;; Config file to use for next RELOAD/SIGHUP ;; By default contains config file from command line. ;conffile ;; Windows service name to register as. job_name is alias for ;; service_name, used by some Skytools scripts. ;service_name = pgbouncer ;job_name = pgbouncer ;; Read additional config from other file ;%include /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer-other.ini