Fork 0

410 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "DROMultiplexer.h"
#include "JuceHeader.h"
#include <Windows.h>
// Used by the first recording instance to claim master status
DROMultiplexer* DROMultiplexer::master = NULL;
// Mutex between plugin instances
CriticalSection DROMultiplexer::lock;
static Bit8u dro_header[] = {
'D', 'B', 'R', 'A', /* 0x00, Bit32u ID */
'W', 'O', 'P', 'L', /* 0x04, Bit32u ID */
0x0, 0x00, /* 0x08, Bit16u version low */
0x1, 0x00, /* 0x09, Bit16u version high */
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, /* 0x0c, Bit32u total milliseconds */
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, /* 0x10, Bit32u total data */
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 /* 0x14, Bit32u Type 0=opl2,1=opl3,2=dual-opl2 */
static Bit8u dro_opl3_enable[] = {
0x03, // switch to extended register bank
0x05, // register 0x105
0x01, // value 0x1
0x02 // switch back to regular OPL2 registers
// offsets for the 15 two-operator melodic channels
// http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki/OPL_chip
static Bit32u OPERATOR_OFFSETS[15][2] = {
{0x000, 0x003}, // 0, 3
{0x001, 0x004}, // 1, 4
{0x002, 0x005}, // 2, 5
{0x008, 0x00b}, // 6, 9
{0x009, 0x00c}, // 7, 10
{0x00a, 0x00d}, // 8, 11
{0x100, 0x103}, // 18, 21
{0x101, 0x104}, // 19, 22
{0x102, 0x105}, // 20, 23
{0x108, 0x10b}, // 24, 27
{0x109, 0x10c}, // 25, 28
{0x10a, 0x10d}, // 26, 29
{0x110, 0x113}, // 30, 33
{0x111, 0x114}, // 31, 34
{0x112, 0x115}, // 32, 35
static Bit32u CHANNEL_OFFSETS[15]= {
// bass drum uses two operators.
// others use either modulator or carrier.
static Bit32u PERCUSSION_OFFSETS[5][2] = {
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
{ 0x13, 0x10 }, // bd
{ 0x00, 0x14 }, // sd
{ 0x12, 0x00 }, // tt
{ 0x00, 0x15}, // cy
{ 0x11, 0x00 }, // hh
static Bit32u PERCUSSION_CHANNELS[5] = {
7, 7, 8, 8, 9
// or 7, 8, 8, 9, 9?
INLINE void host_writed(Bit8u *off, Bit32u val) {
off[0] = (Bit8u)(val);
off[1] = (Bit8u)(val >> 8);
off[2] = (Bit8u)(val >> 16);
off[3] = (Bit8u)(val >> 24);
HANDLE conout;
#ifdef _DEBUG
conout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
#ifdef _DEBUG
DROMultiplexer* DROMultiplexer::GetMaster() {
return DROMultiplexer::master;
void DROMultiplexer::_CopyOplPercussionSettings(Hiopl* opl, int pIdx) {
// input channel 1 is as good as any..
int op1Off = opl->_GetOffset(1, 1);
int op2Off = opl->_GetOffset(1, 2);
Bit32u inAddr;
Bit32u outAddr;
Bit32u* outOff = PERCUSSION_OFFSETS[pIdx];
// waveform select
int base = 0xe0;
if (outOff[0]) {
inAddr = base + op1Off;
outAddr = base + outOff[0];
_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
if (outOff[1]) {
inAddr = base + op2Off;
outAddr = base + outOff[1];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
// other operator settings
for (base = 0x20; base <= 0x80; base += 0x20) {
if (outOff[0]) {
inAddr = base + op1Off;
outAddr = base + outOff[0];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
if (outOff[1]) {
inAddr = base + op2Off;
outAddr = base + outOff[1];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
// channel wide settings
int chInOff = opl->_GetOffset(1);
inAddr = 0xc0 + chInOff;
outAddr = 0xc0 + PERCUSSION_CHANNELS[pIdx];
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, 0x30 | opl->_ReadReg(inAddr)); // make sure L+R channels always enabled
void DROMultiplexer::_CopyOplChannelSettings(Hiopl* opl, int inCh, int outCh) {
// read all instrument settings and write them all to the file
int op1Off = opl->_GetOffset(inCh, 1);
int op2Off = opl->_GetOffset(inCh, 2);
Bit32u inAddr;
Bit32u outAddr;
// waveform select
int base = 0xe0;
inAddr = base + op1Off;
outAddr = base + OPERATOR_OFFSETS[outCh][0];
_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
inAddr = base + op2Off;
outAddr = base + OPERATOR_OFFSETS[outCh][1];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
// other operator settings
for (base = 0x20; base <= 0x80; base += 0x20) {
inAddr = base + op1Off;
outAddr = base + OPERATOR_OFFSETS[outCh][0];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
inAddr = base + op2Off;
outAddr = base + OPERATOR_OFFSETS[outCh][1];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
// channel wide settings
int chInOff = opl->_GetOffset(inCh);
inAddr = 0xc0 + chInOff;
outAddr = 0xc0 + CHANNEL_OFFSETS[outCh];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, 0x30 | opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
void DROMultiplexer::TwoOpMelodicNoteOn(Hiopl* opl, int inCh) {
const ScopedLock sl(lock);
// find a free channel and mark it as used
char addr[16];
int outCh = _FindFreeChannel(opl, inCh);
if (outCh >= 0) {
_DebugOut(" <- ");
_DebugOut(itoa((int)opl, addr, 16));
_DebugOut(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < MELODIC_CHANNELS; i++) {
Hiopl* tmpOpl = channels[i].opl;
_DebugOut(NULL == tmpOpl ? "-" : tmpOpl->GetState(channels[i].ch));
_CopyOplChannelSettings(opl, inCh, outCh);
// note frequency
int chInOff = opl->_GetOffset(inCh);
int inAddr = 0xa0 + chInOff;
int outAddr = 0xa0 + CHANNEL_OFFSETS[outCh];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
_DebugOut(itoa(opl->_ReadReg(inAddr), addr, 16));
// note-on
inAddr = 0xb0 + chInOff;
outAddr = 0xb0 + CHANNEL_OFFSETS[outCh];
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
_DebugOut(" ");
_DebugOut(itoa(opl->_ReadReg(inAddr), addr, 16));
void DROMultiplexer::TwoOpMelodicNoteOff(Hiopl* opl, int ch) {
const ScopedLock sl(lock);
int chOff = opl->_GetOffset(ch);
OplCh_t key;
key.opl = opl;
key.ch = ch;
int outCh = channelMap[key];
char n[8];
_DebugOut(itoa(outCh, n, 16));
_DebugOut(" note off\n");
// note-off
Bit32u inAddr = 0xb0 + chOff;
Bit32u outAddr = 0xb0 + CHANNEL_OFFSETS[outCh];
_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
void DROMultiplexer::_DebugOut(const char* str) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
DWORD count;
count = strlen(str);
WriteConsole(conout, str, count, &count, NULL);
int DROMultiplexer::_FindFreeChannel(Hiopl* opl, int inCh) {
int i = 0;
while (i < MELODIC_CHANNELS) {
if (NULL == channels[i].opl || !channels[i].opl->IsActive(channels[i].ch)) {
channels[i].opl = opl;
channels[i].ch = inCh;
channelMap[channels[i]] = i;
char n[8];
_DebugOut(itoa(i, n, 16));
return i;
i += 1;
// fall back to a released channel for same opl instance
i = 0;
while (i < MELODIC_CHANNELS) {
if (opl == channels[i].opl && 'R' == opl->GetState(channels[i].ch)[0]) {
channels[i].opl = opl;
channels[i].ch = inCh;
channelMap[channels[i]] = i;
char n[8];
_DebugOut(itoa(i, n, 16));
return i;
i += 1;
_DebugOut("Could not find free channel!");
return -1;
void DROMultiplexer::PercussionChange(Hiopl* opl, int pIdx) {
const ScopedLock sl(lock);
_CopyOplPercussionSettings(opl, pIdx);
Bit8u val = opl->_ReadReg(0xbd);
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
Bit8u maskOut = 1 << abs(4 - pIdx);
if (0 == (val & maskOut)) { // note-off
_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(0xbd, 0xBD & (0xe0 | ~maskOut));
} else { // note-on
char addr[16];
// note frequency
for (int i = 0; i < i; i++) {
Bit32u outOff = PERCUSSION_OFFSETS[pIdx][i];
if (0x0 != outOff) {
int inAddr = 0xa0 + opl->_GetOffset(1); // any channel is fine, they should have all been written
int outAddr = 0xa0 + outOff;
_CaptureRegWrite(outAddr, opl->_ReadReg(inAddr));
_DebugOut(itoa(opl->_ReadReg(inAddr), addr, 16));
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(0xbd, OxBD | maskOut);
void DROMultiplexer::InitCaptureVariables() {
captureHandle = NULL;
captureLengthBytes = 0;
lastWrite = -1;
captureStart = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < MELODIC_CHANNELS; i++) {
channels[i].opl = NULL;
channels[i].ch = -1;
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
OxBD = 0x20; // percussion mode should always be enabled
bool DROMultiplexer::StartCapture(const char* filepath, Hiopl *opl) {
captureHandle = fopen(filepath, "wb");
if (captureHandle) {
DROMultiplexer::master = this;
lastWrite = -1;
captureLengthBytes = 0;
captureStart = Time::currentTimeMillis();
fwrite(dro_header, 1, sizeof(dro_header), captureHandle);
for (int i = 0; i <= 0xff; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, 0);
for (Bit8u i = 0x20; i <= 0x35; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i));
for (Bit8u i = 0x40; i <= 0x55; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i));
for (Bit8u i = 0x60; i <= 0x75; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i));
for (Bit8u i = 0x80; i <= 0x95; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i));
2015-01-15 03:07:49 +00:00
_CaptureRegWrite(0xbd, OxBD | (opl->_ReadReg(0xbd) & 0xc0)); // enable percmode, copy tremolo and vibrato depth only
for (Bit8u i = 0xc0; i <= 0xc8; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i) | 0x30); // enable L + R channels
for (Bit8u i = 0xe0; i <= 0xf5; i++) {
_CaptureRegWrite(i, opl->_ReadReg(i));
return (NULL != captureHandle);
void DROMultiplexer::StopCapture() {
if (NULL != captureHandle) {
Bit16u finalDelay = (Bit16u)(Time::currentTimeMillis() - lastWrite);
Bit32u lengthMilliseconds = (Bit32u)(finalDelay + Time::currentTimeMillis() - captureStart);
host_writed(&dro_header[0x0c], lengthMilliseconds);
host_writed(&dro_header[0x10], captureLengthBytes);
//if (opl.raw.opl3 && opl.raw.dualopl2) host_writed(&dro_header[0x14],0x1);
//else if (opl.raw.dualopl2) host_writed(&dro_header[0x14],0x2);
//else host_writed(&dro_header[0x14],0x0);
host_writed(&dro_header[0x14], 0x1); // OPL3
fseek(captureHandle, 0, 0);
fwrite(dro_header, 1, sizeof(dro_header), captureHandle);
DROMultiplexer::master = NULL;
void DROMultiplexer::_CaptureDelay(Bit16u delayMs) {
Bit8u delay[3];
delay[0] = 0x01;
delay[1] = delayMs & 0xff;
delay[2] = (delayMs >> 8) & 0xff;
fwrite(delay, 1, 3, captureHandle);
captureLengthBytes += 3;
void DROMultiplexer::_CaptureRegWrite(Bit32u reg, Bit8u value) {
if (reg <= 0x4) {
Bit8u escape = 0x4;
fwrite(&escape, 1, 1, captureHandle);
captureLengthBytes += 1;
Bit8u regAndVal[2];
regAndVal[0] = (Bit8u)reg;
regAndVal[1] = value;
fwrite(regAndVal, 1, 2, captureHandle);
captureLengthBytes += 2;
if (0xbd == reg) {
OxBD = value;
void DROMultiplexer::_CaptureRegWriteWithDelay(Bit32u reg, Bit8u value) {
if (NULL != captureHandle) {
Bit64s t = Time::currentTimeMillis();
if (lastWrite >= 0) {
// Delays of over 65 seconds will be truncated, but that kind of delay is a bit silly anyway..
_CaptureDelay((Bit16u)(t - lastWrite));
_CaptureRegWrite(reg, value);
lastWrite = t;
void DROMultiplexer::_CaptureOpl3Enable() {
fwrite(dro_opl3_enable, 1, 4, captureHandle);
captureLengthBytes += 4;
bool DROMultiplexer::IsAnInstanceRecording() {
return NULL != DROMultiplexer::master;
bool DROMultiplexer::IsAnotherInstanceRecording() {
return this->IsAnInstanceRecording() && this != DROMultiplexer::master;