This commit is contained in:
Andre Medeiros 2021-07-05 20:38:36 -04:00
parent 06b80b9714
commit a76cc5f532
147 changed files with 2 additions and 93456 deletions

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web: bin/start-pgbouncer apollo-api
worker bin/start-pgbouncer apollo-worker
web: apollo-api
worker apollo-worker

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// +heroku install ./cmd/...
// +heroku goVersion go1.16

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language: go
- go vet ./...
- go test -v ./...
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
- tip

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Copyright (c) 2012 Dave Grijalva
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
## Migration Guide from v2 -> v3
Version 3 adds several new, frequently requested features. To do so, it introduces a few breaking changes. We've worked to keep these as minimal as possible. This guide explains the breaking changes and how you can quickly update your code.
### `Token.Claims` is now an interface type
The most requested feature from the 2.0 verison of this library was the ability to provide a custom type to the JSON parser for claims. This was implemented by introducing a new interface, `Claims`, to replace `map[string]interface{}`. We also included two concrete implementations of `Claims`: `MapClaims` and `StandardClaims`.
`MapClaims` is an alias for `map[string]interface{}` with built in validation behavior. It is the default claims type when using `Parse`. The usage is unchanged except you must type cast the claims property.
The old example for parsing a token looked like this..
if token, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, keyLookupFunc); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Token for user %v expires %v", token.Claims["user"], token.Claims["exp"])
is now directly mapped to...
if token, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, keyLookupFunc); err == nil {
claims := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
fmt.Printf("Token for user %v expires %v", claims["user"], claims["exp"])
`StandardClaims` is designed to be embedded in your custom type. You can supply a custom claims type with the new `ParseWithClaims` function. Here's an example of using a custom claims type.
type MyCustomClaims struct {
User string
if token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, &MyCustomClaims{}, keyLookupFunc); err == nil {
claims := token.Claims.(*MyCustomClaims)
fmt.Printf("Token for user %v expires %v", claims.User, claims.StandardClaims.ExpiresAt)
### `ParseFromRequest` has been moved
To keep this library focused on the tokens without becoming overburdened with complex request processing logic, `ParseFromRequest` and its new companion `ParseFromRequestWithClaims` have been moved to a subpackage, `request`. The method signatues have also been augmented to receive a new argument: `Extractor`.
`Extractors` do the work of picking the token string out of a request. The interface is simple and composable.
This simple parsing example:
if token, err := jwt.ParseFromRequest(tokenString, req, keyLookupFunc); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Token for user %v expires %v", token.Claims["user"], token.Claims["exp"])
is directly mapped to:
if token, err := request.ParseFromRequest(req, request.OAuth2Extractor, keyLookupFunc); err == nil {
claims := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
fmt.Printf("Token for user %v expires %v", claims["user"], claims["exp"])
There are several concrete `Extractor` types provided for your convenience:
* `HeaderExtractor` will search a list of headers until one contains content.
* `ArgumentExtractor` will search a list of keys in request query and form arguments until one contains content.
* `MultiExtractor` will try a list of `Extractors` in order until one returns content.
* `AuthorizationHeaderExtractor` will look in the `Authorization` header for a `Bearer` token.
* `OAuth2Extractor` searches the places an OAuth2 token would be specified (per the spec): `Authorization` header and `access_token` argument
* `PostExtractionFilter` wraps an `Extractor`, allowing you to process the content before it's parsed. A simple example is stripping the `Bearer ` text from a header
### RSA signing methods no longer accept `[]byte` keys
Due to a [critical vulnerability](, we've decided the convenience of accepting `[]byte` instead of `rsa.PublicKey` or `rsa.PrivateKey` isn't worth the risk of misuse.
To replace this behavior, we've added two helper methods: `ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error)` and `ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PublicKey, error)`. These are just simple helpers for unpacking PEM encoded PKCS1 and PKCS8 keys. If your keys are encoded any other way, all you need to do is convert them to the `crypto/rsa` package's types.
func keyLookupFunc(*Token) (interface{}, error) {
// Don't forget to validate the alg is what you expect:
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodRSA); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
// Look up key
key, err := lookupPublicKey(token.Header["kid"])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Unpack key from PEM encoded PKCS8
return jwt.ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM(key)

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# jwt-go
[![Build Status](](
A [go]( (or 'golang' for search engine friendliness) implementation of [JSON Web Tokens](
**NEW VERSION COMING:** There have been a lot of improvements suggested since the version 3.0.0 released in 2016. I'm working now on cutting two different releases: 3.2.0 will contain any non-breaking changes or enhancements. 4.0.0 will follow shortly which will include breaking changes. See the 4.0.0 milestone to get an idea of what's coming. If you have other ideas, or would like to participate in 4.0.0, now's the time. If you depend on this library and don't want to be interrupted, I recommend you use your dependency mangement tool to pin to version 3.
**SECURITY NOTICE:** Some older versions of Go have a security issue in the cryotp/elliptic. Recommendation is to upgrade to at least 1.8.3. See issue #216 for more detail.
**SECURITY NOTICE:** It's important that you [validate the `alg` presented is what you expect]( This library attempts to make it easy to do the right thing by requiring key types match the expected alg, but you should take the extra step to verify it in your usage. See the examples provided.
## What the heck is a JWT? has [a great introduction]( to JSON Web Tokens.
In short, it's a signed JSON object that does something useful (for example, authentication). It's commonly used for `Bearer` tokens in Oauth 2. A token is made of three parts, separated by `.`'s. The first two parts are JSON objects, that have been [base64url]( encoded. The last part is the signature, encoded the same way.
The first part is called the header. It contains the necessary information for verifying the last part, the signature. For example, which encryption method was used for signing and what key was used.
The part in the middle is the interesting bit. It's called the Claims and contains the actual stuff you care about. Refer to [the RFC]( for information about reserved keys and the proper way to add your own.
## What's in the box?
This library supports the parsing and verification as well as the generation and signing of JWTs. Current supported signing algorithms are HMAC SHA, RSA, RSA-PSS, and ECDSA, though hooks are present for adding your own.
## Examples
See [the project documentation]( for examples of usage:
* [Simple example of parsing and validating a token](
* [Simple example of building and signing a token](
* [Directory of Examples](
## Extensions
This library publishes all the necessary components for adding your own signing methods. Simply implement the `SigningMethod` interface and register a factory method using `RegisterSigningMethod`.
Here's an example of an extension that integrates with the Google App Engine signing tools:
## Compliance
This library was last reviewed to comply with [RTF 7519]( dated May 2015 with a few notable differences:
* In order to protect against accidental use of [Unsecured JWTs](, tokens using `alg=none` will only be accepted if the constant `jwt.UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType` is provided as the key.
## Project Status & Versioning
This library is considered production ready. Feedback and feature requests are appreciated. The API should be considered stable. There should be very few backwards-incompatible changes outside of major version updates (and only with good reason).
This project uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]( Accepted pull requests will land on `master`. Periodically, versions will be tagged from `master`. You can find all the releases on [the project releases page](
While we try to make it obvious when we make breaking changes, there isn't a great mechanism for pushing announcements out to users. You may want to use this alternative package include: ``. It will do the right thing WRT semantic versioning.
* Version 3.0.0 includes _a lot_ of changes from the 2.x line, including a few that break the API. We've tried to break as few things as possible, so there should just be a few type signature changes. A full list of breaking changes is available in ``. See `` for more information on updating your code.
## Usage Tips
### Signing vs Encryption
A token is simply a JSON object that is signed by its author. this tells you exactly two things about the data:
* The author of the token was in the possession of the signing secret
* The data has not been modified since it was signed
It's important to know that JWT does not provide encryption, which means anyone who has access to the token can read its contents. If you need to protect (encrypt) the data, there is a companion spec, `JWE`, that provides this functionality. JWE is currently outside the scope of this library.
### Choosing a Signing Method
There are several signing methods available, and you should probably take the time to learn about the various options before choosing one. The principal design decision is most likely going to be symmetric vs asymmetric.
Symmetric signing methods, such as HSA, use only a single secret. This is probably the simplest signing method to use since any `[]byte` can be used as a valid secret. They are also slightly computationally faster to use, though this rarely is enough to matter. Symmetric signing methods work the best when both producers and consumers of tokens are trusted, or even the same system. Since the same secret is used to both sign and validate tokens, you can't easily distribute the key for validation.
Asymmetric signing methods, such as RSA, use different keys for signing and verifying tokens. This makes it possible to produce tokens with a private key, and allow any consumer to access the public key for verification.
### Signing Methods and Key Types
Each signing method expects a different object type for its signing keys. See the package documentation for details. Here are the most common ones:
* The [HMAC signing method]( (`HS256`,`HS384`,`HS512`) expect `[]byte` values for signing and validation
* The [RSA signing method]( (`RS256`,`RS384`,`RS512`) expect `*rsa.PrivateKey` for signing and `*rsa.PublicKey` for validation
* The [ECDSA signing method]( (`ES256`,`ES384`,`ES512`) expect `*ecdsa.PrivateKey` for signing and `*ecdsa.PublicKey` for validation
### JWT and OAuth
It's worth mentioning that OAuth and JWT are not the same thing. A JWT token is simply a signed JSON object. It can be used anywhere such a thing is useful. There is some confusion, though, as JWT is the most common type of bearer token used in OAuth2 authentication.
Without going too far down the rabbit hole, here's a description of the interaction of these technologies:
* OAuth is a protocol for allowing an identity provider to be separate from the service a user is logging in to. For example, whenever you use Facebook to log into a different service (Yelp, Spotify, etc), you are using OAuth.
* OAuth defines several options for passing around authentication data. One popular method is called a "bearer token". A bearer token is simply a string that _should_ only be held by an authenticated user. Thus, simply presenting this token proves your identity. You can probably derive from here why a JWT might make a good bearer token.
* Because bearer tokens are used for authentication, it's important they're kept secret. This is why transactions that use bearer tokens typically happen over SSL.
## More
Documentation can be found [on](
The command line utility included in this project (cmd/jwt) provides a straightforward example of token creation and parsing as well as a useful tool for debugging your own integration. You'll also find several implementation examples in the documentation.

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## `jwt-go` Version History
#### 3.2.0
* Added method `ParseUnverified` to allow users to split up the tasks of parsing and validation
* HMAC signing method returns `ErrInvalidKeyType` instead of `ErrInvalidKey` where appropriate
* Added options to `request.ParseFromRequest`, which allows for an arbitrary list of modifiers to parsing behavior. Initial set include `WithClaims` and `WithParser`. Existing usage of this function will continue to work as before.
* Deprecated `ParseFromRequestWithClaims` to simplify API in the future.
#### 3.1.0
* Improvements to `jwt` command line tool
* Added `SkipClaimsValidation` option to `Parser`
* Documentation updates
#### 3.0.0
* **Compatibility Breaking Changes**: See for tips on updating your code
* Dropped support for `[]byte` keys when using RSA signing methods. This convenience feature could contribute to security vulnerabilities involving mismatched key types with signing methods.
* `ParseFromRequest` has been moved to `request` subpackage and usage has changed
* The `Claims` property on `Token` is now type `Claims` instead of `map[string]interface{}`. The default value is type `MapClaims`, which is an alias to `map[string]interface{}`. This makes it possible to use a custom type when decoding claims.
* Other Additions and Changes
* Added `Claims` interface type to allow users to decode the claims into a custom type
* Added `ParseWithClaims`, which takes a third argument of type `Claims`. Use this function instead of `Parse` if you have a custom type you'd like to decode into.
* Dramatically improved the functionality and flexibility of `ParseFromRequest`, which is now in the `request` subpackage
* Added `ParseFromRequestWithClaims` which is the `FromRequest` equivalent of `ParseWithClaims`
* Added new interface type `Extractor`, which is used for extracting JWT strings from http requests. Used with `ParseFromRequest` and `ParseFromRequestWithClaims`.
* Added several new, more specific, validation errors to error type bitmask
* Moved examples from README to executable example files
* Signing method registry is now thread safe
* Added new property to `ValidationError`, which contains the raw error returned by calls made by parse/verify (such as those returned by keyfunc or json parser)
#### 2.7.0
This will likely be the last backwards compatible release before 3.0.0, excluding essential bug fixes.
* Added new option `-show` to the `jwt` command that will just output the decoded token without verifying
* Error text for expired tokens includes how long it's been expired
* Fixed incorrect error returned from `ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM`
* Documentation updates
#### 2.6.0
* Exposed inner error within ValidationError
* Fixed validation errors when using UseJSONNumber flag
* Added several unit tests
#### 2.5.0
* Added support for signing method none. You shouldn't use this. The API tries to make this clear.
* Updated/fixed some documentation
* Added more helpful error message when trying to parse tokens that begin with `BEARER `
#### 2.4.0
* Added new type, Parser, to allow for configuration of various parsing parameters
* You can now specify a list of valid signing methods. Anything outside this set will be rejected.
* You can now opt to use the `json.Number` type instead of `float64` when parsing token JSON
* Added support for [Travis CI](
* Fixed some bugs with ECDSA parsing
#### 2.3.0
* Added support for ECDSA signing methods
* Added support for RSA PSS signing methods (requires go v1.4)
#### 2.2.0
* Gracefully handle a `nil` `Keyfunc` being passed to `Parse`. Result will now be the parsed token and an error, instead of a panic.
#### 2.1.0
Backwards compatible API change that was missed in 2.0.0.
* The `SignedString` method on `Token` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte`
#### 2.0.0
There were two major reasons for breaking backwards compatibility with this update. The first was a refactor required to expand the width of the RSA and HMAC-SHA signing implementations. There will likely be no required code changes to support this change.
The second update, while unfortunately requiring a small change in integration, is required to open up this library to other signing methods. Not all keys used for all signing methods have a single standard on-disk representation. Requiring `[]byte` as the type for all keys proved too limiting. Additionally, this implementation allows for pre-parsed tokens to be reused, which might matter in an application that parses a high volume of tokens with a small set of keys. Backwards compatibilty has been maintained for passing `[]byte` to the RSA signing methods, but they will also accept `*rsa.PublicKey` and `*rsa.PrivateKey`.
It is likely the only integration change required here will be to change `func(t *jwt.Token) ([]byte, error)` to `func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error)` when calling `Parse`.
* **Compatibility Breaking Changes**
* `SigningMethodHS256` is now `*SigningMethodHMAC` instead of `type struct`
* `SigningMethodRS256` is now `*SigningMethodRSA` instead of `type struct`
* `KeyFunc` now returns `interface{}` instead of `[]byte`
* `SigningMethod.Sign` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` for the key
* `SigningMethod.Verify` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` for the key
* Renamed type `SigningMethodHS256` to `SigningMethodHMAC`. Specific sizes are now just instances of this type.
* Added public package global `SigningMethodHS256`
* Added public package global `SigningMethodHS384`
* Added public package global `SigningMethodHS512`
* Renamed type `SigningMethodRS256` to `SigningMethodRSA`. Specific sizes are now just instances of this type.
* Added public package global `SigningMethodRS256`
* Added public package global `SigningMethodRS384`
* Added public package global `SigningMethodRS512`
* Moved sample private key for HMAC tests from an inline value to a file on disk. Value is unchanged.
* Refactored the RSA implementation to be easier to read
* Exposed helper methods `ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM` and `ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM`
#### 1.0.2
* Fixed bug in parsing public keys from certificates
* Added more tests around the parsing of keys for RS256
* Code refactoring in RS256 implementation. No functional changes
#### 1.0.1
* Fixed panic if RS256 signing method was passed an invalid key
#### 1.0.0
* First versioned release
* API stabilized
* Supports creating, signing, parsing, and validating JWT tokens
* Supports RS256 and HS256 signing methods

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@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// For a type to be a Claims object, it must just have a Valid method that determines
// if the token is invalid for any supported reason
type Claims interface {
Valid() error
// Structured version of Claims Section, as referenced at
// See examples for how to use this with your own claim types
type StandardClaims struct {
Audience string `json:"aud,omitempty"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"exp,omitempty"`
Id string `json:"jti,omitempty"`
IssuedAt int64 `json:"iat,omitempty"`
Issuer string `json:"iss,omitempty"`
NotBefore int64 `json:"nbf,omitempty"`
Subject string `json:"sub,omitempty"`
// Validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf".
// There is no accounting for clock skew.
// As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still
// be considered a valid claim.
func (c StandardClaims) Valid() error {
vErr := new(ValidationError)
now := TimeFunc().Unix()
// The claims below are optional, by default, so if they are set to the
// default value in Go, let's not fail the verification for them.
if c.VerifyExpiresAt(now, false) == false {
delta := time.Unix(now, 0).Sub(time.Unix(c.ExpiresAt, 0))
vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("token is expired by %v", delta)
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorExpired
if c.VerifyIssuedAt(now, false) == false {
vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("Token used before issued")
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorIssuedAt
if c.VerifyNotBefore(now, false) == false {
vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("token is not valid yet")
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorNotValidYet
if vErr.valid() {
return nil
return vErr
// Compares the aud claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyAudience(cmp string, req bool) bool {
return verifyAud(c.Audience, cmp, req)
// Compares the exp claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyExpiresAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
return verifyExp(c.ExpiresAt, cmp, req)
// Compares the iat claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyIssuedAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
return verifyIat(c.IssuedAt, cmp, req)
// Compares the iss claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyIssuer(cmp string, req bool) bool {
return verifyIss(c.Issuer, cmp, req)
// Compares the nbf claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyNotBefore(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
return verifyNbf(c.NotBefore, cmp, req)
// ----- helpers
func verifyAud(aud string, cmp string, required bool) bool {
if aud == "" {
return !required
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(aud), []byte(cmp)) != 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
func verifyExp(exp int64, now int64, required bool) bool {
if exp == 0 {
return !required
return now <= exp
func verifyIat(iat int64, now int64, required bool) bool {
if iat == 0 {
return !required
return now >= iat
func verifyIss(iss string, cmp string, required bool) bool {
if iss == "" {
return !required
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(iss), []byte(cmp)) != 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
func verifyNbf(nbf int64, now int64, required bool) bool {
if nbf == 0 {
return !required
return now >= nbf

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
// Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens:
// See for more info.
package jwt

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@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
var (
// Sadly this is missing from crypto/ecdsa compared to crypto/rsa
ErrECDSAVerification = errors.New("crypto/ecdsa: verification error")
// Implements the ECDSA family of signing methods signing methods
// Expects *ecdsa.PrivateKey for signing and *ecdsa.PublicKey for verification
type SigningMethodECDSA struct {
Name string
Hash crypto.Hash
KeySize int
CurveBits int
// Specific instances for EC256 and company
var (
SigningMethodES256 *SigningMethodECDSA
SigningMethodES384 *SigningMethodECDSA
SigningMethodES512 *SigningMethodECDSA
func init() {
// ES256
SigningMethodES256 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES256", crypto.SHA256, 32, 256}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodES256
// ES384
SigningMethodES384 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES384", crypto.SHA384, 48, 384}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodES384
// ES512
SigningMethodES512 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES512", crypto.SHA512, 66, 521}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodES512
func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Alg() string {
return m.Name
// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod
// For this verify method, key must be an ecdsa.PublicKey struct
func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error {
var err error
// Decode the signature
var sig []byte
if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil {
return err
// Get the key
var ecdsaKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
switch k := key.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
ecdsaKey = k
return ErrInvalidKeyType
if len(sig) != 2*m.KeySize {
return ErrECDSAVerification
r := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(sig[:m.KeySize])
s := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(sig[m.KeySize:])
// Create hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
// Verify the signature
if verifystatus := ecdsa.Verify(ecdsaKey, hasher.Sum(nil), r, s); verifystatus == true {
return nil
} else {
return ErrECDSAVerification
// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod
// For this signing method, key must be an ecdsa.PrivateKey struct
func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) {
// Get the key
var ecdsaKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
switch k := key.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
ecdsaKey = k
return "", ErrInvalidKeyType
// Create the hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return "", ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
// Sign the string and return r, s
if r, s, err := ecdsa.Sign(rand.Reader, ecdsaKey, hasher.Sum(nil)); err == nil {
curveBits := ecdsaKey.Curve.Params().BitSize
if m.CurveBits != curveBits {
return "", ErrInvalidKey
keyBytes := curveBits / 8
if curveBits%8 > 0 {
keyBytes += 1
// We serialize the outpus (r and s) into big-endian byte arrays and pad
// them with zeros on the left to make sure the sizes work out. Both arrays
// must be keyBytes long, and the output must be 2*keyBytes long.
rBytes := r.Bytes()
rBytesPadded := make([]byte, keyBytes)
copy(rBytesPadded[keyBytes-len(rBytes):], rBytes)
sBytes := s.Bytes()
sBytesPadded := make([]byte, keyBytes)
copy(sBytesPadded[keyBytes-len(sBytes):], sBytes)
out := append(rBytesPadded, sBytesPadded...)
return EncodeSegment(out), nil
} else {
return "", err

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
var (
ErrNotECPublicKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid ECDSA public key")
ErrNotECPrivateKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid ECDSA private key")
// Parse PEM encoded Elliptic Curve Private Key Structure
func ParseECPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
var err error
// Parse PEM block
var block *pem.Block
if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded
// Parse the key
var parsedKey interface{}
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParseECPrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
var ok bool
if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey); !ok {
return nil, ErrNotECPrivateKey
return pkey, nil
// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 public key
func ParseECPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) {
var err error
// Parse PEM block
var block *pem.Block
if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded
// Parse the key
var parsedKey interface{}
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes); err != nil {
if cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes); err == nil {
parsedKey = cert.PublicKey
} else {
return nil, err
var pkey *ecdsa.PublicKey
var ok bool
if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey); !ok {
return nil, ErrNotECPublicKey
return pkey, nil

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// Error constants
var (
ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("key is invalid")
ErrInvalidKeyType = errors.New("key is of invalid type")
ErrHashUnavailable = errors.New("the requested hash function is unavailable")
// The errors that might occur when parsing and validating a token
const (
ValidationErrorMalformed uint32 = 1 << iota // Token is malformed
ValidationErrorUnverifiable // Token could not be verified because of signing problems
ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid // Signature validation failed
// Standard Claim validation errors
ValidationErrorAudience // AUD validation failed
ValidationErrorExpired // EXP validation failed
ValidationErrorIssuedAt // IAT validation failed
ValidationErrorIssuer // ISS validation failed
ValidationErrorNotValidYet // NBF validation failed
ValidationErrorId // JTI validation failed
ValidationErrorClaimsInvalid // Generic claims validation error
// Helper for constructing a ValidationError with a string error message
func NewValidationError(errorText string, errorFlags uint32) *ValidationError {
return &ValidationError{
text: errorText,
Errors: errorFlags,
// The error from Parse if token is not valid
type ValidationError struct {
Inner error // stores the error returned by external dependencies, i.e.: KeyFunc
Errors uint32 // bitfield. see ValidationError... constants
text string // errors that do not have a valid error just have text
// Validation error is an error type
func (e ValidationError) Error() string {
if e.Inner != nil {
return e.Inner.Error()
} else if e.text != "" {
return e.text
} else {
return "token is invalid"
// No errors
func (e *ValidationError) valid() bool {
return e.Errors == 0

View file

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// Implements the HMAC-SHA family of signing methods signing methods
// Expects key type of []byte for both signing and validation
type SigningMethodHMAC struct {
Name string
Hash crypto.Hash
// Specific instances for HS256 and company
var (
SigningMethodHS256 *SigningMethodHMAC
SigningMethodHS384 *SigningMethodHMAC
SigningMethodHS512 *SigningMethodHMAC
ErrSignatureInvalid = errors.New("signature is invalid")
func init() {
// HS256
SigningMethodHS256 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS256", crypto.SHA256}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodHS256
// HS384
SigningMethodHS384 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS384", crypto.SHA384}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodHS384
// HS512
SigningMethodHS512 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS512", crypto.SHA512}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodHS512
func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Alg() string {
return m.Name
// Verify the signature of HSXXX tokens. Returns nil if the signature is valid.
func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error {
// Verify the key is the right type
keyBytes, ok := key.([]byte)
if !ok {
return ErrInvalidKeyType
// Decode signature, for comparison
sig, err := DecodeSegment(signature)
if err != nil {
return err
// Can we use the specified hashing method?
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return ErrHashUnavailable
// This signing method is symmetric, so we validate the signature
// by reproducing the signature from the signing string and key, then
// comparing that against the provided signature.
hasher := hmac.New(m.Hash.New, keyBytes)
if !hmac.Equal(sig, hasher.Sum(nil)) {
return ErrSignatureInvalid
// No validation errors. Signature is good.
return nil
// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod for this signing method.
// Key must be []byte
func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) {
if keyBytes, ok := key.([]byte); ok {
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return "", ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := hmac.New(m.Hash.New, keyBytes)
return EncodeSegment(hasher.Sum(nil)), nil
return "", ErrInvalidKeyType

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// "fmt"
// Claims type that uses the map[string]interface{} for JSON decoding
// This is the default claims type if you don't supply one
type MapClaims map[string]interface{}
// Compares the aud claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (m MapClaims) VerifyAudience(cmp string, req bool) bool {
aud, _ := m["aud"].(string)
return verifyAud(aud, cmp, req)
// Compares the exp claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (m MapClaims) VerifyExpiresAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
switch exp := m["exp"].(type) {
case float64:
return verifyExp(int64(exp), cmp, req)
case json.Number:
v, _ := exp.Int64()
return verifyExp(v, cmp, req)
return req == false
// Compares the iat claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (m MapClaims) VerifyIssuedAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
switch iat := m["iat"].(type) {
case float64:
return verifyIat(int64(iat), cmp, req)
case json.Number:
v, _ := iat.Int64()
return verifyIat(v, cmp, req)
return req == false
// Compares the iss claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (m MapClaims) VerifyIssuer(cmp string, req bool) bool {
iss, _ := m["iss"].(string)
return verifyIss(iss, cmp, req)
// Compares the nbf claim against cmp.
// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
func (m MapClaims) VerifyNotBefore(cmp int64, req bool) bool {
switch nbf := m["nbf"].(type) {
case float64:
return verifyNbf(int64(nbf), cmp, req)
case json.Number:
v, _ := nbf.Int64()
return verifyNbf(v, cmp, req)
return req == false
// Validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf".
// There is no accounting for clock skew.
// As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still
// be considered a valid claim.
func (m MapClaims) Valid() error {
vErr := new(ValidationError)
now := TimeFunc().Unix()
if m.VerifyExpiresAt(now, false) == false {
vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token is expired")
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorExpired
if m.VerifyIssuedAt(now, false) == false {
vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token used before issued")
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorIssuedAt
if m.VerifyNotBefore(now, false) == false {
vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token is not valid yet")
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorNotValidYet
if vErr.valid() {
return nil
return vErr

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package jwt
// Implements the none signing method. This is required by the spec
// but you probably should never use it.
var SigningMethodNone *signingMethodNone
const UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType unsafeNoneMagicConstant = "none signing method allowed"
var NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError error
type signingMethodNone struct{}
type unsafeNoneMagicConstant string
func init() {
SigningMethodNone = &signingMethodNone{}
NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError = NewValidationError("'none' signature type is not allowed", ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid)
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodNone.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodNone
func (m *signingMethodNone) Alg() string {
return "none"
// Only allow 'none' alg type if UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType is specified as the key
func (m *signingMethodNone) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) (err error) {
// Key must be UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType to prevent accidentally
// accepting 'none' signing method
if _, ok := key.(unsafeNoneMagicConstant); !ok {
return NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError
// If signing method is none, signature must be an empty string
if signature != "" {
return NewValidationError(
"'none' signing method with non-empty signature",
// Accept 'none' signing method.
return nil
// Only allow 'none' signing if UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType is specified as the key
func (m *signingMethodNone) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) {
if _, ok := key.(unsafeNoneMagicConstant); ok {
return "", nil
return "", NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError

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@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
type Parser struct {
ValidMethods []string // If populated, only these methods will be considered valid
UseJSONNumber bool // Use JSON Number format in JSON decoder
SkipClaimsValidation bool // Skip claims validation during token parsing
// Parse, validate, and return a token.
// keyFunc will receive the parsed token and should return the key for validating.
// If everything is kosher, err will be nil
func (p *Parser) Parse(tokenString string, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) {
return p.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, MapClaims{}, keyFunc)
func (p *Parser) ParseWithClaims(tokenString string, claims Claims, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) {
token, parts, err := p.ParseUnverified(tokenString, claims)
if err != nil {
return token, err
// Verify signing method is in the required set
if p.ValidMethods != nil {
var signingMethodValid = false
var alg = token.Method.Alg()
for _, m := range p.ValidMethods {
if m == alg {
signingMethodValid = true
if !signingMethodValid {
// signing method is not in the listed set
return token, NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("signing method %v is invalid", alg), ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid)
// Lookup key
var key interface{}
if keyFunc == nil {
// keyFunc was not provided. short circuiting validation
return token, NewValidationError("no Keyfunc was provided.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable)
if key, err = keyFunc(token); err != nil {
// keyFunc returned an error
if ve, ok := err.(*ValidationError); ok {
return token, ve
return token, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorUnverifiable}
vErr := &ValidationError{}
// Validate Claims
if !p.SkipClaimsValidation {
if err := token.Claims.Valid(); err != nil {
// If the Claims Valid returned an error, check if it is a validation error,
// If it was another error type, create a ValidationError with a generic ClaimsInvalid flag set
if e, ok := err.(*ValidationError); !ok {
vErr = &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorClaimsInvalid}
} else {
vErr = e
// Perform validation
token.Signature = parts[2]
if err = token.Method.Verify(strings.Join(parts[0:2], "."), token.Signature, key); err != nil {
vErr.Inner = err
vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid
if vErr.valid() {
token.Valid = true
return token, nil
return token, vErr
// WARNING: Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing
// This method parses the token but doesn't validate the signature. It's only
// ever useful in cases where you know the signature is valid (because it has
// been checked previously in the stack) and you want to extract values from
// it.
func (p *Parser) ParseUnverified(tokenString string, claims Claims) (token *Token, parts []string, err error) {
parts = strings.Split(tokenString, ".")
if len(parts) != 3 {
return nil, parts, NewValidationError("token contains an invalid number of segments", ValidationErrorMalformed)
token = &Token{Raw: tokenString}
// parse Header
var headerBytes []byte
if headerBytes, err = DecodeSegment(parts[0]); err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(tokenString), "bearer ") {
return token, parts, NewValidationError("tokenstring should not contain 'bearer '", ValidationErrorMalformed)
return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed}
if err = json.Unmarshal(headerBytes, &token.Header); err != nil {
return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed}
// parse Claims
var claimBytes []byte
token.Claims = claims
if claimBytes, err = DecodeSegment(parts[1]); err != nil {
return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed}
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(claimBytes))
if p.UseJSONNumber {
// JSON Decode. Special case for map type to avoid weird pointer behavior
if c, ok := token.Claims.(MapClaims); ok {
err = dec.Decode(&c)
} else {
err = dec.Decode(&claims)
// Handle decode error
if err != nil {
return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed}
// Lookup signature method
if method, ok := token.Header["alg"].(string); ok {
if token.Method = GetSigningMethod(method); token.Method == nil {
return token, parts, NewValidationError("signing method (alg) is unavailable.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable)
} else {
return token, parts, NewValidationError("signing method (alg) is unspecified.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable)
return token, parts, nil

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// Implements the RSA family of signing methods signing methods
// Expects *rsa.PrivateKey for signing and *rsa.PublicKey for validation
type SigningMethodRSA struct {
Name string
Hash crypto.Hash
// Specific instances for RS256 and company
var (
SigningMethodRS256 *SigningMethodRSA
SigningMethodRS384 *SigningMethodRSA
SigningMethodRS512 *SigningMethodRSA
func init() {
// RS256
SigningMethodRS256 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS256", crypto.SHA256}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodRS256
// RS384
SigningMethodRS384 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS384", crypto.SHA384}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodRS384
// RS512
SigningMethodRS512 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS512", crypto.SHA512}
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodRS512
func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Alg() string {
return m.Name
// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod
// For this signing method, must be an *rsa.PublicKey structure.
func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error {
var err error
// Decode the signature
var sig []byte
if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil {
return err
var rsaKey *rsa.PublicKey
var ok bool
if rsaKey, ok = key.(*rsa.PublicKey); !ok {
return ErrInvalidKeyType
// Create hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
// Verify the signature
return rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), sig)
// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod
// For this signing method, must be an *rsa.PrivateKey structure.
func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) {
var rsaKey *rsa.PrivateKey
var ok bool
// Validate type of key
if rsaKey, ok = key.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok {
return "", ErrInvalidKey
// Create the hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return "", ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
// Sign the string and return the encoded bytes
if sigBytes, err := rsa.SignPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil)); err == nil {
return EncodeSegment(sigBytes), nil
} else {
return "", err

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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
// +build go1.4
package jwt
import (
// Implements the RSAPSS family of signing methods signing methods
type SigningMethodRSAPSS struct {
Options *rsa.PSSOptions
// Specific instances for RS/PS and company
var (
SigningMethodPS256 *SigningMethodRSAPSS
SigningMethodPS384 *SigningMethodRSAPSS
SigningMethodPS512 *SigningMethodRSAPSS
func init() {
// PS256
SigningMethodPS256 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{
Name: "PS256",
Hash: crypto.SHA256,
SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto,
Hash: crypto.SHA256,
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodPS256
// PS384
SigningMethodPS384 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{
Name: "PS384",
Hash: crypto.SHA384,
SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto,
Hash: crypto.SHA384,
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodPS384
// PS512
SigningMethodPS512 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{
Name: "PS512",
Hash: crypto.SHA512,
SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto,
Hash: crypto.SHA512,
RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod {
return SigningMethodPS512
// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod
// For this verify method, key must be an rsa.PublicKey struct
func (m *SigningMethodRSAPSS) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error {
var err error
// Decode the signature
var sig []byte
if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil {
return err
var rsaKey *rsa.PublicKey
switch k := key.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
rsaKey = k
return ErrInvalidKey
// Create hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
return rsa.VerifyPSS(rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), sig, m.Options)
// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod
// For this signing method, key must be an rsa.PrivateKey struct
func (m *SigningMethodRSAPSS) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) {
var rsaKey *rsa.PrivateKey
switch k := key.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
rsaKey = k
return "", ErrInvalidKeyType
// Create the hasher
if !m.Hash.Available() {
return "", ErrHashUnavailable
hasher := m.Hash.New()
// Sign the string and return the encoded bytes
if sigBytes, err := rsa.SignPSS(rand.Reader, rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), m.Options); err == nil {
return EncodeSegment(sigBytes), nil
} else {
return "", err

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
var (
ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded = errors.New("Invalid Key: Key must be PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key")
ErrNotRSAPrivateKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid RSA private key")
ErrNotRSAPublicKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid RSA public key")
// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key
func ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) {
var err error
// Parse PEM block
var block *pem.Block
if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded
var parsedKey interface{}
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil {
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkey *rsa.PrivateKey
var ok bool
if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok {
return nil, ErrNotRSAPrivateKey
return pkey, nil
// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key protected with password
func ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEMWithPassword(key []byte, password string) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) {
var err error
// Parse PEM block
var block *pem.Block
if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded
var parsedKey interface{}
var blockDecrypted []byte
if blockDecrypted, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(block, []byte(password)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(blockDecrypted); err != nil {
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(blockDecrypted); err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkey *rsa.PrivateKey
var ok bool
if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok {
return nil, ErrNotRSAPrivateKey
return pkey, nil
// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 public key
func ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PublicKey, error) {
var err error
// Parse PEM block
var block *pem.Block
if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil {
return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded
// Parse the key
var parsedKey interface{}
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes); err != nil {
if cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes); err == nil {
parsedKey = cert.PublicKey
} else {
return nil, err
var pkey *rsa.PublicKey
var ok bool
if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PublicKey); !ok {
return nil, ErrNotRSAPublicKey
return pkey, nil

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
var signingMethods = map[string]func() SigningMethod{}
var signingMethodLock = new(sync.RWMutex)
// Implement SigningMethod to add new methods for signing or verifying tokens.
type SigningMethod interface {
Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error // Returns nil if signature is valid
Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) // Returns encoded signature or error
Alg() string // returns the alg identifier for this method (example: 'HS256')
// Register the "alg" name and a factory function for signing method.
// This is typically done during init() in the method's implementation
func RegisterSigningMethod(alg string, f func() SigningMethod) {
defer signingMethodLock.Unlock()
signingMethods[alg] = f
// Get a signing method from an "alg" string
func GetSigningMethod(alg string) (method SigningMethod) {
defer signingMethodLock.RUnlock()
if methodF, ok := signingMethods[alg]; ok {
method = methodF()

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@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package jwt
import (
// TimeFunc provides the current time when parsing token to validate "exp" claim (expiration time).
// You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your
// server uses a different time zone than your tokens.
var TimeFunc = time.Now
// Parse methods use this callback function to supply
// the key for verification. The function receives the parsed,
// but unverified Token. This allows you to use properties in the
// Header of the token (such as `kid`) to identify which key to use.
type Keyfunc func(*Token) (interface{}, error)
// A JWT Token. Different fields will be used depending on whether you're
// creating or parsing/verifying a token.
type Token struct {
Raw string // The raw token. Populated when you Parse a token
Method SigningMethod // The signing method used or to be used
Header map[string]interface{} // The first segment of the token
Claims Claims // The second segment of the token
Signature string // The third segment of the token. Populated when you Parse a token
Valid bool // Is the token valid? Populated when you Parse/Verify a token
// Create a new Token. Takes a signing method
func New(method SigningMethod) *Token {
return NewWithClaims(method, MapClaims{})
func NewWithClaims(method SigningMethod, claims Claims) *Token {
return &Token{
Header: map[string]interface{}{
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": method.Alg(),
Claims: claims,
Method: method,
// Get the complete, signed token
func (t *Token) SignedString(key interface{}) (string, error) {
var sig, sstr string
var err error
if sstr, err = t.SigningString(); err != nil {
return "", err
if sig, err = t.Method.Sign(sstr, key); err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.Join([]string{sstr, sig}, "."), nil
// Generate the signing string. This is the
// most expensive part of the whole deal. Unless you
// need this for something special, just go straight for
// the SignedString.
func (t *Token) SigningString() (string, error) {
var err error
parts := make([]string, 2)
for i, _ := range parts {
var jsonValue []byte
if i == 0 {
if jsonValue, err = json.Marshal(t.Header); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
if jsonValue, err = json.Marshal(t.Claims); err != nil {
return "", err
parts[i] = EncodeSegment(jsonValue)
return strings.Join(parts, "."), nil
// Parse, validate, and return a token.
// keyFunc will receive the parsed token and should return the key for validating.
// If everything is kosher, err will be nil
func Parse(tokenString string, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) {
return new(Parser).Parse(tokenString, keyFunc)
func ParseWithClaims(tokenString string, claims Claims, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) {
return new(Parser).ParseWithClaims(tokenString, claims, keyFunc)
// Encode JWT specific base64url encoding with padding stripped
func EncodeSegment(seg []byte) string {
return strings.TrimRight(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(seg), "=")
// Decode JWT specific base64url encoding with padding stripped
func DecodeSegment(seg string) ([]byte, error) {
if l := len(seg) % 4; l > 0 {
seg += strings.Repeat("=", 4-l)
return base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(seg)

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.x
- linux
- osx

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 John Barton
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View file

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
# GoDotEnv [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![Go Report Card](](
A Go (golang) port of the Ruby dotenv project (which loads env vars from a .env file)
From the original Library:
> Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environmentssuch as resource handles for databases or credentials for external servicesshould be extracted from the code into environment variables.
> But it is not always practical to set environment variables on development machines or continuous integration servers where multiple projects are run. Dotenv load variables from a .env file into ENV when the environment is bootstrapped.
It can be used as a library (for loading in env for your own daemons etc) or as a bin command.
There is test coverage and CI for both linuxish and windows environments, but I make no guarantees about the bin version working on windows.
## Installation
As a library
go get
or if you want to use it as a bin command
go get
## Usage
Add your application configuration to your `.env` file in the root of your project:
Then in your Go app you can do something like
package main
import (
func main() {
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
s3Bucket := os.Getenv("S3_BUCKET")
secretKey := os.Getenv("SECRET_KEY")
// now do something with s3 or whatever
If you're even lazier than that, you can just take advantage of the autoload package which will read in `.env` on import
import _ ""
While `.env` in the project root is the default, you don't have to be constrained, both examples below are 100% legit
_ = godotenv.Load("somerandomfile")
_ = godotenv.Load("filenumberone.env", "filenumbertwo.env")
If you want to be really fancy with your env file you can do comments and exports (below is a valid env file)
# I am a comment and that is OK
FOO=BAR # comments at line end are OK too
export BAR=BAZ
Or finally you can do YAML(ish) style
FOO: bar
BAR: baz
as a final aside, if you don't want godotenv munging your env you can just get a map back instead
var myEnv map[string]string
myEnv, err := godotenv.Read()
s3Bucket := myEnv["S3_BUCKET"]
... or from an `io.Reader` instead of a local file
reader := getRemoteFile()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Parse(reader)
... or from a `string` if you so desire
content := getRemoteFileContent()
myEnv, err := godotenv.Unmarshal(content)
### Command Mode
Assuming you've installed the command as above and you've got `$GOPATH/bin` in your `$PATH`
godotenv -f /some/path/to/.env some_command with some args
If you don't specify `-f` it will fall back on the default of loading `.env` in `PWD`
### Writing Env Files
Godotenv can also write a map representing the environment to a correctly-formatted and escaped file
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
err := godotenv.Write(env, "./.env")
... or to a string
env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value")
content, err := godotenv.Marshal(env)
## Contributing
Contributions are most welcome! The parser itself is pretty stupidly naive and I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks with edge cases.
*code changes without tests will not be accepted*
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
## Releases
Releases should follow [Semver]( though the first couple of releases are `v1` and `v1.1`.
Use [annotated tags for all releases]( Example `git tag -a v1.2.1`
## CI
Linux: [![Build Status](]( Windows: [![Build status](](
## Who?
The original library [dotenv]( was written by [Brandon Keepers](, and this port was done by [John Barton]( based off the tests/fixtures in the original library.

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@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
// Package godotenv is a go port of the ruby dotenv library (
// Examples/readme can be found on the github page at
// The TL;DR is that you make a .env file that looks something like
// SOME_ENV_VAR=somevalue
// and then in your go code you can call
// godotenv.Load()
// and all the env vars declared in .env will be available through os.Getenv("SOME_ENV_VAR")
package godotenv
import (
const doubleQuoteSpecialChars = "\\\n\r\"!$`"
// Load will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process.
// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main)
// If you call Load without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path
// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like
// godotenv.Load("fileone", "filetwo")
// It's important to note that it WILL NOT OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to set dev vars or sensible defaults
func Load(filenames ...string) (err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
for _, filename := range filenames {
err = loadFile(filename, false)
if err != nil {
return // return early on a spazout
// Overload will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process.
// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main)
// If you call Overload without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path
// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like
// godotenv.Overload("fileone", "filetwo")
// It's important to note this WILL OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to forcefilly set all vars.
func Overload(filenames ...string) (err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
for _, filename := range filenames {
err = loadFile(filename, true)
if err != nil {
return // return early on a spazout
// Read all env (with same file loading semantics as Load) but return values as
// a map rather than automatically writing values into env
func Read(filenames ...string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames)
envMap = make(map[string]string)
for _, filename := range filenames {
individualEnvMap, individualErr := readFile(filename)
if individualErr != nil {
err = individualErr
return // return early on a spazout
for key, value := range individualEnvMap {
envMap[key] = value
// Parse reads an env file from io.Reader, returning a map of keys and values.
func Parse(r io.Reader) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
envMap = make(map[string]string)
var lines []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
for _, fullLine := range lines {
if !isIgnoredLine(fullLine) {
var key, value string
key, value, err = parseLine(fullLine, envMap)
if err != nil {
envMap[key] = value
//Unmarshal reads an env file from a string, returning a map of keys and values.
func Unmarshal(str string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
return Parse(strings.NewReader(str))
// Exec loads env vars from the specified filenames (empty map falls back to default)
// then executes the cmd specified.
// Simply hooks up os.Stdin/err/out to the command and calls Run()
// If you want more fine grained control over your command it's recommended
// that you use `Load()` or `Read()` and the `os/exec` package yourself.
func Exec(filenames []string, cmd string, cmdArgs []string) error {
command := exec.Command(cmd, cmdArgs...)
command.Stdin = os.Stdin
command.Stdout = os.Stdout
command.Stderr = os.Stderr
return command.Run()
// Write serializes the given environment and writes it to a file
func Write(envMap map[string]string, filename string) error {
content, error := Marshal(envMap)
if error != nil {
return error
file, error := os.Create(filename)
if error != nil {
return error
_, err := file.WriteString(content)
return err
// Marshal outputs the given environment as a dotenv-formatted environment file.
// Each line is in the format: KEY="VALUE" where VALUE is backslash-escaped.
func Marshal(envMap map[string]string) (string, error) {
lines := make([]string, 0, len(envMap))
for k, v := range envMap {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, k, doubleQuoteEscape(v)))
return strings.Join(lines, "\n"), nil
func filenamesOrDefault(filenames []string) []string {
if len(filenames) == 0 {
return []string{".env"}
return filenames
func loadFile(filename string, overload bool) error {
envMap, err := readFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
currentEnv := map[string]bool{}
rawEnv := os.Environ()
for _, rawEnvLine := range rawEnv {
key := strings.Split(rawEnvLine, "=")[0]
currentEnv[key] = true
for key, value := range envMap {
if !currentEnv[key] || overload {
os.Setenv(key, value)
return nil
func readFile(filename string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
return Parse(file)
func parseLine(line string, envMap map[string]string) (key string, value string, err error) {
if len(line) == 0 {
err = errors.New("zero length string")
// ditch the comments (but keep quoted hashes)
if strings.Contains(line, "#") {
segmentsBetweenHashes := strings.Split(line, "#")
quotesAreOpen := false
var segmentsToKeep []string
for _, segment := range segmentsBetweenHashes {
if strings.Count(segment, "\"") == 1 || strings.Count(segment, "'") == 1 {
if quotesAreOpen {
quotesAreOpen = false
segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment)
} else {
quotesAreOpen = true
if len(segmentsToKeep) == 0 || quotesAreOpen {
segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment)
line = strings.Join(segmentsToKeep, "#")
firstEquals := strings.Index(line, "=")
firstColon := strings.Index(line, ":")
splitString := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
if firstColon != -1 && (firstColon < firstEquals || firstEquals == -1) {
//this is a yaml-style line
splitString = strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2)
if len(splitString) != 2 {
err = errors.New("Can't separate key from value")
// Parse the key
key = splitString[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(key, "export") {
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "export")
key = strings.Trim(key, " ")
// Parse the value
value = parseValue(splitString[1], envMap)
func parseValue(value string, envMap map[string]string) string {
// trim
value = strings.Trim(value, " ")
// check if we've got quoted values or possible escapes
if len(value) > 1 {
rs := regexp.MustCompile(`\A'(.*)'\z`)
singleQuotes := rs.FindStringSubmatch(value)
rd := regexp.MustCompile(`\A"(.*)"\z`)
doubleQuotes := rd.FindStringSubmatch(value)
if singleQuotes != nil || doubleQuotes != nil {
// pull the quotes off the edges
value = value[1 : len(value)-1]
if doubleQuotes != nil {
// expand newlines
escapeRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`\\.`)
value = escapeRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(value, func(match string) string {
c := strings.TrimPrefix(match, `\`)
switch c {
case "n":
return "\n"
case "r":
return "\r"
return match
// unescape characters
e := regexp.MustCompile(`\\([^$])`)
value = e.ReplaceAllString(value, "$1")
if singleQuotes == nil {
value = expandVariables(value, envMap)
return value
func expandVariables(v string, m map[string]string) string {
r := regexp.MustCompile(`(\\)?(\$)(\()?\{?([A-Z0-9_]+)?\}?`)
return r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(v, func(s string) string {
submatch := r.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if submatch == nil {
return s
if submatch[1] == "\\" || submatch[2] == "(" {
return submatch[0][1:]
} else if submatch[4] != "" {
return m[submatch[4]]
return s
func isIgnoredLine(line string) bool {
trimmedLine := strings.Trim(line, " \n\t")
return len(trimmedLine) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(trimmedLine, "#")
func doubleQuoteEscape(line string) string {
for _, c := range doubleQuoteSpecialChars {
toReplace := "\\" + string(c)
if c == '\n' {
toReplace = `\n`
if c == '\r' {
toReplace = `\r`
line = strings.Replace(line, string(c), toReplace, -1)
return line

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sudo: false
language: go
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
- master
- go get
- go test -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=coverage.out
- go vet ./...
- test -z "$(gofmt -d -s . | tee /dev/stderr)"
- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis-ci

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2013, Julien Schmidt
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
# HttpRouter [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![GoDoc](](
HttpRouter is a lightweight high performance HTTP request router (also called *multiplexer* or just *mux* for short) for [Go](
In contrast to the [default mux]( of Go's `net/http` package, this router supports variables in the routing pattern and matches against the request method. It also scales better.
The router is optimized for high performance and a small memory footprint. It scales well even with very long paths and a large number of routes. A compressing dynamic trie (radix tree) structure is used for efficient matching.
## Features
**Only explicit matches:** With other routers, like [`http.ServeMux`](, a requested URL path could match multiple patterns. Therefore they have some awkward pattern priority rules, like *longest match* or *first registered, first matched*. By design of this router, a request can only match exactly one or no route. As a result, there are also no unintended matches, which makes it great for SEO and improves the user experience.
**Stop caring about trailing slashes:** Choose the URL style you like, the router automatically redirects the client if a trailing slash is missing or if there is one extra. Of course it only does so, if the new path has a handler. If you don't like it, you can [turn off this behavior](
**Path auto-correction:** Besides detecting the missing or additional trailing slash at no extra cost, the router can also fix wrong cases and remove superfluous path elements (like `../` or `//`). Is [CAPTAIN CAPS LOCK]( one of your users? HttpRouter can help him by making a case-insensitive look-up and redirecting him to the correct URL.
**Parameters in your routing pattern:** Stop parsing the requested URL path, just give the path segment a name and the router delivers the dynamic value to you. Because of the design of the router, path parameters are very cheap.
**Zero Garbage:** The matching and dispatching process generates zero bytes of garbage. The only heap allocations that are made are building the slice of the key-value pairs for path parameters, and building new context and request objects (the latter only in the standard `Handler`/`HandlerFunc` API). In the 3-argument API, if the request path contains no parameters not a single heap allocation is necessary.
**Best Performance:** [Benchmarks speak for themselves]( See below for technical details of the implementation.
**No more server crashes:** You can set a [Panic handler]( to deal with panics occurring during handling a HTTP request. The router then recovers and lets the `PanicHandler` log what happened and deliver a nice error page.
**Perfect for APIs:** The router design encourages to build sensible, hierarchical RESTful APIs. Moreover it has built-in native support for [OPTIONS requests]( and `405 Method Not Allowed` replies.
Of course you can also set **custom [`NotFound`]( and [`MethodNotAllowed`]( handlers** and [**serve static files**](
## Usage
This is just a quick introduction, view the [GoDoc]( for details.
Let's start with a trivial example:
package main
import (
func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome!\n")
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", ps.ByName("name"))
func main() {
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/", Index)
router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
### Named parameters
As you can see, `:name` is a *named parameter*. The values are accessible via `httprouter.Params`, which is just a slice of `httprouter.Param`s. You can get the value of a parameter either by its index in the slice, or by using the `ByName(name)` method: `:name` can be retrieved by `ByName("name")`.
When using a `http.Handler` (using `router.Handler` or `http.HandlerFunc`) instead of HttpRouter's handle API using a 3rd function parameter, the named parameters are stored in the `request.Context`. See more below under [Why doesn't this work with http.Handler?](#why-doesnt-this-work-with-httphandler).
Named parameters only match a single path segment:
Pattern: /user/:user
/user/gordon match
/user/you match
/user/gordon/profile no match
/user/ no match
**Note:** Since this router has only explicit matches, you can not register static routes and parameters for the same path segment. For example you can not register the patterns `/user/new` and `/user/:user` for the same request method at the same time. The routing of different request methods is independent from each other.
### Catch-All parameters
The second type are *catch-all* parameters and have the form `*name`. Like the name suggests, they match everything. Therefore they must always be at the **end** of the pattern:
Pattern: /src/*filepath
/src/ match
/src/somefile.go match
/src/subdir/somefile.go match
## How does it work?
The router relies on a tree structure which makes heavy use of *common prefixes*, it is basically a *compact* [*prefix tree*]( (or just [*Radix tree*]( Nodes with a common prefix also share a common parent. Here is a short example what the routing tree for the `GET` request method could look like:
Priority Path Handle
9 \ *<1>
3 ├s nil
2 |├earch\ *<2>
1 |└upport\ *<3>
2 ├blog\ *<4>
1 | └:post nil
1 | └\ *<5>
2 ├about-us\ *<6>
1 | └team\ *<7>
1 └contact\ *<8>
Every `*<num>` represents the memory address of a handler function (a pointer). If you follow a path trough the tree from the root to the leaf, you get the complete route path, e.g `\blog\:post\`, where `:post` is just a placeholder ([*parameter*](#named-parameters)) for an actual post name. Unlike hash-maps, a tree structure also allows us to use dynamic parts like the `:post` parameter, since we actually match against the routing patterns instead of just comparing hashes. [As benchmarks show](, this works very well and efficient.
Since URL paths have a hierarchical structure and make use only of a limited set of characters (byte values), it is very likely that there are a lot of common prefixes. This allows us to easily reduce the routing into ever smaller problems. Moreover the router manages a separate tree for every request method. For one thing it is more space efficient than holding a method->handle map in every single node, it also allows us to greatly reduce the routing problem before even starting the look-up in the prefix-tree.
For even better scalability, the child nodes on each tree level are ordered by priority, where the priority is just the number of handles registered in sub nodes (children, grandchildren, and so on..). This helps in two ways:
1. Nodes which are part of the most routing paths are evaluated first. This helps to make as much routes as possible to be reachable as fast as possible.
2. It is some sort of cost compensation. The longest reachable path (highest cost) can always be evaluated first. The following scheme visualizes the tree structure. Nodes are evaluated from top to bottom and from left to right.
## Why doesn't this work with `http.Handler`?
**It does!** The router itself implements the `http.Handler` interface. Moreover the router provides convenient [adapters for `http.Handler`]( and [`http.HandlerFunc`]( which allows them to be used as a [`httprouter.Handle`]( when registering a route.
Named parameters can be accessed `request.Context`:
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params := httprouter.ParamsFromContext(r.Context())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", params.ByName("name"))
Alternatively, one can also use `params := r.Context().Value(httprouter.ParamsKey)` instead of the helper function.
Just try it out for yourself, the usage of HttpRouter is very straightforward. The package is compact and minimalistic, but also probably one of the easiest routers to set up.
## Automatic OPTIONS responses and CORS
One might wish to modify automatic responses to OPTIONS requests, e.g. to support [CORS preflight requests]( or to set other headers.
This can be achieved using the [`Router.GlobalOPTIONS`]( handler:
router.GlobalOPTIONS = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Header.Get("Access-Control-Request-Method") != "" {
// Set CORS headers
header := w.Header()
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", r.Header.Get("Allow"))
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
// Adjust status code to 204
## Where can I find Middleware *X*?
This package just provides a very efficient request router with a few extra features. The router is just a [`http.Handler`](, you can chain any http.Handler compatible middleware before the router, for example the [Gorilla handlers]( Or you could [just write your own](, it's very easy!
Alternatively, you could try [a web framework based on HttpRouter](#web-frameworks-based-on-httprouter).
### Multi-domain / Sub-domains
Here is a quick example: Does your server serve multiple domains / hosts?
You want to use sub-domains?
Define a router per host!
// We need an object that implements the http.Handler interface.
// Therefore we need a type for which we implement the ServeHTTP method.
// We just use a map here, in which we map host names (with port) to http.Handlers
type HostSwitch map[string]http.Handler
// Implement the ServeHTTP method on our new type
func (hs HostSwitch) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Check if a http.Handler is registered for the given host.
// If yes, use it to handle the request.
if handler := hs[r.Host]; handler != nil {
handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else {
// Handle host names for which no handler is registered
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", 403) // Or Redirect?
func main() {
// Initialize a router as usual
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/", Index)
router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
// Make a new HostSwitch and insert the router (our http handler)
// for and port 12345
hs := make(HostSwitch)
hs[""] = router
// Use the HostSwitch to listen and serve on port 12345
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", hs))
### Basic Authentication
Another quick example: Basic Authentication (RFC 2617) for handles:
package main
import (
func BasicAuth(h httprouter.Handle, requiredUser, requiredPassword string) httprouter.Handle {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
// Get the Basic Authentication credentials
user, password, hasAuth := r.BasicAuth()
if hasAuth && user == requiredUser && password == requiredPassword {
// Delegate request to the given handle
h(w, r, ps)
} else {
// Request Basic Authentication otherwise
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=Restricted")
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized), http.StatusUnauthorized)
func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Not protected!\n")
func Protected(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Protected!\n")
func main() {
user := "gordon"
pass := "secret!"
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/", Index)
router.GET("/protected/", BasicAuth(Protected, user, pass))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
## Chaining with the NotFound handler
**NOTE: It might be required to set [`Router.HandleMethodNotAllowed`]( to `false` to avoid problems.**
You can use another [`http.Handler`](, for example another router, to handle requests which could not be matched by this router by using the [`Router.NotFound`]( handler. This allows chaining.
### Static files
The `NotFound` handler can for example be used to serve static files from the root path `/` (like an `index.html` file along with other assets):
// Serve static files from the ./public directory
router.NotFound = http.FileServer(http.Dir("public"))
But this approach sidesteps the strict core rules of this router to avoid routing problems. A cleaner approach is to use a distinct sub-path for serving files, like `/static/*filepath` or `/files/*filepath`.
## Web Frameworks based on HttpRouter
If the HttpRouter is a bit too minimalistic for you, you might try one of the following more high-level 3rd-party web frameworks building upon the HttpRouter package:
* [Ace]( Blazing fast Go Web Framework
* [api2go]( A JSON API Implementation for Go
* [Gin]( Features a martini-like API with much better performance
* [Goat]( A minimalistic REST API server in Go
* [goMiddlewareChain]( An express.js-like-middleware-chain
* [Hikaru]( Supports standalone and Google AppEngine
* [Hitch]( Hitch ties httprouter, [httpcontext](, and middleware up in a bow
* [httpway]( Simple middleware extension with context for httprouter and a server with gracefully shutdown support
* [kami]( A tiny web framework using x/net/context
* [Medeina]( Inspired by Ruby's Roda and Cuba
* [Neko]( A lightweight web application framework for Golang
* [pbgo]( pbgo is a mini RPC/REST framework based on Protobuf
* [River]( River is a simple and lightweight REST server
* [siesta]( Composable HTTP handlers with contexts
* [xmux]( xmux is a httprouter fork on top of xhandler (net/context aware)

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go 1.7

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// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Based on the path package, Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
package httprouter
// CleanPath is the URL version of path.Clean, it returns a canonical URL path
// for p, eliminating . and .. elements.
// The following rules are applied iteratively until no further processing can
// be done:
// 1. Replace multiple slashes with a single slash.
// 2. Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
// 3. Eliminate each inner .. path name element (the parent directory)
// along with the non-.. element that precedes it.
// 4. Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path:
// that is, replace "/.." by "/" at the beginning of a path.
// If the result of this process is an empty string, "/" is returned
func CleanPath(p string) string {
// Turn empty string into "/"
if p == "" {
return "/"
n := len(p)
var buf []byte
// Invariants:
// reading from path; r is index of next byte to process.
// writing to buf; w is index of next byte to write.
// path must start with '/'
r := 1
w := 1
if p[0] != '/' {
r = 0
buf = make([]byte, n+1)
buf[0] = '/'
trailing := n > 1 && p[n-1] == '/'
// A bit more clunky without a 'lazybuf' like the path package, but the loop
// gets completely inlined (bufApp). So in contrast to the path package this
// loop has no expensive function calls (except 1x make)
for r < n {
switch {
case p[r] == '/':
// empty path element, trailing slash is added after the end
case p[r] == '.' && r+1 == n:
trailing = true
case p[r] == '.' && p[r+1] == '/':
// . element
r += 2
case p[r] == '.' && p[r+1] == '.' && (r+2 == n || p[r+2] == '/'):
// .. element: remove to last /
r += 3
if w > 1 {
// can backtrack
if buf == nil {
for w > 1 && p[w] != '/' {
} else {
for w > 1 && buf[w] != '/' {
// real path element.
// add slash if needed
if w > 1 {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, '/')
// copy element
for r < n && p[r] != '/' {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, p[r])
// re-append trailing slash
if trailing && w > 1 {
bufApp(&buf, p, w, '/')
if buf == nil {
return p[:w]
return string(buf[:w])
// internal helper to lazily create a buffer if necessary
func bufApp(buf *[]byte, s string, w int, c byte) {
if *buf == nil {
if s[w] == c {
*buf = make([]byte, len(s))
copy(*buf, s[:w])
(*buf)[w] = c

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@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
// Package httprouter is a trie based high performance HTTP request router.
// A trivial example is:
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// ""
// "net/http"
// "log"
// )
// func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
// fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome!\n")
// }
// func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
// fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, %s!\n", ps.ByName("name"))
// }
// func main() {
// router := httprouter.New()
// router.GET("/", Index)
// router.GET("/hello/:name", Hello)
// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
// }
// The router matches incoming requests by the request method and the path.
// If a handle is registered for this path and method, the router delegates the
// request to that function.
// For the methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE shortcut functions exist to
// register handles, for all other methods router.Handle can be used.
// The registered path, against which the router matches incoming requests, can
// contain two types of parameters:
// Syntax Type
// :name named parameter
// *name catch-all parameter
// Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the
// next '/' or the path end:
// Path: /blog/:category/:post
// Requests:
// /blog/go/request-routers match: category="go", post="request-routers"
// /blog/go/request-routers/ no match, but the router would redirect
// /blog/go/ no match
// /blog/go/request-routers/comments no match
// Catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the
// directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything
// until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element.
// Path: /files/*filepath
// Requests:
// /files/ match: filepath="/"
// /files/LICENSE match: filepath="/LICENSE"
// /files/templates/article.html match: filepath="/templates/article.html"
// /files no match, but the router would redirect
// The value of parameters is saved as a slice of the Param struct, consisting
// each of a key and a value. The slice is passed to the Handle func as a third
// parameter.
// There are two ways to retrieve the value of a parameter:
// // by the name of the parameter
// user := ps.ByName("user") // defined by :user or *user
// // by the index of the parameter. This way you can also get the name (key)
// thirdKey := ps[2].Key // the name of the 3rd parameter
// thirdValue := ps[2].Value // the value of the 3rd parameter
package httprouter
import (
// Handle is a function that can be registered to a route to handle HTTP
// requests. Like http.HandlerFunc, but has a third parameter for the values of
// wildcards (variables).
type Handle func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Params)
// Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.
type Param struct {
Key string
Value string
// Params is a Param-slice, as returned by the router.
// The slice is ordered, the first URL parameter is also the first slice value.
// It is therefore safe to read values by the index.
type Params []Param
// ByName returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name.
// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.
func (ps Params) ByName(name string) string {
for i := range ps {
if ps[i].Key == name {
return ps[i].Value
return ""
type paramsKey struct{}
// ParamsKey is the request context key under which URL params are stored.
var ParamsKey = paramsKey{}
// ParamsFromContext pulls the URL parameters from a request context,
// or returns nil if none are present.
func ParamsFromContext(ctx context.Context) Params {
p, _ := ctx.Value(ParamsKey).(Params)
return p
// Router is a http.Handler which can be used to dispatch requests to different
// handler functions via configurable routes
type Router struct {
trees map[string]*node
// Enables automatic redirection if the current route can't be matched but a
// handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists.
// For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the
// client is redirected to /foo with http status code 301 for GET requests
// and 307 for all other request methods.
RedirectTrailingSlash bool
// If enabled, the router tries to fix the current request path, if no
// handle is registered for it.
// First superfluous path elements like ../ or // are removed.
// Afterwards the router does a case-insensitive lookup of the cleaned path.
// If a handle can be found for this route, the router makes a redirection
// to the corrected path with status code 301 for GET requests and 307 for
// all other request methods.
// For example /FOO and /..//Foo could be redirected to /foo.
// RedirectTrailingSlash is independent of this option.
RedirectFixedPath bool
// If enabled, the router checks if another method is allowed for the
// current route, if the current request can not be routed.
// If this is the case, the request is answered with 'Method Not Allowed'
// and HTTP status code 405.
// If no other Method is allowed, the request is delegated to the NotFound
// handler.
HandleMethodNotAllowed bool
// If enabled, the router automatically replies to OPTIONS requests.
// Custom OPTIONS handlers take priority over automatic replies.
HandleOPTIONS bool
// An optional http.Handler that is called on automatic OPTIONS requests.
// The handler is only called if HandleOPTIONS is true and no OPTIONS
// handler for the specific path was set.
// The "Allowed" header is set before calling the handler.
GlobalOPTIONS http.Handler
// Cached value of global (*) allowed methods
globalAllowed string
// Configurable http.Handler which is called when no matching route is
// found. If it is not set, http.NotFound is used.
NotFound http.Handler
// Configurable http.Handler which is called when a request
// cannot be routed and HandleMethodNotAllowed is true.
// If it is not set, http.Error with http.StatusMethodNotAllowed is used.
// The "Allow" header with allowed request methods is set before the handler
// is called.
MethodNotAllowed http.Handler
// Function to handle panics recovered from http handlers.
// It should be used to generate a error page and return the http error code
// 500 (Internal Server Error).
// The handler can be used to keep your server from crashing because of
// unrecovered panics.
PanicHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, interface{})
// Make sure the Router conforms with the http.Handler interface
var _ http.Handler = New()
// New returns a new initialized Router.
// Path auto-correction, including trailing slashes, is enabled by default.
func New() *Router {
return &Router{
RedirectTrailingSlash: true,
RedirectFixedPath: true,
HandleMethodNotAllowed: true,
HandleOPTIONS: true,
// GET is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodGet, path, handle)
func (r *Router) GET(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodGet, path, handle)
// HEAD is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodHead, path, handle)
func (r *Router) HEAD(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodHead, path, handle)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodOptions, path, handle)
func (r *Router) OPTIONS(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodOptions, path, handle)
// POST is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodPost, path, handle)
func (r *Router) POST(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPost, path, handle)
// PUT is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodPut, path, handle)
func (r *Router) PUT(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPut, path, handle)
// PATCH is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodPatch, path, handle)
func (r *Router) PATCH(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPatch, path, handle)
// DELETE is a shortcut for router.Handle(http.MethodDelete, path, handle)
func (r *Router) DELETE(path string, handle Handle) {
r.Handle(http.MethodDelete, path, handle)
// Handle registers a new request handle with the given path and method.
// For GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests the respective shortcut
// functions can be used.
// This function is intended for bulk loading and to allow the usage of less
// frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal
// communication with a proxy).
func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handle Handle) {
if len(path) < 1 || path[0] != '/' {
panic("path must begin with '/' in path '" + path + "'")
if r.trees == nil {
r.trees = make(map[string]*node)
root := r.trees[method]
if root == nil {
root = new(node)
r.trees[method] = root
r.globalAllowed = r.allowed("*", "")
root.addRoute(path, handle)
// Handler is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.Handler as a
// request handle.
// The Params are available in the request context under ParamsKey.
func (r *Router) Handler(method, path string, handler http.Handler) {
r.Handle(method, path,
func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, p Params) {
if len(p) > 0 {
ctx := req.Context()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ParamsKey, p)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// HandlerFunc is an adapter which allows the usage of an http.HandlerFunc as a
// request handle.
func (r *Router) HandlerFunc(method, path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handler(method, path, handler)
// ServeFiles serves files from the given file system root.
// The path must end with "/*filepath", files are then served from the local
// path /defined/root/dir/*filepath.
// For example if root is "/etc" and *filepath is "passwd", the local file
// "/etc/passwd" would be served.
// Internally a http.FileServer is used, therefore http.NotFound is used instead
// of the Router's NotFound handler.
// To use the operating system's file system implementation,
// use http.Dir:
// router.ServeFiles("/src/*filepath", http.Dir("/var/www"))
func (r *Router) ServeFiles(path string, root http.FileSystem) {
if len(path) < 10 || path[len(path)-10:] != "/*filepath" {
panic("path must end with /*filepath in path '" + path + "'")
fileServer := http.FileServer(root)
r.GET(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps Params) {
req.URL.Path = ps.ByName("filepath")
fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func (r *Router) recv(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if rcv := recover(); rcv != nil {
r.PanicHandler(w, req, rcv)
// Lookup allows the manual lookup of a method + path combo.
// This is e.g. useful to build a framework around this router.
// If the path was found, it returns the handle function and the path parameter
// values. Otherwise the third return value indicates whether a redirection to
// the same path with an extra / without the trailing slash should be performed.
func (r *Router) Lookup(method, path string) (Handle, Params, bool) {
if root := r.trees[method]; root != nil {
return root.getValue(path)
return nil, nil, false
func (r *Router) allowed(path, reqMethod string) (allow string) {
allowed := make([]string, 0, 9)
if path == "*" { // server-wide
// empty method is used for internal calls to refresh the cache
if reqMethod == "" {
for method := range r.trees {
if method == http.MethodOptions {
// Add request method to list of allowed methods
allowed = append(allowed, method)
} else {
return r.globalAllowed
} else { // specific path
for method := range r.trees {
// Skip the requested method - we already tried this one
if method == reqMethod || method == http.MethodOptions {
handle, _, _ := r.trees[method].getValue(path)
if handle != nil {
// Add request method to list of allowed methods
allowed = append(allowed, method)
if len(allowed) > 0 {
// Add request method to list of allowed methods
allowed = append(allowed, http.MethodOptions)
// Sort allowed methods.
// sort.Strings(allowed) unfortunately causes unnecessary allocations
// due to allowed being moved to the heap and interface conversion
for i, l := 1, len(allowed); i < l; i++ {
for j := i; j > 0 && allowed[j] < allowed[j-1]; j-- {
allowed[j], allowed[j-1] = allowed[j-1], allowed[j]
// return as comma separated list
return strings.Join(allowed, ", ")
// ServeHTTP makes the router implement the http.Handler interface.
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if r.PanicHandler != nil {
defer r.recv(w, req)
path := req.URL.Path
if root := r.trees[req.Method]; root != nil {
if handle, ps, tsr := root.getValue(path); handle != nil {
handle(w, req, ps)
} else if req.Method != http.MethodConnect && path != "/" {
code := 301 // Permanent redirect, request with GET method
if req.Method != http.MethodGet {
// Temporary redirect, request with same method
// As of Go 1.3, Go does not support status code 308.
code = 307
if tsr && r.RedirectTrailingSlash {
if len(path) > 1 && path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
req.URL.Path = path[:len(path)-1]
} else {
req.URL.Path = path + "/"
http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
// Try to fix the request path
if r.RedirectFixedPath {
fixedPath, found := root.findCaseInsensitivePath(
if found {
req.URL.Path = string(fixedPath)
http.Redirect(w, req, req.URL.String(), code)
if req.Method == http.MethodOptions && r.HandleOPTIONS {
// Handle OPTIONS requests
if allow := r.allowed(path, http.MethodOptions); allow != "" {
w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
if r.GlobalOPTIONS != nil {
r.GlobalOPTIONS.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else if r.HandleMethodNotAllowed { // Handle 405
if allow := r.allowed(path, req.Method); allow != "" {
w.Header().Set("Allow", allow)
if r.MethodNotAllowed != nil {
r.MethodNotAllowed.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else {
// Handle 404
if r.NotFound != nil {
r.NotFound.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else {
http.NotFound(w, req)

View file

@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
package httprouter
import (
func min(a, b int) int {
if a <= b {
return a
return b
const maxParamCount uint8 = ^uint8(0)
func countParams(path string) uint8 {
var n uint
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
if path[i] != ':' && path[i] != '*' {
if n >= uint(maxParamCount) {
return maxParamCount
return uint8(n)
type nodeType uint8
const (
static nodeType = iota // default
type node struct {
path string
wildChild bool
nType nodeType
maxParams uint8
priority uint32
indices string
children []*node
handle Handle
// increments priority of the given child and reorders if necessary
func (n *node) incrementChildPrio(pos int) int {
prio := n.children[pos].priority
// adjust position (move to front)
newPos := pos
for newPos > 0 && n.children[newPos-1].priority < prio {
// swap node positions
n.children[newPos-1], n.children[newPos] = n.children[newPos], n.children[newPos-1]
// build new index char string
if newPos != pos {
n.indices = n.indices[:newPos] + // unchanged prefix, might be empty
n.indices[pos:pos+1] + // the index char we move
n.indices[newPos:pos] + n.indices[pos+1:] // rest without char at 'pos'
return newPos
// addRoute adds a node with the given handle to the path.
// Not concurrency-safe!
func (n *node) addRoute(path string, handle Handle) {
fullPath := path
numParams := countParams(path)
// non-empty tree
if len(n.path) > 0 || len(n.children) > 0 {
for {
// Update maxParams of the current node
if numParams > n.maxParams {
n.maxParams = numParams
// Find the longest common prefix.
// This also implies that the common prefix contains no ':' or '*'
// since the existing key can't contain those chars.
i := 0
max := min(len(path), len(n.path))
for i < max && path[i] == n.path[i] {
// Split edge
if i < len(n.path) {
child := node{
path: n.path[i:],
wildChild: n.wildChild,
nType: static,
indices: n.indices,
children: n.children,
handle: n.handle,
priority: n.priority - 1,
// Update maxParams (max of all children)
for i := range child.children {
if child.children[i].maxParams > child.maxParams {
child.maxParams = child.children[i].maxParams
n.children = []*node{&child}
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices = string([]byte{n.path[i]})
n.path = path[:i]
n.handle = nil
n.wildChild = false
// Make new node a child of this node
if i < len(path) {
path = path[i:]
if n.wildChild {
n = n.children[0]
// Update maxParams of the child node
if numParams > n.maxParams {
n.maxParams = numParams
// Check if the wildcard matches
if len(path) >= len(n.path) && n.path == path[:len(n.path)] &&
// Adding a child to a catchAll is not possible
n.nType != catchAll &&
// Check for longer wildcard, e.g. :name and :names
(len(n.path) >= len(path) || path[len(n.path)] == '/') {
continue walk
} else {
// Wildcard conflict
var pathSeg string
if n.nType == catchAll {
pathSeg = path
} else {
pathSeg = strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)[0]
prefix := fullPath[:strings.Index(fullPath, pathSeg)] + n.path
panic("'" + pathSeg +
"' in new path '" + fullPath +
"' conflicts with existing wildcard '" + n.path +
"' in existing prefix '" + prefix +
c := path[0]
// slash after param
if n.nType == param && c == '/' && len(n.children) == 1 {
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// Check if a child with the next path byte exists
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if c == n.indices[i] {
i = n.incrementChildPrio(i)
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// Otherwise insert it
if c != ':' && c != '*' {
// []byte for proper unicode char conversion, see #65
n.indices += string([]byte{c})
child := &node{
maxParams: numParams,
n.children = append(n.children, child)
n.incrementChildPrio(len(n.indices) - 1)
n = child
n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
} else if i == len(path) { // Make node a (in-path) leaf
if n.handle != nil {
panic("a handle is already registered for path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.handle = handle
} else { // Empty tree
n.insertChild(numParams, path, fullPath, handle)
n.nType = root
func (n *node) insertChild(numParams uint8, path, fullPath string, handle Handle) {
var offset int // already handled bytes of the path
// find prefix until first wildcard (beginning with ':'' or '*'')
for i, max := 0, len(path); numParams > 0; i++ {
c := path[i]
if c != ':' && c != '*' {
// find wildcard end (either '/' or path end)
end := i + 1
for end < max && path[end] != '/' {
switch path[end] {
// the wildcard name must not contain ':' and '*'
case ':', '*':
panic("only one wildcard per path segment is allowed, has: '" +
path[i:] + "' in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// check if this Node existing children which would be
// unreachable if we insert the wildcard here
if len(n.children) > 0 {
panic("wildcard route '" + path[i:end] +
"' conflicts with existing children in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// check if the wildcard has a name
if end-i < 2 {
panic("wildcards must be named with a non-empty name in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if c == ':' { // param
// split path at the beginning of the wildcard
if i > 0 {
n.path = path[offset:i]
offset = i
child := &node{
nType: param,
maxParams: numParams,
n.children = []*node{child}
n.wildChild = true
n = child
// if the path doesn't end with the wildcard, then there
// will be another non-wildcard subpath starting with '/'
if end < max {
n.path = path[offset:end]
offset = end
child := &node{
maxParams: numParams,
priority: 1,
n.children = []*node{child}
n = child
} else { // catchAll
if end != max || numParams > 1 {
panic("catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path in path '" + fullPath + "'")
if len(n.path) > 0 && n.path[len(n.path)-1] == '/' {
panic("catch-all conflicts with existing handle for the path segment root in path '" + fullPath + "'")
// currently fixed width 1 for '/'
if path[i] != '/' {
panic("no / before catch-all in path '" + fullPath + "'")
n.path = path[offset:i]
// first node: catchAll node with empty path
child := &node{
wildChild: true,
nType: catchAll,
maxParams: 1,
// update maxParams of the parent node
if n.maxParams < 1 {
n.maxParams = 1
n.children = []*node{child}
n.indices = string(path[i])
n = child
// second node: node holding the variable
child = &node{
path: path[i:],
nType: catchAll,
maxParams: 1,
handle: handle,
priority: 1,
n.children = []*node{child}
// insert remaining path part and handle to the leaf
n.path = path[offset:]
n.handle = handle
// Returns the handle registered with the given path (key). The values of
// wildcards are saved to a map.
// If no handle can be found, a TSR (trailing slash redirect) recommendation is
// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
// given path.
func (n *node) getValue(path string) (handle Handle, p Params, tsr bool) {
walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
for {
if len(path) > len(n.path) {
if path[:len(n.path)] == n.path {
path = path[len(n.path):]
// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll)
// child, we can just look up the next child node and continue
// to walk down the tree
if !n.wildChild {
c := path[0]
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if c == n.indices[i] {
n = n.children[i]
continue walk
// Nothing found.
// We can recommend to redirect to the same URL without a
// trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path.
tsr = (path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
// handle wildcard child
n = n.children[0]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
// save param value
if p == nil {
// lazy allocation
p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
i := len(p)
p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
p[i].Key = n.path[1:]
p[i].Value = path[:end]
// we need to go deeper!
if end < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
path = path[end:]
n = n.children[0]
continue walk
// ... but we can't
tsr = (len(path) == end+1)
if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
} else if len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for TSR recommendation
n = n.children[0]
tsr = (n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
case catchAll:
// save param value
if p == nil {
// lazy allocation
p = make(Params, 0, n.maxParams)
i := len(p)
p = p[:i+1] // expand slice within preallocated capacity
p[i].Key = n.path[2:]
p[i].Value = path
handle = n.handle
panic("invalid node type")
} else if path == n.path {
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
// Check if this node has a handle registered.
if handle = n.handle; handle != nil {
if path == "/" && n.wildChild && n.nType != root {
tsr = true
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists for trailing slash recommendation
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
tsr = (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil)
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL with an
// extra trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
tsr = (path == "/") ||
(len(n.path) == len(path)+1 && n.path[len(path)] == '/' &&
path == n.path[:len(n.path)-1] && n.handle != nil)
// Makes a case-insensitive lookup of the given path and tries to find a handler.
// It can optionally also fix trailing slashes.
// It returns the case-corrected path and a bool indicating whether the lookup
// was successful.
func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePath(path string, fixTrailingSlash bool) (ciPath []byte, found bool) {
return n.findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
make([]byte, 0, len(path)+1), // preallocate enough memory for new path
[4]byte{}, // empty rune buffer
// shift bytes in array by n bytes left
func shiftNRuneBytes(rb [4]byte, n int) [4]byte {
switch n {
case 0:
return rb
case 1:
return [4]byte{rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 0}
case 2:
return [4]byte{rb[2], rb[3]}
case 3:
return [4]byte{rb[3]}
return [4]byte{}
// recursive case-insensitive lookup function used by n.findCaseInsensitivePath
func (n *node) findCaseInsensitivePathRec(path string, ciPath []byte, rb [4]byte, fixTrailingSlash bool) ([]byte, bool) {
npLen := len(n.path)
walk: // outer loop for walking the tree
for len(path) >= npLen && (npLen == 0 || strings.EqualFold(path[1:npLen], n.path[1:])) {
// add common prefix to result
oldPath := path
path = path[npLen:]
ciPath = append(ciPath, n.path...)
if len(path) > 0 {
// If this node does not have a wildcard (param or catchAll) child,
// we can just look up the next child node and continue to walk down
// the tree
if !n.wildChild {
// skip rune bytes already processed
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, npLen)
if rb[0] != 0 {
// old rune not finished
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[i]
npLen = len(n.path)
continue walk
} else {
// process a new rune
var rv rune
// find rune start
// runes are up to 4 byte long,
// -4 would definitely be another rune
var off int
for max := min(npLen, 3); off < max; off++ {
if i := npLen - off; utf8.RuneStart(oldPath[i]) {
// read rune from cached path
rv, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(oldPath[i:])
// calculate lowercase bytes of current rune
lo := unicode.ToLower(rv)
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], lo)
// skip already processed bytes
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
// lowercase matches
if n.indices[i] == rb[0] {
// must use a recursive approach since both the
// uppercase byte and the lowercase byte might exist
// as an index
if out, found := n.children[i].findCaseInsensitivePathRec(
path, ciPath, rb, fixTrailingSlash,
); found {
return out, true
// if we found no match, the same for the uppercase rune,
// if it differs
if up := unicode.ToUpper(rv); up != lo {
utf8.EncodeRune(rb[:], up)
rb = shiftNRuneBytes(rb, off)
for i, c := 0, rb[0]; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
// uppercase matches
if n.indices[i] == c {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[i]
npLen = len(n.path)
continue walk
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL
// without a trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
return ciPath, (fixTrailingSlash && path == "/" && n.handle != nil)
n = n.children[0]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// find param end (either '/' or path end)
k := 0
for k < len(path) && path[k] != '/' {
// add param value to case insensitive path
ciPath = append(ciPath, path[:k]...)
// we need to go deeper!
if k < len(path) {
if len(n.children) > 0 {
// continue with child node
n = n.children[0]
npLen = len(n.path)
path = path[k:]
// ... but we can't
if fixTrailingSlash && len(path) == k+1 {
return ciPath, true
return ciPath, false
if n.handle != nil {
return ciPath, true
} else if fixTrailingSlash && len(n.children) == 1 {
// No handle found. Check if a handle for this path + a
// trailing slash exists
n = n.children[0]
if n.path == "/" && n.handle != nil {
return append(ciPath, '/'), true
return ciPath, false
case catchAll:
return append(ciPath, path...), true
panic("invalid node type")
} else {
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
// Check if this node has a handle registered.
if n.handle != nil {
return ciPath, true
// No handle found.
// Try to fix the path by adding a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
for i := 0; i < len(n.indices); i++ {
if n.indices[i] == '/' {
n = n.children[i]
if (len(n.path) == 1 && n.handle != nil) ||
(n.nType == catchAll && n.children[0].handle != nil) {
return append(ciPath, '/'), true
return ciPath, false
return ciPath, false
// Nothing found.
// Try to fix the path by adding / removing a trailing slash
if fixTrailingSlash {
if path == "/" {
return ciPath, true
if len(path)+1 == npLen && n.path[len(path)] == '/' &&
strings.EqualFold(path[1:], n.path[1:len(path)]) && n.handle != nil {
return append(ciPath, n.path...), true
return ciPath, false

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
set -eu
client_configure() {
sudo chmod 600 $PQSSLCERTTEST_PATH/postgresql.key
pgdg_repository() {
local sourcelist='sources.list.d/postgresql.list'
curl -sS '' | sudo apt-key add -
echo deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main $PGVERSION | sudo tee "/etc/apt/$sourcelist"
sudo apt-get -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="$sourcelist" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts='-' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup='0' update
postgresql_configure() {
sudo tee /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf > /dev/null <<-config
local all all trust
hostnossl all pqgossltest reject
hostnossl all pqgosslcert reject
hostssl all pqgossltest trust
hostssl all pqgosslcert cert
host all all trust
hostnossl all pqgossltest ::1/128 reject
hostnossl all pqgosslcert ::1/128 reject
hostssl all pqgossltest ::1/128 trust
hostssl all pqgosslcert ::1/128 cert
host all all ::1/128 trust
xargs sudo install -o postgres -g postgres -m 600 -t /var/lib/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/ <<-certificates
sort -VCu <<-versions ||
sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf > /dev/null <<-config
ssl_ca_file = 'root.crt'
ssl_cert_file = 'server.crt'
ssl_key_file = 'server.key'
echo postgres | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
sudo service postgresql restart
postgresql_install() {
xargs sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' install <<-packages
postgresql_uninstall() {
sudo service postgresql stop
xargs sudo apt-get -y --purge remove <<-packages
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.14.x
- 1.15.x
- master
sudo: true
- PGUSER=postgres
- GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0
- ./ postgresql_uninstall
- ./ pgdg_repository
- ./ postgresql_install
- ./ postgresql_configure
- ./ client_configure
- go get
- go get
- GO111MODULE=on go get
- createdb pqgotest
- createuser -DRS pqgossltest
- createuser -DRS pqgosslcert
- >
goimports -d -e $(find -name '*.go') | awk '{ print } END { exit NR == 0 ? 0 : 1 }'
- go vet ./...
- staticcheck -go 1.13 ./...
- golint ./...
- PQTEST_BINARY_PARAMETERS=no go test -race -v ./...
- PQTEST_BINARY_PARAMETERS=yes go test -race -v ./...

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2011-2013, 'pq' Contributors
Portions Copyright (C) 2011 Blake Mizerany
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# pq - A pure Go postgres driver for Go's database/sql package
## Install
go get
## Features
* Handles bad connections for `database/sql`
* Scan `time.Time` correctly (i.e. `timestamp[tz]`, `time[tz]`, `date`)
* Scan binary blobs correctly (i.e. `bytea`)
* Package for `hstore` support
* COPY FROM support
* pq.ParseURL for converting urls to connection strings for sql.Open.
* Many libpq compatible environment variables
* Unix socket support
* Notifications: `LISTEN`/`NOTIFY`
* pgpass support
* GSS (Kerberos) auth
## Tests
`go test` is used for testing. See []( for more details.
## Status
This package is effectively in maintenance mode and is not actively developed. Small patches and features are only rarely reviewed and merged. We recommend using [pgx]( which is actively maintained.

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Tests
## Running Tests
`go test` is used for testing. A running PostgreSQL
server is required, with the ability to log in. The
database to connect to test with is "pqgotest," on
"localhost" but these can be overridden using [environment
PGHOST=/run/postgresql go test
## Benchmarks
A benchmark suite can be run as part of the tests:
go test -bench .
## Example setup (Docker)
Run a postgres container:
docker run --expose 5432:5432 postgres
Run tests:
PGHOST=localhost PGPORT=5432 PGUSER=postgres PGSSLMODE=disable PGDATABASE=postgres go test

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
var typeByteSlice = reflect.TypeOf([]byte{})
var typeDriverValuer = reflect.TypeOf((*driver.Valuer)(nil)).Elem()
var typeSQLScanner = reflect.TypeOf((*sql.Scanner)(nil)).Elem()
// Array returns the optimal driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner for an array or
// slice of any dimension.
// For example:
// db.Query(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = ANY($1)`, pq.Array([]int{235, 401}))
// var x []sql.NullInt64
// db.QueryRow(`SELECT ARRAY[235, 401]`).Scan(pq.Array(&x))
// Scanning multi-dimensional arrays is not supported. Arrays where the lower
// bound is not one (such as `[0:0]={1}') are not supported.
func Array(a interface{}) interface {
} {
switch a := a.(type) {
case []bool:
return (*BoolArray)(&a)
case []float64:
return (*Float64Array)(&a)
case []float32:
return (*Float32Array)(&a)
case []int64:
return (*Int64Array)(&a)
case []int32:
return (*Int32Array)(&a)
case []string:
return (*StringArray)(&a)
case [][]byte:
return (*ByteaArray)(&a)
case *[]bool:
return (*BoolArray)(a)
case *[]float64:
return (*Float64Array)(a)
case *[]float32:
return (*Float32Array)(a)
case *[]int64:
return (*Int64Array)(a)
case *[]int32:
return (*Int32Array)(a)
case *[]string:
return (*StringArray)(a)
case *[][]byte:
return (*ByteaArray)(a)
return GenericArray{a}
// ArrayDelimiter may be optionally implemented by driver.Valuer or sql.Scanner
// to override the array delimiter used by GenericArray.
type ArrayDelimiter interface {
// ArrayDelimiter returns the delimiter character(s) for this element's type.
ArrayDelimiter() string
// BoolArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL boolean type.
type BoolArray []bool
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *BoolArray) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to BoolArray", src)
func (a *BoolArray) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "BoolArray")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(BoolArray, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
if len(v) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: could not parse boolean array index %d: invalid boolean %q", i, v)
switch v[0] {
case 't':
b[i] = true
case 'f':
b[i] = false
return fmt.Errorf("pq: could not parse boolean array index %d: invalid boolean %q", i, v)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a BoolArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be exactly two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1+2*n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
b[2*i] = ','
if a[i] {
b[1+2*i] = 't'
} else {
b[1+2*i] = 'f'
b[0] = '{'
b[2*n] = '}'
return string(b), nil
return "{}", nil
// ByteaArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL bytea type.
type ByteaArray [][]byte
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *ByteaArray) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to ByteaArray", src)
func (a *ByteaArray) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "ByteaArray")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(ByteaArray, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
b[i], err = parseBytea(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse bytea array index %d: %s", i, err.Error())
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface. It uses the "hex" format which
// is only supported on PostgreSQL 9.0 or newer.
func (a ByteaArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, 2*N bytes of quotes,
// 3*N bytes of hex formatting, and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
size := 1 + 6*n
for _, x := range a {
size += hex.EncodedLen(len(x))
b := make([]byte, size)
for i, s := 0, b; i < n; i++ {
o := copy(s, `,"\\x`)
o += hex.Encode(s[o:], a[i])
s[o] = '"'
s = s[o+1:]
b[0] = '{'
b[size-1] = '}'
return string(b), nil
return "{}", nil
// Float64Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL double
// precision type.
type Float64Array []float64
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Float64Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Float64Array", src)
func (a *Float64Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Float64Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Float64Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
if b[i], err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 64); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Float64Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, a[0], 'f', -1, 64)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, a[i], 'f', -1, 64)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// Float32Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL double
// precision type.
type Float32Array []float32
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Float32Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Float32Array", src)
func (a *Float32Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Float32Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Float32Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
var x float64
if x, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(v), 32); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
b[i] = float32(x)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Float32Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, float64(a[0]), 'f', -1, 32)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendFloat(b, float64(a[i]), 'f', -1, 32)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// GenericArray implements the driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner interfaces for
// an array or slice of any dimension.
type GenericArray struct{ A interface{} }
func (GenericArray) evaluateDestination(rt reflect.Type) (reflect.Type, func([]byte, reflect.Value) error, string) {
var assign func([]byte, reflect.Value) error
var del = ","
// TODO calculate the assign function for other types
// TODO repeat this section on the element type of arrays or slices (multidimensional)
if reflect.PtrTo(rt).Implements(typeSQLScanner) {
// dest is always addressable because it is an element of a slice.
assign = func(src []byte, dest reflect.Value) (err error) {
ss := dest.Addr().Interface().(sql.Scanner)
if src == nil {
err = ss.Scan(nil)
} else {
err = ss.Scan(src)
goto FoundType
assign = func([]byte, reflect.Value) error {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: scanning to %s is not implemented; only sql.Scanner", rt)
if ad, ok := reflect.Zero(rt).Interface().(ArrayDelimiter); ok {
del = ad.ArrayDelimiter()
return rt, assign, del
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a GenericArray) Scan(src interface{}) error {
dpv := reflect.ValueOf(a.A)
switch {
case dpv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr:
return fmt.Errorf("pq: destination %T is not a pointer to array or slice", a.A)
case dpv.IsNil():
return fmt.Errorf("pq: destination %T is nil", a.A)
dv := dpv.Elem()
switch dv.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
case reflect.Array:
return fmt.Errorf("pq: destination %T is not a pointer to array or slice", a.A)
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src, dv)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src), dv)
case nil:
if dv.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to %s", src, dv.Type())
func (a GenericArray) scanBytes(src []byte, dv reflect.Value) error {
dtype, assign, del := a.evaluateDestination(dv.Type().Elem())
dims, elems, err := parseArray(src, []byte(del))
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO allow multidimensional
if len(dims) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: scanning from multidimensional ARRAY%s is not implemented",
strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(dims), " ", "][", -1))
// Treat a zero-dimensional array like an array with a single dimension of zero.
if len(dims) == 0 {
dims = append(dims, 0)
for i, rt := 0, dv.Type(); i < len(dims); i, rt = i+1, rt.Elem() {
switch rt.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
case reflect.Array:
if rt.Len() != dims[i] {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert ARRAY%s to %s",
strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(dims), " ", "][", -1), dv.Type())
// TODO handle multidimensional
values := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(dtype), len(elems), len(elems))
for i, e := range elems {
if err := assign(e, values.Index(i)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
// TODO handle multidimensional
switch dv.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
dv.Set(values.Slice(0, dims[0]))
case reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < dims[0]; i++ {
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a GenericArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a.A == nil {
return nil, nil
rv := reflect.ValueOf(a.A)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
if rv.IsNil() {
return nil, nil
case reflect.Array:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: Unable to convert %T to array", a.A)
if n := rv.Len(); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 0, 1+2*n)
b, _, err := appendArray(b, rv, n)
return string(b), err
return "{}", nil
// Int64Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL integer types.
type Int64Array []int64
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Int64Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Int64Array", src)
func (a *Int64Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Int64Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Int64Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
if b[i], err = strconv.ParseInt(string(v), 10, 64); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Int64Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, a[0], 10)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, a[i], 10)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// Int32Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL integer types.
type Int32Array []int32
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *Int32Array) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to Int32Array", src)
func (a *Int32Array) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "Int32Array")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(Int32Array, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
var x int
if x, err = strconv.Atoi(string(v)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: %v", i, err)
b[i] = int32(x)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a Int32Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, N bytes of values,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+2*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(a[0]), 10)
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(a[i]), 10)
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// StringArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL character types.
type StringArray []string
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (a *StringArray) Scan(src interface{}) error {
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return a.scanBytes(src)
case string:
return a.scanBytes([]byte(src))
case nil:
*a = nil
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert %T to StringArray", src)
func (a *StringArray) scanBytes(src []byte) error {
elems, err := scanLinearArray(src, []byte{','}, "StringArray")
if err != nil {
return err
if *a != nil && len(elems) == 0 {
*a = (*a)[:0]
} else {
b := make(StringArray, len(elems))
for i, v := range elems {
if b[i] = string(v); v == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: parsing array element index %d: cannot convert nil to string", i)
*a = b
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (a StringArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if a == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(a); n > 0 {
// There will be at least two curly brackets, 2*N bytes of quotes,
// and N-1 bytes of delimiters.
b := make([]byte, 1, 1+3*n)
b[0] = '{'
b = appendArrayQuotedBytes(b, []byte(a[0]))
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, ',')
b = appendArrayQuotedBytes(b, []byte(a[i]))
return string(append(b, '}')), nil
return "{}", nil
// appendArray appends rv to the buffer, returning the extended buffer and
// the delimiter used between elements.
// It panics when n <= 0 or rv's Kind is not reflect.Array nor reflect.Slice.
func appendArray(b []byte, rv reflect.Value, n int) ([]byte, string, error) {
var del string
var err error
b = append(b, '{')
if b, del, err = appendArrayElement(b, rv.Index(0)); err != nil {
return b, del, err
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, del...)
if b, del, err = appendArrayElement(b, rv.Index(i)); err != nil {
return b, del, err
return append(b, '}'), del, nil
// appendArrayElement appends rv to the buffer, returning the extended buffer
// and the delimiter to use before the next element.
// When rv's Kind is neither reflect.Array nor reflect.Slice, it is converted
// using driver.DefaultParameterConverter and the resulting []byte or string
// is double-quoted.
// See
func appendArrayElement(b []byte, rv reflect.Value) ([]byte, string, error) {
if k := rv.Kind(); k == reflect.Array || k == reflect.Slice {
if t := rv.Type(); t != typeByteSlice && !t.Implements(typeDriverValuer) {
if n := rv.Len(); n > 0 {
return appendArray(b, rv, n)
return b, "", nil
var del = ","
var err error
var iv interface{} = rv.Interface()
if ad, ok := iv.(ArrayDelimiter); ok {
del = ad.ArrayDelimiter()
if iv, err = driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue(iv); err != nil {
return b, del, err
switch v := iv.(type) {
case nil:
return append(b, "NULL"...), del, nil
case []byte:
return appendArrayQuotedBytes(b, v), del, nil
case string:
return appendArrayQuotedBytes(b, []byte(v)), del, nil
b, err = appendValue(b, iv)
return b, del, err
func appendArrayQuotedBytes(b, v []byte) []byte {
b = append(b, '"')
for {
i := bytes.IndexAny(v, `"\`)
if i < 0 {
b = append(b, v...)
if i > 0 {
b = append(b, v[:i]...)
b = append(b, '\\', v[i])
v = v[i+1:]
return append(b, '"')
func appendValue(b []byte, v driver.Value) ([]byte, error) {
return append(b, encode(nil, v, 0)...), nil
// parseArray extracts the dimensions and elements of an array represented in
// text format. Only representations emitted by the backend are supported.
// Notably, whitespace around brackets and delimiters is significant, and NULL
// is case-sensitive.
// See
func parseArray(src, del []byte) (dims []int, elems [][]byte, err error) {
var depth, i int
if len(src) < 1 || src[0] != '{' {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to parse array; expected %q at offset %d", '{', 0)
for i < len(src) {
switch src[i] {
case '{':
case '}':
elems = make([][]byte, 0)
goto Close
break Open
dims = make([]int, i)
for i < len(src) {
switch src[i] {
case '{':
if depth == len(dims) {
break Element
dims[depth-1] = 0
case '"':
var elem = []byte{}
var escape bool
for i++; i < len(src); i++ {
if escape {
elem = append(elem, src[i])
escape = false
} else {
switch src[i] {
elem = append(elem, src[i])
case '\\':
escape = true
case '"':
elems = append(elems, elem)
break Element
for start := i; i < len(src); i++ {
if bytes.HasPrefix(src[i:], del) || src[i] == '}' {
elem := src[start:i]
if len(elem) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to parse array; unexpected %q at offset %d", src[i], i)
if bytes.Equal(elem, []byte("NULL")) {
elem = nil
elems = append(elems, elem)
break Element
for i < len(src) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(src[i:], del) && depth > 0 {
i += len(del)
goto Element
} else if src[i] == '}' && depth > 0 {
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to parse array; unexpected %q at offset %d", src[i], i)
for i < len(src) {
if src[i] == '}' && depth > 0 {
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to parse array; unexpected %q at offset %d", src[i], i)
if depth > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to parse array; expected %q at offset %d", '}', i)
if err == nil {
for _, d := range dims {
if (len(elems) % d) != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("pq: multidimensional arrays must have elements with matching dimensions")
func scanLinearArray(src, del []byte, typ string) (elems [][]byte, err error) {
dims, elems, err := parseArray(src, del)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(dims) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: cannot convert ARRAY%s to %s", strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(dims), " ", "][", -1), typ)
return elems, err

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@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
type readBuf []byte
func (b *readBuf) int32() (n int) {
n = int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(*b)))
*b = (*b)[4:]
func (b *readBuf) oid() (n oid.Oid) {
n = oid.Oid(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(*b))
*b = (*b)[4:]
// N.B: this is actually an unsigned 16-bit integer, unlike int32
func (b *readBuf) int16() (n int) {
n = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(*b))
*b = (*b)[2:]
func (b *readBuf) string() string {
i := bytes.IndexByte(*b, 0)
if i < 0 {
errorf("invalid message format; expected string terminator")
s := (*b)[:i]
*b = (*b)[i+1:]
return string(s)
func (b *readBuf) next(n int) (v []byte) {
v = (*b)[:n]
*b = (*b)[n:]
func (b *readBuf) byte() byte {
type writeBuf struct {
buf []byte
pos int
func (b *writeBuf) int32(n int) {
x := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(x, uint32(n))
b.buf = append(b.buf, x...)
func (b *writeBuf) int16(n int) {
x := make([]byte, 2)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(x, uint16(n))
b.buf = append(b.buf, x...)
func (b *writeBuf) string(s string) {
b.buf = append(append(b.buf, s...), '\000')
func (b *writeBuf) byte(c byte) {
b.buf = append(b.buf, c)
func (b *writeBuf) bytes(v []byte) {
b.buf = append(b.buf, v...)
func (b *writeBuf) wrap() []byte {
p := b.buf[b.pos:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(p, uint32(len(p)))
return b.buf
func (b *writeBuf) next(c byte) {
p := b.buf[b.pos:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(p, uint32(len(p)))
b.pos = len(b.buf) + 1
b.buf = append(b.buf, c, 0, 0, 0, 0)

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
// Implement the "QueryerContext" interface
func (cn *conn) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) {
list := make([]driver.Value, len(args))
for i, nv := range args {
list[i] = nv.Value
finish := cn.watchCancel(ctx)
r, err := cn.query(query, list)
if err != nil {
if finish != nil {
return nil, err
r.finish = finish
return r, nil
// Implement the "ExecerContext" interface
func (cn *conn) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) {
list := make([]driver.Value, len(args))
for i, nv := range args {
list[i] = nv.Value
if finish := cn.watchCancel(ctx); finish != nil {
defer finish()
return cn.Exec(query, list)
// Implement the "ConnBeginTx" interface
func (cn *conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error) {
var mode string
switch sql.IsolationLevel(opts.Isolation) {
case sql.LevelDefault:
// Don't touch mode: use the server's default
case sql.LevelReadUncommitted:
case sql.LevelReadCommitted:
case sql.LevelRepeatableRead:
case sql.LevelSerializable:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: isolation level not supported: %d", opts.Isolation)
if opts.ReadOnly {
mode += " READ ONLY"
} else {
mode += " READ WRITE"
tx, err := cn.begin(mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cn.txnFinish = cn.watchCancel(ctx)
return tx, nil
func (cn *conn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
if finish := cn.watchCancel(ctx); finish != nil {
defer finish()
rows, err := cn.simpleQuery(";")
if err != nil {
return driver.ErrBadConn //
return nil
func (cn *conn) watchCancel(ctx context.Context) func() {
if done := ctx.Done(); done != nil {
finished := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
select {
case finished <- struct{}{}:
// We raced with the finish func, let the next query handle this with the
// context.
// Set the connection state to bad so it does not get reused.
// At this point the function level context is canceled,
// so it must not be used for the additional network
// request to cancel the query.
// Create a new context to pass into the dial.
ctxCancel, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
_ = cn.cancel(ctxCancel)
case <-finished:
return func() {
select {
case <-finished:
case finished <- struct{}{}:
return nil
func (cn *conn) cancel(ctx context.Context) error {
// Create a new values map (copy). This makes sure the connection created
// in this method cannot write to the same underlying data, which could
// cause a concurrent map write panic. This is necessary because cancel
// is called from a goroutine in watchCancel.
o := make(values)
for k, v := range cn.opts {
o[k] = v
c, err := dial(ctx, cn.dialer, o)
if err != nil {
return err
defer c.Close()
bad := &atomic.Value{}
can := conn{
c: c,
bad: bad,
err = can.ssl(o)
if err != nil {
return err
w := can.writeBuf(0)
w.int32(80877102) // cancel request code
if err := can.sendStartupPacket(w); err != nil {
return err
// Read until EOF to ensure that the server received the cancel.
_, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, c)
return err

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
// Connector represents a fixed configuration for the pq driver with a given
// name. Connector satisfies the database/sql/driver Connector interface and
// can be used to create any number of DB Conn's via the database/sql OpenDB
// function.
// See
// See
type Connector struct {
opts values
dialer Dialer
// Connect returns a connection to the database using the fixed configuration
// of this Connector. Context is not used.
func (c *Connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) {
// Driver returns the underlying driver of this Connector.
func (c *Connector) Driver() driver.Driver {
return &Driver{}
// NewConnector returns a connector for the pq driver in a fixed configuration
// with the given dsn. The returned connector can be used to create any number
// of equivalent Conn's. The returned connector is intended to be used with
// database/sql.OpenDB.
// See
// See
func NewConnector(dsn string) (*Connector, error) {
var err error
o := make(values)
// A number of defaults are applied here, in this order:
// * Very low precedence defaults applied in every situation
// * Environment variables
// * Explicitly passed connection information
o["host"] = "localhost"
o["port"] = "5432"
// N.B.: Extra float digits should be set to 3, but that breaks
// Postgres 8.4 and older, where the max is 2.
o["extra_float_digits"] = "2"
for k, v := range parseEnviron(os.Environ()) {
o[k] = v
if strings.HasPrefix(dsn, "postgres://") || strings.HasPrefix(dsn, "postgresql://") {
dsn, err = ParseURL(dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := parseOpts(dsn, o); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use the "fallback" application name if necessary
if fallback, ok := o["fallback_application_name"]; ok {
if _, ok := o["application_name"]; !ok {
o["application_name"] = fallback
// We can't work with any client_encoding other than UTF-8 currently.
// However, we have historically allowed the user to set it to UTF-8
// explicitly, and there's no reason to break such programs, so allow that.
// Note that the "options" setting could also set client_encoding, but
// parsing its value is not worth it. Instead, we always explicitly send
// client_encoding as a separate run-time parameter, which should override
// anything set in options.
if enc, ok := o["client_encoding"]; ok && !isUTF8(enc) {
return nil, errors.New("client_encoding must be absent or 'UTF8'")
o["client_encoding"] = "UTF8"
// DateStyle needs a similar treatment.
if datestyle, ok := o["datestyle"]; ok {
if datestyle != "ISO, MDY" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("setting datestyle must be absent or %v; got %v", "ISO, MDY", datestyle)
} else {
o["datestyle"] = "ISO, MDY"
// If a user is not provided by any other means, the last
// resort is to use the current operating system provided user
// name.
if _, ok := o["user"]; !ok {
u, err := userCurrent()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
o["user"] = u
// SSL is not necessary or supported over UNIX domain sockets
if network, _ := network(o); network == "unix" {
o["sslmode"] = "disable"
return &Connector{opts: o, dialer: defaultDialer{}}, nil

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@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
var (
errCopyInClosed = errors.New("pq: copyin statement has already been closed")
errBinaryCopyNotSupported = errors.New("pq: only text format supported for COPY")
errCopyToNotSupported = errors.New("pq: COPY TO is not supported")
errCopyNotSupportedOutsideTxn = errors.New("pq: COPY is only allowed inside a transaction")
errCopyInProgress = errors.New("pq: COPY in progress")
// CopyIn creates a COPY FROM statement which can be prepared with
// Tx.Prepare(). The target table should be visible in search_path.
func CopyIn(table string, columns ...string) string {
stmt := "COPY " + QuoteIdentifier(table) + " ("
for i, col := range columns {
if i != 0 {
stmt += ", "
stmt += QuoteIdentifier(col)
stmt += ") FROM STDIN"
return stmt
// CopyInSchema creates a COPY FROM statement which can be prepared with
// Tx.Prepare().
func CopyInSchema(schema, table string, columns ...string) string {
stmt := "COPY " + QuoteIdentifier(schema) + "." + QuoteIdentifier(table) + " ("
for i, col := range columns {
if i != 0 {
stmt += ", "
stmt += QuoteIdentifier(col)
stmt += ") FROM STDIN"
return stmt
type copyin struct {
cn *conn
buffer []byte
rowData chan []byte
done chan bool
closed bool
sync.Mutex // guards err
err error
const ciBufferSize = 64 * 1024
// flush buffer before the buffer is filled up and needs reallocation
const ciBufferFlushSize = 63 * 1024
func (cn *conn) prepareCopyIn(q string) (_ driver.Stmt, err error) {
if !cn.isInTransaction() {
return nil, errCopyNotSupportedOutsideTxn
ci := &copyin{
cn: cn,
buffer: make([]byte, 0, ciBufferSize),
rowData: make(chan []byte),
done: make(chan bool, 1),
// add CopyData identifier + 4 bytes for message length
ci.buffer = append(ci.buffer, 'd', 0, 0, 0, 0)
b := cn.writeBuf('Q')
for {
t, r := cn.recv1()
switch t {
case 'G':
if r.byte() != 0 {
err = errBinaryCopyNotSupported
break awaitCopyInResponse
go ci.resploop()
return ci, nil
case 'H':
err = errCopyToNotSupported
break awaitCopyInResponse
case 'E':
err = parseError(r)
case 'Z':
if err == nil {
errorf("unexpected ReadyForQuery in response to COPY")
return nil, err
errorf("unknown response for copy query: %q", t)
// something went wrong, abort COPY before we return
b = cn.writeBuf('f')
for {
t, r := cn.recv1()
switch t {
case 'c', 'C', 'E':
case 'Z':
// correctly aborted, we're done
return nil, err
errorf("unknown response for CopyFail: %q", t)
func (ci *copyin) flush(buf []byte) {
// set message length (without message identifier)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:], uint32(len(buf)-1))
_, err :=
if err != nil {
func (ci *copyin) resploop() {
for {
var r readBuf
t, err :=
if err != nil {
ci.done <- true
switch t {
case 'C':
// complete
res, _ :=
case 'N':
if n :=; n != nil {
case 'Z':
ci.done <- true
case 'E':
err := parseError(&r)
ci.setError(fmt.Errorf("unknown response during CopyIn: %q", t))
ci.done <- true
func (ci *copyin) setBad() {
func (ci *copyin) isBad() bool {
b :=
return b
func (ci *copyin) isErrorSet() bool {
isSet := (ci.err != nil)
return isSet
// setError() sets ci.err if one has not been set already. Caller must not be
// holding ci.Mutex.
func (ci *copyin) setError(err error) {
if ci.err == nil {
ci.err = err
func (ci *copyin) setResult(result driver.Result) {
ci.Result = result
func (ci *copyin) getResult() driver.Result {
result := ci.Result
if result == nil {
return driver.RowsAffected(0)
return result
func (ci *copyin) NumInput() int {
return -1
func (ci *copyin) Query(v []driver.Value) (r driver.Rows, err error) {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
// Exec inserts values into the COPY stream. The insert is asynchronous
// and Exec can return errors from previous Exec calls to the same
// COPY stmt.
// You need to call Exec(nil) to sync the COPY stream and to get any
// errors from pending data, since Stmt.Close() doesn't return errors
// to the user.
func (ci *copyin) Exec(v []driver.Value) (r driver.Result, err error) {
if ci.closed {
return nil, errCopyInClosed
if ci.isBad() {
return nil, driver.ErrBadConn
if ci.isErrorSet() {
return nil, ci.err
if len(v) == 0 {
if err := ci.Close(); err != nil {
return driver.RowsAffected(0), err
return ci.getResult(), nil
numValues := len(v)
for i, value := range v {
ci.buffer = appendEncodedText(&, ci.buffer, value)
if i < numValues-1 {
ci.buffer = append(ci.buffer, '\t')
ci.buffer = append(ci.buffer, '\n')
if len(ci.buffer) > ciBufferFlushSize {
// reset buffer, keep bytes for message identifier and length
ci.buffer = ci.buffer[:5]
return driver.RowsAffected(0), nil
func (ci *copyin) Close() (err error) {
if ci.closed { // Don't do anything, we're already closed
return nil
ci.closed = true
if ci.isBad() {
return driver.ErrBadConn
if len(ci.buffer) > 0 {
// Avoid touching the scratch buffer as resploop could be using it.
err ='c')
if err != nil {
return err
<-ci.done = false
if ci.isErrorSet() {
err = ci.err
return err
return nil

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@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package.
In most cases clients will use the database/sql package instead of
using this package directly. For example:
import (
_ ""
func main() {
connStr := "user=pqgotest dbname=pqgotest sslmode=verify-full"
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
if err != nil {
age := 21
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = $1", age)
You can also connect to a database using a URL. For example:
connStr := "postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=verify-full"
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
Connection String Parameters
Similarly to libpq, when establishing a connection using pq you are expected to
supply a connection string containing zero or more parameters.
A subset of the connection parameters supported by libpq are also supported by pq.
Additionally, pq also lets you specify run-time parameters (such as search_path or work_mem)
directly in the connection string. This is different from libpq, which does not allow
run-time parameters in the connection string, instead requiring you to supply
them in the options parameter.
For compatibility with libpq, the following special connection parameters are
* dbname - The name of the database to connect to
* user - The user to sign in as
* password - The user's password
* host - The host to connect to. Values that start with / are for unix
domain sockets. (default is localhost)
* port - The port to bind to. (default is 5432)
* sslmode - Whether or not to use SSL (default is require, this is not
the default for libpq)
* fallback_application_name - An application_name to fall back to if one isn't provided.
* connect_timeout - Maximum wait for connection, in seconds. Zero or
not specified means wait indefinitely.
* sslcert - Cert file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
* sslkey - Key file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
* sslrootcert - The location of the root certificate file. The file
must contain PEM encoded data.
Valid values for sslmode are:
* disable - No SSL
* require - Always SSL (skip verification)
* verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the
server was signed by a trusted CA)
* verify-full - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by
the server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name
matches the one in the certificate)
for more information about connection string parameters.
Use single quotes for values that contain whitespace:
"user=pqgotest password='with spaces'"
A backslash will escape the next character in values:
"user=space\ man password='it\'s valid'"
Note that the connection parameter client_encoding (which sets the
text encoding for the connection) may be set but must be "UTF8",
matching with the same rules as Postgres. It is an error to provide
any other value.
In addition to the parameters listed above, any run-time parameter that can be
set at backend start time can be set in the connection string. For more
information, see
Most environment variables as specified at
supported by libpq are also supported by pq. If any of the environment
variables not supported by pq are set, pq will panic during connection
establishment. Environment variables have a lower precedence than explicitly
provided connection parameters.
The pgpass mechanism as described in
is supported, but on Windows PGPASSFILE must be specified explicitly.
database/sql does not dictate any specific format for parameter
markers in query strings, and pq uses the Postgres-native ordinal markers,
as shown above. The same marker can be reused for the same parameter:
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT name FROM users WHERE favorite_fruit = $1
OR age BETWEEN $2 AND $2 + 3`, "orange", 64)
pq does not support the LastInsertId() method of the Result type in database/sql.
To return the identifier of an INSERT (or UPDATE or DELETE), use the Postgres
RETURNING clause with a standard Query or QueryRow call:
var userid int
err := db.QueryRow(`INSERT INTO users(name, favorite_fruit, age)
VALUES('beatrice', 'starfruit', 93) RETURNING id`).Scan(&userid)
For more details on RETURNING, see the Postgres documentation:
For additional instructions on querying see the documentation for the database/sql package.
Data Types
Parameters pass through driver.DefaultParameterConverter before they are handled
by this package. When the binary_parameters connection option is enabled,
[]byte values are sent directly to the backend as data in binary format.
This package returns the following types for values from the PostgreSQL backend:
- integer types smallint, integer, and bigint are returned as int64
- floating-point types real and double precision are returned as float64
- character types char, varchar, and text are returned as string
- temporal types date, time, timetz, timestamp, and timestamptz are
returned as time.Time
- the boolean type is returned as bool
- the bytea type is returned as []byte
All other types are returned directly from the backend as []byte values in text format.
pq may return errors of type *pq.Error which can be interrogated for error details:
if err, ok := err.(*pq.Error); ok {
fmt.Println("pq error:", err.Code.Name())
See the pq.Error type for details.
Bulk imports
You can perform bulk imports by preparing a statement returned by pq.CopyIn (or
pq.CopyInSchema) in an explicit transaction (sql.Tx). The returned statement
handle can then be repeatedly "executed" to copy data into the target table.
After all data has been processed you should call Exec() once with no arguments
to flush all buffered data. Any call to Exec() might return an error which
should be handled appropriately, but because of the internal buffering an error
returned by Exec() might not be related to the data passed in the call that
CopyIn uses COPY FROM internally. It is not possible to COPY outside of an
explicit transaction in pq.
Usage example:
txn, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
stmt, err := txn.Prepare(pq.CopyIn("users", "name", "age"))
if err != nil {
for _, user := range users {
_, err = stmt.Exec(user.Name, int64(user.Age))
if err != nil {
_, err = stmt.Exec()
if err != nil {
err = stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
err = txn.Commit()
if err != nil {
PostgreSQL supports a simple publish/subscribe model over database
connections. See
for more information about the general mechanism.
To start listening for notifications, you first have to open a new connection
to the database by calling NewListener. This connection can not be used for
anything other than LISTEN / NOTIFY. Calling Listen will open a "notification
channel"; once a notification channel is open, a notification generated on that
channel will effect a send on the Listener.Notify channel. A notification
channel will remain open until Unlisten is called, though connection loss might
result in some notifications being lost. To solve this problem, Listener sends
a nil pointer over the Notify channel any time the connection is re-established
following a connection loss. The application can get information about the
state of the underlying connection by setting an event callback in the call to
A single Listener can safely be used from concurrent goroutines, which means
that there is often no need to create more than one Listener in your
application. However, a Listener is always connected to a single database, so
you will need to create a new Listener instance for every database you want to
receive notifications in.
The channel name in both Listen and Unlisten is case sensitive, and can contain
any characters legal in an identifier (see
for more information). Note that the channel name will be truncated to 63
bytes by the PostgreSQL server.
You can find a complete, working example of Listener usage at
Kerberos Support
If you need support for Kerberos authentication, add the following to your main
import ""
func init() {
pq.RegisterGSSProvider(func() (pq.Gss, error) { return kerberos.NewGSS() })
This package is in a separate module so that users who don't need Kerberos
don't have to download unnecessary dependencies.
When imported, additional connection string parameters are supported:
* krbsrvname - GSS (Kerberos) service name when constructing the
SPN (default is `postgres`). This will be combined with the host
to form the full SPN: `krbsrvname/host`.
* krbspn - GSS (Kerberos) SPN. This takes priority over
`krbsrvname` if present.
package pq

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@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
var time2400Regex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(24:00(?::00(?:\.0+)?)?)(?:[Z+-].*)?$`)
func binaryEncode(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, x interface{}) []byte {
switch v := x.(type) {
case []byte:
return v
return encode(parameterStatus, x, oid.T_unknown)
func encode(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, x interface{}, pgtypOid oid.Oid) []byte {
switch v := x.(type) {
case int64:
return strconv.AppendInt(nil, v, 10)
case float64:
return strconv.AppendFloat(nil, v, 'f', -1, 64)
case []byte:
if pgtypOid == oid.T_bytea {
return encodeBytea(parameterStatus.serverVersion, v)
return v
case string:
if pgtypOid == oid.T_bytea {
return encodeBytea(parameterStatus.serverVersion, []byte(v))
return []byte(v)
case bool:
return strconv.AppendBool(nil, v)
case time.Time:
return formatTs(v)
errorf("encode: unknown type for %T", v)
panic("not reached")
func decode(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, s []byte, typ oid.Oid, f format) interface{} {
switch f {
case formatBinary:
return binaryDecode(parameterStatus, s, typ)
case formatText:
return textDecode(parameterStatus, s, typ)
panic("not reached")
func binaryDecode(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, s []byte, typ oid.Oid) interface{} {
switch typ {
case oid.T_bytea:
return s
case oid.T_int8:
return int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s))
case oid.T_int4:
return int64(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(s)))
case oid.T_int2:
return int64(int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(s)))
case oid.T_uuid:
b, err := decodeUUIDBinary(s)
if err != nil {
return b
errorf("don't know how to decode binary parameter of type %d", uint32(typ))
panic("not reached")
func textDecode(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, s []byte, typ oid.Oid) interface{} {
switch typ {
case oid.T_char, oid.T_varchar, oid.T_text:
return string(s)
case oid.T_bytea:
b, err := parseBytea(s)
if err != nil {
errorf("%s", err)
return b
case oid.T_timestamptz:
return parseTs(parameterStatus.currentLocation, string(s))
case oid.T_timestamp, oid.T_date:
return parseTs(nil, string(s))
case oid.T_time:
return mustParse("15:04:05", typ, s)
case oid.T_timetz:
return mustParse("15:04:05-07", typ, s)
case oid.T_bool:
return s[0] == 't'
case oid.T_int8, oid.T_int4, oid.T_int2:
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(s), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
errorf("%s", err)
return i
case oid.T_float4, oid.T_float8:
// We always use 64 bit parsing, regardless of whether the input text is for
// a float4 or float8, because clients expect float64s for all float datatypes
// and returning a 32-bit parsed float64 produces lossy results.
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(s), 64)
if err != nil {
errorf("%s", err)
return f
return s
// appendEncodedText encodes item in text format as required by COPY
// and appends to buf
func appendEncodedText(parameterStatus *parameterStatus, buf []byte, x interface{}) []byte {
switch v := x.(type) {
case int64:
return strconv.AppendInt(buf, v, 10)
case float64:
return strconv.AppendFloat(buf, v, 'f', -1, 64)
case []byte:
encodedBytea := encodeBytea(parameterStatus.serverVersion, v)
return appendEscapedText(buf, string(encodedBytea))
case string:
return appendEscapedText(buf, v)
case bool:
return strconv.AppendBool(buf, v)
case time.Time:
return append(buf, formatTs(v)...)
case nil:
return append(buf, "\\N"...)
errorf("encode: unknown type for %T", v)
panic("not reached")
func appendEscapedText(buf []byte, text string) []byte {
escapeNeeded := false
startPos := 0
var c byte
// check if we need to escape
for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
c = text[i]
if c == '\\' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' {
escapeNeeded = true
startPos = i
if !escapeNeeded {
return append(buf, text...)
// copy till first char to escape, iterate the rest
result := append(buf, text[:startPos]...)
for i := startPos; i < len(text); i++ {
c = text[i]
switch c {
case '\\':
result = append(result, '\\', '\\')
case '\n':
result = append(result, '\\', 'n')
case '\r':
result = append(result, '\\', 'r')
case '\t':
result = append(result, '\\', 't')
result = append(result, c)
return result
func mustParse(f string, typ oid.Oid, s []byte) time.Time {
str := string(s)
// check for a 30-minute-offset timezone
if (typ == oid.T_timestamptz || typ == oid.T_timetz) &&
str[len(str)-3] == ':' {
f += ":00"
// Special case for 24:00 time.
// Unfortunately, golang does not parse 24:00 as a proper time.
// In this case, we want to try "round to the next day", to differentiate.
// As such, we find if the 24:00 time matches at the beginning; if so,
// we default it back to 00:00 but add a day later.
var is2400Time bool
switch typ {
case oid.T_timetz, oid.T_time:
if matches := time2400Regex.FindStringSubmatch(str); matches != nil {
// Concatenate timezone information at the back.
str = "00:00:00" + str[len(matches[1]):]
is2400Time = true
t, err := time.Parse(f, str)
if err != nil {
errorf("decode: %s", err)
if is2400Time {
t = t.Add(24 * time.Hour)
return t
var errInvalidTimestamp = errors.New("invalid timestamp")
type timestampParser struct {
err error
func (p *timestampParser) expect(str string, char byte, pos int) {
if p.err != nil {
if pos+1 > len(str) {
p.err = errInvalidTimestamp
if c := str[pos]; c != char && p.err == nil {
p.err = fmt.Errorf("expected '%v' at position %v; got '%v'", char, pos, c)
func (p *timestampParser) mustAtoi(str string, begin int, end int) int {
if p.err != nil {
return 0
if begin < 0 || end < 0 || begin > end || end > len(str) {
p.err = errInvalidTimestamp
return 0
result, err := strconv.Atoi(str[begin:end])
if err != nil {
if p.err == nil {
p.err = fmt.Errorf("expected number; got '%v'", str)
return 0
return result
// The location cache caches the time zones typically used by the client.
type locationCache struct {
cache map[int]*time.Location
lock sync.Mutex
// All connections share the same list of timezones. Benchmarking shows that
// about 5% speed could be gained by putting the cache in the connection and
// losing the mutex, at the cost of a small amount of memory and a somewhat
// significant increase in code complexity.
var globalLocationCache = newLocationCache()
func newLocationCache() *locationCache {
return &locationCache{cache: make(map[int]*time.Location)}
// Returns the cached timezone for the specified offset, creating and caching
// it if necessary.
func (c *locationCache) getLocation(offset int) *time.Location {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
location, ok := c.cache[offset]
if !ok {
location = time.FixedZone("", offset)
c.cache[offset] = location
return location
var infinityTsEnabled = false
var infinityTsNegative time.Time
var infinityTsPositive time.Time
const (
infinityTsEnabledAlready = "pq: infinity timestamp enabled already"
infinityTsNegativeMustBeSmaller = "pq: infinity timestamp: negative value must be smaller (before) than positive"
// EnableInfinityTs controls the handling of Postgres' "-infinity" and
// "infinity" "timestamp"s.
// If EnableInfinityTs is not called, "-infinity" and "infinity" will return
// []byte("-infinity") and []byte("infinity") respectively, and potentially
// cause error "sql: Scan error on column index 0: unsupported driver -> Scan
// pair: []uint8 -> *time.Time", when scanning into a time.Time value.
// Once EnableInfinityTs has been called, all connections created using this
// driver will decode Postgres' "-infinity" and "infinity" for "timestamp",
// "timestamp with time zone" and "date" types to the predefined minimum and
// maximum times, respectively. When encoding time.Time values, any time which
// equals or precedes the predefined minimum time will be encoded to
// "-infinity". Any values at or past the maximum time will similarly be
// encoded to "infinity".
// If EnableInfinityTs is called with negative >= positive, it will panic.
// Calling EnableInfinityTs after a connection has been established results in
// undefined behavior. If EnableInfinityTs is called more than once, it will
// panic.
func EnableInfinityTs(negative time.Time, positive time.Time) {
if infinityTsEnabled {
if !negative.Before(positive) {
infinityTsEnabled = true
infinityTsNegative = negative
infinityTsPositive = positive
* Testing might want to toggle infinityTsEnabled
func disableInfinityTs() {
infinityTsEnabled = false
// This is a time function specific to the Postgres default DateStyle
// setting ("ISO, MDY"), the only one we currently support. This
// accounts for the discrepancies between the parsing available with
// time.Parse and the Postgres date formatting quirks.
func parseTs(currentLocation *time.Location, str string) interface{} {
switch str {
case "-infinity":
if infinityTsEnabled {
return infinityTsNegative
return []byte(str)
case "infinity":
if infinityTsEnabled {
return infinityTsPositive
return []byte(str)
t, err := ParseTimestamp(currentLocation, str)
if err != nil {
return t
// ParseTimestamp parses Postgres' text format. It returns a time.Time in
// currentLocation iff that time's offset agrees with the offset sent from the
// Postgres server. Otherwise, ParseTimestamp returns a time.Time with the
// fixed offset offset provided by the Postgres server.
func ParseTimestamp(currentLocation *time.Location, str string) (time.Time, error) {
p := timestampParser{}
monSep := strings.IndexRune(str, '-')
// this is Gregorian year, not ISO Year
// In Gregorian system, the year 1 BC is followed by AD 1
year := p.mustAtoi(str, 0, monSep)
daySep := monSep + 3
month := p.mustAtoi(str, monSep+1, daySep)
p.expect(str, '-', daySep)
timeSep := daySep + 3
day := p.mustAtoi(str, daySep+1, timeSep)
minLen := monSep + len("01-01") + 1
isBC := strings.HasSuffix(str, " BC")
if isBC {
minLen += 3
var hour, minute, second int
if len(str) > minLen {
p.expect(str, ' ', timeSep)
minSep := timeSep + 3
p.expect(str, ':', minSep)
hour = p.mustAtoi(str, timeSep+1, minSep)
secSep := minSep + 3
p.expect(str, ':', secSep)
minute = p.mustAtoi(str, minSep+1, secSep)
secEnd := secSep + 3
second = p.mustAtoi(str, secSep+1, secEnd)
remainderIdx := monSep + len("01-01 00:00:00") + 1
// Three optional (but ordered) sections follow: the
// fractional seconds, the time zone offset, and the BC
// designation. We set them up here and adjust the other
// offsets if the preceding sections exist.
nanoSec := 0
tzOff := 0
if remainderIdx < len(str) && str[remainderIdx] == '.' {
fracStart := remainderIdx + 1
fracOff := strings.IndexAny(str[fracStart:], "-+ ")
if fracOff < 0 {
fracOff = len(str) - fracStart
fracSec := p.mustAtoi(str, fracStart, fracStart+fracOff)
nanoSec = fracSec * (1000000000 / int(math.Pow(10, float64(fracOff))))
remainderIdx += fracOff + 1
if tzStart := remainderIdx; tzStart < len(str) && (str[tzStart] == '-' || str[tzStart] == '+') {
// time zone separator is always '-' or '+' (UTC is +00)
var tzSign int
switch c := str[tzStart]; c {
case '-':
tzSign = -1
case '+':
tzSign = +1
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("expected '-' or '+' at position %v; got %v", tzStart, c)
tzHours := p.mustAtoi(str, tzStart+1, tzStart+3)
remainderIdx += 3
var tzMin, tzSec int
if remainderIdx < len(str) && str[remainderIdx] == ':' {
tzMin = p.mustAtoi(str, remainderIdx+1, remainderIdx+3)
remainderIdx += 3
if remainderIdx < len(str) && str[remainderIdx] == ':' {
tzSec = p.mustAtoi(str, remainderIdx+1, remainderIdx+3)
remainderIdx += 3
tzOff = tzSign * ((tzHours * 60 * 60) + (tzMin * 60) + tzSec)
var isoYear int
if isBC {
isoYear = 1 - year
remainderIdx += 3
} else {
isoYear = year
if remainderIdx < len(str) {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("expected end of input, got %v", str[remainderIdx:])
t := time.Date(isoYear, time.Month(month), day,
hour, minute, second, nanoSec,
if currentLocation != nil {
// Set the location of the returned Time based on the session's
// TimeZone value, but only if the local time zone database agrees with
// the remote database on the offset.
lt := t.In(currentLocation)
_, newOff := lt.Zone()
if newOff == tzOff {
t = lt
return t, p.err
// formatTs formats t into a format postgres understands.
func formatTs(t time.Time) []byte {
if infinityTsEnabled {
// t <= -infinity : ! (t > -infinity)
if !t.After(infinityTsNegative) {
return []byte("-infinity")
// t >= infinity : ! (!t < infinity)
if !t.Before(infinityTsPositive) {
return []byte("infinity")
return FormatTimestamp(t)
// FormatTimestamp formats t into Postgres' text format for timestamps.
func FormatTimestamp(t time.Time) []byte {
// Need to send dates before 0001 A.D. with " BC" suffix, instead of the
// minus sign preferred by Go.
// Beware, "0000" in ISO is "1 BC", "-0001" is "2 BC" and so on
bc := false
if t.Year() <= 0 {
// flip year sign, and add 1, e.g: "0" will be "1", and "-10" will be "11"
t = t.AddDate((-t.Year())*2+1, 0, 0)
bc = true
b := []byte(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"))
_, offset := t.Zone()
offset %= 60
if offset != 0 {
// RFC3339Nano already printed the minus sign
if offset < 0 {
offset = -offset
b = append(b, ':')
if offset < 10 {
b = append(b, '0')
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(offset), 10)
if bc {
b = append(b, " BC"...)
return b
// Parse a bytea value received from the server. Both "hex" and the legacy
// "escape" format are supported.
func parseBytea(s []byte) (result []byte, err error) {
if len(s) >= 2 && bytes.Equal(s[:2], []byte("\\x")) {
// bytea_output = hex
s = s[2:] // trim off leading "\\x"
result = make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(s)))
_, err := hex.Decode(result, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// bytea_output = escape
for len(s) > 0 {
if s[0] == '\\' {
// escaped '\\'
if len(s) >= 2 && s[1] == '\\' {
result = append(result, '\\')
s = s[2:]
// '\\' followed by an octal number
if len(s) < 4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid bytea sequence %v", s)
r, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(s[1:4]), 8, 9)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse bytea value: %s", err.Error())
result = append(result, byte(r))
s = s[4:]
} else {
// We hit an unescaped, raw byte. Try to read in as many as
// possible in one go.
i := bytes.IndexByte(s, '\\')
if i == -1 {
result = append(result, s...)
result = append(result, s[:i]...)
s = s[i:]
return result, nil
func encodeBytea(serverVersion int, v []byte) (result []byte) {
if serverVersion >= 90000 {
// Use the hex format if we know that the server supports it
result = make([]byte, 2+hex.EncodedLen(len(v)))
result[0] = '\\'
result[1] = 'x'
hex.Encode(result[2:], v)
} else {
// .. or resort to "escape"
for _, b := range v {
if b == '\\' {
result = append(result, '\\', '\\')
} else if b < 0x20 || b > 0x7e {
result = append(result, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("\\%03o", b))...)
} else {
result = append(result, b)
return result
// NullTime represents a time.Time that may be null. NullTime implements the
// sql.Scanner interface so it can be used as a scan destination, similar to
// sql.NullString.
type NullTime struct {
Time time.Time
Valid bool // Valid is true if Time is not NULL
// Scan implements the Scanner interface.
func (nt *NullTime) Scan(value interface{}) error {
nt.Time, nt.Valid = value.(time.Time)
return nil
// Value implements the driver Valuer interface.
func (nt NullTime) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if !nt.Valid {
return nil, nil
return nt.Time, nil

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
// Error severities
const (
Efatal = "FATAL"
Epanic = "PANIC"
Ewarning = "WARNING"
Enotice = "NOTICE"
Edebug = "DEBUG"
Einfo = "INFO"
Elog = "LOG"
// Error represents an error communicating with the server.
// See for details of the fields
type Error struct {
Severity string
Code ErrorCode
Message string
Detail string
Hint string
Position string
InternalPosition string
InternalQuery string
Where string
Schema string
Table string
Column string
DataTypeName string
Constraint string
File string
Line string
Routine string
// ErrorCode is a five-character error code.
type ErrorCode string
// Name returns a more human friendly rendering of the error code, namely the
// "condition name".
// See for
// details.
func (ec ErrorCode) Name() string {
return errorCodeNames[ec]
// ErrorClass is only the class part of an error code.
type ErrorClass string
// Name returns the condition name of an error class. It is equivalent to the
// condition name of the "standard" error code (i.e. the one having the last
// three characters "000").
func (ec ErrorClass) Name() string {
return errorCodeNames[ErrorCode(ec+"000")]
// Class returns the error class, e.g. "28".
// See for
// details.
func (ec ErrorCode) Class() ErrorClass {
return ErrorClass(ec[0:2])
// errorCodeNames is a mapping between the five-character error codes and the
// human readable "condition names". It is derived from the list at
var errorCodeNames = map[ErrorCode]string{
// Class 00 - Successful Completion
"00000": "successful_completion",
// Class 01 - Warning
"01000": "warning",
"0100C": "dynamic_result_sets_returned",
"01008": "implicit_zero_bit_padding",
"01003": "null_value_eliminated_in_set_function",
"01007": "privilege_not_granted",
"01006": "privilege_not_revoked",
"01004": "string_data_right_truncation",
"01P01": "deprecated_feature",
// Class 02 - No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)
"02000": "no_data",
"02001": "no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned",
// Class 03 - SQL Statement Not Yet Complete
"03000": "sql_statement_not_yet_complete",
// Class 08 - Connection Exception
"08000": "connection_exception",
"08003": "connection_does_not_exist",
"08006": "connection_failure",
"08001": "sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection",
"08004": "sqlserver_rejected_establishment_of_sqlconnection",
"08007": "transaction_resolution_unknown",
"08P01": "protocol_violation",
// Class 09 - Triggered Action Exception
"09000": "triggered_action_exception",
// Class 0A - Feature Not Supported
"0A000": "feature_not_supported",
// Class 0B - Invalid Transaction Initiation
"0B000": "invalid_transaction_initiation",
// Class 0F - Locator Exception
"0F000": "locator_exception",
"0F001": "invalid_locator_specification",
// Class 0L - Invalid Grantor
"0L000": "invalid_grantor",
"0LP01": "invalid_grant_operation",
// Class 0P - Invalid Role Specification
"0P000": "invalid_role_specification",
// Class 0Z - Diagnostics Exception
"0Z000": "diagnostics_exception",
"0Z002": "stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler",
// Class 20 - Case Not Found
"20000": "case_not_found",
// Class 21 - Cardinality Violation
"21000": "cardinality_violation",
// Class 22 - Data Exception
"22000": "data_exception",
"2202E": "array_subscript_error",
"22021": "character_not_in_repertoire",
"22008": "datetime_field_overflow",
"22012": "division_by_zero",
"22005": "error_in_assignment",
"2200B": "escape_character_conflict",
"22022": "indicator_overflow",
"22015": "interval_field_overflow",
"2201E": "invalid_argument_for_logarithm",
"22014": "invalid_argument_for_ntile_function",
"22016": "invalid_argument_for_nth_value_function",
"2201F": "invalid_argument_for_power_function",
"2201G": "invalid_argument_for_width_bucket_function",
"22018": "invalid_character_value_for_cast",
"22007": "invalid_datetime_format",
"22019": "invalid_escape_character",
"2200D": "invalid_escape_octet",
"22025": "invalid_escape_sequence",
"22P06": "nonstandard_use_of_escape_character",
"22010": "invalid_indicator_parameter_value",
"22023": "invalid_parameter_value",
"2201B": "invalid_regular_expression",
"2201W": "invalid_row_count_in_limit_clause",
"2201X": "invalid_row_count_in_result_offset_clause",
"22009": "invalid_time_zone_displacement_value",
"2200C": "invalid_use_of_escape_character",
"2200G": "most_specific_type_mismatch",
"22004": "null_value_not_allowed",
"22002": "null_value_no_indicator_parameter",
"22003": "numeric_value_out_of_range",
"2200H": "sequence_generator_limit_exceeded",
"22026": "string_data_length_mismatch",
"22001": "string_data_right_truncation",
"22011": "substring_error",
"22027": "trim_error",
"22024": "unterminated_c_string",
"2200F": "zero_length_character_string",
"22P01": "floating_point_exception",
"22P02": "invalid_text_representation",
"22P03": "invalid_binary_representation",
"22P04": "bad_copy_file_format",
"22P05": "untranslatable_character",
"2200L": "not_an_xml_document",
"2200M": "invalid_xml_document",
"2200N": "invalid_xml_content",
"2200S": "invalid_xml_comment",
"2200T": "invalid_xml_processing_instruction",
// Class 23 - Integrity Constraint Violation
"23000": "integrity_constraint_violation",
"23001": "restrict_violation",
"23502": "not_null_violation",
"23503": "foreign_key_violation",
"23505": "unique_violation",
"23514": "check_violation",
"23P01": "exclusion_violation",
// Class 24 - Invalid Cursor State
"24000": "invalid_cursor_state",
// Class 25 - Invalid Transaction State
"25000": "invalid_transaction_state",
"25001": "active_sql_transaction",
"25002": "branch_transaction_already_active",
"25008": "held_cursor_requires_same_isolation_level",
"25003": "inappropriate_access_mode_for_branch_transaction",
"25004": "inappropriate_isolation_level_for_branch_transaction",
"25005": "no_active_sql_transaction_for_branch_transaction",
"25006": "read_only_sql_transaction",
"25007": "schema_and_data_statement_mixing_not_supported",
"25P01": "no_active_sql_transaction",
"25P02": "in_failed_sql_transaction",
// Class 26 - Invalid SQL Statement Name
"26000": "invalid_sql_statement_name",
// Class 27 - Triggered Data Change Violation
"27000": "triggered_data_change_violation",
// Class 28 - Invalid Authorization Specification
"28000": "invalid_authorization_specification",
"28P01": "invalid_password",
// Class 2B - Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist
"2B000": "dependent_privilege_descriptors_still_exist",
"2BP01": "dependent_objects_still_exist",
// Class 2D - Invalid Transaction Termination
"2D000": "invalid_transaction_termination",
// Class 2F - SQL Routine Exception
"2F000": "sql_routine_exception",
"2F005": "function_executed_no_return_statement",
"2F002": "modifying_sql_data_not_permitted",
"2F003": "prohibited_sql_statement_attempted",
"2F004": "reading_sql_data_not_permitted",
// Class 34 - Invalid Cursor Name
"34000": "invalid_cursor_name",
// Class 38 - External Routine Exception
"38000": "external_routine_exception",
"38001": "containing_sql_not_permitted",
"38002": "modifying_sql_data_not_permitted",
"38003": "prohibited_sql_statement_attempted",
"38004": "reading_sql_data_not_permitted",
// Class 39 - External Routine Invocation Exception
"39000": "external_routine_invocation_exception",
"39001": "invalid_sqlstate_returned",
"39004": "null_value_not_allowed",
"39P01": "trigger_protocol_violated",
"39P02": "srf_protocol_violated",
// Class 3B - Savepoint Exception
"3B000": "savepoint_exception",
"3B001": "invalid_savepoint_specification",
// Class 3D - Invalid Catalog Name
"3D000": "invalid_catalog_name",
// Class 3F - Invalid Schema Name
"3F000": "invalid_schema_name",
// Class 40 - Transaction Rollback
"40000": "transaction_rollback",
"40002": "transaction_integrity_constraint_violation",
"40001": "serialization_failure",
"40003": "statement_completion_unknown",
"40P01": "deadlock_detected",
// Class 42 - Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
"42000": "syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation",
"42601": "syntax_error",
"42501": "insufficient_privilege",
"42846": "cannot_coerce",
"42803": "grouping_error",
"42P20": "windowing_error",
"42P19": "invalid_recursion",
"42830": "invalid_foreign_key",
"42602": "invalid_name",
"42622": "name_too_long",
"42939": "reserved_name",
"42804": "datatype_mismatch",
"42P18": "indeterminate_datatype",
"42P21": "collation_mismatch",
"42P22": "indeterminate_collation",
"42809": "wrong_object_type",
"42703": "undefined_column",
"42883": "undefined_function",
"42P01": "undefined_table",
"42P02": "undefined_parameter",
"42704": "undefined_object",
"42701": "duplicate_column",
"42P03": "duplicate_cursor",
"42P04": "duplicate_database",
"42723": "duplicate_function",
"42P05": "duplicate_prepared_statement",
"42P06": "duplicate_schema",
"42P07": "duplicate_table",
"42712": "duplicate_alias",
"42710": "duplicate_object",
"42702": "ambiguous_column",
"42725": "ambiguous_function",
"42P08": "ambiguous_parameter",
"42P09": "ambiguous_alias",
"42P10": "invalid_column_reference",
"42611": "invalid_column_definition",
"42P11": "invalid_cursor_definition",
"42P12": "invalid_database_definition",
"42P13": "invalid_function_definition",
"42P14": "invalid_prepared_statement_definition",
"42P15": "invalid_schema_definition",
"42P16": "invalid_table_definition",
"42P17": "invalid_object_definition",
// Class 44 - WITH CHECK OPTION Violation
"44000": "with_check_option_violation",
// Class 53 - Insufficient Resources
"53000": "insufficient_resources",
"53100": "disk_full",
"53200": "out_of_memory",
"53300": "too_many_connections",
"53400": "configuration_limit_exceeded",
// Class 54 - Program Limit Exceeded
"54000": "program_limit_exceeded",
"54001": "statement_too_complex",
"54011": "too_many_columns",
"54023": "too_many_arguments",
// Class 55 - Object Not In Prerequisite State
"55000": "object_not_in_prerequisite_state",
"55006": "object_in_use",
"55P02": "cant_change_runtime_param",
"55P03": "lock_not_available",
// Class 57 - Operator Intervention
"57000": "operator_intervention",
"57014": "query_canceled",
"57P01": "admin_shutdown",
"57P02": "crash_shutdown",
"57P03": "cannot_connect_now",
"57P04": "database_dropped",
// Class 58 - System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)
"58000": "system_error",
"58030": "io_error",
"58P01": "undefined_file",
"58P02": "duplicate_file",
// Class F0 - Configuration File Error
"F0000": "config_file_error",
"F0001": "lock_file_exists",
// Class HV - Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)
"HV000": "fdw_error",
"HV005": "fdw_column_name_not_found",
"HV002": "fdw_dynamic_parameter_value_needed",
"HV010": "fdw_function_sequence_error",
"HV021": "fdw_inconsistent_descriptor_information",
"HV024": "fdw_invalid_attribute_value",
"HV007": "fdw_invalid_column_name",
"HV008": "fdw_invalid_column_number",
"HV004": "fdw_invalid_data_type",
"HV006": "fdw_invalid_data_type_descriptors",
"HV091": "fdw_invalid_descriptor_field_identifier",
"HV00B": "fdw_invalid_handle",
"HV00C": "fdw_invalid_option_index",
"HV00D": "fdw_invalid_option_name",
"HV090": "fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length",
"HV00A": "fdw_invalid_string_format",
"HV009": "fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer",
"HV014": "fdw_too_many_handles",
"HV001": "fdw_out_of_memory",
"HV00P": "fdw_no_schemas",
"HV00J": "fdw_option_name_not_found",
"HV00K": "fdw_reply_handle",
"HV00Q": "fdw_schema_not_found",
"HV00R": "fdw_table_not_found",
"HV00L": "fdw_unable_to_create_execution",
"HV00M": "fdw_unable_to_create_reply",
"HV00N": "fdw_unable_to_establish_connection",
// Class P0 - PL/pgSQL Error
"P0000": "plpgsql_error",
"P0001": "raise_exception",
"P0002": "no_data_found",
"P0003": "too_many_rows",
// Class XX - Internal Error
"XX000": "internal_error",
"XX001": "data_corrupted",
"XX002": "index_corrupted",
func parseError(r *readBuf) *Error {
err := new(Error)
for t := r.byte(); t != 0; t = r.byte() {
msg := r.string()
switch t {
case 'S':
err.Severity = msg
case 'C':
err.Code = ErrorCode(msg)
case 'M':
err.Message = msg
case 'D':
err.Detail = msg
case 'H':
err.Hint = msg
case 'P':
err.Position = msg
case 'p':
err.InternalPosition = msg
case 'q':
err.InternalQuery = msg
case 'W':
err.Where = msg
case 's':
err.Schema = msg
case 't':
err.Table = msg
case 'c':
err.Column = msg
case 'd':
err.DataTypeName = msg
case 'n':
err.Constraint = msg
case 'F':
err.File = msg
case 'L':
err.Line = msg
case 'R':
err.Routine = msg
return err
// Fatal returns true if the Error Severity is fatal.
func (err *Error) Fatal() bool {
return err.Severity == Efatal
// Get implements the legacy PGError interface. New code should use the fields
// of the Error struct directly.
func (err *Error) Get(k byte) (v string) {
switch k {
case 'S':
return err.Severity
case 'C':
return string(err.Code)
case 'M':
return err.Message
case 'D':
return err.Detail
case 'H':
return err.Hint
case 'P':
return err.Position
case 'p':
return err.InternalPosition
case 'q':
return err.InternalQuery
case 'W':
return err.Where
case 's':
return err.Schema
case 't':
return err.Table
case 'c':
return err.Column
case 'd':
return err.DataTypeName
case 'n':
return err.Constraint
case 'F':
return err.File
case 'L':
return err.Line
case 'R':
return err.Routine
return ""
func (err Error) Error() string {
return "pq: " + err.Message
// PGError is an interface used by previous versions of pq. It is provided
// only to support legacy code. New code should use the Error type.
type PGError interface {
Error() string
Fatal() bool
Get(k byte) (v string)
func errorf(s string, args ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("pq: %s", fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)))
// TODO(ainar-g) Rename to errorf after removing panics.
func fmterrorf(s string, args ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("pq: %s", fmt.Sprintf(s, args...))
func errRecoverNoErrBadConn(err *error) {
e := recover()
if e == nil {
// Do nothing
var ok bool
*err, ok = e.(error)
if !ok {
*err = fmt.Errorf("pq: unexpected error: %#v", e)
func (cn *conn) errRecover(err *error) {
e := recover()
switch v := e.(type) {
case nil:
// Do nothing
case runtime.Error:
case *Error:
if v.Fatal() {
*err = driver.ErrBadConn
} else {
*err = v
case *net.OpError:
*err = v
case *safeRetryError:
*err = driver.ErrBadConn
case error:
if v == io.EOF || v.(error).Error() == "remote error: handshake failure" {
*err = driver.ErrBadConn
} else {
*err = v
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown error: %#v", e))
// Any time we return ErrBadConn, we need to remember it since *Tx doesn't
// mark the connection bad in database/sql.
if *err == driver.ErrBadConn {

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
go 1.13

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package pq
// NewGSSFunc creates a GSS authentication provider, for use with
// RegisterGSSProvider.
type NewGSSFunc func() (GSS, error)
var newGss NewGSSFunc
// RegisterGSSProvider registers a GSS authentication provider. For example, if
// you need to use Kerberos to authenticate with your server, add this to your
// main package:
// import ""
// func init() {
// pq.RegisterGSSProvider(func() (pq.GSS, error) { return kerberos.NewGSS() })
// }
func RegisterGSSProvider(newGssArg NewGSSFunc) {
newGss = newGssArg
// GSS provides GSSAPI authentication (e.g., Kerberos).
type GSS interface {
GetInitToken(host string, service string) ([]byte, error)
GetInitTokenFromSpn(spn string) ([]byte, error)
Continue(inToken []byte) (done bool, outToken []byte, err error)

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// +build go1.10
package pq
import (
// NoticeHandler returns the notice handler on the given connection, if any. A
// runtime panic occurs if c is not a pq connection. This is rarely used
// directly, use ConnectorNoticeHandler and ConnectorWithNoticeHandler instead.
func NoticeHandler(c driver.Conn) func(*Error) {
return c.(*conn).noticeHandler
// SetNoticeHandler sets the given notice handler on the given connection. A
// runtime panic occurs if c is not a pq connection. A nil handler may be used
// to unset it. This is rarely used directly, use ConnectorNoticeHandler and
// ConnectorWithNoticeHandler instead.
// Note: Notice handlers are executed synchronously by pq meaning commands
// won't continue to be processed until the handler returns.
func SetNoticeHandler(c driver.Conn, handler func(*Error)) {
c.(*conn).noticeHandler = handler
// NoticeHandlerConnector wraps a regular connector and sets a notice handler
// on it.
type NoticeHandlerConnector struct {
noticeHandler func(*Error)
// Connect calls the underlying connector's connect method and then sets the
// notice handler.
func (n *NoticeHandlerConnector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) {
c, err := n.Connector.Connect(ctx)
if err == nil {
SetNoticeHandler(c, n.noticeHandler)
return c, err
// ConnectorNoticeHandler returns the currently set notice handler, if any. If
// the given connector is not a result of ConnectorWithNoticeHandler, nil is
// returned.
func ConnectorNoticeHandler(c driver.Connector) func(*Error) {
if c, ok := c.(*NoticeHandlerConnector); ok {
return c.noticeHandler
return nil
// ConnectorWithNoticeHandler creates or sets the given handler for the given
// connector. If the given connector is a result of calling this function
// previously, it is simply set on the given connector and returned. Otherwise,
// this returns a new connector wrapping the given one and setting the notice
// handler. A nil notice handler may be used to unset it.
// The returned connector is intended to be used with database/sql.OpenDB.
// Note: Notice handlers are executed synchronously by pq meaning commands
// won't continue to be processed until the handler returns.
func ConnectorWithNoticeHandler(c driver.Connector, handler func(*Error)) *NoticeHandlerConnector {
if c, ok := c.(*NoticeHandlerConnector); ok {
c.noticeHandler = handler
return c
return &NoticeHandlerConnector{Connector: c, noticeHandler: handler}

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
package pq
// Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package.
// This module contains support for Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY.
import (
// Notification represents a single notification from the database.
type Notification struct {
// Process ID (PID) of the notifying postgres backend.
BePid int
// Name of the channel the notification was sent on.
Channel string
// Payload, or the empty string if unspecified.
Extra string
func recvNotification(r *readBuf) *Notification {
bePid := r.int32()
channel := r.string()
extra := r.string()
return &Notification{bePid, channel, extra}
// SetNotificationHandler sets the given notification handler on the given
// connection. A runtime panic occurs if c is not a pq connection. A nil handler
// may be used to unset it.
// Note: Notification handlers are executed synchronously by pq meaning commands
// won't continue to be processed until the handler returns.
func SetNotificationHandler(c driver.Conn, handler func(*Notification)) {
c.(*conn).notificationHandler = handler
// NotificationHandlerConnector wraps a regular connector and sets a notification handler
// on it.
type NotificationHandlerConnector struct {
notificationHandler func(*Notification)
// Connect calls the underlying connector's connect method and then sets the
// notification handler.
func (n *NotificationHandlerConnector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) {
c, err := n.Connector.Connect(ctx)
if err == nil {
SetNotificationHandler(c, n.notificationHandler)
return c, err
// ConnectorNotificationHandler returns the currently set notification handler, if any. If
// the given connector is not a result of ConnectorWithNotificationHandler, nil is
// returned.
func ConnectorNotificationHandler(c driver.Connector) func(*Notification) {
if c, ok := c.(*NotificationHandlerConnector); ok {
return c.notificationHandler
return nil
// ConnectorWithNotificationHandler creates or sets the given handler for the given
// connector. If the given connector is a result of calling this function
// previously, it is simply set on the given connector and returned. Otherwise,
// this returns a new connector wrapping the given one and setting the notification
// handler. A nil notification handler may be used to unset it.
// The returned connector is intended to be used with database/sql.OpenDB.
// Note: Notification handlers are executed synchronously by pq meaning commands
// won't continue to be processed until the handler returns.
func ConnectorWithNotificationHandler(c driver.Connector, handler func(*Notification)) *NotificationHandlerConnector {
if c, ok := c.(*NotificationHandlerConnector); ok {
c.notificationHandler = handler
return c
return &NotificationHandlerConnector{Connector: c, notificationHandler: handler}
const (
connStateIdle int32 = iota
type message struct {
typ byte
err error
var errListenerConnClosed = errors.New("pq: ListenerConn has been closed")
// ListenerConn is a low-level interface for waiting for notifications. You
// should use Listener instead.
type ListenerConn struct {
// guards cn and err
connectionLock sync.Mutex
cn *conn
err error
connState int32
// the sending goroutine will be holding this lock
senderLock sync.Mutex
notificationChan chan<- *Notification
replyChan chan message
// NewListenerConn creates a new ListenerConn. Use NewListener instead.
func NewListenerConn(name string, notificationChan chan<- *Notification) (*ListenerConn, error) {
return newDialListenerConn(defaultDialer{}, name, notificationChan)
func newDialListenerConn(d Dialer, name string, c chan<- *Notification) (*ListenerConn, error) {
cn, err := DialOpen(d, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l := &ListenerConn{
cn: cn.(*conn),
notificationChan: c,
connState: connStateIdle,
replyChan: make(chan message, 2),
go l.listenerConnMain()
return l, nil
// We can only allow one goroutine at a time to be running a query on the
// connection for various reasons, so the goroutine sending on the connection
// must be holding senderLock.
// Returns an error if an unrecoverable error has occurred and the ListenerConn
// should be abandoned.
func (l *ListenerConn) acquireSenderLock() error {
// we must acquire senderLock first to avoid deadlocks; see ExecSimpleQuery
err := l.err
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (l *ListenerConn) releaseSenderLock() {
// setState advances the protocol state to newState. Returns false if moving
// to that state from the current state is not allowed.
func (l *ListenerConn) setState(newState int32) bool {
var expectedState int32
switch newState {
case connStateIdle:
expectedState = connStateExpectReadyForQuery
case connStateExpectResponse:
expectedState = connStateIdle
case connStateExpectReadyForQuery:
expectedState = connStateExpectResponse
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected listenerConnState %d", newState))
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&l.connState, expectedState, newState)
// Main logic is here: receive messages from the postgres backend, forward
// notifications and query replies and keep the internal state in sync with the
// protocol state. Returns when the connection has been lost, is about to go
// away or should be discarded because we couldn't agree on the state with the
// server backend.
func (l *ListenerConn) listenerConnLoop() (err error) {
defer errRecoverNoErrBadConn(&err)
r := &readBuf{}
for {
t, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
switch t {
case 'A':
// recvNotification copies all the data so we don't need to worry
// about the scratch buffer being overwritten.
l.notificationChan <- recvNotification(r)
case 'T', 'D':
// only used by tests; ignore
case 'E':
// We might receive an ErrorResponse even when not in a query; it
// is expected that the server will close the connection after
// that, but we should make sure that the error we display is the
// one from the stray ErrorResponse, not io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.
if !l.setState(connStateExpectReadyForQuery) {
return parseError(r)
l.replyChan <- message{t, parseError(r)}
case 'C', 'I':
if !l.setState(connStateExpectReadyForQuery) {
// protocol out of sync
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected CommandComplete")
// ExecSimpleQuery doesn't need to know about this message
case 'Z':
if !l.setState(connStateIdle) {
// protocol out of sync
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected ReadyForQuery")
l.replyChan <- message{t, nil}
case 'S':
// ignore
case 'N':
if n :=; n != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected message %q from server in listenerConnLoop", t)
// This is the main routine for the goroutine receiving on the database
// connection. Most of the main logic is in listenerConnLoop.
func (l *ListenerConn) listenerConnMain() {
err := l.listenerConnLoop()
// listenerConnLoop terminated; we're done, but we still have to clean up.
// Make sure nobody tries to start any new queries by making sure the err
// pointer is set. It is important that we do not overwrite its value; a
// connection could be closed by either this goroutine or one sending on
// the connection -- whoever closes the connection is assumed to have the
// more meaningful error message (as the other one will probably get
// net.errClosed), so that goroutine sets the error we expose while the
// other error is discarded. If the connection is lost while two
// goroutines are operating on the socket, it probably doesn't matter which
// error we expose so we don't try to do anything more complex.
if l.err == nil {
l.err = err
// There might be a query in-flight; make sure nobody's waiting for a
// response to it, since there's not going to be one.
// let the listener know we're done
// this ListenerConn is done
// Listen sends a LISTEN query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
func (l *ListenerConn) Listen(channel string) (bool, error) {
return l.ExecSimpleQuery("LISTEN " + QuoteIdentifier(channel))
// Unlisten sends an UNLISTEN query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
func (l *ListenerConn) Unlisten(channel string) (bool, error) {
return l.ExecSimpleQuery("UNLISTEN " + QuoteIdentifier(channel))
// UnlistenAll sends an `UNLISTEN *` query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
func (l *ListenerConn) UnlistenAll() (bool, error) {
return l.ExecSimpleQuery("UNLISTEN *")
// Ping the remote server to make sure it's alive. Non-nil error means the
// connection has failed and should be abandoned.
func (l *ListenerConn) Ping() error {
sent, err := l.ExecSimpleQuery("")
if !sent {
return err
if err != nil {
// shouldn't happen
return nil
// Attempt to send a query on the connection. Returns an error if sending the
// query failed, and the caller should initiate closure of this connection.
// The caller must be holding senderLock (see acquireSenderLock and
// releaseSenderLock).
func (l *ListenerConn) sendSimpleQuery(q string) (err error) {
defer errRecoverNoErrBadConn(&err)
// must set connection state before sending the query
if !l.setState(connStateExpectResponse) {
panic("two queries running at the same time")
// Can't use here because it uses the scratch buffer which
// might get overwritten by listenerConnLoop.
b := &writeBuf{
buf: []byte("Q\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
pos: 1,
return nil
// ExecSimpleQuery executes a "simple query" (i.e. one with no bindable
// parameters) on the connection. The possible return values are:
// 1) "executed" is true; the query was executed to completion on the
// database server. If the query failed, err will be set to the error
// returned by the database, otherwise err will be nil.
// 2) If "executed" is false, the query could not be executed on the remote
// server. err will be non-nil.
// After a call to ExecSimpleQuery has returned an executed=false value, the
// connection has either been closed or will be closed shortly thereafter, and
// all subsequently executed queries will return an error.
func (l *ListenerConn) ExecSimpleQuery(q string) (executed bool, err error) {
if err = l.acquireSenderLock(); err != nil {
return false, err
defer l.releaseSenderLock()
err = l.sendSimpleQuery(q)
if err != nil {
// We can't know what state the protocol is in, so we need to abandon
// this connection.
// Set the error pointer if it hasn't been set already; see
// listenerConnMain.
if l.err == nil {
l.err = err
return false, err
// now we just wait for a reply..
for {
m, ok := <-l.replyChan
if !ok {
// We lost the connection to server, don't bother waiting for a
// a response. err should have been set already.
err := l.err
return false, err
switch m.typ {
case 'Z':
// sanity check
if m.err != nil {
panic("m.err != nil")
// done; err might or might not be set
return true, err
case 'E':
// sanity check
if m.err == nil {
panic("m.err == nil")
// server responded with an error; ReadyForQuery to follow
err = m.err
return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown response for simple query: %q", m.typ)
// Close closes the connection.
func (l *ListenerConn) Close() error {
if l.err != nil {
return errListenerConnClosed
l.err = errListenerConnClosed
// We can't send anything on the connection without holding senderLock.
// Simply close the net.Conn to wake up everyone operating on it.
// Err returns the reason the connection was closed. It is not safe to call
// this function until l.Notify has been closed.
func (l *ListenerConn) Err() error {
return l.err
var errListenerClosed = errors.New("pq: Listener has been closed")
// ErrChannelAlreadyOpen is returned from Listen when a channel is already
// open.
var ErrChannelAlreadyOpen = errors.New("pq: channel is already open")
// ErrChannelNotOpen is returned from Unlisten when a channel is not open.
var ErrChannelNotOpen = errors.New("pq: channel is not open")
// ListenerEventType is an enumeration of listener event types.
type ListenerEventType int
const (
// ListenerEventConnected is emitted only when the database connection
// has been initially initialized. The err argument of the callback
// will always be nil.
ListenerEventConnected ListenerEventType = iota
// ListenerEventDisconnected is emitted after a database connection has
// been lost, either because of an error or because Close has been
// called. The err argument will be set to the reason the database
// connection was lost.
// ListenerEventReconnected is emitted after a database connection has
// been re-established after connection loss. The err argument of the
// callback will always be nil. After this event has been emitted, a
// nil pq.Notification is sent on the Listener.Notify channel.
// ListenerEventConnectionAttemptFailed is emitted after a connection
// to the database was attempted, but failed. The err argument will be
// set to an error describing why the connection attempt did not
// succeed.
// EventCallbackType is the event callback type. See also ListenerEventType
// constants' documentation.
type EventCallbackType func(event ListenerEventType, err error)
// Listener provides an interface for listening to notifications from a
// PostgreSQL database. For general usage information, see section
// "Notifications".
// Listener can safely be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type Listener struct {
// Channel for receiving notifications from the database. In some cases a
// nil value will be sent. See section "Notifications" above.
Notify chan *Notification
name string
minReconnectInterval time.Duration
maxReconnectInterval time.Duration
dialer Dialer
eventCallback EventCallbackType
lock sync.Mutex
isClosed bool
reconnectCond *sync.Cond
cn *ListenerConn
connNotificationChan <-chan *Notification
channels map[string]struct{}
// NewListener creates a new database connection dedicated to LISTEN / NOTIFY.
// name should be set to a connection string to be used to establish the
// database connection (see section "Connection String Parameters" above).
// minReconnectInterval controls the duration to wait before trying to
// re-establish the database connection after connection loss. After each
// consecutive failure this interval is doubled, until maxReconnectInterval is
// reached. Successfully completing the connection establishment procedure
// resets the interval back to minReconnectInterval.
// The last parameter eventCallback can be set to a function which will be
// called by the Listener when the state of the underlying database connection
// changes. This callback will be called by the goroutine which dispatches the
// notifications over the Notify channel, so you should try to avoid doing
// potentially time-consuming operations from the callback.
func NewListener(name string,
minReconnectInterval time.Duration,
maxReconnectInterval time.Duration,
eventCallback EventCallbackType) *Listener {
return NewDialListener(defaultDialer{}, name, minReconnectInterval, maxReconnectInterval, eventCallback)
// NewDialListener is like NewListener but it takes a Dialer.
func NewDialListener(d Dialer,
name string,
minReconnectInterval time.Duration,
maxReconnectInterval time.Duration,
eventCallback EventCallbackType) *Listener {
l := &Listener{
name: name,
minReconnectInterval: minReconnectInterval,
maxReconnectInterval: maxReconnectInterval,
dialer: d,
eventCallback: eventCallback,
channels: make(map[string]struct{}),
Notify: make(chan *Notification, 32),
l.reconnectCond = sync.NewCond(&l.lock)
go l.listenerMain()
return l
// NotificationChannel returns the notification channel for this listener.
// This is the same channel as Notify, and will not be recreated during the
// life time of the Listener.
func (l *Listener) NotificationChannel() <-chan *Notification {
return l.Notify
// Listen starts listening for notifications on a channel. Calls to this
// function will block until an acknowledgement has been received from the
// server. Note that Listener automatically re-establishes the connection
// after connection loss, so this function may block indefinitely if the
// connection can not be re-established.
// Listen will only fail in three conditions:
// 1) The channel is already open. The returned error will be
// ErrChannelAlreadyOpen.
// 2) The query was executed on the remote server, but PostgreSQL returned an
// error message in response to the query. The returned error will be a
// pq.Error containing the information the server supplied.
// 3) Close is called on the Listener before the request could be completed.
// The channel name is case-sensitive.
func (l *Listener) Listen(channel string) error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
// The server allows you to issue a LISTEN on a channel which is already
// open, but it seems useful to be able to detect this case to spot for
// mistakes in application logic. If the application genuinely does't
// care, it can check the exported error and ignore it.
_, exists := l.channels[channel]
if exists {
return ErrChannelAlreadyOpen
if != nil {
// If gotResponse is true but error is set, the query was executed on
// the remote server, but resulted in an error. This should be
// relatively rare, so it's fine if we just pass the error to our
// caller. However, if gotResponse is false, we could not complete the
// query on the remote server and our underlying connection is about
// to go away, so we only add relname to l.channels, and wait for
// resync() to take care of the rest.
gotResponse, err :=
if gotResponse && err != nil {
return err
l.channels[channel] = struct{}{}
for == nil {
// we let go of the mutex for a while
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
return nil
// Unlisten removes a channel from the Listener's channel list. Returns
// ErrChannelNotOpen if the Listener is not listening on the specified channel.
// Returns immediately with no error if there is no connection. Note that you
// might still get notifications for this channel even after Unlisten has
// returned.
// The channel name is case-sensitive.
func (l *Listener) Unlisten(channel string) error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
// Similarly to LISTEN, this is not an error in Postgres, but it seems
// useful to distinguish from the normal conditions.
_, exists := l.channels[channel]
if !exists {
return ErrChannelNotOpen
if != nil {
// Similarly to Listen (see comment in that function), the caller
// should only be bothered with an error if it came from the backend as
// a response to our query.
gotResponse, err :=
if gotResponse && err != nil {
return err
// Don't bother waiting for resync if there's no connection.
delete(l.channels, channel)
return nil
// UnlistenAll removes all channels from the Listener's channel list. Returns
// immediately with no error if there is no connection. Note that you might
// still get notifications for any of the deleted channels even after
// UnlistenAll has returned.
func (l *Listener) UnlistenAll() error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
if != nil {
// Similarly to Listen (see comment in that function), the caller
// should only be bothered with an error if it came from the backend as
// a response to our query.
gotResponse, err :=
if gotResponse && err != nil {
return err
// Don't bother waiting for resync if there's no connection.
l.channels = make(map[string]struct{})
return nil
// Ping the remote server to make sure it's alive. Non-nil return value means
// that there is no active connection.
func (l *Listener) Ping() error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
if == nil {
return errors.New("no connection")
// Clean up after losing the server connection. Returns, which
// should have the reason the connection was lost.
func (l *Listener) disconnectCleanup() error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
// sanity check; can't look at Err() until the channel has been closed
select {
case _, ok := <-l.connNotificationChan:
if ok {
panic("connNotificationChan not closed")
panic("connNotificationChan not closed")
err := = nil
return err
// Synchronize the list of channels we want to be listening on with the server
// after the connection has been established.
func (l *Listener) resync(cn *ListenerConn, notificationChan <-chan *Notification) error {
doneChan := make(chan error)
go func(notificationChan <-chan *Notification) {
for channel := range l.channels {
// If we got a response, return that error to our caller as it's
// going to be more descriptive than cn.Err().
gotResponse, err := cn.Listen(channel)
if gotResponse && err != nil {
doneChan <- err
// If we couldn't reach the server, wait for notificationChan to
// close and then return the error message from the connection, as
// per ListenerConn's interface.
if err != nil {
for range notificationChan {
doneChan <- cn.Err()
doneChan <- nil
// Ignore notifications while synchronization is going on to avoid
// deadlocks. We have to send a nil notification over Notify anyway as
// we can't possibly know which notifications (if any) were lost while
// the connection was down, so there's no reason to try and process
// these messages at all.
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-notificationChan:
if !ok {
notificationChan = nil
case err := <-doneChan:
return err
// caller should NOT be holding l.lock
func (l *Listener) closed() bool {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
return l.isClosed
func (l *Listener) connect() error {
notificationChan := make(chan *Notification, 32)
cn, err := newDialListenerConn(l.dialer,, notificationChan)
if err != nil {
return err
defer l.lock.Unlock()
err = l.resync(cn, notificationChan)
if err != nil {
return err
} = cn
l.connNotificationChan = notificationChan
return nil
// Close disconnects the Listener from the database and shuts it down.
// Subsequent calls to its methods will return an error. Close returns an
// error if the connection has already been closed.
func (l *Listener) Close() error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if l.isClosed {
return errListenerClosed
if != nil {
l.isClosed = true
// Unblock calls to Listen()
return nil
func (l *Listener) emitEvent(event ListenerEventType, err error) {
if l.eventCallback != nil {
l.eventCallback(event, err)
// Main logic here: maintain a connection to the server when possible, wait
// for notifications and emit events.
func (l *Listener) listenerConnLoop() {
var nextReconnect time.Time
reconnectInterval := l.minReconnectInterval
for {
for {
err := l.connect()
if err == nil {
if l.closed() {
l.emitEvent(ListenerEventConnectionAttemptFailed, err)
reconnectInterval *= 2
if reconnectInterval > l.maxReconnectInterval {
reconnectInterval = l.maxReconnectInterval
if nextReconnect.IsZero() {
l.emitEvent(ListenerEventConnected, nil)
} else {
l.emitEvent(ListenerEventReconnected, nil)
l.Notify <- nil
reconnectInterval = l.minReconnectInterval
nextReconnect = time.Now().Add(reconnectInterval)
for {
notification, ok := <-l.connNotificationChan
if !ok {
// lost connection, loop again
l.Notify <- notification
err := l.disconnectCleanup()
if l.closed() {
l.emitEvent(ListenerEventDisconnected, err)
func (l *Listener) listenerMain() {

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// Package oid contains OID constants
// as defined by the Postgres server.
package oid
// Oid is a Postgres Object ID.
type Oid uint32

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@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by gen.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package oid
const (
T_bool Oid = 16
T_bytea Oid = 17
T_char Oid = 18
T_name Oid = 19
T_int8 Oid = 20
T_int2 Oid = 21
T_int2vector Oid = 22
T_int4 Oid = 23
T_regproc Oid = 24
T_text Oid = 25
T_oid Oid = 26
T_tid Oid = 27
T_xid Oid = 28
T_cid Oid = 29
T_oidvector Oid = 30
T_pg_ddl_command Oid = 32
T_pg_type Oid = 71
T_pg_attribute Oid = 75
T_pg_proc Oid = 81
T_pg_class Oid = 83
T_json Oid = 114
T_xml Oid = 142
T__xml Oid = 143
T_pg_node_tree Oid = 194
T__json Oid = 199
T_smgr Oid = 210
T_index_am_handler Oid = 325
T_point Oid = 600
T_lseg Oid = 601
T_path Oid = 602
T_box Oid = 603
T_polygon Oid = 604
T_line Oid = 628
T__line Oid = 629
T_cidr Oid = 650
T__cidr Oid = 651
T_float4 Oid = 700
T_float8 Oid = 701
T_abstime Oid = 702
T_reltime Oid = 703
T_tinterval Oid = 704
T_unknown Oid = 705
T_circle Oid = 718
T__circle Oid = 719
T_money Oid = 790
T__money Oid = 791
T_macaddr Oid = 829
T_inet Oid = 869
T__bool Oid = 1000
T__bytea Oid = 1001
T__char Oid = 1002
T__name Oid = 1003
T__int2 Oid = 1005
T__int2vector Oid = 1006
T__int4 Oid = 1007
T__regproc Oid = 1008
T__text Oid = 1009
T__tid Oid = 1010
T__xid Oid = 1011
T__cid Oid = 1012
T__oidvector Oid = 1013
T__bpchar Oid = 1014
T__varchar Oid = 1015
T__int8 Oid = 1016
T__point Oid = 1017
T__lseg Oid = 1018
T__path Oid = 1019
T__box Oid = 1020
T__float4 Oid = 1021
T__float8 Oid = 1022
T__abstime Oid = 1023
T__reltime Oid = 1024
T__tinterval Oid = 1025
T__polygon Oid = 1027
T__oid Oid = 1028
T_aclitem Oid = 1033
T__aclitem Oid = 1034
T__macaddr Oid = 1040
T__inet Oid = 1041
T_bpchar Oid = 1042
T_varchar Oid = 1043
T_date Oid = 1082
T_time Oid = 1083
T_timestamp Oid = 1114
T__timestamp Oid = 1115
T__date Oid = 1182
T__time Oid = 1183
T_timestamptz Oid = 1184
T__timestamptz Oid = 1185
T_interval Oid = 1186
T__interval Oid = 1187
T__numeric Oid = 1231
T_pg_database Oid = 1248
T__cstring Oid = 1263
T_timetz Oid = 1266
T__timetz Oid = 1270
T_bit Oid = 1560
T__bit Oid = 1561
T_varbit Oid = 1562
T__varbit Oid = 1563
T_numeric Oid = 1700
T_refcursor Oid = 1790
T__refcursor Oid = 2201
T_regprocedure Oid = 2202
T_regoper Oid = 2203
T_regoperator Oid = 2204
T_regclass Oid = 2205
T_regtype Oid = 2206
T__regprocedure Oid = 2207
T__regoper Oid = 2208
T__regoperator Oid = 2209
T__regclass Oid = 2210
T__regtype Oid = 2211
T_record Oid = 2249
T_cstring Oid = 2275
T_any Oid = 2276
T_anyarray Oid = 2277
T_void Oid = 2278
T_trigger Oid = 2279
T_language_handler Oid = 2280
T_internal Oid = 2281
T_opaque Oid = 2282
T_anyelement Oid = 2283
T__record Oid = 2287
T_anynonarray Oid = 2776
T_pg_authid Oid = 2842
T_pg_auth_members Oid = 2843
T__txid_snapshot Oid = 2949
T_uuid Oid = 2950
T__uuid Oid = 2951
T_txid_snapshot Oid = 2970
T_fdw_handler Oid = 3115
T_pg_lsn Oid = 3220
T__pg_lsn Oid = 3221
T_tsm_handler Oid = 3310
T_anyenum Oid = 3500
T_tsvector Oid = 3614
T_tsquery Oid = 3615
T_gtsvector Oid = 3642
T__tsvector Oid = 3643
T__gtsvector Oid = 3644
T__tsquery Oid = 3645
T_regconfig Oid = 3734
T__regconfig Oid = 3735
T_regdictionary Oid = 3769
T__regdictionary Oid = 3770
T_jsonb Oid = 3802
T__jsonb Oid = 3807
T_anyrange Oid = 3831
T_event_trigger Oid = 3838
T_int4range Oid = 3904
T__int4range Oid = 3905
T_numrange Oid = 3906
T__numrange Oid = 3907
T_tsrange Oid = 3908
T__tsrange Oid = 3909
T_tstzrange Oid = 3910
T__tstzrange Oid = 3911
T_daterange Oid = 3912
T__daterange Oid = 3913
T_int8range Oid = 3926
T__int8range Oid = 3927
T_pg_shseclabel Oid = 4066
T_regnamespace Oid = 4089
T__regnamespace Oid = 4090
T_regrole Oid = 4096
T__regrole Oid = 4097
var TypeName = map[Oid]string{
T_bool: "BOOL",
T_bytea: "BYTEA",
T_char: "CHAR",
T_name: "NAME",
T_int8: "INT8",
T_int2: "INT2",
T_int2vector: "INT2VECTOR",
T_int4: "INT4",
T_regproc: "REGPROC",
T_text: "TEXT",
T_oid: "OID",
T_tid: "TID",
T_xid: "XID",
T_cid: "CID",
T_oidvector: "OIDVECTOR",
T_pg_ddl_command: "PG_DDL_COMMAND",
T_pg_type: "PG_TYPE",
T_pg_attribute: "PG_ATTRIBUTE",
T_pg_proc: "PG_PROC",
T_pg_class: "PG_CLASS",
T_json: "JSON",
T_xml: "XML",
T__xml: "_XML",
T_pg_node_tree: "PG_NODE_TREE",
T__json: "_JSON",
T_smgr: "SMGR",
T_index_am_handler: "INDEX_AM_HANDLER",
T_point: "POINT",
T_lseg: "LSEG",
T_path: "PATH",
T_box: "BOX",
T_polygon: "POLYGON",
T_line: "LINE",
T__line: "_LINE",
T_cidr: "CIDR",
T__cidr: "_CIDR",
T_float4: "FLOAT4",
T_float8: "FLOAT8",
T_abstime: "ABSTIME",
T_reltime: "RELTIME",
T_tinterval: "TINTERVAL",
T_unknown: "UNKNOWN",
T_circle: "CIRCLE",
T__circle: "_CIRCLE",
T_money: "MONEY",
T__money: "_MONEY",
T_macaddr: "MACADDR",
T_inet: "INET",
T__bool: "_BOOL",
T__bytea: "_BYTEA",
T__char: "_CHAR",
T__name: "_NAME",
T__int2: "_INT2",
T__int2vector: "_INT2VECTOR",
T__int4: "_INT4",
T__regproc: "_REGPROC",
T__text: "_TEXT",
T__tid: "_TID",
T__xid: "_XID",
T__cid: "_CID",
T__oidvector: "_OIDVECTOR",
T__bpchar: "_BPCHAR",
T__varchar: "_VARCHAR",
T__int8: "_INT8",
T__point: "_POINT",
T__lseg: "_LSEG",
T__path: "_PATH",
T__box: "_BOX",
T__float4: "_FLOAT4",
T__float8: "_FLOAT8",
T__abstime: "_ABSTIME",
T__reltime: "_RELTIME",
T__tinterval: "_TINTERVAL",
T__polygon: "_POLYGON",
T__oid: "_OID",
T_aclitem: "ACLITEM",
T__aclitem: "_ACLITEM",
T__macaddr: "_MACADDR",
T__inet: "_INET",
T_bpchar: "BPCHAR",
T_varchar: "VARCHAR",
T_date: "DATE",
T_time: "TIME",
T_timestamp: "TIMESTAMP",
T__timestamp: "_TIMESTAMP",
T__date: "_DATE",
T__time: "_TIME",
T_timestamptz: "TIMESTAMPTZ",
T__timestamptz: "_TIMESTAMPTZ",
T_interval: "INTERVAL",
T__interval: "_INTERVAL",
T__numeric: "_NUMERIC",
T_pg_database: "PG_DATABASE",
T__cstring: "_CSTRING",
T_timetz: "TIMETZ",
T__timetz: "_TIMETZ",
T_bit: "BIT",
T__bit: "_BIT",
T_varbit: "VARBIT",
T__varbit: "_VARBIT",
T_numeric: "NUMERIC",
T_refcursor: "REFCURSOR",
T__refcursor: "_REFCURSOR",
T_regprocedure: "REGPROCEDURE",
T_regoper: "REGOPER",
T_regoperator: "REGOPERATOR",
T_regclass: "REGCLASS",
T_regtype: "REGTYPE",
T__regprocedure: "_REGPROCEDURE",
T__regoper: "_REGOPER",
T__regoperator: "_REGOPERATOR",
T__regclass: "_REGCLASS",
T__regtype: "_REGTYPE",
T_record: "RECORD",
T_cstring: "CSTRING",
T_any: "ANY",
T_anyarray: "ANYARRAY",
T_void: "VOID",
T_trigger: "TRIGGER",
T_language_handler: "LANGUAGE_HANDLER",
T_internal: "INTERNAL",
T_opaque: "OPAQUE",
T_anyelement: "ANYELEMENT",
T__record: "_RECORD",
T_anynonarray: "ANYNONARRAY",
T_pg_authid: "PG_AUTHID",
T_pg_auth_members: "PG_AUTH_MEMBERS",
T__txid_snapshot: "_TXID_SNAPSHOT",
T_uuid: "UUID",
T__uuid: "_UUID",
T_txid_snapshot: "TXID_SNAPSHOT",
T_fdw_handler: "FDW_HANDLER",
T_pg_lsn: "PG_LSN",
T__pg_lsn: "_PG_LSN",
T_tsm_handler: "TSM_HANDLER",
T_anyenum: "ANYENUM",
T_tsvector: "TSVECTOR",
T_tsquery: "TSQUERY",
T_gtsvector: "GTSVECTOR",
T__tsvector: "_TSVECTOR",
T__gtsvector: "_GTSVECTOR",
T__tsquery: "_TSQUERY",
T_regconfig: "REGCONFIG",
T__regconfig: "_REGCONFIG",
T_regdictionary: "REGDICTIONARY",
T__regdictionary: "_REGDICTIONARY",
T_jsonb: "JSONB",
T__jsonb: "_JSONB",
T_anyrange: "ANYRANGE",
T_event_trigger: "EVENT_TRIGGER",
T_int4range: "INT4RANGE",
T__int4range: "_INT4RANGE",
T_numrange: "NUMRANGE",
T__numrange: "_NUMRANGE",
T_tsrange: "TSRANGE",
T__tsrange: "_TSRANGE",
T_tstzrange: "TSTZRANGE",
T__tstzrange: "_TSTZRANGE",
T_daterange: "DATERANGE",
T__daterange: "_DATERANGE",
T_int8range: "INT8RANGE",
T__int8range: "_INT8RANGE",
T_pg_shseclabel: "PG_SHSECLABEL",
T_regnamespace: "REGNAMESPACE",
T__regnamespace: "_REGNAMESPACE",
T_regrole: "REGROLE",
T__regrole: "_REGROLE",

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
const headerSize = 4
type fieldDesc struct {
// The object ID of the data type.
OID oid.Oid
// The data type size (see pg_type.typlen).
// Note that negative values denote variable-width types.
Len int
// The type modifier (see pg_attribute.atttypmod).
// The meaning of the modifier is type-specific.
Mod int
func (fd fieldDesc) Type() reflect.Type {
switch fd.OID {
case oid.T_int8:
return reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
case oid.T_int4:
return reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))
case oid.T_int2:
return reflect.TypeOf(int16(0))
case oid.T_varchar, oid.T_text:
return reflect.TypeOf("")
case oid.T_bool:
return reflect.TypeOf(false)
case oid.T_date, oid.T_time, oid.T_timetz, oid.T_timestamp, oid.T_timestamptz:
return reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
case oid.T_bytea:
return reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil))
return reflect.TypeOf(new(interface{})).Elem()
func (fd fieldDesc) Name() string {
return oid.TypeName[fd.OID]
func (fd fieldDesc) Length() (length int64, ok bool) {
switch fd.OID {
case oid.T_text, oid.T_bytea:
return math.MaxInt64, true
case oid.T_varchar, oid.T_bpchar:
return int64(fd.Mod - headerSize), true
return 0, false
func (fd fieldDesc) PrecisionScale() (precision, scale int64, ok bool) {
switch fd.OID {
case oid.T_numeric, oid.T__numeric:
mod := fd.Mod - headerSize
precision = int64((mod >> 16) & 0xffff)
scale = int64(mod & 0xffff)
return precision, scale, true
return 0, 0, false
// ColumnTypeScanType returns the value type that can be used to scan types into.
func (rs *rows) ColumnTypeScanType(index int) reflect.Type {
return rs.colTyps[index].Type()
// ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName return the database system type name.
func (rs *rows) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName(index int) string {
return rs.colTyps[index].Name()
// ColumnTypeLength returns the length of the column type if the column is a
// variable length type. If the column is not a variable length type ok
// should return false.
func (rs *rows) ColumnTypeLength(index int) (length int64, ok bool) {
return rs.colTyps[index].Length()
// ColumnTypePrecisionScale should return the precision and scale for decimal
// types. If not applicable, ok should be false.
func (rs *rows) ColumnTypePrecisionScale(index int) (precision, scale int64, ok bool) {
return rs.colTyps[index].PrecisionScale()

View file

@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014 - Gustavo Niemeyer <>
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// Package scram implements a SCRAM-{SHA-1,etc} client per RFC5802.
package scram
import (
// Client implements a SCRAM-* client (SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256, etc).
// A Client may be used within a SASL conversation with logic resembling:
// var in []byte
// var client = scram.NewClient(sha1.New, user, pass)
// for client.Step(in) {
// out := client.Out()
// // send out to server
// in := serverOut
// }
// if client.Err() != nil {
// // auth failed
// }
type Client struct {
newHash func() hash.Hash
user string
pass string
step int
out bytes.Buffer
err error
clientNonce []byte
serverNonce []byte
saltedPass []byte
authMsg bytes.Buffer
// NewClient returns a new SCRAM-* client with the provided hash algorithm.
// For SCRAM-SHA-256, for example, use:
// client := scram.NewClient(sha256.New, user, pass)
func NewClient(newHash func() hash.Hash, user, pass string) *Client {
c := &Client{
newHash: newHash,
user: user,
pass: pass,
return c
// Out returns the data to be sent to the server in the current step.
func (c *Client) Out() []byte {
if c.out.Len() == 0 {
return nil
return c.out.Bytes()
// Err returns the error that occurred, or nil if there were no errors.
func (c *Client) Err() error {
return c.err
// SetNonce sets the client nonce to the provided value.
// If not set, the nonce is generated automatically out of crypto/rand on the first step.
func (c *Client) SetNonce(nonce []byte) {
c.clientNonce = nonce
var escaper = strings.NewReplacer("=", "=3D", ",", "=2C")
// Step processes the incoming data from the server and makes the
// next round of data for the server available via Client.Out.
// Step returns false if there are no errors and more data is
// still expected.
func (c *Client) Step(in []byte) bool {
if c.step > 2 || c.err != nil {
return false
switch c.step {
case 1:
c.err = c.step1(in)
case 2:
c.err = c.step2(in)
case 3:
c.err = c.step3(in)
return c.step > 2 || c.err != nil
func (c *Client) step1(in []byte) error {
if len(c.clientNonce) == 0 {
const nonceLen = 16
buf := make([]byte, nonceLen+b64.EncodedLen(nonceLen))
if _, err := rand.Read(buf[:nonceLen]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot read random SCRAM-SHA-256 nonce from operating system: %v", err)
c.clientNonce = buf[nonceLen:]
b64.Encode(c.clientNonce, buf[:nonceLen])
escaper.WriteString(&c.authMsg, c.user)
return nil
var b64 = base64.StdEncoding
func (c *Client) step2(in []byte) error {
fields := bytes.Split(in, []byte(","))
if len(fields) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected 3 fields in first SCRAM-SHA-256 server message, got %d: %q", len(fields), in)
if !bytes.HasPrefix(fields[0], []byte("r=")) || len(fields[0]) < 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("server sent an invalid SCRAM-SHA-256 nonce: %q", fields[0])
if !bytes.HasPrefix(fields[1], []byte("s=")) || len(fields[1]) < 6 {
return fmt.Errorf("server sent an invalid SCRAM-SHA-256 salt: %q", fields[1])
if !bytes.HasPrefix(fields[2], []byte("i=")) || len(fields[2]) < 6 {
return fmt.Errorf("server sent an invalid SCRAM-SHA-256 iteration count: %q", fields[2])
c.serverNonce = fields[0][2:]
if !bytes.HasPrefix(c.serverNonce, c.clientNonce) {
return fmt.Errorf("server SCRAM-SHA-256 nonce is not prefixed by client nonce: got %q, want %q+\"...\"", c.serverNonce, c.clientNonce)
salt := make([]byte, b64.DecodedLen(len(fields[1][2:])))
n, err := b64.Decode(salt, fields[1][2:])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode SCRAM-SHA-256 salt sent by server: %q", fields[1])
salt = salt[:n]
iterCount, err := strconv.Atoi(string(fields[2][2:]))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("server sent an invalid SCRAM-SHA-256 iteration count: %q", fields[2])
c.saltPassword(salt, iterCount)
return nil
func (c *Client) step3(in []byte) error {
var isv, ise bool
var fields = bytes.Split(in, []byte(","))
if len(fields) == 1 {
isv = bytes.HasPrefix(fields[0], []byte("v="))
ise = bytes.HasPrefix(fields[0], []byte("e="))
if ise {
return fmt.Errorf("SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication error: %s", fields[0][2:])
} else if !isv {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported SCRAM-SHA-256 final message from server: %q", in)
if !bytes.Equal(c.serverSignature(), fields[0][2:]) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot authenticate SCRAM-SHA-256 server signature: %q", fields[0][2:])
return nil
func (c *Client) saltPassword(salt []byte, iterCount int) {
mac := hmac.New(c.newHash, []byte(c.pass))
mac.Write([]byte{0, 0, 0, 1})
ui := mac.Sum(nil)
hi := make([]byte, len(ui))
copy(hi, ui)
for i := 1; i < iterCount; i++ {
for j, b := range ui {
hi[j] ^= b
c.saltedPass = hi
func (c *Client) clientProof() []byte {
mac := hmac.New(c.newHash, c.saltedPass)
mac.Write([]byte("Client Key"))
clientKey := mac.Sum(nil)
hash := c.newHash()
storedKey := hash.Sum(nil)
mac = hmac.New(c.newHash, storedKey)
clientProof := mac.Sum(nil)
for i, b := range clientKey {
clientProof[i] ^= b
clientProof64 := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(clientProof)))
b64.Encode(clientProof64, clientProof)
return clientProof64
func (c *Client) serverSignature() []byte {
mac := hmac.New(c.newHash, c.saltedPass)
mac.Write([]byte("Server Key"))
serverKey := mac.Sum(nil)
mac = hmac.New(c.newHash, serverKey)
serverSignature := mac.Sum(nil)
encoded := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(serverSignature)))
b64.Encode(encoded, serverSignature)
return encoded

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
// ssl generates a function to upgrade a net.Conn based on the "sslmode" and
// related settings. The function is nil when no upgrade should take place.
func ssl(o values) (func(net.Conn) (net.Conn, error), error) {
verifyCaOnly := false
tlsConf := tls.Config{}
switch mode := o["sslmode"]; mode {
// "require" is the default.
case "", "require":
// We must skip TLS's own verification since it requires full
// verification since Go 1.3.
tlsConf.InsecureSkipVerify = true
// From
// Note: For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of
// PostgreSQL, if a root CA file exists, the behavior of
// sslmode=require will be the same as that of verify-ca, meaning the
// server certificate is validated against the CA. Relying on this
// behavior is discouraged, and applications that need certificate
// validation should always use verify-ca or verify-full.
if sslrootcert, ok := o["sslrootcert"]; ok {
if _, err := os.Stat(sslrootcert); err == nil {
verifyCaOnly = true
} else {
delete(o, "sslrootcert")
case "verify-ca":
// We must skip TLS's own verification since it requires full
// verification since Go 1.3.
tlsConf.InsecureSkipVerify = true
verifyCaOnly = true
case "verify-full":
tlsConf.ServerName = o["host"]
case "disable":
return nil, nil
return nil, fmterrorf(`unsupported sslmode %q; only "require" (default), "verify-full", "verify-ca", and "disable" supported`, mode)
err := sslClientCertificates(&tlsConf, o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = sslCertificateAuthority(&tlsConf, o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Accept renegotiation requests initiated by the backend.
// Renegotiation was deprecated then removed from PostgreSQL 9.5, but
// the default configuration of older versions has it enabled. Redshift
// also initiates renegotiations and cannot be reconfigured.
tlsConf.Renegotiation = tls.RenegotiateFreelyAsClient
return func(conn net.Conn) (net.Conn, error) {
client := tls.Client(conn, &tlsConf)
if verifyCaOnly {
err := sslVerifyCertificateAuthority(client, &tlsConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client, nil
}, nil
// sslClientCertificates adds the certificate specified in the "sslcert" and
// "sslkey" settings, or if they aren't set, from the .postgresql directory
// in the user's home directory. The configured files must exist and have
// the correct permissions.
func sslClientCertificates(tlsConf *tls.Config, o values) error {
sslinline := o["sslinline"]
if sslinline == "true" {
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(o["sslcert"]), []byte(o["sslkey"]))
if err != nil {
return err
tlsConf.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
return nil
// user.Current() might fail when cross-compiling. We have to ignore the
// error and continue without home directory defaults, since we wouldn't
// know from where to load them.
user, _ := user.Current()
// In libpq, the client certificate is only loaded if the setting is not blank.
sslcert := o["sslcert"]
if len(sslcert) == 0 && user != nil {
sslcert = filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".postgresql", "postgresql.crt")
if len(sslcert) == 0 {
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat(sslcert); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
// In libpq, the ssl key is only loaded if the setting is not blank.
sslkey := o["sslkey"]
if len(sslkey) == 0 && user != nil {
sslkey = filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".postgresql", "postgresql.key")
if len(sslkey) > 0 {
if err := sslKeyPermissions(sslkey); err != nil {
return err
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(sslcert, sslkey)
if err != nil {
return err
tlsConf.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
return nil
// sslCertificateAuthority adds the RootCA specified in the "sslrootcert" setting.
func sslCertificateAuthority(tlsConf *tls.Config, o values) error {
// In libpq, the root certificate is only loaded if the setting is not blank.
if sslrootcert := o["sslrootcert"]; len(sslrootcert) > 0 {
tlsConf.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
sslinline := o["sslinline"]
var cert []byte
if sslinline == "true" {
cert = []byte(sslrootcert)
} else {
var err error
cert, err = ioutil.ReadFile(sslrootcert)
if err != nil {
return err
if !tlsConf.RootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(cert) {
return fmterrorf("couldn't parse pem in sslrootcert")
return nil
// sslVerifyCertificateAuthority carries out a TLS handshake to the server and
// verifies the presented certificate against the CA, i.e. the one specified in
// sslrootcert or the system CA if sslrootcert was not specified.
func sslVerifyCertificateAuthority(client *tls.Conn, tlsConf *tls.Config) error {
err := client.Handshake()
if err != nil {
return err
certs := client.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
DNSName: client.ConnectionState().ServerName,
Intermediates: x509.NewCertPool(),
Roots: tlsConf.RootCAs,
for i, cert := range certs {
if i == 0 {
_, err = certs[0].Verify(opts)
return err

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// +build !windows
package pq
import "os"
// sslKeyPermissions checks the permissions on user-supplied ssl key files.
// The key file should have very little access.
// libpq does not check key file permissions on Windows.
func sslKeyPermissions(sslkey string) error {
info, err := os.Stat(sslkey)
if err != nil {
return err
if info.Mode().Perm()&0077 != 0 {
return ErrSSLKeyHasWorldPermissions
return nil

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package pq
// sslKeyPermissions checks the permissions on user-supplied ssl key files.
// The key file should have very little access.
// libpq does not check key file permissions on Windows.
func sslKeyPermissions(string) error { return nil }

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
nurl "net/url"
// ParseURL no longer needs to be used by clients of this library since supplying a URL as a
// connection string to sql.Open() is now supported:
// sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://bob:secret@")
// It remains exported here for backwards-compatibility.
// ParseURL converts a url to a connection string for driver.Open.
// Example:
// "postgres://bob:secret@"
// converts to:
// "user=bob password=secret host= port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=verify-full"
// A minimal example:
// "postgres://"
// This will be blank, causing driver.Open to use all of the defaults
func ParseURL(url string) (string, error) {
u, err := nurl.Parse(url)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if u.Scheme != "postgres" && u.Scheme != "postgresql" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid connection protocol: %s", u.Scheme)
var kvs []string
escaper := strings.NewReplacer(`'`, `\'`, `\`, `\\`)
accrue := func(k, v string) {
if v != "" {
kvs = append(kvs, k+"='"+escaper.Replace(v)+"'")
if u.User != nil {
v := u.User.Username()
accrue("user", v)
v, _ = u.User.Password()
accrue("password", v)
if host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host); err != nil {
accrue("host", u.Host)
} else {
accrue("host", host)
accrue("port", port)
if u.Path != "" {
accrue("dbname", u.Path[1:])
q := u.Query()
for k := range q {
accrue(k, q.Get(k))
sort.Strings(kvs) // Makes testing easier (not a performance concern)
return strings.Join(kvs, " "), nil

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package.
// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux nacl netbsd openbsd plan9 solaris rumprun
package pq
import (
func userCurrent() (string, error) {
u, err := user.Current()
if err == nil {
return u.Username, nil
name := os.Getenv("USER")
if name != "" {
return name, nil
return "", ErrCouldNotDetectUsername

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package.
package pq
import (
// Perform Windows user name lookup identically to libpq.
// The PostgreSQL code makes use of the legacy Win32 function
// GetUserName, and that function has not been imported into stock Go.
// GetUserNameEx is available though, the difference being that a
// wider range of names are available. To get the output to be the
// same as GetUserName, only the base (or last) component of the
// result is returned.
func userCurrent() (string, error) {
pw_name := make([]uint16, 128)
pwname_size := uint32(len(pw_name)) - 1
err := syscall.GetUserNameEx(syscall.NameSamCompatible, &pw_name[0], &pwname_size)
if err != nil {
return "", ErrCouldNotDetectUsername
s := syscall.UTF16ToString(pw_name)
u := filepath.Base(s)
return u, nil

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package pq
import (
// decodeUUIDBinary interprets the binary format of a uuid, returning it in text format.
func decodeUUIDBinary(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(src) != 16 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pq: unable to decode uuid; bad length: %d", len(src))
dst := make([]byte, 36)
dst[8], dst[13], dst[18], dst[23] = '-', '-', '-', '-'
hex.Encode(dst[0:], src[0:4])
hex.Encode(dst[9:], src[4:6])
hex.Encode(dst[14:], src[6:8])
hex.Encode(dst[19:], src[8:10])
hex.Encode(dst[24:], src[10:16])
return dst, nil

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
- tip
- go get
- go get
- go get
- go get
- go get
- if ! go get; then go get; fi
- $HOME/gopath/bin/govendor sync
- linux
- $HOME/gopath/bin/govendor test -race -v +local
- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Adam Jones
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View file

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
# APNS/2
APNS/2 is a go package designed for simple, flexible and fast Apple Push Notifications on iOS, OSX and Safari using the new HTTP/2 Push provider API.
[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![GoDoc](](
## Features
- Uses new Apple APNs HTTP/2 connection
- Fast - See [notes on speed](
- Works with go 1.7 and later
- Supports new Apple Token Based Authentication (JWT)
- Supports new iOS 10 features such as Collapse IDs, Subtitles and Mutable Notifications
- Supports persistent connections to APNs
- Supports VoIP/PushKit notifications (iOS 8 and later)
- Modular & easy to use
- Tested and working in APNs production environment
## Install
- Make sure you have [Go]( installed and have set your [GOPATH](
- Install apns2:
go get -u
If you are running the test suite you will also need to install testify:
go get -u
## Example
package main
import (
func main() {
cert, err := certificate.FromP12File("../cert.p12", "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Cert Error:", err)
notification := &apns2.Notification{}
notification.DeviceToken = "11aa01229f15f0f0c52029d8cf8cd0aeaf2365fe4cebc4af26cd6d76b7919ef7"
notification.Topic = "com.sideshow.Apns2"
notification.Payload = []byte(`{"aps":{"alert":"Hello!"}}`) // See Payload section below
client := apns2.NewClient(cert).Production()
res, err := client.Push(notification)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error:", err)
fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", res.StatusCode, res.ApnsID, res.Reason)
## JWT Token Example
Instead of using a `.p12` or `.pem` certificate as above, you can optionally use
APNs JWT _Provider Authentication Tokens_. First you will need a signing key (`.p8` file), Key ID and Team ID [from Apple]( Once you have these details, you can create a new client:
authKey, err := token.AuthKeyFromFile("../AuthKey_XXX.p8")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("token error:", err)
token := &token.Token{
AuthKey: authKey,
// KeyID from developer account (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys)
KeyID: "ABC123DEFG",
// TeamID from developer account (View Account -> Membership)
TeamID: "DEF123GHIJ",
client := apns2.NewTokenClient(token)
res, err := client.Push(notification)
- You can use one APNs signing key to authenticate tokens for multiple apps.
- A signing key works for both the development and production environments.
- A signing key doesnt expire but can be revoked.
## Notification
At a minimum, a _Notification_ needs a _DeviceToken_, a _Topic_ and a _Payload_.
notification := &apns2.Notification{
DeviceToken: "11aa01229f15f0f0c52029d8cf8cd0aeaf2365fe4cebc4af26cd6d76b7919ef7",
Topic: "com.sideshow.Apns2",
Payload: []byte(`{"aps":{"alert":"Hello!"}}`),
You can also set an optional _ApnsID_, _Expiration_ or _Priority_.
notification.ApnsID = "40636A2C-C093-493E-936A-2A4333C06DEA"
notification.Expiration = time.Now()
notification.Priority = apns2.PriorityLow
## Payload
You can use raw bytes for the `notification.Payload` as above, or you can use the payload builder package which makes it easy to construct APNs payloads.
// {"aps":{"alert":"hello","badge":1},"key":"val"}
payload := payload.NewPayload().Alert("hello").Badge(1).Custom("key", "val")
notification.Payload = payload
Refer to the [payload]( docs for more info.
## Response, Error handling
APNS/2 draws the distinction between a valid response from Apple indicating whether or not the _Notification_ was sent or not, and an unrecoverable or unexpected _Error_;
- An `Error` is returned if a non-recoverable error occurs, i.e. if there is a problem with the underlying _http.Client_ connection or _Certificate_, the payload was not sent, or a valid _Response_ was not received.
- A `Response` is returned if the payload was successfully sent to Apple and a documented response was received. This struct will contain more information about whether or not the push notification succeeded, its _apns-id_ and if applicable, more information around why it did not succeed.
To check if a `Notification` was successfully sent;
res, err := client.Push(notification)
if err != nil {
log.Println("There was an error", err)
if res.Sent() {
log.Println("Sent:", res.ApnsID)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Not Sent: %v %v %v\n", res.StatusCode, res.ApnsID, res.Reason)
## Context & Timeouts
For better control over request cancellations and timeouts APNS/2 supports
contexts. Using a context can be helpful if you want to cancel all pushes when
the parent process is cancelled, or need finer grained control over individual
push timeouts. See the [Google post]( for more
information on contexts.
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10 * time.Second)
res, err := client.PushWithContext(ctx, notification)
defer cancel()
## Speed & Performance
Also see the wiki page on [APNS HTTP 2 Push Speed](
For best performance, you should hold on to an `apns2.Client` instance and not re-create it every push. The underlying TLS connection itself can take a few seconds to connect and negotiate, so if you are setting up an `apns2.Client` and tearing it down every push, then this will greatly affect performance. (Apple suggest keeping the connection open all the time).
You should also limit the amount of `apns2.Client` instances. The underlying transport has a http connection pool itself, so a single client instance will be enough for most users (One instance can potentially do 4,000+ pushes per second). If you need more than this then one instance per CPU core is a good starting point.
Speed is greatly affected by the location of your server and the quality of your network connection. If you're just testing locally, behind a proxy or if your server is outside USA then you're not going to get great performance. With a good server located in AWS, you should be able to get [decent throughput](
## Command line tool
APNS/2 has a command line tool that can be installed with `go get`. Usage:
apns2 --help
usage: apns2 --certificate-path=CERTIFICATE-PATH --topic=TOPIC [<flags>]
Listens to STDIN to send notifications and writes APNS response code and reason to STDOUT.
The expected format is: <DeviceToken> <APNS Payload>
Example: aff0c63d9eaa63ad161bafee732d5bc2c31f66d552054718ff19ce314371e5d0 {"aps": {"alert": "hi"}}
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-c, --certificate-path=CERTIFICATE-PATH
Path to certificate file.
-t, --topic=TOPIC The topic of the remote notification, which is typically the bundle ID for your app
-m, --mode="production" APNS server to send notifications to. `production` or `development`. Defaults to `production`
--version Show application version.
## License
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Adam Jones
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
// Package apns2 is a go Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) provider that
// allows you to send remote notifications to your iOS, tvOS, and OS X
// apps, using the new APNs HTTP/2 network protocol.
package apns2
import (
// Apple HTTP/2 Development & Production urls
const (
HostDevelopment = ""
HostProduction = ""
// DefaultHost is a mutable var for testing purposes
var DefaultHost = HostDevelopment
var (
// TLSDialTimeout is the maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect
// to complete.
TLSDialTimeout = 20 * time.Second
// HTTPClientTimeout specifies a time limit for requests made by the
// HTTPClient. The timeout includes connection time, any redirects,
// and reading the response body.
HTTPClientTimeout = 60 * time.Second
// TCPKeepAlive specifies the keep-alive period for an active network
// connection. If zero, keep-alives are not enabled.
TCPKeepAlive = 60 * time.Second
// DialTLS is the default dial function for creating TLS connections for
// non-proxied HTTPS requests.
var DialTLS = func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: TLSDialTimeout,
KeepAlive: TCPKeepAlive,
return tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, network, addr, cfg)
// Client represents a connection with the APNs
type Client struct {
Host string
Certificate tls.Certificate
Token *token.Token
HTTPClient *http.Client
type connectionCloser interface {
// NewClient returns a new Client with an underlying http.Client configured with
// the correct APNs HTTP/2 transport settings. It does not connect to the APNs
// until the first Notification is sent via the Push method.
// As per the Apple APNs Provider API, you should keep a handle on this client
// so that you can keep your connections with APNs open across multiple
// notifications; dont repeatedly open and close connections. APNs treats rapid
// connection and disconnection as a denial-of-service attack.
// If your use case involves multiple long-lived connections, consider using
// the ClientManager, which manages clients for you.
func NewClient(certificate tls.Certificate) *Client {
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{certificate},
if len(certificate.Certificate) > 0 {
transport := &http2.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
DialTLS: DialTLS,
return &Client{
HTTPClient: &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: HTTPClientTimeout,
Certificate: certificate,
Host: DefaultHost,
// NewTokenClient returns a new Client with an underlying http.Client configured
// with the correct APNs HTTP/2 transport settings. It does not connect to the APNs
// until the first Notification is sent via the Push method.
// As per the Apple APNs Provider API, you should keep a handle on this client
// so that you can keep your connections with APNs open across multiple
// notifications; dont repeatedly open and close connections. APNs treats rapid
// connection and disconnection as a denial-of-service attack.
func NewTokenClient(token *token.Token) *Client {
transport := &http2.Transport{
DialTLS: DialTLS,
return &Client{
Token: token,
HTTPClient: &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: HTTPClientTimeout,
Host: DefaultHost,
// Development sets the Client to use the APNs development push endpoint.
func (c *Client) Development() *Client {
c.Host = HostDevelopment
return c
// Production sets the Client to use the APNs production push endpoint.
func (c *Client) Production() *Client {
c.Host = HostProduction
return c
// Push sends a Notification to the APNs gateway. If the underlying http.Client
// is not currently connected, this method will attempt to reconnect
// transparently before sending the notification. It will return a Response
// indicating whether the notification was accepted or rejected by the APNs
// gateway, or an error if something goes wrong.
// Use PushWithContext if you need better cancellation and timeout control.
func (c *Client) Push(n *Notification) (*Response, error) {
return c.PushWithContext(nil, n)
// PushWithContext sends a Notification to the APNs gateway. Context carries a
// deadline and a cancellation signal and allows you to close long running
// requests when the context timeout is exceeded. Context can be nil, for
// backwards compatibility.
// If the underlying http.Client is not currently connected, this method will
// attempt to reconnect transparently before sending the notification. It will
// return a Response indicating whether the notification was accepted or
// rejected by the APNs gateway, or an error if something goes wrong.
func (c *Client) PushWithContext(ctx Context, n *Notification) (*Response, error) {
payload, err := json.Marshal(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
url := fmt.Sprintf("%v/3/device/%v", c.Host, n.DeviceToken)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.Token != nil {
setHeaders(req, n)
httpRes, err := c.requestWithContext(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer httpRes.Body.Close()
response := &Response{}
response.StatusCode = httpRes.StatusCode
response.ApnsID = httpRes.Header.Get("apns-id")
decoder := json.NewDecoder(httpRes.Body)
if err := decoder.Decode(&response); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return &Response{}, err
return response, nil
// CloseIdleConnections closes any underlying connections which were previously
// connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle. It will not
// interrupt any connections currently in use.
func (c *Client) CloseIdleConnections() {
func (c *Client) setTokenHeader(r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Set("authorization", fmt.Sprintf("bearer %v", c.Token.Bearer))
func setHeaders(r *http.Request, n *Notification) {
r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if n.Topic != "" {
r.Header.Set("apns-topic", n.Topic)
if n.ApnsID != "" {
r.Header.Set("apns-id", n.ApnsID)
if n.CollapseID != "" {
r.Header.Set("apns-collapse-id", n.CollapseID)
if n.Priority > 0 {
r.Header.Set("apns-priority", fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.Priority))
if !n.Expiration.IsZero() {
r.Header.Set("apns-expiration", fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.Expiration.Unix()))
if n.PushType != "" {
r.Header.Set("apns-push-type", string(n.PushType))
} else {
r.Header.Set("apns-push-type", string(PushTypeAlert))

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// +build go1.7
package apns2
import (
// A Context carries a deadline, a cancellation signal, and other values across
// API boundaries.
// Context's methods may be called by multiple goroutines simultaneously.
type Context interface {
func (c *Client) requestWithContext(ctx Context, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if ctx != nil {
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
return c.HTTPClient.Do(req)

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@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
package apns2
import (
type managerItem struct {
key [sha1.Size]byte
client *Client
lastUsed time.Time
// ClientManager is a way to manage multiple connections to the APNs.
type ClientManager struct {
// MaxSize is the maximum number of clients allowed in the manager. When
// this limit is reached, the least recently used client is evicted. Set
// zero for no limit.
MaxSize int
// MaxAge is the maximum age of clients in the manager. Upon retrieval, if
// a client has remained unused in the manager for this duration or longer,
// it is evicted and nil is returned. Set zero to disable this
// functionality.
MaxAge time.Duration
// Factory is the function which constructs clients if not found in the
// manager.
Factory func(certificate tls.Certificate) *Client
cache map[[sha1.Size]byte]*list.Element
ll *list.List
mu sync.Mutex
once sync.Once
// NewClientManager returns a new ClientManager for prolonged, concurrent usage
// of multiple APNs clients. ClientManager is flexible enough to work best for
// your use case. When a client is not found in the manager, Get will return
// the result of calling Factory, which can be a Client or nil.
// Having multiple clients per certificate in the manager is not allowed.
// By default, MaxSize is 64, MaxAge is 10 minutes, and Factory always returns
// a Client with default options.
func NewClientManager() *ClientManager {
manager := &ClientManager{
MaxSize: 64,
MaxAge: 10 * time.Minute,
Factory: NewClient,
return manager
// Add adds a Client to the manager. You can use this to individually configure
// Clients in the manager.
func (m *ClientManager) Add(client *Client) {
key := cacheKey(client.Certificate)
now := time.Now()
if ele, hit := m.cache[key]; hit {
item := ele.Value.(*managerItem)
item.client = client
item.lastUsed = now
ele := m.ll.PushFront(&managerItem{key, client, now})
m.cache[key] = ele
if m.MaxSize != 0 && m.ll.Len() > m.MaxSize {
// Get gets a Client from the manager. If a Client is not found in the manager
// or if a Client has remained in the manager longer than MaxAge, Get will call
// the ClientManager's Factory function, store the result in the manager if
// non-nil, and return it.
func (m *ClientManager) Get(certificate tls.Certificate) *Client {
key := cacheKey(certificate)
now := time.Now()
if ele, hit := m.cache[key]; hit {
item := ele.Value.(*managerItem)
if m.MaxAge != 0 && item.lastUsed.Before(now.Add(-m.MaxAge)) {
c := m.Factory(certificate)
if c == nil {
return nil
item.client = c
item.lastUsed = now
return item.client
c := m.Factory(certificate)
if c == nil {
return nil
return c
// Len returns the current size of the ClientManager.
func (m *ClientManager) Len() int {
if m.cache == nil {
return 0
return m.ll.Len()
func (m *ClientManager) initInternals() {
m.once.Do(func() {
m.cache = map[[sha1.Size]byte]*list.Element{}
m.ll = list.New()
func (m *ClientManager) removeOldest() {
ele := m.ll.Back()
if ele != nil {
func (m *ClientManager) removeElement(e *list.Element) {
delete(m.cache, e.Value.(*managerItem).key)
func cacheKey(certificate tls.Certificate) [sha1.Size]byte {
var data []byte
for _, cert := range certificate.Certificate {
data = append(data, cert...)
return sha1.Sum(data)

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@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
package apns2
import (
// EPushType defines the value for the apns-push-type header
type EPushType string
const (
// PushTypeAlert is used for notifications that trigger a user interaction —
// for example, an alert, badge, or sound. If you set this push type, the
// apns-topic header field must use your apps bundle ID as the topic. The
// alert push type is required on watchOS 6 and later. It is recommended on
// macOS, iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS.
PushTypeAlert EPushType = "alert"
// PushTypeBackground is used for notifications that deliver content in the
// background, and dont trigger any user interactions. If you set this push
// type, the apns-topic header field must use your apps bundle ID as the
// topic. The background push type is required on watchOS 6 and later. It is
// recommended on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS.
PushTypeBackground EPushType = "background"
// PushTypeVOIP is used for notifications that provide information about an
// incoming Voice-over-IP (VoIP) call. If you set this push type, the
// apns-topic header field must use your apps bundle ID with .voip appended
// to the end. If youre using certificate-based authentication, you must
// also register the certificate for VoIP services. The voip push type is
// not available on watchOS. It is recommended on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and
// iPadOS.
PushTypeVOIP EPushType = "voip"
// PushTypeComplication is used for notifications that contain update
// information for a watchOS apps complications. If you set this push type,
// the apns-topic header field must use your apps bundle ID with
// .complication appended to the end. If youre using certificate-based
// authentication, you must also register the certificate for WatchKit
// services. The complication push type is recommended for watchOS and iOS.
// It is not available on macOS, tvOS, and iPadOS.
PushTypeComplication EPushType = "complication"
// PushTypeFileProvider is used to signal changes to a File Provider
// extension. If you set this push type, the apns-topic header field must
// use your apps bundle ID with .pushkit.fileprovider appended to the end.
// The fileprovider push type is not available on watchOS. It is recommended
// on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS.
PushTypeFileProvider EPushType = "fileprovider"
// PushTypeMDM is used for notifications that tell managed devices to
// contact the MDM server. If you set this push type, you must use the topic
// from the UID attribute in the subject of your MDM push certificate.
PushTypeMDM EPushType = "mdm"
const (
// PriorityLow will tell APNs to send the push message at a time that takes
// into account power considerations for the device. Notifications with this
// priority might be grouped and delivered in bursts. They are throttled,
// and in some cases are not delivered.
PriorityLow = 5
// PriorityHigh will tell APNs to send the push message immediately.
// Notifications with this priority must trigger an alert, sound, or badge
// on the target device. It is an error to use this priority for a push
// notification that contains only the content-available key.
PriorityHigh = 10
// Notification represents the the data and metadata for a APNs Remote Notification.
type Notification struct {
// An optional canonical UUID that identifies the notification. The
// canonical form is 32 lowercase hexadecimal digits, displayed in five
// groups separated by hyphens in the form 8-4-4-4-12. An example UUID is as
// follows:
// 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-42665544000
// If you don't set this, a new UUID is created by APNs and returned in the
// response.
ApnsID string
// A string which allows multiple notifications with the same collapse
// identifier to be displayed to the user as a single notification. The
// value should not exceed 64 bytes.
CollapseID string
// A string containing hexadecimal bytes of the device token for the target
// device.
DeviceToken string
// The topic of the remote notification, which is typically the bundle ID
// for your app. The certificate you create in the Apple Developer Member
// Center must include the capability for this topic. If your certificate
// includes multiple topics, you must specify a value for this header. If
// you omit this header and your APNs certificate does not specify multiple
// topics, the APNs server uses the certificates Subject as the default
// topic.
Topic string
// An optional time at which the notification is no longer valid and can be
// discarded by APNs. If this value is in the past, APNs treats the
// notification as if it expires immediately and does not store the
// notification or attempt to redeliver it. If this value is left as the
// default (ie, Expiration.IsZero()) an expiration header will not added to
// the http request.
Expiration time.Time
// The priority of the notification. Specify ether apns.PriorityHigh (10) or
// apns.PriorityLow (5) If you don't set this, the APNs server will set the
// priority to 10.
Priority int
// A byte array containing the JSON-encoded payload of this push notification.
// Refer to "The Remote Notification Payload" section in the Apple Local and
// Remote Notification Programming Guide for more info.
Payload interface{}
// The pushtype of the push notification. If this values is left as the
// default an apns-push-type header with value 'alert' will be added to the
// http request.
PushType EPushType
// MarshalJSON converts the notification payload to JSON.
func (n *Notification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
switch n.Payload.(type) {
case string:
return []byte(n.Payload.(string)), nil
case []byte:
return n.Payload.([]byte), nil
return json.Marshal(n.Payload)

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@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
// Package payload is a helper package which contains a payload
// builder to make constructing notification payloads easier.
package payload
import "encoding/json"
// Payload represents a notification which holds the content that will be
// marshalled as JSON.
type Payload struct {
content map[string]interface{}
type aps struct {
Alert interface{} `json:"alert,omitempty"`
Badge interface{} `json:"badge,omitempty"`
Category string `json:"category,omitempty"`
ContentAvailable int `json:"content-available,omitempty"`
MutableContent int `json:"mutable-content,omitempty"`
Sound interface{} `json:"sound,omitempty"`
ThreadID string `json:"thread-id,omitempty"`
URLArgs []string `json:"url-args,omitempty"`
type alert struct {
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
ActionLocKey string `json:"action-loc-key,omitempty"`
Body string `json:"body,omitempty"`
LaunchImage string `json:"launch-image,omitempty"`
LocArgs []string `json:"loc-args,omitempty"`
LocKey string `json:"loc-key,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Subtitle string `json:"subtitle,omitempty"`
TitleLocArgs []string `json:"title-loc-args,omitempty"`
TitleLocKey string `json:"title-loc-key,omitempty"`
SummaryArg string `json:"summary-arg,omitempty"`
SummaryArgCount int `json:"summary-arg-count,omitempty"`
type sound struct {
Critical int `json:"critical,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Volume float32 `json:"volume,omitempty"`
// NewPayload returns a new Payload struct
func NewPayload() *Payload {
return &Payload{
"aps": &aps{},
// Alert sets the aps alert on the payload.
// This will display a notification alert message to the user.
// {"aps":{"alert":alert}}`
func (p *Payload) Alert(alert interface{}) *Payload {
p.aps().Alert = alert
return p
// Badge sets the aps badge on the payload.
// This will display a numeric badge on the app icon.
// {"aps":{"badge":b}}
func (p *Payload) Badge(b int) *Payload {
p.aps().Badge = b
return p
// ZeroBadge sets the aps badge on the payload to 0.
// This will clear the badge on the app icon.
// {"aps":{"badge":0}}
func (p *Payload) ZeroBadge() *Payload {
p.aps().Badge = 0
return p
// UnsetBadge removes the badge attribute from the payload.
// This will leave the badge on the app icon unchanged.
// If you wish to clear the app icon badge, use ZeroBadge() instead.
// {"aps":{}}
func (p *Payload) UnsetBadge() *Payload {
p.aps().Badge = nil
return p
// Sound sets the aps sound on the payload.
// This will play a sound from the app bundle, or the default sound otherwise.
// {"aps":{"sound":sound}}
func (p *Payload) Sound(sound interface{}) *Payload {
p.aps().Sound = sound
return p
// ContentAvailable sets the aps content-available on the payload to 1.
// This will indicate to the app that there is new content available to download
// and launch the app in the background.
// {"aps":{"content-available":1}}
func (p *Payload) ContentAvailable() *Payload {
p.aps().ContentAvailable = 1
return p
// MutableContent sets the aps mutable-content on the payload to 1.
// This will indicate to the to the system to call your Notification Service
// extension to mutate or replace the notification's content.
// {"aps":{"mutable-content":1}}
func (p *Payload) MutableContent() *Payload {
p.aps().MutableContent = 1
return p
// Custom payload
// Custom sets a custom key and value on the payload.
// This will add custom key/value data to the notification payload at root level.
// {"aps":{}, key:value}
func (p *Payload) Custom(key string, val interface{}) *Payload {
p.content[key] = val
return p
// Alert dictionary
// AlertTitle sets the aps alert title on the payload.
// This will display a short string describing the purpose of the notification.
// Apple Watch & Safari display this string as part of the notification interface.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"title":title}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertTitle(title string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().Title = title
return p
// AlertTitleLocKey sets the aps alert title localization key on the payload.
// This is the key to a title string in the Localizable.strings file for the
// current localization. See Localized Formatted Strings in Apple documentation
// for more information.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"title-loc-key":key}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertTitleLocKey(key string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().TitleLocKey = key
return p
// AlertTitleLocArgs sets the aps alert title localization args on the payload.
// These are the variable string values to appear in place of the format
// specifiers in title-loc-key. See Localized Formatted Strings in Apple
// documentation for more information.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"title-loc-args":args}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertTitleLocArgs(args []string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().TitleLocArgs = args
return p
// AlertSubtitle sets the aps alert subtitle on the payload.
// This will display a short string describing the purpose of the notification.
// Apple Watch & Safari display this string as part of the notification interface.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"subtitle":"subtitle"}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertSubtitle(subtitle string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().Subtitle = subtitle
return p
// AlertBody sets the aps alert body on the payload.
// This is the text of the alert message.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"body":body}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertBody(body string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().Body = body
return p
// AlertLaunchImage sets the aps launch image on the payload.
// This is the filename of an image file in the app bundle. The image is used
// as the launch image when users tap the action button or move the action
// slider.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"launch-image":image}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertLaunchImage(image string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().LaunchImage = image
return p
// AlertLocArgs sets the aps alert localization args on the payload.
// These are the variable string values to appear in place of the format
// specifiers in loc-key. See Localized Formatted Strings in Apple
// documentation for more information.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"loc-args":args}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertLocArgs(args []string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().LocArgs = args
return p
// AlertLocKey sets the aps alert localization key on the payload.
// This is the key to an alert-message string in the Localizable.strings file
// for the current localization. See Localized Formatted Strings in Apple
// documentation for more information.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"loc-key":key}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertLocKey(key string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().LocKey = key
return p
// AlertAction sets the aps alert action on the payload.
// This is the label of the action button, if the user sets the notifications
// to appear as alerts. This label should be succinct, such as “Details” or
// “Read more”. If omitted, the default value is “Show”.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"action":action}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertAction(action string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().Action = action
return p
// AlertActionLocKey sets the aps alert action localization key on the payload.
// This is the the string used as a key to get a localized string in the current
// localization to use for the notfication right buttons title instead of
// “View”. See Localized Formatted Strings in Apple documentation for more
// information.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"action-loc-key":key}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertActionLocKey(key string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().ActionLocKey = key
return p
// AlertSummaryArg sets the aps alert summary arg key on the payload.
// This is the string that is used as a key to fill in an argument
// at the bottom of a notification to provide more context, such as
// a name associated with the sender of the notification.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"summary-arg":key}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertSummaryArg(key string) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().SummaryArg = key
return p
// AlertSummaryArgCount sets the aps alert summary arg count key on the payload.
// This integer sets a custom "weight" on the notification, effectively
// allowing a notification to be viewed internally as two. For example if
// a notification encompasses 3 messages, you can set it to 3.
// {"aps":{"alert":{"summary-arg-count":key}}}
func (p *Payload) AlertSummaryArgCount(key int) *Payload {
p.aps().alert().SummaryArgCount = key
return p
// General
// Category sets the aps category on the payload.
// This is a string value that represents the identifier property of the
// UIMutableUserNotificationCategory object you created to define custom actions.
// {"aps":{"category":category}}
func (p *Payload) Category(category string) *Payload {
p.aps().Category = category
return p
// Mdm sets the mdm on the payload.
// This is for Apple Mobile Device Management (mdm) payloads.
// {"aps":{}:"mdm":mdm}
func (p *Payload) Mdm(mdm string) *Payload {
p.content["mdm"] = mdm
return p
// ThreadID sets the aps thread id on the payload.
// This is for the purpose of updating the contents of a View Controller in a
// Notification Content app extension when a new notification arrives. If a
// new notification arrives whose thread-id value matches the thread-id of the
// notification already being displayed, the didReceiveNotification method
// is called.
// {"aps":{"thread-id":id}}
func (p *Payload) ThreadID(threadID string) *Payload {
p.aps().ThreadID = threadID
return p
// URLArgs sets the aps category on the payload.
// This specifies an array of values that are paired with the placeholders
// inside the urlFormatString value of your website.json file.
// See Apple Notification Programming Guide for Websites.
// {"aps":{"url-args":urlArgs}}
func (p *Payload) URLArgs(urlArgs []string) *Payload {
p.aps().URLArgs = urlArgs
return p
// SoundName sets the name value on the aps sound dictionary.
// This function makes the notification a critical alert, which should be pre-approved by Apple.
// See:
// {"aps":{"sound":{"critical":1,"name":name,"volume":1.0}}}
func (p *Payload) SoundName(name string) *Payload {
p.aps().sound().Name = name
return p
// SoundVolume sets the volume value on the aps sound dictionary.
// This function makes the notification a critical alert, which should be pre-approved by Apple.
// See:
// {"aps":{"sound":{"critical":1,"name":"default","volume":volume}}}
func (p *Payload) SoundVolume(volume float32) *Payload {
p.aps().sound().Volume = volume
return p
// MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoded version of the Payload
func (p *Payload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(p.content)
func (p *Payload) aps() *aps {
return p.content["aps"].(*aps)
func (a *aps) alert() *alert {
if _, ok := a.Alert.(*alert); !ok {
a.Alert = &alert{}
return a.Alert.(*alert)
func (a *aps) sound() *sound {
if _, ok := a.Sound.(*sound); !ok {
a.Sound = &sound{Critical: 1, Name: "default", Volume: 1.0}
return a.Sound.(*sound)

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@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
package apns2
import (
// StatusSent is a 200 response.
const StatusSent = http.StatusOK
// The possible Reason error codes returned from APNs.
// From table 8-6 in the Apple Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide.
const (
// 400 The collapse identifier exceeds the maximum allowed size
ReasonBadCollapseID = "BadCollapseId"
// 400 The specified device token was bad. Verify that the request contains a
// valid token and that the token matches the environment.
ReasonBadDeviceToken = "BadDeviceToken"
// 400 The apns-expiration value is bad.
ReasonBadExpirationDate = "BadExpirationDate"
// 400 The apns-id value is bad.
ReasonBadMessageID = "BadMessageId"
// 400 The apns-priority value is bad.
ReasonBadPriority = "BadPriority"
// 400 The apns-topic was invalid.
ReasonBadTopic = "BadTopic"
// 400 The device token does not match the specified topic.
ReasonDeviceTokenNotForTopic = "DeviceTokenNotForTopic"
// 400 One or more headers were repeated.
ReasonDuplicateHeaders = "DuplicateHeaders"
// 400 Idle time out.
ReasonIdleTimeout = "IdleTimeout"
// 400 The device token is not specified in the request :path. Verify that the
// :path header contains the device token.
ReasonMissingDeviceToken = "MissingDeviceToken"
// 400 The apns-topic header of the request was not specified and was
// required. The apns-topic header is mandatory when the client is connected
// using a certificate that supports multiple topics.
ReasonMissingTopic = "MissingTopic"
// 400 The message payload was empty.
ReasonPayloadEmpty = "PayloadEmpty"
// 400 Pushing to this topic is not allowed.
ReasonTopicDisallowed = "TopicDisallowed"
// 403 The certificate was bad.
ReasonBadCertificate = "BadCertificate"
// 403 The client certificate was for the wrong environment.
ReasonBadCertificateEnvironment = "BadCertificateEnvironment"
// 403 The provider token is stale and a new token should be generated.
ReasonExpiredProviderToken = "ExpiredProviderToken"
// 403 The specified action is not allowed.
ReasonForbidden = "Forbidden"
// 403 The provider token is not valid or the token signature could not be
// verified.
ReasonInvalidProviderToken = "InvalidProviderToken"
// 403 No provider certificate was used to connect to APNs and Authorization
// header was missing or no provider token was specified.
ReasonMissingProviderToken = "MissingProviderToken"
// 404 The request contained a bad :path value.
ReasonBadPath = "BadPath"
// 405 The specified :method was not POST.
ReasonMethodNotAllowed = "MethodNotAllowed"
// 410 The device token is inactive for the specified topic.
ReasonUnregistered = "Unregistered"
// 413 The message payload was too large. See Creating the Remote Notification
// Payload in the Apple Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide for
// details on maximum payload size.
ReasonPayloadTooLarge = "PayloadTooLarge"
// 429 The provider token is being updated too often.
ReasonTooManyProviderTokenUpdates = "TooManyProviderTokenUpdates"
// 429 Too many requests were made consecutively to the same device token.
ReasonTooManyRequests = "TooManyRequests"
// 500 An internal server error occurred.
ReasonInternalServerError = "InternalServerError"
// 503 The service is unavailable.
ReasonServiceUnavailable = "ServiceUnavailable"
// 503 The server is shutting down.
ReasonShutdown = "Shutdown"
// Response represents a result from the APNs gateway indicating whether a
// notification was accepted or rejected and (if applicable) the metadata
// surrounding the rejection.
type Response struct {
// The HTTP status code returned by APNs.
// A 200 value indicates that the notification was successfully sent.
// For a list of other possible status codes, see table 6-4 in the Apple Local
// and Remote Notification Programming Guide.
StatusCode int
// The APNs error string indicating the reason for the notification failure (if
// any). The error code is specified as a string. For a list of possible
// values, see the Reason constants above.
// If the notification was accepted, this value will be "".
Reason string
// The APNs ApnsID value from the Notification. If you didn't set an ApnsID on the
// Notification, this will be a new unique UUID which has been created by APNs.
ApnsID string
// If the value of StatusCode is 410, this is the last time at which APNs
// confirmed that the device token was no longer valid for the topic.
Timestamp Time
// Sent returns whether or not the notification was successfully sent.
// This is the same as checking if the StatusCode == 200.
func (c *Response) Sent() bool {
return c.StatusCode == StatusSent
// Time represents a device uninstall time
type Time struct {
// UnmarshalJSON converts an epoch date into a Time struct.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
t.Time = time.Unix(ts/1000, 0)
return nil

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@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package token
import (
jwt ""
const (
// TokenTimeout is the period of time in seconds that a token is valid for.
// If the timestamp for token issue is not within the last hour, APNs
// rejects subsequent push messages. This is set to under an hour so that
// we generate a new token before the existing one expires.
TokenTimeout = 3000
// Possible errors when parsing a .p8 file.
var (
ErrAuthKeyNotPem = errors.New("token: AuthKey must be a valid .p8 PEM file")
ErrAuthKeyNotECDSA = errors.New("token: AuthKey must be of type ecdsa.PrivateKey")
ErrAuthKeyNil = errors.New("token: AuthKey was nil")
// Token represents an Apple Provider Authentication Token (JSON Web Token).
type Token struct {
AuthKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
KeyID string
TeamID string
IssuedAt int64
Bearer string
// AuthKeyFromFile loads a .p8 certificate from a local file and returns a
// *ecdsa.PrivateKey.
func AuthKeyFromFile(filename string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return AuthKeyFromBytes(bytes)
// AuthKeyFromBytes loads a .p8 certificate from an in memory byte array and
// returns an *ecdsa.PrivateKey.
func AuthKeyFromBytes(bytes []byte) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
block, _ := pem.Decode(bytes)
if block == nil {
return nil, ErrAuthKeyNotPem
key, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch pk := key.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
return pk, nil
return nil, ErrAuthKeyNotECDSA
// GenerateIfExpired checks to see if the token is about to expire and
// generates a new token.
func (t *Token) GenerateIfExpired() {
defer t.Unlock()
if t.Expired() {
// Expired checks to see if the token has expired.
func (t *Token) Expired() bool {
return time.Now().Unix() >= (t.IssuedAt + TokenTimeout)
// Generate creates a new token.
func (t *Token) Generate() (bool, error) {
if t.AuthKey == nil {
return false, ErrAuthKeyNil
issuedAt := time.Now().Unix()
jwtToken := &jwt.Token{
Header: map[string]interface{}{
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": t.KeyID,
Claims: jwt.MapClaims{
"iss": t.TeamID,
"iat": issuedAt,
Method: jwt.SigningMethodES256,
bearer, err := jwtToken.SignedString(t.AuthKey)
if err != nil {
return false, err
t.IssuedAt = issuedAt
t.Bearer = bearer
return true, nil

vendor/ generated vendored
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

vendor/ generated vendored
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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
Google as part of the Go project.
Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section)
patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import,
transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this
implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent
claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in
the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this
implementation of Go. This grant does not include claims that would be
infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this
implementation. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or
order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any
entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging
that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this
implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent
rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go
shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package httpguts provides functions implementing various details
// of the HTTP specification.
// This package is shared by the standard library (which vendors it)
// and x/net/http2. It comes with no API stability promise.
package httpguts
import (
// ValidTrailerHeader reports whether name is a valid header field name to appear
// in trailers.
// See RFC 7230, Section 4.1.2
func ValidTrailerHeader(name string) bool {
name = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(name)
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "If-") || badTrailer[name] {
return false
return true
var badTrailer = map[string]bool{
"Authorization": true,
"Cache-Control": true,
"Connection": true,
"Content-Encoding": true,
"Content-Length": true,
"Content-Range": true,
"Content-Type": true,
"Expect": true,
"Host": true,
"Keep-Alive": true,
"Max-Forwards": true,
"Pragma": true,
"Proxy-Authenticate": true,
"Proxy-Authorization": true,
"Proxy-Connection": true,
"Range": true,
"Realm": true,
"Te": true,
"Trailer": true,
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Www-Authenticate": true,

View file

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package httpguts
import (
var isTokenTable = [127]bool{
'!': true,
'#': true,
'$': true,
'%': true,
'&': true,
'\'': true,
'*': true,
'+': true,
'-': true,
'.': true,
'0': true,
'1': true,
'2': true,
'3': true,
'4': true,
'5': true,
'6': true,
'7': true,
'8': true,
'9': true,
'A': true,
'B': true,
'C': true,
'D': true,
'E': true,
'F': true,
'G': true,
'H': true,
'I': true,
'J': true,
'K': true,
'L': true,
'M': true,
'N': true,
'O': true,
'P': true,
'Q': true,
'R': true,
'S': true,
'T': true,
'U': true,
'W': true,
'V': true,
'X': true,
'Y': true,
'Z': true,
'^': true,
'_': true,
'`': true,
'a': true,
'b': true,
'c': true,
'd': true,
'e': true,
'f': true,
'g': true,
'h': true,
'i': true,
'j': true,
'k': true,
'l': true,
'm': true,
'n': true,
'o': true,
'p': true,
'q': true,
'r': true,
's': true,
't': true,
'u': true,
'v': true,
'w': true,
'x': true,
'y': true,
'z': true,
'|': true,
'~': true,
func IsTokenRune(r rune) bool {
i := int(r)
return i < len(isTokenTable) && isTokenTable[i]
func isNotToken(r rune) bool {
return !IsTokenRune(r)
// HeaderValuesContainsToken reports whether any string in values
// contains the provided token, ASCII case-insensitively.
func HeaderValuesContainsToken(values []string, token string) bool {
for _, v := range values {
if headerValueContainsToken(v, token) {
return true
return false
// isOWS reports whether b is an optional whitespace byte, as defined
// by RFC 7230 section 3.2.3.
func isOWS(b byte) bool { return b == ' ' || b == '\t' }
// trimOWS returns x with all optional whitespace removes from the
// beginning and end.
func trimOWS(x string) string {
// TODO: consider using strings.Trim(x, " \t") instead,
// if and when it's fast enough. See issue 10292.
// But this ASCII-only code will probably always beat UTF-8
// aware code.
for len(x) > 0 && isOWS(x[0]) {
x = x[1:]
for len(x) > 0 && isOWS(x[len(x)-1]) {
x = x[:len(x)-1]
return x
// headerValueContainsToken reports whether v (assumed to be a
// 0#element, in the ABNF extension described in RFC 7230 section 7)
// contains token amongst its comma-separated tokens, ASCII
// case-insensitively.
func headerValueContainsToken(v string, token string) bool {
v = trimOWS(v)
if comma := strings.IndexByte(v, ','); comma != -1 {
return tokenEqual(trimOWS(v[:comma]), token) || headerValueContainsToken(v[comma+1:], token)
return tokenEqual(v, token)
// lowerASCII returns the ASCII lowercase version of b.
func lowerASCII(b byte) byte {
if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' {
return b + ('a' - 'A')
return b
// tokenEqual reports whether t1 and t2 are equal, ASCII case-insensitively.
func tokenEqual(t1, t2 string) bool {
if len(t1) != len(t2) {
return false
for i, b := range t1 {
if b >= utf8.RuneSelf {
// No UTF-8 or non-ASCII allowed in tokens.
return false
if lowerASCII(byte(b)) != lowerASCII(t2[i]) {
return false
return true
// isLWS reports whether b is linear white space, according
// to
// LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
func isLWS(b byte) bool { return b == ' ' || b == '\t' }
// isCTL reports whether b is a control byte, according
// to
// CTL = <any US-ASCII control character
// (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>
func isCTL(b byte) bool {
const del = 0x7f // a CTL
return b < ' ' || b == del
// ValidHeaderFieldName reports whether v is a valid HTTP/1.x header name.
// HTTP/2 imposes the additional restriction that uppercase ASCII
// letters are not allowed.
// RFC 7230 says:
// header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
// field-name = token
// token = 1*tchar
// tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "." /
// "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" / DIGIT / ALPHA
func ValidHeaderFieldName(v string) bool {
if len(v) == 0 {
return false
for _, r := range v {
if !IsTokenRune(r) {
return false
return true
// ValidHostHeader reports whether h is a valid host header.
func ValidHostHeader(h string) bool {
// The latest spec is actually this:
// Host = uri-host [ ":" port ]
// Where uri-host is:
// But we're going to be much more lenient for now and just
// search for any byte that's not a valid byte in any of those
// expressions.
for i := 0; i < len(h); i++ {
if !validHostByte[h[i]] {
return false
return true
// See the validHostHeader comment.
var validHostByte = [256]bool{
'0': true, '1': true, '2': true, '3': true, '4': true, '5': true, '6': true, '7': true,
'8': true, '9': true,
'a': true, 'b': true, 'c': true, 'd': true, 'e': true, 'f': true, 'g': true, 'h': true,
'i': true, 'j': true, 'k': true, 'l': true, 'm': true, 'n': true, 'o': true, 'p': true,
'q': true, 'r': true, 's': true, 't': true, 'u': true, 'v': true, 'w': true, 'x': true,
'y': true, 'z': true,
'A': true, 'B': true, 'C': true, 'D': true, 'E': true, 'F': true, 'G': true, 'H': true,
'I': true, 'J': true, 'K': true, 'L': true, 'M': true, 'N': true, 'O': true, 'P': true,
'Q': true, 'R': true, 'S': true, 'T': true, 'U': true, 'V': true, 'W': true, 'X': true,
'Y': true, 'Z': true,
'!': true, // sub-delims
'$': true, // sub-delims
'%': true, // pct-encoded (and used in IPv6 zones)
'&': true, // sub-delims
'(': true, // sub-delims
')': true, // sub-delims
'*': true, // sub-delims
'+': true, // sub-delims
',': true, // sub-delims
'-': true, // unreserved
'.': true, // unreserved
':': true, // IPv6address + Host expression's optional port
';': true, // sub-delims
'=': true, // sub-delims
'[': true,
'\'': true, // sub-delims
']': true,
'_': true, // unreserved
'~': true, // unreserved
// ValidHeaderFieldValue reports whether v is a valid "field-value" according to
// :
// message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
// field-value = *( field-content | LWS )
// field-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
// and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
// of token, separators, and quoted-string>
// :
// TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs,
// but including LWS>
// LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
// CTL = <any US-ASCII control character
// (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>
// RFC 7230 says:
// field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold )
// obj-fold = N/A to http2, and deprecated
// field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ]
// field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text
// obs-text = %x80-FF
// VCHAR = "any visible [USASCII] character"
// http2 further says: "Similarly, HTTP/2 allows header field values
// that are not valid. While most of the values that can be encoded
// will not alter header field parsing, carriage return (CR, ASCII
// 0xd), line feed (LF, ASCII 0xa), and the zero character (NUL, ASCII
// 0x0) might be exploited by an attacker if they are translated
// verbatim. Any request or response that contains a character not
// permitted in a header field value MUST be treated as malformed
// (Section Valid characters are defined by the
// field-content ABNF rule in Section 3.2 of [RFC7230]."
// This function does not (yet?) properly handle the rejection of
// strings that begin or end with SP or HTAB.
func ValidHeaderFieldValue(v string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
b := v[i]
if isCTL(b) && !isLWS(b) {
return false
return true
func isASCII(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {
return false
return true
// PunycodeHostPort returns the IDNA Punycode version
// of the provided "host" or "host:port" string.
func PunycodeHostPort(v string) (string, error) {
if isASCII(v) {
return v, nil
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(v)
if err != nil {
// The input 'v' argument was just a "host" argument,
// without a port. This error should not be returned
// to the caller.
host = v
port = ""
host, err = idna.ToASCII(host)
if err != nil {
// Non-UTF-8? Not representable in Punycode, in any
// case.
return "", err
if port == "" {
return host, nil
return net.JoinHostPort(host, port), nil

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# This Dockerfile builds a recent curl with HTTP/2 client support, using
# a recent nghttp2 build.
# See the Makefile for how to tag it. If Docker and that image is found, the
# Go tests use this curl binary for integration tests.
FROM ubuntu:trusty
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
apt-get install -y git-core build-essential wget
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
autotools-dev libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev \
libcunit1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libevent-dev \
automake autoconf
# The list of packages nghttp2 recommends for h2load:
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends make binutils \
autoconf automake autotools-dev \
libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev libcunit1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev \
libev-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev libjemalloc-dev \
cython python3.4-dev python-setuptools
# Note: setting NGHTTP2_VER before the git clone, so an old git clone isn't cached:
RUN cd /root && git clone
WORKDIR /root/nghttp2
RUN git reset --hard $NGHTTP2_VER
RUN autoreconf -i
RUN automake
RUN autoconf
RUN ./configure
RUN make
RUN make install
RUN wget
RUN tar -zxvf curl-7.45.0.tar.gz
WORKDIR /root/curl-7.45.0
RUN ./configure --with-ssl --with-nghttp2=/usr/local
RUN make
RUN make install
RUN ldconfig
CMD ["-h"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/curl"]

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
docker build -t gohttp2/curl .

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
This is a work-in-progress HTTP/2 implementation for Go.
It will eventually live in the Go standard library and won't require
any changes to your code to use. It will just be automatic.
* The server support is pretty good. A few things are missing
but are being worked on.
* The client work has just started but shares a lot of code
is coming along much quicker.
Docs are at
Demo test server at
Help & bug reports welcome!

View file

@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http2
// A list of the possible cipher suite ids. Taken from
const (
cipher_TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL uint16 = 0x0000
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 uint16 = 0x0001
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x0002
cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0003
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0004
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0005
cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0006
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0007
cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0008
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0009
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000A
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000B
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000C
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000D
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000E
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000F
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0010
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0011
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0012
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0013
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0014
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0015
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0016
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0017
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0018
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0019
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001A
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001B
// Reserved uint16 = 0x001C-1D
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001E
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001F
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0020
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0021
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0022
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0023
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0024
cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0025
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0026
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0027
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0028
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0029
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x002A
cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x002B
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002C
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002D
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002E
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x002F
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0030
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0031
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0032
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0033
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0034
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0035
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0036
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0037
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0038
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0039
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x003A
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003B
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003C
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003D
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003E
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003F
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0040
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0041
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0042
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0043
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0044
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0045
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0046
// Reserved uint16 = 0x0047-4F
// Reserved uint16 = 0x0050-58
// Reserved uint16 = 0x0059-5C
// Unassigned uint16 = 0x005D-5F
// Reserved uint16 = 0x0060-66
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0067
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0068
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0069
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006A
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006B
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006C
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006D
// Unassigned uint16 = 0x006E-83
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0084
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0085
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0086
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0087
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0088
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0089
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x008A
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008B
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008C
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008D
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x008E
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008F
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0090
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0091
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0092
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0093
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0094
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0095
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0096
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0097
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0098
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0099
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x009A
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x009B
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x009C
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x009D
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x009E
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x009F
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A0
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A1
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A2
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A3
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A4
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A5
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A6
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A7
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A8
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A9
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AA
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AB
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AC
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AD
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AE
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AF
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B0
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B1
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B2
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B3
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B4
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B5
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B6
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B7
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B8
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B9
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BA
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BB
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BC
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BD
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BE
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BF
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C0
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C1
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C2
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C3
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C4
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C5
// Unassigned uint16 = 0x00C6-FE
// Unassigned uint16 = 0x01-55,*
cipher_TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV uint16 = 0x5600
// Unassigned uint16 = 0x5601 - 0xC000
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC001
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC002
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC003
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC004
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC005
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC006
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC007
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC008
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC009
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00A
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC00B
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC00C
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00D
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00E
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00F
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC010
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC011
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC012
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC013
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC014
cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC015
cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC016
cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC017
cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC018
cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC019
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01A
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01B
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01C
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01D
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01E
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01F
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC020
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC021
cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC022
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC023
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC024
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC025
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC026
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC027
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC028
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC029
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02A
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02B
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02C
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02D
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02E
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02F
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC030
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC031
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC032
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC033
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC034
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC035
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC036
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC037
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC038
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC039
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03A
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03B
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03C
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03D
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03E
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03F
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC040
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC041
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC042
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC043
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC044
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC045
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC046
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC047
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC048
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC049
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04A
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04B
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04C
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04D
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04E
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04F
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC050
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC051
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC052
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC053
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC054
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC055
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC056
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC057
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC058
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC059
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05A
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05B
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05C
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05D
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05E
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05F
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC060
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC061
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC062
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC063
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC064
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC065
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC066
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC067
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC068
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC069
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06A
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06B
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06C
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06D
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06E
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06F
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC070
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC071
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC072
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC073
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC074
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC075
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC076
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC077
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC078
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC079
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07A
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07B
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07C
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07D
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07E
cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07F
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC080
cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC081
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC082
cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC083
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC084
cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC085
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC086
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC087
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC088
cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC089
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08A
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08B
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08C
cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08D
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08E
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08F
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC090
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC091
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC092
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC093
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC094
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC095
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC096
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC097
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC098
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC099
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC09A
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC09B
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC09C
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC09D
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC09E
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC09F
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A0
cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A1
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A2
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A3
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A4
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A5
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A6
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A7
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A8
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A9
cipher_TLS_PSK_DHE_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AA
cipher_TLS_PSK_DHE_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AB
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0AC
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0AD
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AE
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AF
// Unassigned uint16 = 0xC0B0-FF
// Unassigned uint16 = 0xC1-CB,*
// Unassigned uint16 = 0xCC00-A7
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCA8
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCA9
cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAA
cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAB
cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAC
cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAD
cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAE
// isBadCipher reports whether the cipher is blacklisted by the HTTP/2 spec.
// References:
// Reject cipher suites from Appendix A.
// "This list includes those cipher suites that do not
// offer an ephemeral key exchange and those that are
// based on the TLS null, stream or block cipher type"
func isBadCipher(cipher uint16) bool {
switch cipher {
return true
return false

View file

@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Transport code's client connection pooling.
package http2
import (
// ClientConnPool manages a pool of HTTP/2 client connections.
type ClientConnPool interface {
GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error)
// clientConnPoolIdleCloser is the interface implemented by ClientConnPool
// implementations which can close their idle connections.
type clientConnPoolIdleCloser interface {
var (
_ clientConnPoolIdleCloser = (*clientConnPool)(nil)
_ clientConnPoolIdleCloser = noDialClientConnPool{}
// TODO: use singleflight for dialing and addConnCalls?
type clientConnPool struct {
t *Transport
mu sync.Mutex // TODO: maybe switch to RWMutex
// TODO: add support for sharing conns based on cert names
// (e.g. share conn for and
conns map[string][]*ClientConn // key is host:port
dialing map[string]*dialCall // currently in-flight dials
keys map[*ClientConn][]string
addConnCalls map[string]*addConnCall // in-flight addConnIfNeede calls
func (p *clientConnPool) GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) {
return p.getClientConn(req, addr, dialOnMiss)
const (
dialOnMiss = true
noDialOnMiss = false
// shouldTraceGetConn reports whether getClientConn should call any
// ClientTrace.GetConn hook associated with the http.Request.
// This complexity is needed to avoid double calls of the GetConn hook
// during the back-and-forth between net/http and x/net/http2 (when the
// net/http.Transport is upgraded to also speak http2), as well as support
// the case where x/net/http2 is being used directly.
func (p *clientConnPool) shouldTraceGetConn(st clientConnIdleState) bool {
// If our Transport wasn't made via ConfigureTransport, always
// trace the GetConn hook if provided, because that means the
// http2 package is being used directly and it's the one
// dialing, as opposed to net/http.
if _, ok := p.t.ConnPool.(noDialClientConnPool); !ok {
return true
// Otherwise, only use the GetConn hook if this connection has
// been used previously for other requests. For fresh
// connections, the net/http package does the dialing.
return !st.freshConn
func (p *clientConnPool) getClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string, dialOnMiss bool) (*ClientConn, error) {
if isConnectionCloseRequest(req) && dialOnMiss {
// It gets its own connection.
traceGetConn(req, addr)
const singleUse = true
cc, err := p.t.dialClientConn(addr, singleUse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cc, nil
for _, cc := range p.conns[addr] {
if st := cc.idleState(); st.canTakeNewRequest {
if p.shouldTraceGetConn(st) {
traceGetConn(req, addr)
return cc, nil
if !dialOnMiss {
return nil, ErrNoCachedConn
traceGetConn(req, addr)
call := p.getStartDialLocked(addr)
return call.res, call.err
// dialCall is an in-flight Transport dial call to a host.
type dialCall struct {
_ incomparable
p *clientConnPool
done chan struct{} // closed when done
res *ClientConn // valid after done is closed
err error // valid after done is closed
// requires is held.
func (p *clientConnPool) getStartDialLocked(addr string) *dialCall {
if call, ok := p.dialing[addr]; ok {
// A dial is already in-flight. Don't start another.
return call
call := &dialCall{p: p, done: make(chan struct{})}
if p.dialing == nil {
p.dialing = make(map[string]*dialCall)
p.dialing[addr] = call
go call.dial(addr)
return call
// run in its own goroutine.
func (c *dialCall) dial(addr string) {
const singleUse = false // shared conn
c.res, c.err = c.p.t.dialClientConn(addr, singleUse)
delete(c.p.dialing, addr)
if c.err == nil {
c.p.addConnLocked(addr, c.res)
// addConnIfNeeded makes a NewClientConn out of c if a connection for key doesn't
// already exist. It coalesces concurrent calls with the same key.
// This is used by the http1 Transport code when it creates a new connection. Because
// the http1 Transport doesn't de-dup TCP dials to outbound hosts (because it doesn't know
// the protocol), it can get into a situation where it has multiple TLS connections.
// This code decides which ones live or die.
// The return value used is whether c was used.
// c is never closed.
func (p *clientConnPool) addConnIfNeeded(key string, t *Transport, c *tls.Conn) (used bool, err error) {
for _, cc := range p.conns[key] {
if cc.CanTakeNewRequest() {
return false, nil
call, dup := p.addConnCalls[key]
if !dup {
if p.addConnCalls == nil {
p.addConnCalls = make(map[string]*addConnCall)
call = &addConnCall{
p: p,
done: make(chan struct{}),
p.addConnCalls[key] = call
go, key, c)
if call.err != nil {
return false, call.err
return !dup, nil
type addConnCall struct {
_ incomparable
p *clientConnPool
done chan struct{} // closed when done
err error
func (c *addConnCall) run(t *Transport, key string, tc *tls.Conn) {
cc, err := t.NewClientConn(tc)
p := c.p
if err != nil {
c.err = err
} else {
p.addConnLocked(key, cc)
delete(p.addConnCalls, key)
// must be held
func (p *clientConnPool) addConnLocked(key string, cc *ClientConn) {
for _, v := range p.conns[key] {
if v == cc {
if p.conns == nil {
p.conns = make(map[string][]*ClientConn)
if p.keys == nil {
p.keys = make(map[*ClientConn][]string)
p.conns[key] = append(p.conns[key], cc)
p.keys[cc] = append(p.keys[cc], key)
func (p *clientConnPool) MarkDead(cc *ClientConn) {
for _, key := range p.keys[cc] {
vv, ok := p.conns[key]
if !ok {
newList := filterOutClientConn(vv, cc)
if len(newList) > 0 {
p.conns[key] = newList
} else {
delete(p.conns, key)
delete(p.keys, cc)
func (p *clientConnPool) closeIdleConnections() {
// TODO: don't close a cc if it was just added to the pool
// milliseconds ago and has never been used. There's currently
// a small race window with the HTTP/1 Transport's integration
// where it can add an idle conn just before using it, and
// somebody else can concurrently call CloseIdleConns and
// break some caller's RoundTrip.
for _, vv := range p.conns {
for _, cc := range vv {
func filterOutClientConn(in []*ClientConn, exclude *ClientConn) []*ClientConn {
out := in[:0]
for _, v := range in {
if v != exclude {
out = append(out, v)
// If we filtered it out, zero out the last item to prevent
// the GC from seeing it.
if len(in) != len(out) {
in[len(in)-1] = nil
return out
// noDialClientConnPool is an implementation of http2.ClientConnPool
// which never dials. We let the HTTP/1.1 client dial and use its TLS
// connection instead.
type noDialClientConnPool struct{ *clientConnPool }
func (p noDialClientConnPool) GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) {
return p.getClientConn(req, addr, noDialOnMiss)

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@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http2
import (
// Buffer chunks are allocated from a pool to reduce pressure on GC.
// The maximum wasted space per dataBuffer is 2x the largest size class,
// which happens when the dataBuffer has multiple chunks and there is
// one unread byte in both the first and last chunks. We use a few size
// classes to minimize overheads for servers that typically receive very
// small request bodies.
// TODO: Benchmark to determine if the pools are necessary. The GC may have
// improved enough that we can instead allocate chunks like this:
// make([]byte, max(16<<10, expectedBytesRemaining))
var (
dataChunkSizeClasses = []int{
1 << 10,
2 << 10,
4 << 10,
8 << 10,
16 << 10,
dataChunkPools = [...]sync.Pool{
{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 1<<10) }},
{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 2<<10) }},
{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 4<<10) }},
{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 8<<10) }},
{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 16<<10) }},
func getDataBufferChunk(size int64) []byte {
i := 0
for ; i < len(dataChunkSizeClasses)-1; i++ {
if size <= int64(dataChunkSizeClasses[i]) {
return dataChunkPools[i].Get().([]byte)
func putDataBufferChunk(p []byte) {
for i, n := range dataChunkSizeClasses {
if len(p) == n {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected buffer len=%v", len(p)))
// dataBuffer is an io.ReadWriter backed by a list of data chunks.
// Each dataBuffer is used to read DATA frames on a single stream.
// The buffer is divided into chunks so the server can limit the
// total memory used by a single connection without limiting the
// request body size on any single stream.
type dataBuffer struct {
chunks [][]byte
r int // next byte to read is chunks[0][r]
w int // next byte to write is chunks[len(chunks)-1][w]
size int // total buffered bytes
expected int64 // we expect at least this many bytes in future Write calls (ignored if <= 0)
var errReadEmpty = errors.New("read from empty dataBuffer")
// Read copies bytes from the buffer into p.
// It is an error to read when no data is available.
func (b *dataBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if b.size == 0 {
return 0, errReadEmpty
var ntotal int
for len(p) > 0 && b.size > 0 {
readFrom := b.bytesFromFirstChunk()
n := copy(p, readFrom)
p = p[n:]
ntotal += n
b.r += n
b.size -= n
// If the first chunk has been consumed, advance to the next chunk.
if b.r == len(b.chunks[0]) {
end := len(b.chunks) - 1
copy(b.chunks[:end], b.chunks[1:])
b.chunks[end] = nil
b.chunks = b.chunks[:end]
b.r = 0
return ntotal, nil
func (b *dataBuffer) bytesFromFirstChunk() []byte {
if len(b.chunks) == 1 {
return b.chunks[0][b.r:b.w]
return b.chunks[0][b.r:]
// Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the buffer.
func (b *dataBuffer) Len() int {
return b.size
// Write appends p to the buffer.
func (b *dataBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
ntotal := len(p)
for len(p) > 0 {
// If the last chunk is empty, allocate a new chunk. Try to allocate
// enough to fully copy p plus any additional bytes we expect to
// receive. However, this may allocate less than len(p).
want := int64(len(p))
if b.expected > want {
want = b.expected
chunk := b.lastChunkOrAlloc(want)
n := copy(chunk[b.w:], p)
p = p[n:]
b.w += n
b.size += n
b.expected -= int64(n)
return ntotal, nil
func (b *dataBuffer) lastChunkOrAlloc(want int64) []byte {
if len(b.chunks) != 0 {
last := b.chunks[len(b.chunks)-1]
if b.w < len(last) {
return last
chunk := getDataBufferChunk(want)
b.chunks = append(b.chunks, chunk)
b.w = 0
return chunk

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@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http2
import (
// An ErrCode is an unsigned 32-bit error code as defined in the HTTP/2 spec.
type ErrCode uint32
const (
ErrCodeNo ErrCode = 0x0
ErrCodeProtocol ErrCode = 0x1
ErrCodeInternal ErrCode = 0x2
ErrCodeFlowControl ErrCode = 0x3
ErrCodeSettingsTimeout ErrCode = 0x4
ErrCodeStreamClosed ErrCode = 0x5
ErrCodeFrameSize ErrCode = 0x6
ErrCodeRefusedStream ErrCode = 0x7
ErrCodeCancel ErrCode = 0x8
ErrCodeCompression ErrCode = 0x9
ErrCodeConnect ErrCode = 0xa
ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm ErrCode = 0xb
ErrCodeInadequateSecurity ErrCode = 0xc
ErrCodeHTTP11Required ErrCode = 0xd
var errCodeName = map[ErrCode]string{
ErrCodeNo: "NO_ERROR",
ErrCodeProtocol: "PROTOCOL_ERROR",
ErrCodeInternal: "INTERNAL_ERROR",
ErrCodeFlowControl: "FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR",
ErrCodeSettingsTimeout: "SETTINGS_TIMEOUT",
ErrCodeStreamClosed: "STREAM_CLOSED",
ErrCodeFrameSize: "FRAME_SIZE_ERROR",
ErrCodeRefusedStream: "REFUSED_STREAM",
ErrCodeCancel: "CANCEL",
ErrCodeCompression: "COMPRESSION_ERROR",
ErrCodeConnect: "CONNECT_ERROR",
ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm: "ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM",
ErrCodeInadequateSecurity: "INADEQUATE_SECURITY",
ErrCodeHTTP11Required: "HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED",
func (e ErrCode) String() string {
if s, ok := errCodeName[e]; ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code 0x%x", uint32(e))
// ConnectionError is an error that results in the termination of the
// entire connection.
type ConnectionError ErrCode
func (e ConnectionError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("connection error: %s", ErrCode(e)) }
// StreamError is an error that only affects one stream within an
// HTTP/2 connection.
type StreamError struct {
StreamID uint32
Code ErrCode
Cause error // optional additional detail
func streamError(id uint32, code ErrCode) StreamError {
return StreamError{StreamID: id, Code: code}
func (e StreamError) Error() string {
if e.Cause != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v; %v", e.StreamID, e.Code, e.Cause)
return fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v", e.StreamID, e.Code)
// 6.9.1 The Flow Control Window
// "If a sender receives a WINDOW_UPDATE that causes a flow control
// window to exceed this maximum it MUST terminate either the stream
// or the connection, as appropriate. For streams, [...]; for the
// connection, a GOAWAY frame with a FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR code."
type goAwayFlowError struct{}
func (goAwayFlowError) Error() string { return "connection exceeded flow control window size" }
// connError represents an HTTP/2 ConnectionError error code, along
// with a string (for debugging) explaining why.
// Errors of this type are only returned by the frame parser functions
// and converted into ConnectionError(Code), after stashing away
// the Reason into the Framer's errDetail field, accessible via
// the (*Framer).ErrorDetail method.
type connError struct {
Code ErrCode // the ConnectionError error code
Reason string // additional reason
func (e connError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("http2: connection error: %v: %v", e.Code, e.Reason)
type pseudoHeaderError string
func (e pseudoHeaderError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid pseudo-header %q", string(e))
type duplicatePseudoHeaderError string
func (e duplicatePseudoHeaderError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("duplicate pseudo-header %q", string(e))
type headerFieldNameError string
func (e headerFieldNameError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field name %q", string(e))
type headerFieldValueError string
func (e headerFieldValueError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field value %q", string(e))
var (
errMixPseudoHeaderTypes = errors.New("mix of request and response pseudo headers")
errPseudoAfterRegular = errors.New("pseudo header field after regular")

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Flow control
package http2
// flow is the flow control window's size.
type flow struct {
_ incomparable
// n is the number of DATA bytes we're allowed to send.
// A flow is kept both on a conn and a per-stream.
n int32
// conn points to the shared connection-level flow that is
// shared by all streams on that conn. It is nil for the flow
// that's on the conn directly.
conn *flow
func (f *flow) setConnFlow(cf *flow) { f.conn = cf }
func (f *flow) available() int32 {
n := f.n
if f.conn != nil && f.conn.n < n {
n = f.conn.n
return n
func (f *flow) take(n int32) {
if n > f.available() {
panic("internal error: took too much")
f.n -= n
if f.conn != nil {
f.conn.n -= n
// add adds n bytes (positive or negative) to the flow control window.
// It returns false if the sum would exceed 2^31-1.
func (f *flow) add(n int32) bool {
sum := f.n + n
if (sum > n) == (f.n > 0) {
f.n = sum
return true
return false

vendor/ generated vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.11
package http2
import (
func traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) bool {
return trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaderField != nil
func traceWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace, k, v string) {
if trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaderField != nil {
trace.WroteHeaderField(k, []string{v})
func traceGot1xxResponseFunc(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
if trace != nil {
return trace.Got1xxResponse
return nil

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@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Defensive debug-only utility to track that functions run on the
// goroutine that they're supposed to.
package http2
import (
var DebugGoroutines = os.Getenv("DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES") == "1"
type goroutineLock uint64
func newGoroutineLock() goroutineLock {
if !DebugGoroutines {
return 0
return goroutineLock(curGoroutineID())
func (g goroutineLock) check() {
if !DebugGoroutines {
if curGoroutineID() != uint64(g) {
panic("running on the wrong goroutine")
func (g goroutineLock) checkNotOn() {
if !DebugGoroutines {
if curGoroutineID() == uint64(g) {
panic("running on the wrong goroutine")
var goroutineSpace = []byte("goroutine ")
func curGoroutineID() uint64 {
bp := littleBuf.Get().(*[]byte)
defer littleBuf.Put(bp)
b := *bp
b = b[:runtime.Stack(b, false)]
// Parse the 4707 out of "goroutine 4707 ["
b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, goroutineSpace)
i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')
if i < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No space found in %q", b))
b = b[:i]
n, err := parseUintBytes(b, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse goroutine ID out of %q: %v", b, err))
return n
var littleBuf = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
buf := make([]byte, 64)
return &buf
// parseUintBytes is like strconv.ParseUint, but using a []byte.
func parseUintBytes(s []byte, base int, bitSize int) (n uint64, err error) {
var cutoff, maxVal uint64
if bitSize == 0 {
bitSize = int(strconv.IntSize)
s0 := s
switch {
case len(s) < 1:
err = strconv.ErrSyntax
goto Error
case 2 <= base && base <= 36:
// valid base; nothing to do
case base == 0:
// Look for octal, hex prefix.
switch {
case s[0] == '0' && len(s) > 1 && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X'):
base = 16
s = s[2:]
if len(s) < 1 {
err = strconv.ErrSyntax
goto Error
case s[0] == '0':
base = 8
base = 10
err = errors.New("invalid base " + strconv.Itoa(base))
goto Error
n = 0
cutoff = cutoff64(base)
maxVal = 1<<uint(bitSize) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
var v byte
d := s[i]
switch {
case '0' <= d && d <= '9':
v = d - '0'
case 'a' <= d && d <= 'z':
v = d - 'a' + 10
case 'A' <= d && d <= 'Z':
v = d - 'A' + 10
n = 0
err = strconv.ErrSyntax
goto Error
if int(v) >= base {
n = 0
err = strconv.ErrSyntax
goto Error
if n >= cutoff {
// n*base overflows
n = 1<<64 - 1
err = strconv.ErrRange
goto Error
n *= uint64(base)
n1 := n + uint64(v)
if n1 < n || n1 > maxVal {
// n+v overflows
n = 1<<64 - 1
err = strconv.ErrRange
goto Error
n = n1
return n, nil
return n, &strconv.NumError{Func: "ParseUint", Num: string(s0), Err: err}
// Return the first number n such that n*base >= 1<<64.
func cutoff64(base int) uint64 {
if base < 2 {
return 0
return (1<<64-1)/uint64(base) + 1

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http2
import (
var (
commonBuildOnce sync.Once
commonLowerHeader map[string]string // Go-Canonical-Case -> lower-case
commonCanonHeader map[string]string // lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case
func buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce() {
func buildCommonHeaderMaps() {
common := []string{
commonLowerHeader = make(map[string]string, len(common))
commonCanonHeader = make(map[string]string, len(common))
for _, v := range common {
chk := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v)
commonLowerHeader[chk] = v
commonCanonHeader[v] = chk
func lowerHeader(v string) string {
if s, ok := commonLowerHeader[v]; ok {
return s
return strings.ToLower(v)

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@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package hpack
import (
const (
uint32Max = ^uint32(0)
initialHeaderTableSize = 4096
type Encoder struct {
dynTab dynamicTable
// minSize is the minimum table size set by
// SetMaxDynamicTableSize after the previous Header Table Size
// Update.
minSize uint32
// maxSizeLimit is the maximum table size this encoder
// supports. This will protect the encoder from too large
// size.
maxSizeLimit uint32
// tableSizeUpdate indicates whether "Header Table Size
// Update" is required.
tableSizeUpdate bool
w io.Writer
buf []byte
// NewEncoder returns a new Encoder which performs HPACK encoding. An
// encoded data is written to w.
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
e := &Encoder{
minSize: uint32Max,
maxSizeLimit: initialHeaderTableSize,
tableSizeUpdate: false,
w: w,
return e
// WriteField encodes f into a single Write to e's underlying Writer.
// This function may also produce bytes for "Header Table Size Update"
// if necessary. If produced, it is done before encoding f.
func (e *Encoder) WriteField(f HeaderField) error {
e.buf = e.buf[:0]
if e.tableSizeUpdate {
e.tableSizeUpdate = false
if e.minSize < e.dynTab.maxSize {
e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.minSize)
e.minSize = uint32Max
e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.dynTab.maxSize)
idx, nameValueMatch := e.searchTable(f)
if nameValueMatch {
e.buf = appendIndexed(e.buf, idx)
} else {
indexing := e.shouldIndex(f)
if indexing {
if idx == 0 {
e.buf = appendNewName(e.buf, f, indexing)
} else {
e.buf = appendIndexedName(e.buf, f, idx, indexing)
n, err := e.w.Write(e.buf)
if err == nil && n != len(e.buf) {
err = io.ErrShortWrite
return err
// searchTable searches f in both stable and dynamic header tables.
// The static header table is searched first. Only when there is no
// exact match for both name and value, the dynamic header table is
// then searched. If there is no match, i is 0. If both name and value
// match, i is the matched index and nameValueMatch becomes true. If
// only name matches, i points to that index and nameValueMatch
// becomes false.
func (e *Encoder) searchTable(f HeaderField) (i uint64, nameValueMatch bool) {
i, nameValueMatch =
if nameValueMatch {
return i, true
j, nameValueMatch :=
if nameValueMatch || (i == 0 && j != 0) {
return j + uint64(staticTable.len()), nameValueMatch
return i, false
// SetMaxDynamicTableSize changes the dynamic header table size to v.
// The actual size is bounded by the value passed to
// SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit.
func (e *Encoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) {
if v > e.maxSizeLimit {
v = e.maxSizeLimit
if v < e.minSize {
e.minSize = v
e.tableSizeUpdate = true
// SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit changes the maximum value that can be
// specified in SetMaxDynamicTableSize to v. By default, it is set to
// 4096, which is the same size of the default dynamic header table
// size described in HPACK specification. If the current maximum
// dynamic header table size is strictly greater than v, "Header Table
// Size Update" will be done in the next WriteField call and the
// maximum dynamic header table size is truncated to v.
func (e *Encoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit(v uint32) {
e.maxSizeLimit = v
if e.dynTab.maxSize > v {
e.tableSizeUpdate = true
// shouldIndex reports whether f should be indexed.
func (e *Encoder) shouldIndex(f HeaderField) bool {
return !f.Sensitive && f.Size() <= e.dynTab.maxSize
// appendIndexed appends index i, as encoded in "Indexed Header Field"
// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer.
func appendIndexed(dst []byte, i uint64) []byte {
first := len(dst)
dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, i)
dst[first] |= 0x80
return dst
// appendNewName appends f, as encoded in one of "Literal Header field
// - New Name" representation variants, to dst and returns the
// extended buffer.
// If f.Sensitive is true, "Never Indexed" representation is used. If
// f.Sensitive is false and indexing is true, "Incremental Indexing"
// representation is used.
func appendNewName(dst []byte, f HeaderField, indexing bool) []byte {
dst = append(dst, encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive))
dst = appendHpackString(dst, f.Name)
return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value)
// appendIndexedName appends f and index i referring indexed name
// entry, as encoded in one of "Literal Header field - Indexed Name"
// representation variants, to dst and returns the extended buffer.
// If f.Sensitive is true, "Never Indexed" representation is used. If
// f.Sensitive is false and indexing is true, "Incremental Indexing"
// representation is used.
func appendIndexedName(dst []byte, f HeaderField, i uint64, indexing bool) []byte {
first := len(dst)
var n byte
if indexing {
n = 6
} else {
n = 4
dst = appendVarInt(dst, n, i)
dst[first] |= encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive)
return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value)
// appendTableSize appends v, as encoded in "Header Table Size Update"
// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer.
func appendTableSize(dst []byte, v uint32) []byte {
first := len(dst)
dst = appendVarInt(dst, 5, uint64(v))
dst[first] |= 0x20
return dst
// appendVarInt appends i, as encoded in variable integer form using n
// bit prefix, to dst and returns the extended buffer.
// See
func appendVarInt(dst []byte, n byte, i uint64) []byte {
k := uint64((1 << n) - 1)
if i < k {
return append(dst, byte(i))
dst = append(dst, byte(k))
i -= k
for ; i >= 128; i >>= 7 {
dst = append(dst, byte(0x80|(i&0x7f)))
return append(dst, byte(i))
// appendHpackString appends s, as encoded in "String Literal"
// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer.
// s will be encoded in Huffman codes only when it produces strictly
// shorter byte string.
func appendHpackString(dst []byte, s string) []byte {
huffmanLength := HuffmanEncodeLength(s)
if huffmanLength < uint64(len(s)) {
first := len(dst)
dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, huffmanLength)
dst = AppendHuffmanString(dst, s)
dst[first] |= 0x80
} else {
dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, uint64(len(s)))
dst = append(dst, s...)
return dst
// encodeTypeByte returns type byte. If sensitive is true, type byte
// for "Never Indexed" representation is returned. If sensitive is
// false and indexing is true, type byte for "Incremental Indexing"
// representation is returned. Otherwise, type byte for "Without
// Indexing" is returned.
func encodeTypeByte(indexing, sensitive bool) byte {
if sensitive {
return 0x10
if indexing {
return 0x40
return 0

View file

@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for
// efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2.
// See
package hpack
import (
// A DecodingError is something the spec defines as a decoding error.
type DecodingError struct {
Err error
func (de DecodingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("decoding error: %v", de.Err)
// An InvalidIndexError is returned when an encoder references a table
// entry before the static table or after the end of the dynamic table.
type InvalidIndexError int
func (e InvalidIndexError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid indexed representation index %d", int(e))
// A HeaderField is a name-value pair. Both the name and value are
// treated as opaque sequences of octets.
type HeaderField struct {
Name, Value string
// Sensitive means that this header field should never be
// indexed.
Sensitive bool
// IsPseudo reports whether the header field is an http2 pseudo header.
// That is, it reports whether it starts with a colon.
// It is not otherwise guaranteed to be a valid pseudo header field,
// though.
func (hf HeaderField) IsPseudo() bool {
return len(hf.Name) != 0 && hf.Name[0] == ':'
func (hf HeaderField) String() string {
var suffix string
if hf.Sensitive {
suffix = " (sensitive)"
return fmt.Sprintf("header field %q = %q%s", hf.Name, hf.Value, suffix)
// Size returns the size of an entry per RFC 7541 section 4.1.
func (hf HeaderField) Size() uint32 {
// "The size of the dynamic table is the sum of the size of
// its entries. The size of an entry is the sum of its name's
// length in octets (as defined in Section 5.2), its value's
// length in octets (see Section 5.2), plus 32. The size of
// an entry is calculated using the length of the name and
// value without any Huffman encoding applied."
// This can overflow if somebody makes a large HeaderField
// Name and/or Value by hand, but we don't care, because that
// won't happen on the wire because the encoding doesn't allow
// it.
return uint32(len(hf.Name) + len(hf.Value) + 32)
// A Decoder is the decoding context for incremental processing of
// header blocks.
type Decoder struct {
dynTab dynamicTable
emit func(f HeaderField)
emitEnabled bool // whether calls to emit are enabled
maxStrLen int // 0 means unlimited
// buf is the unparsed buffer. It's only written to
// saveBuf if it was truncated in the middle of a header
// block. Because it's usually not owned, we can only
// process it under Write.
buf []byte // not owned; only valid during Write
// saveBuf is previous data passed to Write which we weren't able
// to fully parse before. Unlike buf, we own this data.
saveBuf bytes.Buffer
firstField bool // processing the first field of the header block
// NewDecoder returns a new decoder with the provided maximum dynamic
// table size. The emitFunc will be called for each valid field
// parsed, in the same goroutine as calls to Write, before Write returns.
func NewDecoder(maxDynamicTableSize uint32, emitFunc func(f HeaderField)) *Decoder {
d := &Decoder{
emit: emitFunc,
emitEnabled: true,
firstField: true,
d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = maxDynamicTableSize
return d
// ErrStringLength is returned by Decoder.Write when the max string length
// (as configured by Decoder.SetMaxStringLength) would be violated.
var ErrStringLength = errors.New("hpack: string too long")
// SetMaxStringLength sets the maximum size of a HeaderField name or
// value string. If a string exceeds this length (even after any
// decompression), Write will return ErrStringLength.
// A value of 0 means unlimited and is the default from NewDecoder.
func (d *Decoder) SetMaxStringLength(n int) {
d.maxStrLen = n
// SetEmitFunc changes the callback used when new header fields
// are decoded.
// It must be non-nil. It does not affect EmitEnabled.
func (d *Decoder) SetEmitFunc(emitFunc func(f HeaderField)) {
d.emit = emitFunc
// SetEmitEnabled controls whether the emitFunc provided to NewDecoder
// should be called. The default is true.
// This facility exists to let servers enforce MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE
// while still decoding and keeping in-sync with decoder state, but
// without doing unnecessary decompression or generating unnecessary
// garbage for header fields past the limit.
func (d *Decoder) SetEmitEnabled(v bool) { d.emitEnabled = v }
// EmitEnabled reports whether calls to the emitFunc provided to NewDecoder
// are currently enabled. The default is true.
func (d *Decoder) EmitEnabled() bool { return d.emitEnabled }
// TODO: add method *Decoder.Reset(maxSize, emitFunc) to let callers re-use Decoders and their
// underlying buffers for garbage reasons.
func (d *Decoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) {
// SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize sets the upper bound that the encoded
// stream (via dynamic table size updates) may set the maximum size
// to.
func (d *Decoder) SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) {
d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = v
type dynamicTable struct {
table headerFieldTable
size uint32 // in bytes
maxSize uint32 // current maxSize
allowedMaxSize uint32 // maxSize may go up to this, inclusive
func (dt *dynamicTable) setMaxSize(v uint32) {
dt.maxSize = v
func (dt *dynamicTable) add(f HeaderField) {
dt.size += f.Size()
// If we're too big, evict old stuff.
func (dt *dynamicTable) evict() {
var n int
for dt.size > dt.maxSize && n < dt.table.len() {
dt.size -= dt.table.ents[n].Size()
func (d *Decoder) maxTableIndex() int {
// This should never overflow. RFC 7540 Section 6.5.2 limits the size of
// the dynamic table to 2^32 bytes, where each entry will occupy more than
// one byte. Further, the staticTable has a fixed, small length.
return d.dynTab.table.len() + staticTable.len()
func (d *Decoder) at(i uint64) (hf HeaderField, ok bool) {
// See Section 2.3.3.
if i == 0 {
if i <= uint64(staticTable.len()) {
return staticTable.ents[i-1], true
if i > uint64(d.maxTableIndex()) {
// In the dynamic table, newer entries have lower indices.
// However, dt.ents[0] is the oldest entry. Hence, dt.ents is
// the reversed dynamic table.
dt := d.dynTab.table
return dt.ents[dt.len()-(int(i)-staticTable.len())], true
// Decode decodes an entire block.
// TODO: remove this method and make it incremental later? This is
// easier for debugging now.
func (d *Decoder) DecodeFull(p []byte) ([]HeaderField, error) {
var hf []HeaderField
saveFunc := d.emit
defer func() { d.emit = saveFunc }()
d.emit = func(f HeaderField) { hf = append(hf, f) }
if _, err := d.Write(p); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := d.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return hf, nil
// Close declares that the decoding is complete and resets the Decoder
// to be reused again for a new header block. If there is any remaining
// data in the decoder's buffer, Close returns an error.
func (d *Decoder) Close() error {
if d.saveBuf.Len() > 0 {
return DecodingError{errors.New("truncated headers")}
d.firstField = true
return nil
func (d *Decoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
// Prevent state machine CPU attacks (making us redo
// work up to the point of finding out we don't have
// enough data)
// Only copy the data if we have to. Optimistically assume
// that p will contain a complete header block.
if d.saveBuf.Len() == 0 {
d.buf = p
} else {
d.buf = d.saveBuf.Bytes()
for len(d.buf) > 0 {
err = d.parseHeaderFieldRepr()
if err == errNeedMore {
// Extra paranoia, making sure saveBuf won't
// get too large. All the varint and string
// reading code earlier should already catch
// overlong things and return ErrStringLength,
// but keep this as a last resort.
const varIntOverhead = 8 // conservative
if d.maxStrLen != 0 && int64(len(d.buf)) > 2*(int64(d.maxStrLen)+varIntOverhead) {
return 0, ErrStringLength
return len(p), nil
d.firstField = false
if err != nil {
return len(p), err
// errNeedMore is an internal sentinel error value that means the
// buffer is truncated and we need to read more data before we can
// continue parsing.
var errNeedMore = errors.New("need more data")
type indexType int
const (
indexedTrue indexType = iota
func (v indexType) indexed() bool { return v == indexedTrue }
func (v indexType) sensitive() bool { return v == indexedNever }
// returns errNeedMore if there isn't enough data available.
// any other error is fatal.
// consumes d.buf iff it returns nil.
// precondition: must be called with len(d.buf) > 0
func (d *Decoder) parseHeaderFieldRepr() error {
b := d.buf[0]
switch {
case b&128 != 0:
// Indexed representation.
// High bit set?
return d.parseFieldIndexed()
case b&192 == 64:
// 6.2.1 Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing
// 0b10xxxxxx: top two bits are 10
return d.parseFieldLiteral(6, indexedTrue)
case b&240 == 0:
// 6.2.2 Literal Header Field without Indexing
// 0b0000xxxx: top four bits are 0000
return d.parseFieldLiteral(4, indexedFalse)
case b&240 == 16:
// 6.2.3 Literal Header Field never Indexed
// 0b0001xxxx: top four bits are 0001
return d.parseFieldLiteral(4, indexedNever)
case b&224 == 32:
// 6.3 Dynamic Table Size Update
// Top three bits are '001'.
return d.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate()
return DecodingError{errors.New("invalid encoding")}
// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr)
func (d *Decoder) parseFieldIndexed() error {
buf := d.buf
idx, buf, err := readVarInt(7, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
hf, ok :=
if !ok {
return DecodingError{InvalidIndexError(idx)}
d.buf = buf
return d.callEmit(HeaderField{Name: hf.Name, Value: hf.Value})
// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr)
func (d *Decoder) parseFieldLiteral(n uint8, it indexType) error {
buf := d.buf
nameIdx, buf, err := readVarInt(n, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
var hf HeaderField
wantStr := d.emitEnabled || it.indexed()
if nameIdx > 0 {
ihf, ok :=
if !ok {
return DecodingError{InvalidIndexError(nameIdx)}
hf.Name = ihf.Name
} else {
hf.Name, buf, err = d.readString(buf, wantStr)
if err != nil {
return err
hf.Value, buf, err = d.readString(buf, wantStr)
if err != nil {
return err
d.buf = buf
if it.indexed() {
hf.Sensitive = it.sensitive()
return d.callEmit(hf)
func (d *Decoder) callEmit(hf HeaderField) error {
if d.maxStrLen != 0 {
if len(hf.Name) > d.maxStrLen || len(hf.Value) > d.maxStrLen {
return ErrStringLength
if d.emitEnabled {
return nil
// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr)
func (d *Decoder) parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate() error {
// RFC 7541, sec 4.2: This dynamic table size update MUST occur at the
// beginning of the first header block following the change to the dynamic table size.
if !d.firstField && d.dynTab.size > 0 {
return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header block")}
buf := d.buf
size, buf, err := readVarInt(5, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if size > uint64(d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize) {
return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update too large")}
d.buf = buf
return nil
var errVarintOverflow = DecodingError{errors.New("varint integer overflow")}
// readVarInt reads an unsigned variable length integer off the
// beginning of p. n is the parameter as described in
// n must always be between 1 and 8.
// The returned remain buffer is either a smaller suffix of p, or err != nil.
// The error is errNeedMore if p doesn't contain a complete integer.
func readVarInt(n byte, p []byte) (i uint64, remain []byte, err error) {
if n < 1 || n > 8 {
panic("bad n")
if len(p) == 0 {
return 0, p, errNeedMore
i = uint64(p[0])
if n < 8 {
i &= (1 << uint64(n)) - 1
if i < (1<<uint64(n))-1 {
return i, p[1:], nil
origP := p
p = p[1:]
var m uint64
for len(p) > 0 {
b := p[0]
p = p[1:]
i += uint64(b&127) << m
if b&128 == 0 {
return i, p, nil
m += 7
if m >= 63 { // TODO: proper overflow check. making this up.
return 0, origP, errVarintOverflow
return 0, origP, errNeedMore
// readString decodes an hpack string from p.
// wantStr is whether s will be used. If false, decompression and
// []byte->string garbage are skipped if s will be ignored
// anyway. This does mean that huffman decoding errors for non-indexed
// strings past the MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE are ignored, but the server
// is returning an error anyway, and because they're not indexed, the error
// won't affect the decoding state.
func (d *Decoder) readString(p []byte, wantStr bool) (s string, remain []byte, err error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
return "", p, errNeedMore
isHuff := p[0]&128 != 0
strLen, p, err := readVarInt(7, p)
if err != nil {
return "", p, err
if d.maxStrLen != 0 && strLen > uint64(d.maxStrLen) {
return "", nil, ErrStringLength
if uint64(len(p)) < strLen {
return "", p, errNeedMore
if !isHuff {
if wantStr {
s = string(p[:strLen])
return s, p[strLen:], nil
if wantStr {
buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
buf.Reset() // don't trust others
defer bufPool.Put(buf)
if err := huffmanDecode(buf, d.maxStrLen, p[:strLen]); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
s = buf.String()
buf.Reset() // be nice to GC
return s, p[strLen:], nil

View file

@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package hpack
import (
var bufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) },
// HuffmanDecode decodes the string in v and writes the expanded
// result to w, returning the number of bytes written to w and the
// Write call's return value. At most one Write call is made.
func HuffmanDecode(w io.Writer, v []byte) (int, error) {
buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
defer bufPool.Put(buf)
if err := huffmanDecode(buf, 0, v); err != nil {
return 0, err
return w.Write(buf.Bytes())
// HuffmanDecodeToString decodes the string in v.
func HuffmanDecodeToString(v []byte) (string, error) {
buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
defer bufPool.Put(buf)
if err := huffmanDecode(buf, 0, v); err != nil {
return "", err
return buf.String(), nil
// ErrInvalidHuffman is returned for errors found decoding
// Huffman-encoded strings.
var ErrInvalidHuffman = errors.New("hpack: invalid Huffman-encoded data")
// huffmanDecode decodes v to buf.
// If maxLen is greater than 0, attempts to write more to buf than
// maxLen bytes will return ErrStringLength.
func huffmanDecode(buf *bytes.Buffer, maxLen int, v []byte) error {
rootHuffmanNode := getRootHuffmanNode()
n := rootHuffmanNode
// cur is the bit buffer that has not been fed into n.
// cbits is the number of low order bits in cur that are valid.
// sbits is the number of bits of the symbol prefix being decoded.
cur, cbits, sbits := uint(0), uint8(0), uint8(0)
for _, b := range v {
cur = cur<<8 | uint(b)
cbits += 8
sbits += 8
for cbits >= 8 {
idx := byte(cur >> (cbits - 8))
n = n.children[idx]
if n == nil {
return ErrInvalidHuffman
if n.children == nil {
if maxLen != 0 && buf.Len() == maxLen {
return ErrStringLength
cbits -= n.codeLen
n = rootHuffmanNode
sbits = cbits
} else {
cbits -= 8
for cbits > 0 {
n = n.children[byte(cur<<(8-cbits))]
if n == nil {
return ErrInvalidHuffman
if n.children != nil || n.codeLen > cbits {
if maxLen != 0 && buf.Len() == maxLen {
return ErrStringLength
cbits -= n.codeLen
n = rootHuffmanNode
sbits = cbits
if sbits > 7 {
// Either there was an incomplete symbol, or overlong padding.
// Both are decoding errors per RFC 7541 section 5.2.
return ErrInvalidHuffman
if mask := uint(1<<cbits - 1); cur&mask != mask {
// Trailing bits must be a prefix of EOS per RFC 7541 section 5.2.
return ErrInvalidHuffman
return nil
// incomparable is a zero-width, non-comparable type. Adding it to a struct
// makes that struct also non-comparable, and generally doesn't add
// any size (as long as it's first).
type incomparable [0]func()
type node struct {
_ incomparable
// children is non-nil for internal nodes
children *[256]*node
// The following are only valid if children is nil:
codeLen uint8 // number of bits that led to the output of sym
sym byte // output symbol
func newInternalNode() *node {
return &node{children: new([256]*node)}
var (
buildRootOnce sync.Once
lazyRootHuffmanNode *node
func getRootHuffmanNode() *node {
return lazyRootHuffmanNode
func buildRootHuffmanNode() {
if len(huffmanCodes) != 256 {
panic("unexpected size")
lazyRootHuffmanNode = newInternalNode()
for i, code := range huffmanCodes {
addDecoderNode(byte(i), code, huffmanCodeLen[i])
func addDecoderNode(sym byte, code uint32, codeLen uint8) {
cur := lazyRootHuffmanNode
for codeLen > 8 {
codeLen -= 8
i := uint8(code >> codeLen)
if cur.children[i] == nil {
cur.children[i] = newInternalNode()
cur = cur.children[i]
shift := 8 - codeLen
start, end := int(uint8(code<<shift)), int(1<<shift)
for i := start; i < start+end; i++ {
cur.children[i] = &node{sym: sym, codeLen: codeLen}
// AppendHuffmanString appends s, as encoded in Huffman codes, to dst
// and returns the extended buffer.
func AppendHuffmanString(dst []byte, s string) []byte {
rembits := uint8(8)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if rembits == 8 {
dst = append(dst, 0)
dst, rembits = appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst, rembits, s[i])
if rembits < 8 {
// special EOS symbol
code := uint32(0x3fffffff)
nbits := uint8(30)
t := uint8(code >> (nbits - rembits))
dst[len(dst)-1] |= t
return dst
// HuffmanEncodeLength returns the number of bytes required to encode
// s in Huffman codes. The result is round up to byte boundary.
func HuffmanEncodeLength(s string) uint64 {
n := uint64(0)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
n += uint64(huffmanCodeLen[s[i]])
return (n + 7) / 8
// appendByteToHuffmanCode appends Huffman code for c to dst and
// returns the extended buffer and the remaining bits in the last
// element. The appending is not byte aligned and the remaining bits
// in the last element of dst is given in rembits.
func appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst []byte, rembits uint8, c byte) ([]byte, uint8) {
code := huffmanCodes[c]
nbits := huffmanCodeLen[c]
for {
if rembits > nbits {
t := uint8(code << (rembits - nbits))
dst[len(dst)-1] |= t
rembits -= nbits
t := uint8(code >> (nbits - rembits))
dst[len(dst)-1] |= t
nbits -= rembits
rembits = 8
if nbits == 0 {
dst = append(dst, 0)
return dst, rembits

View file

@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package hpack
import (
// headerFieldTable implements a list of HeaderFields.
// This is used to implement the static and dynamic tables.
type headerFieldTable struct {
// For static tables, entries are never evicted.
// For dynamic tables, entries are evicted from ents[0] and added to the end.
// Each entry has a unique id that starts at one and increments for each
// entry that is added. This unique id is stable across evictions, meaning
// it can be used as a pointer to a specific entry. As in hpack, unique ids
// are 1-based. The unique id for ents[k] is k + evictCount + 1.
// Zero is not a valid unique id.
// evictCount should not overflow in any remotely practical situation. In
// practice, we will have one dynamic table per HTTP/2 connection. If we
// assume a very powerful server that handles 1M QPS per connection and each
// request adds (then evicts) 100 entries from the table, it would still take
// 2M years for evictCount to overflow.
ents []HeaderField
evictCount uint64
// byName maps a HeaderField name to the unique id of the newest entry with
// the same name. See above for a definition of "unique id".
byName map[string]uint64
// byNameValue maps a HeaderField name/value pair to the unique id of the newest
// entry with the same name and value. See above for a definition of "unique id".
byNameValue map[pairNameValue]uint64
type pairNameValue struct {
name, value string
func (t *headerFieldTable) init() {
t.byName = make(map[string]uint64)
t.byNameValue = make(map[pairNameValue]uint64)
// len reports the number of entries in the table.
func (t *headerFieldTable) len() int {
return len(t.ents)
// addEntry adds a new entry.
func (t *headerFieldTable) addEntry(f HeaderField) {
id := uint64(t.len()) + t.evictCount + 1
t.byName[f.Name] = id
t.byNameValue[pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}] = id
t.ents = append(t.ents, f)
// evictOldest evicts the n oldest entries in the table.
func (t *headerFieldTable) evictOldest(n int) {
if n > t.len() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("evictOldest(%v) on table with %v entries", n, t.len()))
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
f := t.ents[k]
id := t.evictCount + uint64(k) + 1
if t.byName[f.Name] == id {
delete(t.byName, f.Name)
if p := (pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}); t.byNameValue[p] == id {
delete(t.byNameValue, p)
copy(t.ents, t.ents[n:])
for k := t.len() - n; k < t.len(); k++ {
t.ents[k] = HeaderField{} // so strings can be garbage collected
t.ents = t.ents[:t.len()-n]
if t.evictCount+uint64(n) < t.evictCount {
panic("evictCount overflow")
t.evictCount += uint64(n)
// search finds f in the table. If there is no match, i is 0.
// If both name and value match, i is the matched index and nameValueMatch
// becomes true. If only name matches, i points to that index and
// nameValueMatch becomes false.
// The returned index is a 1-based HPACK index. For dynamic tables, HPACK says
// that index 1 should be the newest entry, but t.ents[0] is the oldest entry,
// meaning t.ents is reversed for dynamic tables. Hence, when t is a dynamic
// table, the return value i actually refers to the entry t.ents[t.len()-i].
// All tables are assumed to be a dynamic tables except for the global
// staticTable pointer.
// See Section 2.3.3.
func (t *headerFieldTable) search(f HeaderField) (i uint64, nameValueMatch bool) {
if !f.Sensitive {
if id := t.byNameValue[pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}]; id != 0 {
return t.idToIndex(id), true
if id := t.byName[f.Name]; id != 0 {
return t.idToIndex(id), false
return 0, false
// idToIndex converts a unique id to an HPACK index.
// See Section 2.3.3.
func (t *headerFieldTable) idToIndex(id uint64) uint64 {
if id <= t.evictCount {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("id (%v) <= evictCount (%v)", id, t.evictCount))
k := id - t.evictCount - 1 // convert id to an index t.ents[k]
if t != staticTable {
return uint64(t.len()) - k // dynamic table
return k + 1
var staticTable = newStaticTable()
var staticTableEntries = [...]HeaderField{
{Name: ":authority"},
{Name: ":method", Value: "GET"},
{Name: ":method", Value: "POST"},
{Name: ":path", Value: "/"},
{Name: ":path", Value: "/index.html"},
{Name: ":scheme", Value: "http"},
{Name: ":scheme", Value: "https"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "200"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "204"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "206"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "304"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "400"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "404"},
{Name: ":status", Value: "500"},
{Name: "accept-charset"},
{Name: "accept-encoding", Value: "gzip, deflate"},
{Name: "accept-language"},
{Name: "accept-ranges"},
{Name: "accept"},
{Name: "access-control-allow-origin"},
{Name: "age"},
{Name: "allow"},
{Name: "authorization"},
{Name: "cache-control"},
{Name: "content-disposition"},
{Name: "content-encoding"},
{Name: "content-language"},
{Name: "content-length"},
{Name: "content-location"},
{Name: "content-range"},
{Name: "content-type"},
{Name: "cookie"},
{Name: "date"},
{Name: "etag"},
{Name: "expect"},
{Name: "expires"},
{Name: "from"},
{Name: "host"},
{Name: "if-match"},
{Name: "if-modified-since"},
{Name: "if-none-match"},
{Name: "if-range"},
{Name: "if-unmodified-since"},
{Name: "last-modified"},
{Name: "link"},
{Name: "location"},
{Name: "max-forwards"},
{Name: "proxy-authenticate"},
{Name: "proxy-authorization"},
{Name: "range"},
{Name: "referer"},
{Name: "refresh"},
{Name: "retry-after"},
{Name: "server"},
{Name: "set-cookie"},
{Name: "strict-transport-security"},
{Name: "transfer-encoding"},
{Name: "user-agent"},
{Name: "vary"},
{Name: "via"},
{Name: "www-authenticate"},
func newStaticTable() *headerFieldTable {
t := &headerFieldTable{}
for _, e := range staticTableEntries[:] {
return t
var huffmanCodes = [256]uint32{
var huffmanCodeLen = [256]uint8{
13, 23, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 24, 30, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28,
28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
6, 10, 10, 12, 13, 6, 8, 11, 10, 10, 8, 11, 8, 6, 6, 6,
5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 15, 6, 12, 10,
13, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 13, 19, 13, 14, 6,
15, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5,
6, 7, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 15, 11, 14, 13, 28,
20, 22, 20, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 23,
24, 24, 22, 23, 24, 23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 24,
22, 21, 20, 22, 22, 23, 23, 21, 23, 22, 22, 24, 21, 22, 23, 23,
21, 21, 22, 21, 23, 22, 23, 23, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 22, 23,
26, 26, 20, 19, 22, 23, 22, 25, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 26, 24, 25,
19, 21, 26, 27, 27, 26, 27, 24, 21, 21, 26, 26, 28, 27, 27, 27,
20, 24, 20, 21, 22, 21, 21, 23, 22, 22, 25, 25, 24, 24, 26, 23,
26, 27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 26,

View file

@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol.
// This package is low-level and intended to be used directly by very
// few people. Most users will use it indirectly through the automatic
// use by the net/http package (from Go 1.6 and later).
// For use in earlier Go versions see ConfigureServer. (Transport support
// requires Go 1.6 or later)
// See for more information on HTTP/2.
// See for a test server running this code.
package http2 // import ""
import (
var (
VerboseLogs bool
logFrameWrites bool
logFrameReads bool
inTests bool
func init() {
e := os.Getenv("GODEBUG")
if strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=1") {
VerboseLogs = true
if strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=2") {
VerboseLogs = true
logFrameWrites = true
logFrameReads = true
const (
// ClientPreface is the string that must be sent by new
// connections from clients.
ClientPreface = "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n"
initialMaxFrameSize = 16384
// NextProtoTLS is the NPN/ALPN protocol negotiated during
// HTTP/2's TLS setup.
NextProtoTLS = "h2"
initialHeaderTableSize = 4096
initialWindowSize = 65535 // 6.9.2 Initial Flow Control Window Size
defaultMaxReadFrameSize = 1 << 20
var (
clientPreface = []byte(ClientPreface)
type streamState int
// HTTP/2 stream states.
// See
// For simplicity, the server code merges "reserved (local)" into
// "half-closed (remote)". This is one less state transition to track.
// The only downside is that we send PUSH_PROMISEs slightly less
// liberally than allowable. More discussion here:
// "reserved (remote)" is omitted since the client code does not
// support server push.
const (
stateIdle streamState = iota
var stateName = [...]string{
stateIdle: "Idle",
stateOpen: "Open",
stateHalfClosedLocal: "HalfClosedLocal",
stateHalfClosedRemote: "HalfClosedRemote",
stateClosed: "Closed",
func (st streamState) String() string {
return stateName[st]
// Setting is a setting parameter: which setting it is, and its value.
type Setting struct {
// ID is which setting is being set.
// See
ID SettingID
// Val is the value.
Val uint32
func (s Setting) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v = %d]", s.ID, s.Val)
// Valid reports whether the setting is valid.
func (s Setting) Valid() error {
// Limits and error codes from 6.5.2 Defined SETTINGS Parameters
switch s.ID {
case SettingEnablePush:
if s.Val != 1 && s.Val != 0 {
return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)
case SettingInitialWindowSize:
if s.Val > 1<<31-1 {
return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl)
case SettingMaxFrameSize:
if s.Val < 16384 || s.Val > 1<<24-1 {
return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)
return nil
// A SettingID is an HTTP/2 setting as defined in
type SettingID uint16
const (
SettingHeaderTableSize SettingID = 0x1
SettingEnablePush SettingID = 0x2
SettingMaxConcurrentStreams SettingID = 0x3
SettingInitialWindowSize SettingID = 0x4
SettingMaxFrameSize SettingID = 0x5
SettingMaxHeaderListSize SettingID = 0x6
var settingName = map[SettingID]string{
SettingHeaderTableSize: "HEADER_TABLE_SIZE",
SettingEnablePush: "ENABLE_PUSH",
SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: "MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS",
SettingInitialWindowSize: "INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE",
SettingMaxFrameSize: "MAX_FRAME_SIZE",
SettingMaxHeaderListSize: "MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE",
func (s SettingID) String() string {
if v, ok := settingName[s]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_SETTING_%d", uint16(s))
// validWireHeaderFieldName reports whether v is a valid header field
// name (key). See httpguts.ValidHeaderName for the base rules.
// Further, http2 says:
// "Just as in HTTP/1.x, header field names are strings of ASCII
// characters that are compared in a case-insensitive
// fashion. However, header field names MUST be converted to
// lowercase prior to their encoding in HTTP/2. "
func validWireHeaderFieldName(v string) bool {
if len(v) == 0 {
return false
for _, r := range v {
if !httpguts.IsTokenRune(r) {
return false
if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' {
return false
return true
func httpCodeString(code int) string {
switch code {
case 200:
return "200"
case 404:
return "404"
return strconv.Itoa(code)
// from pkg io
type stringWriter interface {
WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
// A gate lets two goroutines coordinate their activities.
type gate chan struct{}
func (g gate) Done() { g <- struct{}{} }
func (g gate) Wait() { <-g }
// A closeWaiter is like a sync.WaitGroup but only goes 1 to 0 (open to closed).
type closeWaiter chan struct{}
// Init makes a closeWaiter usable.
// It exists because so a closeWaiter value can be placed inside a
// larger struct and have the Mutex and Cond's memory in the same
// allocation.
func (cw *closeWaiter) Init() {
*cw = make(chan struct{})
// Close marks the closeWaiter as closed and unblocks any waiters.
func (cw closeWaiter) Close() {
// Wait waits for the closeWaiter to become closed.
func (cw closeWaiter) Wait() {
// bufferedWriter is a buffered writer that writes to w.
// Its buffered writer is lazily allocated as needed, to minimize
// idle memory usage with many connections.
type bufferedWriter struct {
_ incomparable
w io.Writer // immutable
bw *bufio.Writer // non-nil when data is buffered
func newBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *bufferedWriter {
return &bufferedWriter{w: w}
// bufWriterPoolBufferSize is the size of bufio.Writer's
// buffers created using bufWriterPool.
// TODO: pick a less arbitrary value? this is a bit under
// (3 x typical 1500 byte MTU) at least. Other than that,
// not much thought went into it.
const bufWriterPoolBufferSize = 4 << 10
var bufWriterPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return bufio.NewWriterSize(nil, bufWriterPoolBufferSize)
func (w *bufferedWriter) Available() int {
if == nil {
return bufWriterPoolBufferSize
func (w *bufferedWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if == nil {
bw := bufWriterPool.Get().(*bufio.Writer)
bw.Reset(w.w) = bw
func (w *bufferedWriter) Flush() error {
bw :=
if bw == nil {
return nil
err := bw.Flush()
bufWriterPool.Put(bw) = nil
return err
func mustUint31(v int32) uint32 {
if v < 0 || v > 2147483647 {
panic("out of range")
return uint32(v)
// bodyAllowedForStatus reports whether a given response status code
// permits a body. See RFC 7230, section 3.3.
func bodyAllowedForStatus(status int) bool {
switch {
case status >= 100 && status <= 199:
return false
case status == 204:
return false
case status == 304:
return false
return true
type httpError struct {
_ incomparable
msg string
timeout bool
func (e *httpError) Error() string { return e.msg }
func (e *httpError) Timeout() bool { return e.timeout }
func (e *httpError) Temporary() bool { return true }
var errTimeout error = &httpError{msg: "http2: timeout awaiting response headers", timeout: true}
type connectionStater interface {
ConnectionState() tls.ConnectionState
var sorterPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return new(sorter) }}
type sorter struct {
v []string // owned by sorter
func (s *sorter) Len() int { return len(s.v) }
func (s *sorter) Swap(i, j int) { s.v[i], s.v[j] = s.v[j], s.v[i] }
func (s *sorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.v[i] < s.v[j] }
// Keys returns the sorted keys of h.
// The returned slice is only valid until s used again or returned to
// its pool.
func (s *sorter) Keys(h http.Header) []string {
keys := s.v[:0]
for k := range h {
keys = append(keys, k)
s.v = keys
return keys
func (s *sorter) SortStrings(ss []string) {
// Our sorter works on s.v, which sorter owns, so
// stash it away while we sort the user's buffer.
save := s.v
s.v = ss
s.v = save
// validPseudoPath reports whether v is a valid :path pseudo-header
// value. It must be either:
// *) a non-empty string starting with '/'
// *) the string '*', for OPTIONS requests.
// For now this is only used a quick check for deciding when to clean
// up Opaque URLs before sending requests from the Transport.
// See
// We used to enforce that the path also didn't start with "//", but
// Google's GFE accepts such paths and Chrome sends them, so ignore
// that part of the spec. See
func validPseudoPath(v string) bool {
return (len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '/') || v == "*"
// incomparable is a zero-width, non-comparable type. Adding it to a struct
// makes that struct also non-comparable, and generally doesn't add
// any size (as long as it's first).
type incomparable [0]func()

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.11
package http2
import (
func traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) bool { return false }
func traceWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace, k, v string) {}
func traceGot1xxResponseFunc(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
return nil

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