Fork 0

Merge branch 'Jeff-Russ-master'

This commit is contained in:
bsutherland 2015-11-30 21:55:16 +09:00
commit ba95c32302
15 changed files with 4855 additions and 4417 deletions

AdlibBlaster.jucer Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JUCERPROJECT id="aEo3EV" name="AdlibBlaster" projectType="audioplug" version="0.11.1"
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pluginManufacturerCode="Pwve" pluginCode="PwAB" pluginChannelConfigs="{0, 1}"
pluginIsSynth="1" pluginWantsMidiIn="1" pluginProducesMidiOut="0"
pluginSilenceInIsSilenceOut="0" pluginEditorRequiresKeys="0"
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pluginAAXCategory="AAX_ePlugInCategory_Dynamics" jucerVersion="3.1.1"
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<XCODE_MAC targetFolder="Builds/MacOSX" vstFolder="~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4" postbuildCommand="&#13;&#10;# This script takes the build product and copies it to the AU, VST, VST3, RTAS and AAX folders, depending on &#13;&#10;# which plugin types you've built&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;original=$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;# this looks inside the binary to detect which platforms are needed.. &#13;&#10;copyAU=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'AudioUnit' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyVST=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'VSTPlugin' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyVST3=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'GetPluginFactory' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyRTAS=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'CProcess' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyAAX=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'ACFStartup' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyAU -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to AudioUnit folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; AU=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/$PRODUCT_NAME.component&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AU&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AU&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AU&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$AU/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$AU/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; # Fix info.plist for AUs built with Xcode 3&#13;&#10; if [ -f &quot;$DEVELOPER_DIR/Library/Developer/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/AUBase/AUPlugInDispatch.cpp&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; echo&#13;&#10; else&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Removing AudioComponents entry from Info.plist because this is not a new-format AU&quot;&#13;&#10; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c &quot;Delete AudioComponents&quot; &quot;$AU/Contents/Info.plist&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyVST -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to VST folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; VST=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/$PRODUCT_NAME.vst&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$VST&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$VST&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$VST&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$VST/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$VST/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyVST3 -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to VST3 folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; VST3=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/$PRODUCT_NAME.vst3&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$VST3&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$VST3&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$VST3&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$VST3/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$VST3/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyRTAS -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to RTAS folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; RTAS=/Library/Application\ Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.dpm&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$RTAS&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$RTAS&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$RTAS&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyAAX -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to AAX folder...&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;/Applications/ProTools_3PDev/Plug-Ins&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; AAX1=&quot;/Applications/ProTools_3PDev/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.aaxplugin&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AAX1&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AAX1&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -R -H &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AAX1&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; AAX2=&quot;/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.aaxplugin&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AAX2&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AAX2&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -R -H &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AAX2&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;"
vst3Folder="~/SDKs/VST3 SDK" extraCompilerFlags="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++">
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isDebug="1" optimisation="1" targetName="AdlibBlaster" cppLibType="libc++"/>
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" osxSDK="default" osxCompatibility="10.7 SDK" osxArchitecture="64BitIntel"
isDebug="0" optimisation="2" targetName="AdlibBlaster" cppLibType="libc++"/>
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<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
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<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<XCODE_IPHONE targetFolder="Builds/iOS" vstFolder="~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4" postbuildCommand="&#13;&#10;# This script takes the build product and copies it to the AU, VST, VST3, RTAS and AAX folders, depending on &#13;&#10;# which plugin types you've built&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;original=$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;# this looks inside the binary to detect which platforms are needed.. &#13;&#10;copyAU=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'AudioUnit' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyVST=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'VSTPlugin' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyVST3=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'GetPluginFactory' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyRTAS=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'CProcess' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;copyAAX=&#96;nm -g &quot;$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/$EXECUTABLE_PATH&quot; | grep -i 'ACFStartup' | wc -l&#96;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyAU -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to AudioUnit folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; AU=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/$PRODUCT_NAME.component&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AU&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AU&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AU&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$AU/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$AU/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; # Fix info.plist for AUs built with Xcode 3&#13;&#10; if [ -f &quot;$DEVELOPER_DIR/Library/Developer/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/AUBase/AUPlugInDispatch.cpp&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; echo&#13;&#10; else&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Removing AudioComponents entry from Info.plist because this is not a new-format AU&quot;&#13;&#10; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c &quot;Delete AudioComponents&quot; &quot;$AU/Contents/Info.plist&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyVST -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to VST folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; VST=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/$PRODUCT_NAME.vst&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$VST&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$VST&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$VST&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$VST/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$VST/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyVST3 -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to VST3 folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; VST3=~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/$PRODUCT_NAME.vst3&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$VST3&quot; ]; then &#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$VST3&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$VST3&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMwPTul/BNDLPTul/g' &quot;$VST3/Contents/PkgInfo&quot;&#13;&#10; sed -i &quot;&quot; -e 's/TDMw/BNDL/g' &quot;$VST3/Contents/$INFOPLIST_FILE&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyRTAS -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to RTAS folder...&quot;&#13;&#10; RTAS=/Library/Application\ Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.dpm&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$RTAS&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$RTAS&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -r &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$RTAS&quot;&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;if [ $copyAAX -gt 0 ]; then&#13;&#10; echo &quot;Copying to AAX folder...&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;/Applications/ProTools_3PDev/Plug-Ins&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; AAX1=&quot;/Applications/ProTools_3PDev/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.aaxplugin&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AAX1&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AAX1&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -R -H &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AAX1&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; AAX2=&quot;/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/$PRODUCT_NAME.aaxplugin&quot;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; if [ -d &quot;$AAX2&quot; ]; then&#13;&#10; rm -r &quot;$AAX2&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; cp -R -H &quot;$original&quot; &quot;$AAX2&quot;&#13;&#10; fi&#13;&#10;fi&#13;&#10;"
vst3Folder="~/SDKs/VST3 SDK">
<CONFIGURATION name="Debug" iosCompatibility="default" isDebug="1" optimisation="1"
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" iosCompatibility="default" isDebug="0" optimisation="2"
<MODULEPATH id="juce_core" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_formats" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<VS2013 targetFolder="Builds/VisualStudio2013" vstFolder="c:\SDKs\vstsdk2.4"
vst3Folder="c:\SDKs\VST3 SDK">
<CONFIGURATION name="Debug" winWarningLevel="4" generateManifest="1" winArchitecture="32-bit"
isDebug="1" optimisation="1" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" winWarningLevel="4" generateManifest="1" winArchitecture="32-bit"
isDebug="0" optimisation="2" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_core" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_formats" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<LINUX_MAKE targetFolder="Builds/Linux" vstFolder="~/SDKs/vstsdk2.4" vst3Folder="~/SDKs/VST3 SDK">
<CONFIGURATION name="Debug" libraryPath="/usr/X11R6/lib/" isDebug="1" optimisation="1"
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" libraryPath="/usr/X11R6/lib/" isDebug="0" optimisation="2"
<MODULEPATH id="juce_core" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_formats" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<ANDROID targetFolder="Builds/Android" androidActivityClass="com.yourcompany.adlibblaster.AdlibBlaster"
androidSDKPath="${user.home}/SDKs/android-sdk" androidNDKPath="${user.home}/SDKs/android-ndk"
androidMinimumSDK="8" androidInternetNeeded="1" androidKeyStore="${user.home}/.android/debug.keystore"
androidKeyStorePass="android" androidKeyAlias="androiddebugkey"
androidKeyAliasPass="android" androidCpp11="1">
<CONFIGURATION name="Debug" androidArchitectures="armeabi armeabi-v7a" isDebug="1"
optimisation="1" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" androidArchitectures="armeabi armeabi-v7a" isDebug="0"
optimisation="2" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_core" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_formats" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<CODEBLOCKS targetFolder="Builds/CodeBlocks">
<CONFIGURATION name="Debug" isDebug="1" optimisation="1" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<CONFIGURATION name="Release" isDebug="0" optimisation="2" targetName="AdlibBlaster"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_core" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_events" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_graphics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_data_structures" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_gui_extra" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_cryptography" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_video" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_opengl" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_devices" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_formats" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_processors" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_plugin_client" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULEPATH id="juce_audio_basics" path="../Juce/modules"/>
<MODULES id="juce_audio_basics" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_audio_devices" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_audio_formats" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_audio_plugin_client" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_audio_processors" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_core" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_cryptography" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_data_structures" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_events" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_graphics" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_gui_basics" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_gui_extra" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_opengl" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>
<MODULES id="juce_video" showAllCode="1" useLocalCopy="1"/>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
#include "DROMultiplexer.h" #include "DROMultiplexer.h"
#include "JuceHeader.h" #include "JuceHeader.h"
#include <Windows.h>
/// Jeff-Russ added guard against windows.h include if not windows:
#ifdef _WIN32 // covers both 32 and 64-bit
#include <Windows.h>
#include "windows.h"
/// Jeff-Russ added to replace mising itoa for xcode:
#if __APPLE__
#include "itoa.h"
// Used by the first recording instance to claim master status // Used by the first recording instance to claim master status
DROMultiplexer* DROMultiplexer::master = NULL; DROMultiplexer* DROMultiplexer::master = NULL;
@ -185,10 +195,11 @@ void DROMultiplexer::TwoOpMelodicNoteOn(Hiopl* opl, int inCh) {
// find a free channel and mark it as used // find a free channel and mark it as used
char addr[16]; char addr[16];
int outCh = _FindFreeChannel(opl, inCh); int outCh = _FindFreeChannel(opl, inCh);
if (outCh >= 0) { if (outCh >= 0) {
_DebugOut(" <- "); //_DebugOut(" <- ");
_DebugOut(itoa((int)opl, addr, 16)); //_DebugOut(itoa((int)opl, addr, 16));
_DebugOut(" "); //_DebugOut(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < MELODIC_CHANNELS; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < MELODIC_CHANNELS; i++) {
Hiopl* tmpOpl = channels[i].opl; Hiopl* tmpOpl = channels[i].opl;
_DebugOut(NULL == tmpOpl ? "-" : tmpOpl->GetState(channels[i].ch)); _DebugOut(NULL == tmpOpl ? "-" : tmpOpl->GetState(channels[i].ch));

View file

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
class InstrumentLoader class InstrumentLoader
{ {
public: public:
virtual void loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor *proc) = 0; virtual void loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor *proc) = 0;
virtual String getExtension() = 0; virtual String getExtension() = 0;
}; };

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,193 +1,193 @@
/* /*
============================================================================== ==============================================================================
This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Introjucer! This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Introjucer!
Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
and re-saved. and re-saved.
Created with Introjucer version: 3.1.0 Created with Introjucer version: 3.1.1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Introjucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions" The Introjucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
Copyright 2004-13 by Raw Material Software Ltd. Copyright 2004-13 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
============================================================================== ==============================================================================
*/ */
#ifndef __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__ #ifndef __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__
#define __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__ #define __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__
//[Headers] -- You can add your own extra header files here -- //[Headers] -- You can add your own extra header files here --
#include <array> #include <array>
#include "JuceHeader.h" #include "JuceHeader.h"
#include "PluginProcessor.h" #include "PluginProcessor.h"
//[/Headers] //[/Headers]
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
/** /**
//[Comments] //[Comments]
This is a GUI for the OPL2 VST plugin, created in Juce. This is a GUI for the OPL2 VST plugin, created in Juce.
//[/Comments] //[/Comments]
*/ */
class PluginGui : public AudioProcessorEditor, class PluginGui : public AudioProcessorEditor,
public FileDragAndDropTarget, public FileDragAndDropTarget,
public DragAndDropContainer, public DragAndDropContainer,
public Timer, public Timer,
public ComboBoxListener, public ComboBoxListener,
public SliderListener, public SliderListener,
public ButtonListener public ButtonListener
{ {
public: public:
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
PluginGui (JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor* ownerFilter); PluginGui (AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor* ownerFilter);
~PluginGui(); ~PluginGui();
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
//[UserMethods] -- You can add your own custom methods in this section. //[UserMethods] -- You can add your own custom methods in this section.
void updateFromParameters(); void updateFromParameters();
bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files); bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files);
void fileDragEnter (const StringArray& files, int x, int y); void fileDragEnter (const StringArray& files, int x, int y);
void fileDragMove (const StringArray& files, int x, int y); void fileDragMove (const StringArray& files, int x, int y);
void fileDragExit (const StringArray& files); void fileDragExit (const StringArray& files);
void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int x, int y); void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int x, int y);
void timerCallback(); void timerCallback();
void setRecordButtonState(bool recording); void setRecordButtonState(bool recording);
//[/UserMethods] //[/UserMethods]
void paint (Graphics& g); void paint (Graphics& g);
void resized(); void resized();
void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged); void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged);
void sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved); void sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved);
void buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked); void buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked);
// Binary resources: // Binary resources:
static const char* full_sine_png; static const char* full_sine_png;
static const int full_sine_pngSize; static const int full_sine_pngSize;
static const char* half_sine_png; static const char* half_sine_png;
static const int half_sine_pngSize; static const int half_sine_pngSize;
static const char* abs_sine_png; static const char* abs_sine_png;
static const int abs_sine_pngSize; static const int abs_sine_pngSize;
static const char* quarter_sine_png; static const char* quarter_sine_png;
static const int quarter_sine_pngSize; static const int quarter_sine_pngSize;
static const char* camel_sine_png; static const char* camel_sine_png;
static const int camel_sine_pngSize; static const int camel_sine_pngSize;
static const char* alternating_sine_png; static const char* alternating_sine_png;
static const int alternating_sine_pngSize; static const int alternating_sine_pngSize;
static const char* square_png; static const char* square_png;
static const int square_pngSize; static const int square_pngSize;
static const char* logarithmic_saw_png; static const char* logarithmic_saw_png;
static const int logarithmic_saw_pngSize; static const int logarithmic_saw_pngSize;
static const char* channeloff_png; static const char* channeloff_png;
static const int channeloff_pngSize; static const int channeloff_pngSize;
static const char* channelon_png; static const char* channelon_png;
static const int channelon_pngSize; static const int channelon_pngSize;
private: private:
//[UserVariables] -- You can add your own custom variables in this section. //[UserVariables] -- You can add your own custom variables in this section.
static const uint32 COLOUR_MID = 0xff007f00; static const uint32 COLOUR_MID = 0xff007f00;
static const uint32 COLOUR_RECORDING = 0xffff0000; static const uint32 COLOUR_RECORDING = 0xffff0000;
JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor* processor; AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor* processor;
std::array<ScopedPointer<Label>, Hiopl::CHANNELS> channels; std::array<ScopedPointer<Label>, Hiopl::CHANNELS> channels;
TooltipWindow tooltipWindow; TooltipWindow tooltipWindow;
//[/UserVariables] //[/UserVariables]
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent; ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> frequencyComboBox; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> frequencyComboBox;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel;
ScopedPointer<Slider> aSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> aSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> aLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> aLabel;
ScopedPointer<Slider> dSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> dSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel;
ScopedPointer<Slider> sSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> sSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel2;
ScopedPointer<Slider> rSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> rSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> rLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> rLabel;
ScopedPointer<Slider> attenuationSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> attenuationSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> sineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> sineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> halfsineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> halfsineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> abssineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> abssineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> quartersineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> quartersineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<Label> waveLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> waveLabel;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> tremoloButton; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> tremoloButton;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> vibratoButton; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> vibratoButton;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> sustainButton; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> sustainButton;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> keyscaleEnvButton; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> keyscaleEnvButton;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel2;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel2;
ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent2; ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent2;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> frequencyComboBox2; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> frequencyComboBox2;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel3; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel3;
ScopedPointer<Slider> aSlider2; ScopedPointer<Slider> aSlider2;
ScopedPointer<Label> aLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> aLabel2;
ScopedPointer<Slider> dSlider2; ScopedPointer<Slider> dSlider2;
ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel3; ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel3;
ScopedPointer<Slider> sSlider2; ScopedPointer<Slider> sSlider2;
ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel4; ScopedPointer<Label> dLabel4;
ScopedPointer<Slider> rSlider2; ScopedPointer<Slider> rSlider2;
ScopedPointer<Label> rLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> rLabel2;
ScopedPointer<Slider> attenuationSlider2; ScopedPointer<Slider> attenuationSlider2;
ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel2;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel3; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel3;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> sineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> sineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> halfsineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> halfsineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> abssineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> abssineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> quartersineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> quartersineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<Label> waveLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> waveLabel2;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> tremoloButton2; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> tremoloButton2;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> vibratoButton2; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> vibratoButton2;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> sustainButton2; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> sustainButton2;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> keyscaleEnvButton2; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> keyscaleEnvButton2;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel4; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel4;
ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent3; ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent3;
ScopedPointer<Slider> tremoloSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> tremoloSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel5; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel5;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel5; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel5;
ScopedPointer<Slider> vibratoSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> vibratoSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel6; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel6;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel6; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel6;
ScopedPointer<Slider> feedbackSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> feedbackSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel7; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel7;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> velocityComboBox; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> velocityComboBox;
ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel3; ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel3;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> velocityComboBox2; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> velocityComboBox2;
ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel4; ScopedPointer<Label> attenuationLabel4;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> alternatingsineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> alternatingsineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> camelsineImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> camelsineImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> squareImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> squareImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> logsawImageButton; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> logsawImageButton;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> alternatingsineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> alternatingsineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> camelsineImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> camelsineImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> squareImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> squareImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ImageButton> logsawImageButton2; ScopedPointer<ImageButton> logsawImageButton2;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> algorithmComboBox; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> algorithmComboBox;
ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel8; ScopedPointer<Label> frequencyLabel8;
ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel4; ScopedPointer<Label> dbLabel4;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> keyscaleAttenuationComboBox2; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> keyscaleAttenuationComboBox2;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> keyscaleAttenuationComboBox; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> keyscaleAttenuationComboBox;
ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent4; ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent4;
ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent5; ScopedPointer<GroupComponent> groupComponent5;
ScopedPointer<Slider> emulatorSlider; ScopedPointer<Slider> emulatorSlider;
ScopedPointer<Label> emulatorLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> emulatorLabel;
ScopedPointer<Label> emulatorLabel2; ScopedPointer<Label> emulatorLabel2;
ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> recordButton; ScopedPointer<ToggleButton> recordButton;
ScopedPointer<ComboBox> percussionComboBox; ScopedPointer<ComboBox> percussionComboBox;
ScopedPointer<Label> percussionLabel; ScopedPointer<Label> percussionLabel;
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
}; };
//[EndFile] You can add extra defines here... //[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...
//[/EndFile] //[/EndFile]
#endif // __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__ #endif // __JUCE_HEADER_450C07F5C14097B8__

View file

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
#include "IntFloatParameter.h" #include "IntFloatParameter.h"
#include "SbiLoader.h" #include "SbiLoader.h"
const char *JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::PROGRAM_INDEX = "Program Index"; const char *AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::PROGRAM_INDEX = "Program Index";
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor() AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor()
: i_program(-1) : i_program(-1)
{ {
// Initalize OPL // Initalize OPL
@ -142,27 +142,27 @@ JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor()
available_channels.push_back(i); available_channels.push_back(i);
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::isThisInstanceRecording() { bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::isThisInstanceRecording() {
return NULL != recordingFile; return NULL != recordingFile;
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::isAnyInstanceRecording() { bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::isAnyInstanceRecording() {
return dro->IsAnInstanceRecording(); return dro->IsAnInstanceRecording();
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::startRecording(File *outputFile) { void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::startRecording(File *outputFile) {
recordingFile = outputFile; recordingFile = outputFile;
if (!dro->StartCapture(outputFile->getFullPathName().toUTF8(), Opl)) { if (!dro->StartCapture(outputFile->getFullPathName().toUTF8(), Opl)) {
juce::AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync(juce::AlertWindow::InfoIcon, "Could not open specified file for writing!", "OK"); juce::AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync(juce::AlertWindow::InfoIcon, "Could not open specified file for writing!", "OK");
} }
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::stopRecording() { void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::stopRecording() {
dro->StopCapture(); dro->StopCapture();
recordingFile = NULL; recordingFile = NULL;
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::initPrograms() void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::initPrograms()
{ {
// these ones from the Syndicate in-game music // these ones from the Syndicate in-game music
const float i_params_0[] = { const float i_params_0[] = {
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::initPrograms()
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::applyPitchBend() void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::applyPitchBend()
{ // apply the currently configured pitch bend to all active notes. { // apply the currently configured pitch bend to all active notes.
for (int i = 1; i <= Hiopl::CHANNELS; i++) { for (int i = 1; i <= Hiopl::CHANNELS; i++) {
if (NO_NOTE != active_notes[i]) { if (NO_NOTE != active_notes[i]) {
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::applyPitchBend()
} }
} }
JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::~JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor() AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::~AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor()
{ {
for (unsigned int i=0; i < params.size(); ++i) for (unsigned int i=0; i < params.size(); ++i)
delete params[i]; delete params[i];
@ -454,22 +454,22 @@ JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::~JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor()
} }
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getName() const const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getName() const
{ {
return JucePlugin_Name; return JucePlugin_Name;
} }
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getNumParameters() int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getNumParameters()
{ {
return (int)params.size(); return (int)params.size();
} }
float JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getParameter (int index) float AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getParameter (int index)
{ {
return params[index]->getParameter(); return params[index]->getParameter();
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setIntParameter (String name, int value) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setIntParameter (String name, int value)
{ {
int i = paramIdxByName[name]; int i = paramIdxByName[name];
IntFloatParameter* p = (IntFloatParameter*)params[i]; IntFloatParameter* p = (IntFloatParameter*)params[i];
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setIntParameter (String name, int value)
setParameter(i, p->getParameter()); setParameter(i, p->getParameter());
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setEnumParameter (String name, int index) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setEnumParameter (String name, int index)
{ {
int i = paramIdxByName[name]; int i = paramIdxByName[name];
EnumFloatParameter* p = (EnumFloatParameter*)params[i]; EnumFloatParameter* p = (EnumFloatParameter*)params[i];
@ -485,14 +485,14 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setEnumParameter (String name, int index)
setParameter(i, p->getParameter()); setParameter(i, p->getParameter());
} }
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getIntParameter (String name) int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getIntParameter (String name)
{ {
int i = paramIdxByName[name]; int i = paramIdxByName[name];
IntFloatParameter* p = (IntFloatParameter*)params[i]; IntFloatParameter* p = (IntFloatParameter*)params[i];
return p->getParameterValue(); return p->getParameterValue();
} }
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getEnumParameter (String name) int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getEnumParameter (String name)
{ {
int i = paramIdxByName[name]; int i = paramIdxByName[name];
EnumFloatParameter* p = (EnumFloatParameter*)params[i]; EnumFloatParameter* p = (EnumFloatParameter*)params[i];
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getEnumParameter (String name)
} }
// Parameters which apply directly to the OPL // Parameters which apply directly to the OPL
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setParameter (int index, float newValue) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setParameter (int index, float newValue)
{ {
FloatParameter* p = params[index]; FloatParameter* p = params[index];
p->setParameter(newValue); p->setParameter(newValue);
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setParameter (int index, float newValue)
} }
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::loadInstrumentFromFile(String filename) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::loadInstrumentFromFile(String filename)
{ {
FILE* f = fopen(filename.toUTF8(), "rb"); FILE* f = fopen(filename.toUTF8(), "rb");
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::loadInstrumentFromFile(String filename)
} }
// Used to configure parameters from .SBI instrument file // Used to configure parameters from .SBI instrument file
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setParametersByRegister(int register_base, int op, uint8 value) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setParametersByRegister(int register_base, int op, uint8 value)
{ {
const String operators[] = {"Modulator", "Carrier"}; const String operators[] = {"Modulator", "Carrier"};
register_base &= 0xF0; register_base &= 0xF0;
@ -596,37 +596,37 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setParametersByRegister(int register_base, int o
} }
} }
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getParameterName (int index) const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getParameterName (int index)
{ {
return params[index]->getName(); return params[index]->getName();
} }
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getParameterText (int index) const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getParameterText (int index)
{ {
return params[index]->getParameterText(); return params[index]->getParameterText();
} }
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getInputChannelName (int channelIndex) const const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getInputChannelName (int channelIndex) const
{ {
return String (channelIndex + 1); return String (channelIndex + 1);
} }
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getOutputChannelName (int channelIndex) const const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getOutputChannelName (int channelIndex) const
{ {
return String (channelIndex + 1); return String (channelIndex + 1);
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::isInputChannelStereoPair (int index) const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::isInputChannelStereoPair (int index) const
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::isOutputChannelStereoPair (int index) const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::isOutputChannelStereoPair (int index) const
{ {
return false; return true; //// Jeff-Russ changed to true for AU version. for vsti make it false
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::acceptsMidi() const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::acceptsMidi() const
{ {
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput #if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput
return true; return true;
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::acceptsMidi() const
#endif #endif
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::producesMidi() const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::producesMidi() const
{ {
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput #if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput
return true; return true;
@ -644,27 +644,27 @@ bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::producesMidi() const
#endif #endif
} }
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::silenceInProducesSilenceOut() const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::silenceInProducesSilenceOut() const
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
double JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getTailLengthSeconds() const double AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getTailLengthSeconds() const
{ {
return 0.0; return 0.0;
} }
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getNumPrograms() int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getNumPrograms()
{ {
return (int)programs.size(); return (int)programs.size();
} }
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getCurrentProgram() int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getCurrentProgram()
{ {
return i_program; return i_program;
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::updateGuiIfPresent() void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::updateGuiIfPresent()
{ {
PluginGui* gui = (PluginGui*)getActiveEditor(); PluginGui* gui = (PluginGui*)getActiveEditor();
if (gui) { if (gui) {
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::updateGuiIfPresent()
} }
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setCurrentProgram (int index) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setCurrentProgram (int index)
{ {
if (i_program==index) if (i_program==index)
return; return;
@ -685,24 +685,24 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setCurrentProgram (int index)
updateGuiIfPresent(); updateGuiIfPresent();
} }
const String JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getProgramName (int index) const String AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getProgramName (int index)
{ {
return program_order[index]; return program_order[index];
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::changeProgramName (int index, const String& newName) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::changeProgramName (int index, const String& newName)
{ {
} }
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock)
{ {
//Opl->SetSampleRate((int)sampleRate); //Opl->SetSampleRate((int)sampleRate);
// Use this method as the place to do any pre-playback // Use this method as the place to do any pre-playback
// initialisation that you need.. // initialisation that you need..
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::releaseResources() void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::releaseResources()
{ {
// When playback stops, you can use this as an opportunity to free up any // When playback stops, you can use this as an opportunity to free up any
// spare memory, etc. // spare memory, etc.
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::releaseResources()
static const Drum DRUM_INDEX[] = { BDRUM, SNARE, TOM, CYMBAL, HIHAT }; static const Drum DRUM_INDEX[] = { BDRUM, SNARE, TOM, CYMBAL, HIHAT };
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages)
{ {
buffer.clear(0, 0, buffer.getNumSamples()); buffer.clear(0, 0, buffer.getNumSamples());
MidiBuffer::Iterator midi_buffer_iterator(midiMessages); MidiBuffer::Iterator midi_buffer_iterator(midiMessages);
@ -820,16 +820,22 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuf
applyPitchBend(); applyPitchBend();
} }
} }
Opl->Generate(buffer.getNumSamples(), buffer.getSampleData(0)); /// Jeff-Russ: getSampleData(int) is deprecated. use getWritePointer(int)
Opl->Generate(buffer.getNumSamples(), buffer.getWritePointer(0));
/// Jeff-Russ added loop to copy left channel to right channel. uncomment when building to {0,2} AU
// const float* LChanRead = buffer.getReadPointer(0, 0);
// float* RChanWrite = buffer.getWritePointer(1, 0);
// for (int i = 0; i < buffer.getNumSamples(); i++) { RChanWrite[i] = LChanRead[i]; }
} }
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
bool JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::hasEditor() const bool AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::hasEditor() const
{ {
return true; // (change this to false if you choose to not supply an editor) return true; // (change this to false if you choose to not supply an editor)
} }
AudioProcessorEditor* JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::createEditor() AudioProcessorEditor* AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::createEditor()
{ {
PluginGui* gui = new PluginGui(this); PluginGui* gui = new PluginGui(this);
gui->updateFromParameters(); gui->updateFromParameters();
@ -847,7 +853,7 @@ Identifier stringToIdentifier(const String &s)
return s.replaceCharacters(" ", "_"); return s.replaceCharacters(" ", "_");
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
{ {
ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<DynamicObject> v(new DynamicObject); ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<DynamicObject> v(new DynamicObject);
@ -865,7 +871,7 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& destData)
destData.copyFrom(s.getCharPointer(), 0, destData.getSize()); destData.copyFrom(s.getCharPointer(), 0, destData.getSize());
} }
void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes) void AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
{ {
if (sizeInBytes < 1) if (sizeInBytes < 1)
return; return;
@ -910,13 +916,13 @@ void JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeI
// @param idx 1-based channel index // @param idx 1-based channel index
// @note since this is just reading off pod, "safe" to access without a mutex by other threads such as GUI // @note since this is just reading off pod, "safe" to access without a mutex by other threads such as GUI
int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::isChannelActive(int idx) const int AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::isChannelActive(int idx) const
{ {
return active_notes[idx] != NO_NOTE; return active_notes[idx] != NO_NOTE;
} }
// @param idx 1-based channel index // @param idx 1-based channel index
const char* JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getChannelEnvelopeStage(int idx) const const char* AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor::getChannelEnvelopeStage(int idx) const
{ {
return Opl->GetState(idx); return Opl->GetState(idx);
} }
@ -926,5 +932,5 @@ const char* JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::getChannelEnvelopeStage(int idx) const
// This creates new instances of the plugin.. // This creates new instances of the plugin..
AudioProcessor* JUCE_CALLTYPE createPluginFilter() AudioProcessor* JUCE_CALLTYPE createPluginFilter()
{ {
return new JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor(); return new AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor();
} }

View file

@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
class JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor : public AudioProcessor class AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor : public AudioProcessor
{ {
public: public:
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor(); AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor();
void initPrograms(); void initPrograms();
void applyPitchBend(); void applyPitchBend();
~JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor(); ~AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor();
bool isThisInstanceRecording(); bool isThisInstanceRecording();
bool isAnyInstanceRecording(); bool isAnyInstanceRecording();
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
const String getName() const; const String getName() const;
static const int JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor::MAX_INSTRUMENT_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 1024; static const int MAX_INSTRUMENT_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 1024;
int getNumParameters(); int getNumParameters();
@ -105,6 +105,6 @@ private:
File *recordingFile; File *recordingFile;
//============================================================================== //==============================================================================
}; };

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SbiLoader::SbiLoader(void)
{ {
} }
void SbiLoader::loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor *proc) void SbiLoader::loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor *proc)
{ {
if (0 == strncmp("SBI", (const char*)data, 3)) { if (0 == strncmp("SBI", (const char*)data, 3)) {
data += 36; data += 36;

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public:
SbiLoader(void); SbiLoader(void);
virtual ~SbiLoader(void); virtual ~SbiLoader(void);
void loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, JuceOplvstiAudioProcessor *proc); void loadInstrumentData(int n, const unsigned char* data, AdlibBlasterAudioProcessor *proc);
String getExtension(); String getExtension();
}; };

View file

@ -63,20 +63,42 @@
#pragma warning(disable : 4996) #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
#endif #endif
#ifndef WIN32 /// Jeff-Russ modified to be uniform across C++ implementations:
typedef long long __int64; // The internal types:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef int64_t __int64;
typedef double Real64;
typedef unsigned char Bit8u;
typedef signed char Bit8s;
typedef uint16_t Bit16u;
typedef int16_t Bit16s;
typedef uint32_t Bit32u;
typedef int32_t Bit32s;
typedef uint64_t Bit64u;
typedef int64_t Bit64s;
typedef Bit32u Bitu;
typedef Bit32s Bits;
#ifndef _WIN32 /// __forceinline likely not needed
#define __forceinline inline /// outside of windows.
#endif #endif
typedef double Real64; #ifdef _WIN32 // covers both 32 and 64-bit
/* The internal types */ #define INLINE __forceinline
typedef unsigned char Bit8u; #endif
typedef signed char Bit8s;
typedef unsigned short Bit16u;
typedef signed short Bit16s;
typedef unsigned long Bit32u;
typedef signed long Bit32s;
typedef unsigned __int64 Bit64u;
typedef signed __int64 Bit64s;
typedef unsigned int Bitu;
typedef signed int Bits;
//#elif __APPLE__
// #include "TargetConditionals.h"
// #define INLINE inline /// apple has no forceinline
//#elif __linux
// #define INLINE inline
//#elif __unix
// #define INLINE inline
//#elif __posix
// #define INLINE inline
// #error Unsupported Operating System

View file

@ -889,6 +889,8 @@ Channel* Channel::BlockTemplate( Chip* chip, Bit32u samples, Bit32s* output ) {
return (this + 2); return (this + 2);
} }
break; break;
default: /// Jeff-Russ added to silence warning
} }
//Init the operators with the the current vibrato and tremolo values //Init the operators with the the current vibrato and tremolo values
Op( 0 )->Prepare( chip ); Op( 0 )->Prepare( chip );
@ -954,6 +956,8 @@ Channel* Channel::BlockTemplate( Chip* chip, Bit32u samples, Bit32s* output ) {
output[ i * 2 + 0 ] += sample & maskLeft; output[ i * 2 + 0 ] += sample & maskLeft;
output[ i * 2 + 1 ] += sample & maskRight; output[ i * 2 + 1 ] += sample & maskRight;
break; break;
default: /// Jeff-Russ added to silence warning
} }
} }
switch( mode ) { switch( mode ) {

View file

@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <map> #include <map>
#include "adlib.h" #include "adlib.h"
#include "dbopl.h" #include "dbopl.h"
#include "zdopl.h" #include "zdopl.h"
enum Waveform enum Waveform
{ {
SIN = 0, HALF_SIN = 1, ABS_SIN = 2, QUART_SIN = 3 SIN = 0, HALF_SIN = 1, ABS_SIN = 2, QUART_SIN = 3
}; };
enum FreqMultiple enum FreqMultiple
{ {
xHALF=0, x1=1, x2=2, x3=3, x4=4, x5=5, x6=6, x7=7, x8=8, x9=9, x10=10, x12=12, x15=15 xHALF=0, x1=1, x2=2, x3=3, x4=4, x5=5, x6=6, x7=7, x8=8, x9=9, x10=10, x12=12, x15=15
}; };
enum Emulator enum Emulator
{ {
}; };
enum Drum enum Drum
{ {
BDRUM=0x10, SNARE=0x8, TOM=0x4, CYMBAL=0x2, HIHAT=0x1 BDRUM=0x10, SNARE=0x8, TOM=0x4, CYMBAL=0x2, HIHAT=0x1
}; };
class Hiopl { class Hiopl {
public: public:
static const int CHANNELS = 9; static const int CHANNELS = 9;
static const int OSCILLATORS = 2; static const int OSCILLATORS = 2;
Hiopl(int buflen, Emulator emulator = ZDOOM); Hiopl(int buflen, Emulator emulator = ZDOOM);
void SetEmulator(Emulator emulator); void SetEmulator(Emulator emulator);
void SetPercussionMode(bool enable); void SetPercussionMode(bool enable);
void HitPercussion(Drum drum); void HitPercussion(Drum drum);
void ReleasePercussion(); void ReleasePercussion();
void Generate(int length, short* buffer); void Generate(int length, short* buffer);
void Generate(int length, float* buffer); void Generate(int length, float* buffer);
void SetSampleRate(int hz); void SetSampleRate(int hz);
void EnableWaveformControl(); void EnableWaveformControl();
void EnableOpl3Mode(); void EnableOpl3Mode();
void EnableTremolo(int ch, int osc, bool enable); void EnableTremolo(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void EnableVibrato(int ch, int osc, bool enable); void EnableVibrato(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void VibratoDepth(bool high); void VibratoDepth(bool high);
void TremoloDepth(bool high); void TremoloDepth(bool high);
void EnableSustain(int ch, int osc, bool enable); void EnableSustain(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
void EnableKsr(int ch, int osc, bool enable); void EnableKsr(int ch, int osc, bool enable);
// true = additive; false = frequency modulation // true = additive; false = frequency modulation
void EnableAdditiveSynthesis(int ch, bool enable); void EnableAdditiveSynthesis(int ch, bool enable);
void SetWaveform(int ch, int osc, Waveform wave); void SetWaveform(int ch, int osc, Waveform wave);
void SetAttenuation(int ch, int osc, int level); void SetAttenuation(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetKsl(int ch, int osc, int level); void SetKsl(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetFrequencyMultiple(int ch, int osc, FreqMultiple mult); void SetFrequencyMultiple(int ch, int osc, FreqMultiple mult);
void SetEnvelopeAttack(int ch, int osc, int t); void SetEnvelopeAttack(int ch, int osc, int t);
void SetEnvelopeDecay(int ch, int osc, int t); void SetEnvelopeDecay(int ch, int osc, int t);
void SetEnvelopeSustain(int ch, int osc, int level); void SetEnvelopeSustain(int ch, int osc, int level);
void SetEnvelopeRelease(int ch, int osc, int t); void SetEnvelopeRelease(int ch, int osc, int t);
// Get register address offset for operator settings for the specified channel and operator. // Get register address offset for operator settings for the specified channel and operator.
int _GetOffset(int ch, int osc); int _GetOffset(int ch, int osc);
// Get register address offset for channel-wide register settings for the specified channel. // Get register address offset for channel-wide register settings for the specified channel.
int _GetOffset(int ch); int _GetOffset(int ch);
void SetModulatorFeedback(int ch, int level); void SetModulatorFeedback(int ch, int level);
void KeyOn(int ch, float frqHz); void KeyOn(int ch, float frqHz);
void KeyOff(int ch); void KeyOff(int ch);
// Return false if no note is active on the channel (ie release is complete) // Return false if no note is active on the channel (ie release is complete)
bool IsActive(int ch); bool IsActive(int ch);
// Return a single character string representing the stage of the envelope for the carrier operator for the channel // Return a single character string representing the stage of the envelope for the carrier operator for the channel
const char* GetState(int ch) const; const char* GetState(int ch) const;
void SetFrequency(int ch, float frqHz, bool keyOn=false); void SetFrequency(int ch, float frqHz, bool keyOn=false);
void _WriteReg(Bit32u reg, Bit8u value, Bit8u mask=0x0); void _WriteReg(Bit32u reg, Bit8u value, Bit8u mask=0x0);
void _ClearRegBits(Bit32u reg, Bit8u mask); void _ClearRegBits(Bit32u reg, Bit8u mask);
// Read the last value written to the specified register address (cached) // Read the last value written to the specified register address (cached)
Bit8u _ReadReg(Bit32u reg); Bit8u _ReadReg(Bit32u reg);
~Hiopl(); ~Hiopl();
private: private:
Emulator emulator; Emulator emulator;
DBOPL::Handler *adlib; DBOPL::Handler *adlib;
OPLEmul *zdoom; OPLEmul *zdoom;
Bit8u regCache[256]; Bit8u regCache[256];
bool _CheckParams(int ch, int osc); bool _CheckParams(int ch, int osc);
void _milliHertzToFnum(unsigned int milliHertz, unsigned int *fnum, unsigned int *block, unsigned int conversionFactor=49716); void _milliHertzToFnum(unsigned int milliHertz, unsigned int *fnum, unsigned int *block, unsigned int conversionFactor=49716);
void _ClearRegisters(); void _ClearRegisters();
std::map<int, int> _op1offset; std::map<int, int> _op1offset;
std::map<int, int> _op2offset; std::map<int, int> _op2offset;
}; };

Source/itoa.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/// itoa.h - A C++ header to implement itoa()
/// Created: 11 Feb 2015 5:08:51pm
/// Author: Jeff-Russ
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// A utility function to reverse a string:
void reverse(char str[], int length)
int start = 0;
int end = length -1;
while (start < end)
{ swap(*(str+start), *(str+end));
char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base)
int i = 0;
bool isNegative = false;
if (num == 0) // Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise
{ str[i++] = '0'; // empty string is printed for 0
str[i] = '\0';
return str;
// In standard itoa(), negative
if (num < 0 && base == 10) // numbers are handled only with
{ isNegative = true; // base 10. Otherwise numbers
num = -num; // are considered unsigned.
while (num != 0)
{ int rem = num % base; // Process individual digits
str[i++] = (rem > 9)? (rem-10) + 'a' : rem + '0';
num = num/base;
if (isNegative) // If number is negative, append '-'
str[i++] = '-';
str[i] = '\0'; // Append string terminator
reverse(str, i); // Reverse the string
return str;

Source/windows.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/// windows.h - as needed re-definition of windows.h functions for non-win
/// Created: 11 Feb 2015 5:08:51pm
/// Author: Jeff-Russ
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
// PVOID - A pointer to any type.
// This type is declared in WinNT.h as follows:
typedef void* PVOID;
// DWORDLONG A 64-bit unsigned integer.
// This type is declared in IntSafe.h as follows:
typedef uint64_t DWORDLONG;
#define WINAPI
// DWORD - A 32-bit unsigned integer.
// This type is declared in IntSafe.h as follows:
typedef uint32_t DWORD;
// WCHAR - A 16-bit unicode character
// This type is declared in WinNT.h as follows:
typedef int16_t WCHAR;
// HANDLE - A handle to an object.
// This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows:
// BYTE - A byte (8-bits)
// This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows:
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
// WORD - A 16-bit unsigned integer.
// This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows:
typedef uint16_t WORD;
// BOOL - A boolean variable
// This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows:
typedef BYTE BOOL;
DWORD GetStdHandle (DWORD handle) { return handle; }
void WriteConsole(DWORD conout,const char* strPtr,
DWORD count, DWORD* countAdr, int* nul)
std::string msgType = "NOTICE: ";
if (conout == -10)
msgType = "INPUT: ";
else if (conout == -11)
msgType = "OUTPUT: ";
else if (conout == -12)
msgType = "ERROR: ";
msgType = "NOTICE: ";
std::string message (const char* str, uint32_t count);
std::cout << std::endl << msgType << message;
void AllocConsole()
std::cout << std::endl << "=== Starting debug console....." << std::endl;
void FreeConsole()
std::cout << std::endl << "=== Exited debug console ===" << std::endl;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff