Fork 0

50 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File

Copyright 2018 by Roland Rabien, 1998 David C. Swaim
For more information visit www.rabiensoftware.com
#pragma once
/** Calculates linear regression from a set of points */
class LinearRegression
LinearRegression (Array<juce::Point<double>> points);
void addPoint (juce::Point<double> pnt);
void calculate();
void clear();
bool haveData() const { return n > 2; }
int items() const { return n; }
double getA() const { return a; }
double getB() const { return b; }
double getCoefDeterm() const { return coefD; }
double getCoefCorrel() const { return coefC; }
double getStdErrorEst() const { return stdError; }
double estimateY (double x) const { return (a + b * x); }
int n = 0; // number of data points input so far
double sumX = 0;
double sumY = 0; // sums of x and y
double sumXsquared = 0; // sum of x squares
double sumYsquared = 0; // sum y squares
double sumXY = 0; // sum of x*y
double a = 0;
double b = 0; // coefficients of f(x) = a + b*x
double coefD = 0; // coefficient of determination
double coefC = 0; // coefficient of correlation
double stdError = 0; // standard error of estimate