Fork 0

92 lines
2.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "adlib.h"
#include "dbopl.h"
#include "zdopl.h"
enum Waveform
SIN = 0, HALF_SIN = 1, ABS_SIN = 2, QUART_SIN = 3
enum FreqMultiple
xHALF=0, x1=1, x2=2, x3=3, x4=4, x5=5, x6=6, x7=7, x8=8, x9=9, x10=10, x12=12, x15=15
enum Emulator
enum Drum
BDRUM=0x10, SNARE=0x8, TOM=0x4, CYMBAL=0x2, HIHAT=0x1
class Hiopl {
static const int CHANNELS = 9;
static const int OSCILLATORS = 2;
Hiopl(int buflen, Emulator emulator = ZDOOM);
void SetEmulator(Emulator emulator);
void SetPercussionMode(bool enable);
void HitPercussion(Drum drum);
void ReleasePercussion();
void Generate(int length, short* buffer);
void Generate(int length, float* buffer);
void SetSampleRate(int hz);
void EnableWaveformControl();
void EnableOpl3Mode();
void EnableTremolo(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void EnableVibrato(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void VibratoDepth(bool high);
void TremoloDepth(bool high);
void EnableSustain(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void EnableKsr(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
// true = additive; false = frequency modulation
void EnableAdditiveSynthesis(int ch, bool enable);
void SetWaveform(int ch, int osc, Waveform wave);
void SetAttenuation(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetKsl(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetFrequencyMultiple(int ch, int osc, FreqMultiple mult);
void SetEnvelopeAttack(int ch, int osc, int t);
void SetEnvelopeDecay(int ch, int osc, int t);
void SetEnvelopeSustain(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetEnvelopeRelease(int ch, int osc, int t);
// Get register address offset for operator settings for the specified channel and operator.
int _GetOffset(int ch, int osc);
// Get register address offset for channel-wide register settings for the specified channel.
int _GetOffset(int ch);
void SetModulatorFeedback(int ch, int level);
void KeyOn(int ch, float frqHz);
void KeyOff(int ch);
// Return false if no note is active on the channel (ie release is complete)
bool IsActive(int ch);
// Return a single character string representing the stage of the envelope for the carrier operator for the channel
const char* GetState(int ch) const;
void SetFrequency(int ch, float frqHz, bool keyOn=false);
void _WriteReg(Bit32u reg, Bit8u value, Bit8u mask=0x0);
void _ClearRegBits(Bit32u reg, Bit8u mask);
// Read the last value written to the specified register address (cached)
Bit8u _ReadReg(Bit32u reg);
Emulator emulator;
DBOPL::Handler *adlib;
OPLEmul *zdoom;
Bit8u regCache[256];
bool _CheckParams(int ch, int osc);
void _milliHertzToFnum(unsigned int milliHertz, unsigned int *fnum, unsigned int *block, unsigned int conversionFactor=49716);
void _ClearRegisters();
std::map<int, int> _op1offset;
std::map<int, int> _op2offset;