2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
// DRO2MIDI - Convert DOSBox raw OPL captures (.dro), Rdos (.raw) and id
// Software (.imf, .wlf) into MIDI files (.mid)
// Created by malvineous@shikadi.net in June 2007. See README for license.
// Based on imf2midi v1.0 written by Guenter Nagler in 1996 (gnagler@ihm.tu-graz.ac.at)
// v1.0 / 2007-06-16 / malvineous@shikadi.net: Original release
// - imf2midi with .imf reader hacked to read .dro files instead
// v1.1 / 2007-07-28 / malvineous@shikadi.net: More file formats
// - Added .imf and .raw support.
// - Replaced Guenter's OPL -> MIDI frequency conversion algorithm (from a
// lookup table into a much more accurate formula), consequently was able
// to simplify pitchbend code (now conversions with pitchbends enabled
// sound quite good!)
// v1.2 / 2007-07-28 / malvineous@shikadi.net: Bugfix release
// - Fixed some file length calculations causing some files to be converted
// without any notes.
// - Added portamento-to-note for large (>2 semitone) pitchbends, but it
// doesn't seem to work when using Timidity.
// v1.3 / 2007-09-02 / malvineous@shikadi.net: New features
// - Fixed "tom tom" incorrectly called "bass drum" in output messages.
// - Fixed multi-note pitchbends by removing portamento-to-note and
// adjusting standard pitchbend range instead, thanks to a suggestion
// by Xky (xkyrauh2001@hotmail.com)
// - Implemented a better method for reading Adlib register -> MIDI patch
// mapping information (all stored in inst.txt now instead of having a
// seperate file for each instrument.) Also improved method for mapping
// instruments to percussion on MIDI channel 10.
// - Fixed OPL rhythm instrument conversion issue (a MIDI noteon was being
// generated too often - if the OPL instrument is on and we receive
// another keyon, it *shouldn't* generate a fresh MIDI keyon.)
// - Fixed IMF type-1 conversion issue where unsigned numbers were being
// read as signed, and the conversion was cutting off half way through.
// v1.4 / 2009-03-28 / malvineous@shikadi.net
// - Some code cleanup, fixed all the warnings in midiio.cpp.
// - Fixed a bunch of char/unsigned char issues, hopefully Win32
// conversions will now be as reliable as under Linux.
// - Added line numbers to instrument names and mapping file error messages.
// - Added new instrument mapping entries for rhythm mode instruments
// (which previously were hard coded.)
// - Added transpose and mute options to instrument mapping file.
// - Added -c option to change OPL constant during conversion, thanks to a
// suggestion from Wraithverge (liam82067@yahoo.com)
// - Added -v option to disable note volume (helps with Stunts which
// otherwise comes out with no notes because they're all silent.)
// - Corrected OPL volume -> MIDI note velocity algorithm, and added hard
// limit to prevent notes from having a zero velocity (which stops them
// from being converted, like with Stunts.)
// - New instrument mappings (to be copied into insts.txt) are printed to
// stderr, so "dro2midi 2>> insts.txt" will conveniently append them all
// to the mapping file. Thanks to Wraithverge for the idea.
// - Replaced getop() and getchannel() lookup functions with GET_OP() and
// GET_CHANNEL() macro algorithms to calculate the values as required.
// - Included 128 standard GM instrument mappings extracted from Creative
// Labs' MIDI player (see gen_test_midi.cpp.)
// v1.5 / 2010-03-28 / Wraithverge (liam82067 at yahoo dot com): Changes
// - Added code for several MIDI Controller Events for output MID-files,
// and they are the following:
// Reset Controllers [121] -- At the head of the Event list.
// Balance (or Pan) [10] -- At the head of the Event list.
// Expression [11] -- At the head of the Event list.
// All Notes Off [123] -- At the foot of the Event list.
// Hopefully, other musicians will find these to be needed, as well.
// - Added detectors for the (at this time) two DRO formats, and a hint
// to let us know that the DRO v2.0 format is not supported.
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
// v1.6 / 2013-11-14 / bsa (http://bsutherland.github.io/JuceOPLVSTi)
// - Added -s switch to save detected instruments in Creative Sound
// Blaster Instrument format (.sbi)
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
# define VERSION "1.6"
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
# define MAPPING_FILE "inst.txt"
# define PATCH_NAME_FILE "patch.txt"
# define PERC_NAME_FILE "drum.txt"
# define NUM_MIDI_PATCHES 128 // 128 MIDI instruments
# define NUM_MIDI_PERC 128 // 46 MIDI percussive notes (channel 10), but 128 possible notes
# define INSTR_NAMELEN 32 // Maximum length of an instrument name
//#define PITCHBEND_RANGE 12.0 // 12 == pitchbends can go up to a full octave
# define PITCHBEND_RANGE 24.0 // 24 == pitchbends can go up two full octaves
const double pitchbend_center = 8192.0 ;
# include "midiio.hpp"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# define WRITE_BINARY "wb"
# define READ_TEXT "r"
# ifdef _MSC_VER
// Keep MS VC++ happy
# define strncasecmp _strnicmp
# define strcasecmp _stricmp
# define snprintf _snprintf
2013-11-14 20:25:37 +08:00
# define log2(x) (log(x) / log(2.))
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
inline double round ( double d )
return floor ( d + 0.5 ) ;
# endif
bool bRhythm = true ; // convert rhythm mode instruments (-r)
bool bUsePitchBends = true ; // use pitch bends to better match MIDI note frequency with the OPL frequency (-p)
bool bApproximatePitchbends = false ; // if pitchbends are disabled, should we approximate them by playing the nearest note when the pitch changes?
bool bPerfectMatchesOnly = false ; // if true, only match perfect instruments
bool bEnableVolume = true ; // enable note velocity based on OPL instrument volume
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
bool bWriteSbiInstruments = false ; // write detected instruments to .SBI files
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
// Rhythm instruments
NormalInstrument ,
BassDrum ,
SnareDrum ,
TomTom ,
TopCymbal ,
} ;
// MIDI channels to use for these instruments when they are mapped as normal
// notes. Probably best not to use 1-10 as these are used by the rest of the
// OPL mapping code. Note these are zero-based, so the GM drum channel is
// channel 9 in this context.
# define CHAN_BASSDRUM 10 // Bass drum sits on OPL channel 7
# define CHAN_SNAREDRUM 11 // OPL channel 8 carrier
# define CHAN_TOMTOM 12 // OPL channel 9 modulator
# define CHAN_TOPCYMBAL 13 // OPL channel 9 carrier
# define CHAN_HIHAT 14 // OPL channel 8 modulator
char cPatchName [ NUM_MIDI_PATCHES ] [ INSTR_NAMELEN ] ;
char cPercName [ NUM_MIDI_PERC ] [ INSTR_NAMELEN ] ;
char * input = 0 ;
char * output = 0 ;
FILE * f = 0 ; // input file
MidiWrite * write = 0 ;
//int resolution = 384; // 560Hz IMF
int resolution = 500 ; // 1000Hz DRO
int program = 0 ;
float tempo = 120.0 ;
// Arrays of [9] refer to OPL channels, arrays of [16] also refer to OPL
// channels but use fake channels (11-15) for rhythm mode instruments (but
// only for elements like keyon and instrument mapping that can happen
// independently of the OPL channel in use. Things like OPL channel pitch
// which affect both rhythm mode instruments using that channel are not
// stored separately, i.e. they're in the [9] array.)
int mapchannel [ 16 ] ;
int curfreq [ 9 ] ;
bool keyAlreadyOn [ 16 ] ;
int lastkey [ 16 ] ; // last MIDI key pressed on this channel
int pitchbent [ 16 ] ;
int transpose [ 16 ] ; // used for instruments with mapped transpose values
int drumnote [ 16 ] ; // note to play on MIDI channel 10 if Adlib channel has a
// percussive instrument assigned to it
int lastprog [ 16 ] ; // last program/patch set on the MIDI channel
bool mute [ 16 ] ; // true if the instrument on this channel is currently muted
// Statistics
int iNotesActive = 0 ;
int iPitchbendCount = 0 ;
int iTotalNotes = 0 ;
typedef struct
/*unsigned char reg20[2];
unsigned char reg40 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned char reg60 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned char reg80 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned char regC0 ;
unsigned char regE0 [ 2 ] ; */
unsigned int reg20 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned int reg40 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned int reg60 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned int reg80 [ 2 ] ;
unsigned int regC0 ;
unsigned int regE0 [ 2 ] ;
// Is this a normal instrument or a mapping for a rhythm instrument?
RHYTHM_INSTRUMENT eRhythmInstrument ;
int prog ; // MIDI patch (or -1 if a drum)
int isdrum ;
int note ; // note to play if drum
bool muted ; // true if this instrument is muted
char name [ 128 ] ;
signed int iTranspose ; // number of semitones to transpose this instrument
// The instrument can be redirected to another. This is used when a new
// instrument is encountered - its info is printed to the screen then it's
// recorded (pointing to its best match) to prevent it appearing as a new
// instrument hundreds of times and cluttering the output.
int redirect ; // if >= 0, use ::instr[redirect] instead of this one
// When using this struct to cache current channel parms we need to
// remember the octave, so that when registers 0xA0-0xA8 are changed
// (to change note frequency) we can still pass the octave to the note
// conversion function (as the octave is otherwise only available when
// setting registers 0xB0-0xB8.)
int iOctave ;
INSTRUMENT reg [ 9 ] ; // current registers of channel
# define MAXINSTR 2048
int instrcnt = 0 ;
int iFormat = 0 ; // input format
# define FORMAT_IMF 1
# define FORMAT_DRO 2
# define FORMAT_RAW 3
int iSpeed = 0 ; // clock speed (in Hz)
int iInitialSpeed = 0 ; // first iSpeed value written to MIDI header
double dbConversionVal ;
// Convert the given OPL F-num and octave values into a fractional MIDI note
// number (for the use of pitchbends.)
double freq2key ( int freq , int octave )
int iFNum = freq ;
int iBlock = octave ;
double dbOriginalFreq = dbConversionVal * ( double ) iFNum * pow ( 2 , ( double ) ( iBlock - 20 ) ) ;
return 69.0 + 12.0 * log2 ( dbOriginalFreq / 440.0 ) ;
void version ( )
printf ( " DRO2MIDI v " VERSION " - Convert raw Adlib captures to General MIDI \n "
" Written by malvineous@shikadi.net in 2007 \n "
" Heavily based upon IMF2MIDI written by Guenter Nagler in 1996 \n "
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
" With contributions by Wraithverge (C) 2010, bsa in 2013 \n "
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
" http://www.shikadi.net/utils/ \n "
" \n "
) ;
return ;
void usage ( )
version ( ) ;
fprintf ( stderr ,
" Usage: dro2midi [-p [-a]] [-r] [-i] [-c alt|<num>] [-v] input.dro output.mid \n "
" \n "
" Where: \n "
" -p Disable use of MIDI pitch bends \n "
" -a If pitchbends are disabled, approximate by playing the nearest note \n "
" -r Don't convert OPL rhythm-mode instruments \n "
" -i Only use instruments that match perfectly (default is 'close enough is \n "
" good enough.') Useful when guessing new patches. Instruments that can't \n "
" be matched use the first entry in " MAPPING_FILE " (piano by default) \n "
" -c Change the value used to convert OPL notes into MIDI notes from the \n "
" default 49716. Any non-zero value can be specified. The special word \n "
" \" alt \" means 50000, the other commonly used value. It is unlikely any \n "
" other values will need to be used, unless you get an excessive amount \n "
" of artificial pitchbends in the output MIDI. \n "
" -v Disable note velocity and play all notes as loudly as possible, \n "
" instead of trying to match the volume of the OPL note. \n "
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
" -s Write detected instruments to .sbi files \n "
" (Creative Sound Blaster Instrument). \n "
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
" \n "
" Supported input formats: \n "
" .raw Rdos RAW OPL capture \n "
" .dro DOSBox RAW OPL capture \n "
" .imf id Software Music Format (type-0 and type-1 at 560Hz) \n "
" .wlf id Software Music Format (type-0 and type-1 at 700Hz) \n "
" \n "
" Instrument definitions are read in from " MAPPING_FILE " . Instrument names \n "
" are read in from " PATCH_NAME_FILE " and " PERC_NAME_FILE " . See the README for more details. \n "
) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Operator 1 00 01 02 08 09 0 A 10 11 12 } cells
* Operator 2 03 04 05 0 B 0 C 0 D 13 14 15 }
// Converts a cell into a channel
# define GET_CHANNEL(i) ((((i) / 8) * 3) + (((i) % 8) % 3))
// Converts a cell into 0 (for operator 1) or 1 (for operator 2)
# define GET_OP(i) (((i) % 8) / 3)
// Helper functions to read data from files in a non-optimised but platform
// independent (little/big endian) way.
inline unsigned char readByte ( FILE * f )
unsigned char c ;
fread ( & c , 1 , 1 , f ) ;
return c ;
inline unsigned short readUINT16LE ( FILE * f )
unsigned char c [ 2 ] ;
fread ( & c , 1 , 2 , f ) ;
return c [ 0 ] | ( c [ 1 ] < < 8L ) ;
inline unsigned long readUINT32LE ( FILE * f )
unsigned char c [ 4 ] ;
fread ( & c , 1 , 4 , f ) ;
return c [ 0 ] | ( c [ 1 ] < < 8L ) | ( c [ 2 ] < < 16L ) | ( c [ 3 ] < < 24L ) ;
bool loadInstruments ( void )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_MIDI_PATCHES ; i + + ) sprintf ( cPatchName [ i ] , " Patch #%d " , i + 1 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_MIDI_PERC ; i + + ) sprintf ( cPercName [ i ] , " Note #%d " , i ) ;
char line [ 256 ] ;
FILE * p = fopen ( PATCH_NAME_FILE , " r " ) ;
if ( ! p ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Warning: Unable to open file listing patch names ( "
PATCH_NAME_FILE " ) \n Instrument names will not be available. \n " ) ;
} else {
while ( fgets ( line , sizeof ( line ) - 1 , p ) ) {
int iValue , iLen ;
char * p = strpbrk ( line , " \n \r " ) ;
if ( p ) * p = ' \0 ' ; // terminate the string at the newline
if ( sscanf ( line , " %d=%n " , & iValue , & iLen ) = = 1 ) {
assert ( iValue < = NUM_MIDI_PATCHES ) ;
snprintf ( cPatchName [ iValue - 1 ] , INSTR_NAMELEN , " %s [%d] " , & line [ iLen ] , iValue ) ;
} else if ( ( line [ 0 ] ! = ' # ' ) & & ( line [ 0 ] ! = ' \n ' ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Invalid line in " PATCH_NAME_FILE " : %s \n " , line ) ;
fclose ( p ) ;
p = fopen ( PERC_NAME_FILE , " r " ) ;
if ( ! p ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Warning: Unable to open file listing percussion note "
" names ( " PERC_NAME_FILE " ) \n Percussion names will not be available. \n " ) ;
} else {
while ( fgets ( line , sizeof ( line ) - 1 , p ) ) {
int iValue , iLen ;
char * p = strpbrk ( line , " \n \r " ) ;
if ( p ) * p = ' \0 ' ; // terminate the string at the newline
if ( sscanf ( line , " %d=%n " , & iValue , & iLen ) = = 1 ) {
assert ( iValue < = NUM_MIDI_PERC ) ;
snprintf ( cPercName [ iValue ] , INSTR_NAMELEN , " %s [%d] " , & line [ iLen ] , iValue ) ;
} else if ( ( line [ 0 ] ! = ' # ' ) & & ( line [ 0 ] ! = ' \n ' ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Invalid line in " PERC_NAME_FILE " : %s \n " , line ) ;
fclose ( p ) ;
FILE * f = fopen ( MAPPING_FILE , " r " ) ;
if ( ! f ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Warning: Unable to open instrument mapping file "
MAPPING_FILE " , defaulting to a Grand Piano \n for all instruments. \n " ) ;
return true ;
memset ( & in , 0 , sizeof ( in ) ) ;
in . redirect = - 1 ; // none of these should redirect (but later automatic
// instruments will redirect to these ones)
// Loop until we run out of lines in the data file or we hit the maximum
// number of instruments
char value [ 256 ] ;
int iLineNum = 0 ;
for ( : : instrcnt = 0 ; fgets ( line , sizeof ( line ) - 1 , f ) & & ( instrcnt < MAXINSTR ) ; ) {
iLineNum + + ;
// Ignore blank lines and comments
if ( ( line [ 0 ] = = ' # ' ) | | ( line [ 0 ] = = ' \r ' ) | | ( line [ 0 ] = = ' \n ' ) ) continue ;
// Figure out what type of rhythm mode instrument (if any) the first two
// chars are referring to.
char cInstType [ 3 ] ;
int iNumFields = sscanf ( line , " %2s " , cInstType ) ;
if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' N ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' O ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = NormalInstrument ;
else if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' B ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' D ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = BassDrum ;
else if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' S ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' D ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = SnareDrum ;
else if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' T ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' T ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = TomTom ;
else if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' T ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' C ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = TopCymbal ;
else if ( ( cInstType [ 0 ] = = ' H ' ) & & ( cInstType [ 1 ] = = ' H ' ) ) in . eRhythmInstrument = HiHat ;
else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Invalid instrument type \" %s \" on line %d: \n \n %s \n " ,
cInstType , iLineNum , line ) ;
return false ;
switch ( in . eRhythmInstrument ) {
case NormalInstrument :
case BassDrum :
// Normal instrument or rhythm Bass Drum, read both
// operators + connection byte
iNumFields = sscanf ( & line [ 3 ] , " %02X-%02X/%02X-%02X/%02X-%02X/%02X-%02X "
" /%02X/%02X-%02X: %255c \n " ,
& in . reg20 [ 0 ] , & in . reg20 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg40 [ 0 ] , & in . reg40 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg60 [ 0 ] , & in . reg60 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg80 [ 0 ] , & in . reg80 [ 1 ] ,
& in . regC0 ,
& in . regE0 [ 0 ] , & in . regE0 [ 1 ] , value ) ;
if ( iNumFields ! = 12 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Unable to parse line %d: (expected 12 instrument "
" fields, got %d) \n \n %s \n " , iLineNum , iNumFields , line ) ;
return false ;
break ;
case TomTom :
case HiHat :
// This instrument is one operator only, but it does use the connection
// byte (probably)
iNumFields = sscanf ( & line [ 3 ] , " %02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X: %255c \n " ,
& in . reg20 [ 0 ] ,
& in . reg40 [ 0 ] ,
& in . reg60 [ 0 ] ,
& in . reg80 [ 0 ] ,
& in . regC0 ,
& in . regE0 [ 0 ] , value ) ;
if ( iNumFields ! = 7 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Unable to parse line %d: (expected 7 instrument "
" fields, got %d) \n \n %s \n " , iLineNum , iNumFields , line ) ;
return false ;
break ;
case SnareDrum :
case TopCymbal :
// This instrument does not uses the connection byte, so read in one byte
// less. Also read the values into the other operator.
iNumFields = sscanf ( & line [ 3 ] , " %02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X: %255c \n " ,
& in . reg20 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg40 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg60 [ 1 ] ,
& in . reg80 [ 1 ] ,
& in . regE0 [ 1 ] , value ) ;
if ( iNumFields ! = 6 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Unable to parse line %d: (expected 6 instrument "
" fields, got %d) \n \n %s \n " , iLineNum , iNumFields , line ) ;
return false ;
break ;
// Default options
in . isdrum = 0 ;
in . prog = 1 ;
in . iTranspose = 0 ;
in . muted = false ;
// If we got this far it's a valid instrument
int iValue ;
char nextopt [ 256 ] ;
// We need to manually terminate the %255c in the sscanf() above, so do
// this by terminating it at the end-of-line char. Hopefully reading past
// the end of the input string (which causes this) won't crash things...
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i + + ) {
if ( value [ i ] = = ' \n ' ) value [ i ] = 0 ;
else if ( value [ i ] = = ' \0 ' ) break ;
value [ 255 ] = 0 ;
const char * cList = value ;
int iLen ;
while ( sscanf ( cList , " %s%n " , nextopt , & iLen ) > = 1 ) {
cList + = iLen ;
if ( nextopt [ 0 ] = = ' # ' ) break ; // reached an end of line comment
if ( nextopt [ 0 ] = = ' ' ) continue ; // skip double spaces
if ( sscanf ( nextopt , " patch=%d " , & iValue ) = = 1 ) {
// MIDI patch
in . isdrum = 0 ;
in . prog = iValue - 1 ;
if ( ( in . prog < 0 ) | | ( in . prog > 127 ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: Instrument #%d (line %d) was set to "
" patch=%d, but this value must be between 1 and 128 inclusive. \n " ,
instrcnt , iLineNum , in . prog + 1 ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( sscanf ( nextopt , " drum=%d " , & iValue ) = = 1 ) {
// MIDI drum
in . isdrum = 1 ;
in . prog = - 1 ;
in . note = iValue ;
if ( ( in . note < 0 ) | | ( in . note > 127 ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: Drum instrument #%d (line %d) was set to "
" drum=%d, but this value must be between 1 and 128 inclusive. \n " ,
instrcnt , iLineNum , in . note ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( sscanf ( nextopt , " transpose=%d " , & iValue ) = = 1 ) {
// MIDI drum
in . iTranspose = iValue ;
} else if ( strcmp ( nextopt , " mute " ) = = 0 ) {
// Mute this instrument
in . muted = true ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Unknown instrument option on line %d: %s \n " ,
iLineNum , nextopt ) ;
return false ;
char cInstTypeText [ 256 ] ;
switch ( in . eRhythmInstrument ) {
case NormalInstrument : cInstTypeText [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ; break ;
case BassDrum : strcpy ( cInstTypeText , " (OPL BD) " ) ; break ;
case TomTom : strcpy ( cInstTypeText , " (OPL TT) " ) ; break ;
case HiHat : strcpy ( cInstTypeText , " (OPL HH) " ) ; break ;
case SnareDrum : strcpy ( cInstTypeText , " (OPL SD) " ) ; break ;
case TopCymbal : strcpy ( cInstTypeText , " (OPL TC) " ) ; break ;
sprintf ( in . name , " Inst#%03d %s@ line %3d%s: %s " , instrcnt ,
cInstTypeText ,
iLineNum ,
( in . isdrum ) ? " (perc) " : " " ,
( in . isdrum ) ? cPercName [ in . note ] : cPatchName [ in . prog ]
) ;
if ( in . iTranspose ) {
char cTranspose [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( cTranspose , " @ %+d semitones " , in . iTranspose ) ;
strcat ( in . name , cTranspose ) ;
if ( in . muted ) strcat ( in . name , " {muted} " ) ;
//printf("%s\n", in.name);
// Add instrument
: : instr [ instrcnt + + ] = in ;
fclose ( f ) ;
return true ;
long difference ( int a , int b , int importance = 1 )
long diff = a - b ;
if ( diff < 0 ) diff = - diff ;
return diff * importance ;
long compareinstr ( INSTRUMENT & a , INSTRUMENT & b , RHYTHM_INSTRUMENT ri )
// Note that we're not using b.eRhythmInstrument below as "b" refers to the
// OPL channel, and this never has an instrument type set. The instrument
// type we want is passed in as "ri", so we compare against that instead.
//fprintf(stderr, "%d ", ri);
switch ( ri ) {
case NormalInstrument :
case BassDrum :
// Compare the full register set (both operators plus the connection
// byte) for normal instruments (which occupy a whole channel) and the
// one rhythm mode instrument which also occupies a whole channel.
difference ( a . eRhythmInstrument , ri , 4 ) +
difference ( a . reg20 [ 0 ] , b . reg20 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg20 [ 1 ] , b . reg20 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg40 [ 0 ] , b . reg40 [ 0 ] , 1 ) +
difference ( a . reg40 [ 1 ] , b . reg40 [ 1 ] , 1 ) +
difference ( a . reg60 [ 0 ] , b . reg60 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg60 [ 1 ] , b . reg60 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg80 [ 0 ] , b . reg80 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg80 [ 1 ] , b . reg80 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . regC0 , b . regC0 , 3 ) +
difference ( a . regE0 [ 0 ] , b . regE0 [ 0 ] , 1 ) +
difference ( a . regE0 [ 1 ] , b . regE0 [ 1 ] , 1 ) ;
case TomTom :
case HiHat :
// These two rhythm instruments only use one operator's settings, the
// settings of the other operator (should) be ignored. There is also
// only one Connection byte, but there is no documentation to say whether
// this applies to these modulator-only rhythm instruments or to the
// other carrier-only ones (below.) I'm guessing and putting it here.
difference ( a . eRhythmInstrument , ri , 4 ) +
difference ( a . reg20 [ 0 ] , b . reg20 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg40 [ 0 ] , b . reg40 [ 0 ] , 1 ) +
difference ( a . reg60 [ 0 ] , b . reg60 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg80 [ 0 ] , b . reg80 [ 0 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . regC0 , b . regC0 , 3 ) +
difference ( a . regE0 [ 0 ] , b . regE0 [ 0 ] , 1 ) ;
case SnareDrum :
case TopCymbal :
// These instruments only use one operator - but the other one compared
// to the previous set above. They also don't use the single Connection
// byte (I think.)
difference ( a . eRhythmInstrument , ri , 4 ) +
difference ( a . reg20 [ 1 ] , b . reg20 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg40 [ 1 ] , b . reg40 [ 1 ] , 1 ) +
difference ( a . reg60 [ 1 ] , b . reg60 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . reg80 [ 1 ] , b . reg80 [ 1 ] , 2 ) +
difference ( a . regE0 [ 1 ] , b . regE0 [ 1 ] , 1 ) ;
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
void writesbi ( const char * filename , int instrno , int chanOPL ) {
char fname [ 100 ] ;
char title [ 32 ] ;
snprintf ( fname , 100 , " %s_%03d.sbi " , filename , instrno ) ;
FILE * f_sbi = fopen ( fname , WRITE_BINARY ) ;
if ( ! f_sbi ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not open instrument file %s for writing. \n " , filename ) ;
} else {
fwrite ( " SBI \x1a " , sizeof ( char ) , 4 , f_sbi ) ;
memset ( title , 0 , 32 ) ;
snprintf ( title , 32 , " dro2midi_%03d " , instrno ) ;
fwrite ( title , sizeof ( char ) , 32 , f_sbi ) ;
unsigned char instr [ 16 ] ;
memset ( instr , 0 , 16 ) ;
instr [ 0 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 0 ] ;
instr [ 1 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 1 ] ;
instr [ 2 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 0 ] ;
instr [ 3 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 1 ] ;
instr [ 4 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 0 ] ;
instr [ 5 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 1 ] ;
instr [ 6 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 0 ] ;
instr [ 7 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 1 ] ;
instr [ 8 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 0 ] ;
instr [ 9 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 1 ] ;
instr [ 10 ] = ( unsigned char ) reg [ chanOPL ] . regC0 ;
fwrite ( instr , sizeof ( char ) , 16 , f_sbi ) ;
fclose ( f_sbi ) ;
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
int findinstr ( int chanMIDI )
assert ( ( chanMIDI < 9 ) | | ( ( chanMIDI > = CHAN_BASSDRUM ) & & ( chanMIDI < = CHAN_HIHAT ) ) ) ;
int chanOPL ;
switch ( chanMIDI ) {
case CHAN_BASSDRUM : ri = BassDrum ; chanOPL = 6 ; break ;
case CHAN_SNAREDRUM : ri = SnareDrum ; chanOPL = 7 ; break ;
case CHAN_TOMTOM : ri = TomTom ; chanOPL = 8 ; break ;
case CHAN_TOPCYMBAL : ri = TopCymbal ; chanOPL = 8 ; break ;
case CHAN_HIHAT : ri = HiHat ; chanOPL = 7 ; break ;
default : ri = NormalInstrument ; chanOPL = chanMIDI ; break ;
int besti = - 1 ;
long bestdiff = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < instrcnt ; i + + ) {
long diff = compareinstr ( instr [ i ] , reg [ chanOPL ] , ri ) ;
if ( besti < 0 | | diff < bestdiff ) {
bestdiff = diff ;
besti = i ;
if ( bestdiff = = 0 ) break ;
if ( besti > = 0 ) { // could be -1 if no instruments are loaded
while ( instr [ besti ] . redirect > = 0 ) { // Could have multiple redirects
// This instrument was an automatically generated one to avoid printing
// the instrument definition multiple times, so instead of using the auto
// one, use the one it originally matched against.
besti = instr [ besti ] . redirect ;
if ( bestdiff ! = 0 ) {
if ( : : bPerfectMatchesOnly ) {
// User doesn't want "close enough is good enough" instrument guessing
besti = 0 ; // use first instrument
// Couldn't find an exact match, print the details
switch ( ri ) {
case NormalInstrument :
case BassDrum :
// Normal instrument or rhythm Bass Drum use both
// operators + connection byte
printf ( " ** New instrument in use on channel %d \n ** Copy this into "
MAPPING_FILE " to assign it a MIDI patch: \n " , chanOPL ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s %02X-%02X/%02X-%02X/%02X-%02X/%02X-%02X/%02X/ "
" %02X-%02X: patch=? \n " ,
( ( ri = = BassDrum ) ? " BD " : " NO " ) ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 0 ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 0 ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 0 ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 0 ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . regC0 ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 0 ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 1 ]
) ;
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
if ( : : bWriteSbiInstruments ) {
writesbi ( output , instrcnt , chanOPL ) ;
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
break ;
case TomTom :
case HiHat :
// This instrument is one operator only, but it does use the connection
// byte (probably)
printf ( " ** New rhythm instrument in use on OPL channel %d modulator \n "
" ** Copy this into " MAPPING_FILE " to assign it a MIDI patch: \n " ,
chanOPL ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s %02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X: "
" patch=? \n " ,
( ( ri = = TomTom ) ? " TT " : " HH " ) ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 0 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 0 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 0 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 0 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . regC0 ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 0 ]
) ;
break ;
case SnareDrum :
case TopCymbal :
// This instrument does not uses the connection byte, so read in one
// byte less. Also read the values into the other operator.
// This instrument is one operator only, but it does use the connection
// byte (probably)
printf ( " ** New rhythm instrument in use on OPL channel %d carrier \n "
" ** Copy this into " MAPPING_FILE " to assign it a MIDI patch: \n " ,
chanOPL ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s %02X/%02X/%02X/%02X/%02X: "
" patch=? \n " ,
( ( ri = = SnareDrum ) ? " SD " : " TC " ) ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg20 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg60 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . reg80 [ 1 ] ,
reg [ chanOPL ] . regE0 [ 1 ]
) ;
break ;
printf ( " >> Using similar match: %s \n " , instr [ besti ] . name ) ;
// Save this unknown instrument as a known one, so the same registers don't get printed again
// reg[channel].prog = instr[besti].prog; // but keep the same patch that we've already assigned to the instrument, so it doesn't drop back to a piano for the rest of the song
// Maybe ^ isn't necessary if we're redirecting?
instr [ instrcnt ] = reg [ chanOPL ] ;
instr [ instrcnt ] . eRhythmInstrument = ri ;
if ( besti > = 0 ) {
instr [ instrcnt ] . redirect = besti ; // Next time this instrument is matched, use the original one instead
} else {
instr [ instrcnt ] . redirect = - 1 ; // Will only happen when no instruments are loaded
instrcnt + + ;
return besti ;
// Function for processing OPL note on and off events, and generating MIDI
// events in response. This function is also called when the pitch changes
// while a note is currently being played, causing it to generate MIDI
// pitchbends (if enabled) instead.
// Normally chanOPL and chanMIDI will be the same, except for rhythm mode
// instruments, which uses chanOPL for pitch and instrument patches, but
// chanMIDI for instrument mapping and note on/off events (since there will be
// two instrument maps and notes for a single OPL channel.)
void doNoteOnOff ( bool bKeyOn , int chanOPL , int chanMIDI )
double keyFrac = freq2key ( curfreq [ chanOPL ] , reg [ chanOPL ] . iOctave ) ;
int key = ( int ) round ( keyFrac ) ;
if ( ( key > 0 ) & & ( bKeyOn ) ) {
// This is set to true to forcibly stop a MIDI keyon being generated for
// this note. This is done when a pitchbend is deemed as having done the
// job properly.
bool bKeyonAgain = true ;
if ( keyAlreadyOn [ chanMIDI ] ) {
// There's already a note playing on this channel, just worry about the pitch of that
if ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] ! = gm_drumchannel ) {
// We're using a normal instrument here
if ( : : bUsePitchBends ) {
// It's the same note, but the pitch is off just slightly, use a pitchbend
//double dbDiff = fabs(keyFrac - key); // should be between -0.9999 and 0.9999
double dbDiff = keyFrac - ( double ) ( lastkey [ chanMIDI ] - transpose [ chanMIDI ] ) ; // hopefully between -PITCHBEND_RANGE and PITCHBEND_RANGE
if ( dbDiff > PITCHBEND_RANGE ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Warning: This song wanted to pitchbend by %.2f notes, but the maximum is %.1f \n " , dbDiff , PITCHBEND_RANGE ) ;
// Turn this note off
write - > noteoff ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , lastkey [ chanMIDI ] ) ;
: : iNotesActive - - ;
lastkey [ chanMIDI ] = - 1 ;
keyAlreadyOn [ chanMIDI ] = false ;
// leave bKeyonAgain as true, so that a noteon will be played instead
} else {
int iNewBend = ( int ) ( pitchbend_center + ( PITCHBEND_ONESEMITONE * dbDiff ) ) ;
if ( iNewBend ! = pitchbent [ chanMIDI ] ) {
//printf("pitchbend to %d/%.2lf (center + %d) (%.2lf "
// "semitones)\n", iNewBend, (double)pitchbend_center*2,
// (int)(iNewBend - pitchbend_center), (double)dbDiff);
write - > pitchbend ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , iNewBend ) ;
// ::iPitchbendCount++;
pitchbent [ chanMIDI ] = iNewBend ;
// This pitchbend has done the job, don't play a noteon
bKeyonAgain = false ;
} else {
// We're not using pitchbends, so just switch off the note if it's different (the next one will play below)
if ( ( : : bApproximatePitchbends ) & & ( key ! = ( lastkey [ chanMIDI ] - transpose [ chanMIDI ] ) ) ) {
write - > noteoff ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , lastkey [ chanMIDI ] ) ;
: : iNotesActive - - ;
lastkey [ chanMIDI ] = - 1 ;
keyAlreadyOn [ chanMIDI ] = false ;
//bKeyonAgain = true;
} else {
// Same note, different pitch, just pretend like it's not there
bKeyonAgain = false ;
} else {
// This has mapped to a percussive MIDI note, so no pitchbends (or
// we'll bend all the percussive notes on the MIDI percussion channel.)
// But we don't want to play the note again, 'cos it's already on, so
// just ignore the keyon event.
// We'll also end up here if the instrument parameters are changed
// while the instrument is sounding, e.g. to change the characteristics
// of a hihat without sounding a new note. This won't be converted.
bKeyonAgain = false ;
} // else this is a percussive instrument
//} else {
//if ((!bDontKeyonAgain) && ((!keyAlreadyOn[channel]) || (::bUsePitchBends))) { // If *now* there's no note playing... (or we're using pitchbends, i.e. a portamento has been set up)
if ( bKeyonAgain ) { // If *now* there's no note playing... (or we're using pitchbends, i.e. a portamento has been set up)
// See if we need to update anything
// See if the instrument needs to change
int i = findinstr ( chanMIDI ) ;
if (
( i > = 0 ) & & (
( instr [ i ] . prog ! = lastprog [ chanMIDI ] ) | |
( instr [ i ] . isdrum ) & &
( drumnote [ chanMIDI ] ! = instr [ i ] . note )
) | | (
// Same instrument mapping, but different mute setting?
( instr [ i ] . muted ! = mute [ chanMIDI ] )
) {
printf ( " // Ch%02d <- %s \n " , chanMIDI , instr [ i ] . name ) ;
if ( ! instr [ i ] . isdrum ) {
// Normal instrument (not MIDI percussion)
assert ( instr [ i ] . prog > = 0 ) ;
if ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] = = gm_drumchannel ) {
// This was playing drums, now we're back to normal notes
// make sure this sets things back to what they were in the init
// section in main()
mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] = chanMIDI ;
drumnote [ chanMIDI ] = - 1 ; // NOTE: This drumnote won't be reset if the drum instrument was muted! (As it then wouldn't have been assigned to gm_drumchannel)
transpose [ chanMIDI ] = instr [ i ] . iTranspose ;
write - > program ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , lastprog [ chanMIDI ] = instr [ i ] . prog ) ;
} else {
// This new instrument is a drum
assert ( instr [ i ] . prog = = - 1 ) ;
/*if (instr[i].muted) {
// This instrument is muted, which means whichever channel we
// assign it to will become muted. We can't therefore assign it to
// the drum channel as we normally would, otherwise all the MIDI
// percussion will become muted. So we assign it to its normal
// channel instead, like we would with a non-percussion instrument.
mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] = chanMIDI ;
} else {
mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] = gm_drumchannel ;
} */
mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] = gm_drumchannel ;
drumnote [ chanMIDI ] = instr [ i ] . note ;
lastprog [ chanMIDI ] = instr [ i ] . prog ;
// drums don't use transpose values
mute [ chanMIDI ] = instr [ i ] . muted ;
// Play the note
//if ((::bUsePitchBends) && (!keyAlreadyOn[channel])) {
if ( ( : : bUsePitchBends ) & & ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] ! = gm_drumchannel ) ) { // If pitchbends are enabled and this isn't a percussion instrument
double dbDiff = keyFrac - key ; // should be between -0.9999 and 0.9999
assert ( dbDiff < PITCHBEND_RANGE ) ; // not really necessary...
int iNewBend = ( int ) ( pitchbend_center + ( PITCHBEND_ONESEMITONE * dbDiff ) ) ;
if ( iNewBend ! = pitchbent [ chanMIDI ] ) {
//printf("new note at pitchbend %d\n", iNewBend);
write - > pitchbend ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , iNewBend ) ; // pitchbends are between 0x0000L and 0x2000L
// ::iPitchbendCount++;
pitchbent [ chanMIDI ] = iNewBend ;
int level ;
if ( ! mute [ chanMIDI ] ) {
if ( : : bEnableVolume ) {
level = reg [ chanOPL ] . reg40 [ 1 ] & 0x3f ;
if ( level > 0x30 ) level = 0x30 ; // don't allow fully silent notes
} else level = 0 ; // 0 == loudest
} else {
level = 0x3f ; // silent
if ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] ! = gm_drumchannel ) {
// Normal note
lastkey [ chanMIDI ] = key + transpose [ chanMIDI ] ;
} else {
// Percussion
//write->noteon(gm_drumchannel, drumnote[chanMIDI], (0x3f - level) << 1);
lastkey [ chanMIDI ] = drumnote [ chanMIDI ] ;
write - > noteon ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , lastkey [ chanMIDI ] , ( 0x3f - level ) < < 1 ) ;
//printf("note on chan %d, mute is %s\n", chanMIDI, mute[chanMIDI] ? "true" : "false");
: : iNotesActive + + ;
: : iTotalNotes + + ;
// If this note went on with a pitchbend active on the channel, count it
if ( pitchbent [ chanMIDI ] ! = pitchbend_center ) : : iPitchbendCount + + ;
keyAlreadyOn [ chanMIDI ] = true ;
} // if (not muted)
} else {
// There's no note currently playing on this channel, so if we've still got
// one switch it off.
if ( lastkey [ chanMIDI ] ! = - 1 ) {
write - > noteoff ( mapchannel [ chanMIDI ] , lastkey [ chanMIDI ] ) ;
: : iNotesActive - - ;
lastkey [ chanMIDI ] = - 1 ;
keyAlreadyOn [ chanMIDI ] = false ;
return ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
int c ;
// Defaults
: : dbConversionVal = 49716.0 ;
argc - - ; argv + + ;
while ( argc > 0 & & * * argv = = ' - ' )
if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -r " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bRhythm = false ;
printf ( " Rhythm-mode instruments disabled. \n " ) ;
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -p " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bUsePitchBends = false ;
printf ( " Pitchbends disabled. \n " ) ;
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -a " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bApproximatePitchbends = true ;
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -i " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bPerfectMatchesOnly = true ;
printf ( " Only using exact instrument matches - approximations disabled! \n " ) ;
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -v " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bEnableVolume = false ;
printf ( " Note velocity disabled, all notes will be played as loud as possible. \n " ) ;
2013-11-14 21:47:47 +08:00
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -s " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
: : bWriteSbiInstruments = true ;
2013-11-14 20:08:45 +08:00
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " -c " , 2 ) = = 0 ) {
argc - - ; argv + + ;
if ( argc = = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " -c requires a parameter \n " ) ;
usage ( ) ;
if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " alt " , 3 ) = = 0 ) {
: : dbConversionVal = 50000.0 ;
} else {
// Use the given value
: : dbConversionVal = strtod ( * argv , NULL ) ;
if ( : : dbConversionVal = = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " -c requires a non-zero parameter \n " ) ;
usage ( ) ;
} else if ( strncasecmp ( * argv , " --version " , 9 ) = = 0 ) {
version ( ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " invalid option %s \n " , * argv ) ;
usage ( ) ;
argc - - ; argv + + ;
if ( argc < 2 ) usage ( ) ;
if ( ( : : bUsePitchBends ) & & ( : : bApproximatePitchbends ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: Pitchbends can only be approximated (-a) if "
" proper MIDI pitchbends are disabled (-p) \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
input = argv [ 0 ] ;
output = argv [ 1 ] ;
if ( strcmp ( input , output ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " cannot convert to same file \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! loadInstruments ( ) ) return 1 ;
f = fopen ( input , READ_BINARY ) ;
if ( ! f )
perror ( input ) ;
return 1 ;
unsigned long imflen = 0 ;
unsigned char cSig [ 9 ] ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
//fgets(cSig, 9, f);
fread ( cSig , 1 , 9 , f ) ;
iSpeed = 0 ;
if ( strncmp ( ( char * ) cSig , " DBRAWOPL " , 8 ) = = 0 ) {
: : iFormat = FORMAT_DRO ;
fseek ( f , 8 , SEEK_SET ) ; // Seek to "version" fields.
unsigned long version = readUINT32LE ( f ) ;
if ( version = = 0x10000 ) {
printf ( " Input file is in DOSBox DRO v1.0 format. \n " ) ;
} else if ( version = = 0x2 ) {
printf ( " Input file is in DOSBox DRO v2.0 format, which is not supported. \n " ) ;
return 2 ;
} else {
printf ( " Input file is in DOSBox DRO format, but an unknown version! \n " ) ;
return 3 ;
: : iInitialSpeed = 1000 ;
fseek ( f , 16 , SEEK_SET ) ; // seek to "length in bytes" field
imflen = readUINT32LE ( f ) ;
} else if ( strncmp ( ( char * ) cSig , " RAWADATA " , 8 ) = = 0 ) {
: : iFormat = FORMAT_RAW ;
printf ( " Input file is in Rdos RAW format. \n " ) ;
// Read until EOF (0xFFFF is really the end but we'll check that during conversion)
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
imflen = ftell ( f ) ;
fseek ( f , 8 , SEEK_SET ) ; // seek to "initial clock speed" field
: : iInitialSpeed = 1000 ;
int iClockSpeed = readUINT16LE ( f ) ;
if ( ( iClockSpeed = = 0 ) | | ( iClockSpeed = = 0xFFFF ) ) {
: : iSpeed = ( int ) 18.2 ; // default to 18.2Hz...well, 18Hz thanks to rounding
} else {
: : iSpeed = ( int ) ( 1193180.0 / iClockSpeed ) ;
} else {
: : iFormat = FORMAT_IMF ;
if ( ( cSig [ 0 ] = = 0 ) & & ( cSig [ 1 ] = = 0 ) ) {
printf ( " Input file appears to be in IMF type-0 format. \n " ) ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
imflen = ftell ( f ) ;
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
} else {
printf ( " Input file appears to be in IMF type-1 format. \n " ) ;
imflen = cSig [ 0 ] + ( cSig [ 1 ] < < 8 ) ;
fseek ( f , 2 , SEEK_SET ) ; // seek to start of actual OPL data
if ( strcasecmp ( & input [ strlen ( input ) - 3 ] , " imf " ) = = 0 ) {
printf ( " File extension is .imf - using 560Hz speed (rename to .wlf if "
" this is too slow) \n " ) ;
: : iInitialSpeed = 560 ;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( & input [ strlen ( input ) - 3 ] , " wlf " ) = = 0 ) {
printf ( " File extension is .wlf - using 700Hz speed (rename to .imf if "
" this is too fast) \n " ) ;
: : iInitialSpeed = 700 ;
} else {
printf ( " Unknown file extension - must be .imf or .wlf \n " ) ;
return 3 ;
printf ( " Using conversion constant of %.1lf \n " , : : dbConversionVal ) ;
write = new MidiWrite ( output ) ;
if ( ! write ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " out of memory \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! write - > getf ( ) ) {
perror ( output ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( iSpeed = = 0 ) {
iSpeed = iInitialSpeed ;
resolution = iInitialSpeed / 2 ;
write - > head ( /* version */ 0 , /* track count updated later */ 0 , resolution ) ;
write - > track ( ) ;
write - > tempo ( ( long ) ( 60000000.0 / tempo ) ) ;
write - > tact ( 4 , 4 , 24 , 8 ) ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < 10 ; c + + ) {
mapchannel [ c ] = c ;
write - > resetctrlrs ( mapchannel [ c ] , 0 ) ; // Reset All Controllers (Ensures default settings upon every playback).
write - > volume ( mapchannel [ c ] , 127 ) ;
write - > balance ( mapchannel [ c ] , 64 ) ; // Usually called 'Pan'.
write - > expression ( mapchannel [ c ] , 127 ) ; // Similar to 'Volume', but this is primarily used for volume damping.
for ( c = 0 ; c < = 8 ; c + + ) {
lastprog [ c ] = - 1 ;
reg [ c ] . iOctave = 0 ;
int delay = 0 ;
int channel ;
int code , param ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < 9 ; c + + ) {
curfreq [ c ] = 0 ;
mapchannel [ c ] = c ; // This can get reset when playing a drum and then a normal instrument on a channel - see instrument-change code below
keyAlreadyOn [ c ] = false ;
lastkey [ c ] = - 1 ; // last MIDI key pressed on this channel
pitchbent [ c ] = ( int ) pitchbend_center ;
transpose [ c ] = 0 ;
drumnote [ c ] = 0 ; // probably not necessary...
mute [ c ] = false ;
if ( : : bUsePitchBends ) {
write - > control ( mapchannel [ c ] , 100 , 0 ) ; // RPN LSB for "Pitch Bend Sensitivity"
write - > control ( mapchannel [ c ] , 101 , 0 ) ; // RPN MSB for "Pitch Bend Sensitivity"
write - > control ( mapchannel [ c ] , 6 , ( int ) PITCHBEND_RANGE ) ; // Data for Pitch Bend Sensitivity (in semitones) - controller 38 can be used for cents in addition
write - > control ( mapchannel [ c ] , 100 , 0x7F ) ; // RPN LSB for "Finished"
write - > control ( mapchannel [ c ] , 101 , 0x7F ) ; // RPN MSB for "Finished"
// write->pitchbend(mapchannel[c], pitchbend_center);
// Rhythm-mode only channels
for ( c = 10 ; c < 15 ; c + + ) {
keyAlreadyOn [ c ] = false ;
mapchannel [ c ] = c ; // as above, this will be changed later but must be
// eventually set back to this value here (or the instrument will jump
// channels unexpectedly.)
pitchbent [ c ] = ( int ) pitchbend_center ;
lastkey [ c ] = - 1 ; // last MIDI key pressed on this channel
transpose [ c ] = 0 ;
drumnote [ c ] = 0 ; // probably not necessary...
mute [ c ] = false ;
int iMinLen ; // Minimum length for valid notes to still be present
switch ( : : iFormat ) {
case FORMAT_IMF : iMinLen = 4 ; break ;
case FORMAT_DRO : iMinLen = 2 ; break ;
case FORMAT_RAW : iMinLen = 2 ; break ;
unsigned long iSize = imflen ; // sometimes the counter wraps around, need this to stop it from happening
while ( ( imflen > = ( unsigned long ) iMinLen ) & & ( imflen < = iSize ) ) {
// Get the next OPL register and value from the input file
switch ( : : iFormat ) {
// Write the last iteration's delay (since the delay needs to come *after* the note)
write - > time ( delay ) ;
code = readByte ( f ) ;
param = readByte ( f ) ;
delay = readUINT16LE ( f ) ;
imflen - = 4 ;
break ;
code = readByte ( f ) ;
imflen - - ;
switch ( code ) {
case 0x00 : // delay (byte)
delay + = 1 + readByte ( f ) ;
imflen - - ;
continue ;
case 0x01 : // delay (int)
delay + = 1 + readUINT16LE ( f ) ;
imflen - = 2 ;
continue ;
case 0x02 : // use first OPL chip
case 0x03 : // use second OPL chip
fprintf ( stderr , " Warning: This song uses multiple OPL chips - this isn't yet supported! \n " ) ;
continue ;
case 0x04 : // escape
code = readByte ( f ) ;
imflen - - ;
break ;
param = readByte ( f ) ;
imflen - - ;
// Write any delay (as this needs to come *before* the next note)
write - > time ( delay ) ;
delay = 0 ;
break ;
param = readByte ( f ) ;
code = readByte ( f ) ;
imflen - = 2 ;
switch ( code ) {
case 0x00 : // delay
delay + = param ;
continue ;
case 0x02 : // control data
switch ( param ) {
case 0x00 : {
if ( delay ! = 0 ) {
// See below - we need to write out any delay at the old clock speed before we change it
write - > time ( ( delay * iInitialSpeed / : : iSpeed ) ) ;
delay = 0 ;
int iClockSpeed = readUINT16LE ( f ) ;
if ( ( iClockSpeed = = 0 ) | | ( iClockSpeed = = 0xFFFF ) ) {
printf ( " Speed set to invalid value, ignoring speed change. \n " ) ;
} else {
: : iSpeed = ( int ) round ( 1193180.0 / iClockSpeed ) ;
printf ( " Speed changed to %dHz \n " , iSpeed ) ;
imflen - = 2 ;
break ;
case 0x01 :
case 0x02 :
printf ( " Switching OPL ports is not yet implemented! \n " ) ;
break ;
continue ;
case 0xFF :
if ( param = = 0xFF ) {
// End of song
imflen = 0 ;
continue ;
break ;
// Write any delay (as this needs to come *before* the next note)
// Since our global clock speed is 1000Hz, we have to multiply this
// delay accordingly as the delay units are in the current clock speed.
// This calculation converts them into 1000Hz delay units regardless of
// the current clock speed.
if ( delay ! = 0 ) write - > time ( ( delay * iInitialSpeed / : : iSpeed ) ) ;
//printf("delay is %d (ticks %d)\n", (delay * iInitialSpeed / ::iSpeed), delay);
delay = 0 ;
break ;
default : // should never happen
break ;
} // switch (::iFormat)
// Convert the OPL register and value into a MIDI event
if ( code > = 0xa0 & & code < = 0xa8 ) { // set freq bits 0-7
channel = code - 0xa0 ;
curfreq [ channel ] = ( curfreq [ channel ] & 0xF00 ) + ( param & 0xff ) ;
if ( keyAlreadyOn [ channel ] ) {
param = 0x20 ; // bare noteon for code below
doNoteOnOff ( true , channel , channel ) ;
continue ;
} else if ( code > = 0xB0 & & code < = 0xB8 ) { // set freq bits 8-9 and octave and on/off
channel = code - 0xb0 ;
curfreq [ channel ] = ( curfreq [ channel ] & 0x0FF ) + ( ( param & 0x03 ) < < 8 ) ;
// save octave so we know what it is if we run 0xA0-0xA8 regs change code
// next (which doesn't have the octave)
reg [ channel ] . iOctave = ( param > > 2 ) & 7 ;
int keyon = ( param > > 5 ) & 1 ;
doNoteOnOff ( keyon , channel , channel ) ;
} else if ( ( code = = 0xBD ) & & ( : : bRhythm ) ) {
if ( ( param > > 5 ) & 1 ) {
// Bass Drum
doNoteOnOff ( ( param > > 4 ) & 1 , channel , CHAN_BASSDRUM ) ;
doNoteOnOff ( ( param > > 3 ) & 1 , channel , CHAN_SNAREDRUM ) ;
doNoteOnOff ( ( param > > 2 ) & 1 , channel , CHAN_TOMTOM ) ;
doNoteOnOff ( ( param > > 1 ) & 1 , channel , CHAN_TOPCYMBAL ) ;
doNoteOnOff ( param & 1 , channel , CHAN_HIHAT ) ;
} else if ( code > = 0x20 & & code < = 0x35 ) {
channel = GET_CHANNEL ( code - 0x20 ) ;
reg [ channel ] . reg20 [ GET_OP ( code - 0x20 ) ] = param ;
} else if ( code > = 0x40 & & code < = 0x55 ) {
channel = GET_CHANNEL ( code - 0x40 ) ;
reg [ channel ] . reg40 [ GET_OP ( code - 0x40 ) ] = param ;
} else if ( code > = 0x60 & & code < = 0x75 ) {
channel = GET_CHANNEL ( code - 0x60 ) ;
reg [ channel ] . reg60 [ GET_OP ( code - 0x60 ) ] = param ;
} else if ( code > = 0x80 & & code < = 0x95 ) {
channel = GET_CHANNEL ( code - 0x80 ) ;
reg [ channel ] . reg80 [ GET_OP ( code - 0x80 ) ] = param ;
} else if ( code > = 0xc0 & & code < = 0xc8 ) {
channel = code - 0xc0 ;
reg [ channel ] . regC0 = param ;
} else if ( code > = 0xe0 & & code < = 0xF5 ) {
channel = GET_CHANNEL ( code - 0xe0 ) ;
reg [ channel ] . regE0 [ GET_OP ( code - 0xe0 ) ] = param ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < 10 ; c + + ) {
mapchannel [ c ] = c ;
write - > allnotesoff ( mapchannel [ c ] , 0 ) ; // All Notes Off (Ensures that even incomplete Notes will be switched-off per each MIDI channel at the end-of-playback).
delete write ;
fclose ( f ) ;
// Display completion message and some stats
printf ( " \n Conversion complete. Wrote %s \n \n Total pitchbent notes: %d \n "
" Total notes: %d \n Notes still active at end of song: %d \n \n " ,
output , : : iPitchbendCount , : : iTotalNotes , : : iNotesActive ) ;
return 0 ;