var DBOPL = new function() { // DBOPL namespace // dbopl.h this.WAVE_HANDLER = 10; this.WAVE_TABLELOG = 11; this.WAVE_TABLEMUL = 12; this.DBOPL_WAVE = this.WAVE_TABLEMUL; this.SynthMode = { sm2AM:0, sm2FM:1, sm3AM:2, sm3FM:3, sm4Start:4, sm3FMFM:5, sm3AMFM:6, sm3FMAM:7, sm3AMAM:8, sm6Start:9, sm2Percussion:10, sm3Percussion:11, }; this.SHIFT_KSLBASE = 16; this.SHIFT_KEYCODE = 24; this.Operator = function() { // public: // enum this.MASK_KSR = 0x10; this.MASK_SUSTAIN = 0x20; this.MASK_VIBRATO = 0x40; this.MASK_TREMOLO = 0x80; this.State = { // typedef enum OFF:0, RELEASE:1, SUSTAIN:2, DECAY:3, ATTACK:4, }; this.volHandler=0; this.waveBase=0; this.waveMask=0; this.waveStart=0; this.waveIndex=0; //WAVE_BITS shifted counter of the frequency index this.waveAdd=0; //The base frequency without vibrato this.waveCurrent=0; //waveAdd + vibratao this.chanData=0; //Frequency/octave and derived data coming from whatever channel controls this this.freqMul=0; //Scale channel frequency with this, TODO maybe remove? this.vibrato=0; //Scaled up vibrato strength this.sustainLevel=0; //When stopping at sustain level stop here this.totalLevel=0; //totalLevel is added to every generated volume this.currentLevel=0; //totalLevel + tremolo this.volume=0; //The currently active volume this.attackAdd=0; //Timers for the different states of the envelope this.decayAdd=0; this.releaseAdd=0; this.rateIndex=0; //Current position of the evenlope this.rateZero=0; //Bits for the different states of the envelope having no changes this.keyOn=0; //Bitmask of different values that can generate keyon //Registers, also used to check for changes this.reg20=0; this.reg40=0; this.reg60=0; this.reg80=0; this.regE0=0; //Active part of the envelope we're in this.state=0; //0xff when tremolo is enabled this.tremoloMask=0; //Strength of the vibrato this.vibStrength=0; //Keep track of the calculated KSR so we can check for changes this.ksr=0; return this; }; // dbopl.cpp (private stuff) var ZeroArray = function(size) { // return Array.apply(null, new Array(size)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,0); }; var PI = 3.14159265358979323846; var OPLRATE = 14318180.0 / 288.0; var TREMOLO_TABLE = 52; var WAVE_BITS = 10; var WAVE_SH = 32 - WAVE_BITS; var WAVE_MASK = (1 << WAVE_SH) - 1; var LFO_SH = WAVE_SH - 10; var LFO_MAX = 256 << LFO_SH; var ENV_BITS = 9; var ENV_MIN = 0; var ENV_EXTRA = ENV_BITS - 9; var ENV_MAX = 511 << ENV_EXTRA; var ENV_LIMIT = (12 * 256) >> (3 - ENV_EXTRA); var ENV_SILENT = function(_X_) { return _X_ >= ENV_LIMIT; } var RATE_SH = 24; var RATE_MASK = (1 << RATE_SH ) - 1; var MUL_SH = 16; var KslCreateTable = [ 64, 32, 24, 19, 16, 12, 11, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, ]; var M = function(_X_) {return _X_ * 2}; var FreqCreateTable = [ M(0.5), M(1), M(2), M(3), M(4), M(5), M(6), M(7), M(8), M(9), M(10), M(10), M(12), M(12), M(15), M(15), ]; var AttackSamplesTable = [ 69, 55, 46, 40, 35, 29, 23, 20, 19, 15, 11, 10, 9 ]; var EnvelopeIncreaseTable = [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, ]; var WaveTable = ZeroArray(8 * 512); var WaveBaseTable = [ 0x000, 0x200, 0x200, 0x800, 0xa00, 0xc00, 0x100, 0x400, ]; var WaveMaskTable = [ 1023, 1023, 511, 511, 1023, 1023, 512, 1023, ]; var WaveStartTable = [ 512, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512, 512, 256, ]; var MulTable = ZeroArray(384); var KslTable = ZeroArray(8 * 16); var TremoloTable = ZeroArray(TREMOLO_TABLE); var ChanOffsetTable = ZeroArray(32); var OpOffsetTable = ZeroArray(64); var VibratoTable = [ 1 - 0x00, 0 - 0x00, 1 - 0x00, 30 - 0x00, 1 - 0x80, 0 - 0x80, 1 - 0x80, 30 - 0x80 ]; // Note: the original used reference parameters to return index and shift.. function EnvelopeSelect(val) { var shift, index; if ( val < 13 * 4 ) { //Rate 0 - 12 shift = 12 - ( val >> 2 ); index = val & 3; } else if ( val < 15 * 4 ) { //rate 13 - 14 shift = 0; index = val - 12 * 4; } else { //rate 15 and up shift = 0; index = 12; } return [index, shift]; } }; // end of DBOPL namespace