Fork 0

812 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

Copyright 2018 by Roland Rabien
For more information visit www.rabiensoftware.com
#define USE_SSE 1
template <typename T>
inline uint8 toByte (T v)
if (v < 0) return 0;
if (v > 255) return 255;
return uint8 (v);
inline uint8 getIntensity (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)
return (uint8)((7471 * b + 38470 * g + 19595 * r) >> 16);
inline uint8 computeAlpha (uint8 la, uint8 ra)
return (uint8)(((la * (256 - (ra + (ra >> 7)))) >> 8) + ra);
template <class T>
inline T blend (const T& c1, const T& c2)
int a = c1.getAlpha();
int invA = 255 - a;
int r = ((c2.getRed() * invA) + (c1.getRed() * a)) / 256;
int g = ((c2.getGreen() * invA) + (c1.getGreen() * a)) / 256;
int b = ((c2.getBlue() * invA) + (c1.getBlue() * a)) / 256;
uint8 a2 = computeAlpha (c2.getAlpha(), c1.getAlpha());
T res;
res.setARGB (a2, toByte (r), toByte (g), toByte (b));
return res;
template <class T1, class T2>
inline T2 convert (const T1& in)
T2 out;
out.setARGB (in.getAlpha(), in.getRed(), in.getGreen(), in.getBlue());
return out;
template <class T>
void applyVignette (Image& img, float amountIn, float radiusIn, float fallOff, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
double outA = w * 0.5 * radiusIn;
double outB = h * 0.5 * radiusIn;
double inA = outA * fallOff;
double inB = outB * fallOff;
double cx = w * 0.5;
double cy = h * 0.5;
double amount = 1.0 - amountIn;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
Ellipse<double> outE { outA, outB };
Ellipse<double> inE { inA, inB };
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
double dy = y - cy;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
double dx = x - cx;
bool outside = outE.isPointOutside ({dx, dy});
bool inside = inE.isPointInside ({dx, dy});
T* s = (T*)p;
if (outside)
uint8 r = toByte (0.5 + (s->getRed() * amount));
uint8 g = toByte (0.5 + (s->getGreen() * amount));
uint8 b = toByte (0.5 + (s->getBlue() * amount));
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
s->setARGB (a, r, g, b);
else if (! inside)
double angle = std::atan2 (dy, dx);
auto p1 = outE.pointAtAngle (angle);
auto p2 = inE.pointAtAngle (angle);
auto l1 = Line<double> ({dx,dy}, p2);
auto l2 = Line<double> (p1, p2);
double factor = 1.0 - (amountIn * jlimit (0.0, 1.0, l1.getLength() / l2.getLength()));
uint8 r = toByte (0.5 + (s->getRed() * factor));
uint8 g = toByte (0.5 + (s->getGreen() * factor));
uint8 b = toByte (0.5 + (s->getBlue() * factor));
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
s->setARGB (a, r, g, b);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyVignette (Image& img, float amountIn, float radiusIn, float fallOff, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyVignette<PixelARGB> (img, amountIn, radiusIn, fallOff, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyVignette<PixelRGB> (img, amountIn, radiusIn, fallOff, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applySepia (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
PixelARGB* s = (PixelARGB*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
uint8 ro = toByte ((r * .393) + (g *.769) + (b * .189));
uint8 go = toByte ((r * .349) + (g *.686) + (b * .168));
uint8 bo = toByte ((r * .272) + (g *.534) + (b * .131));
s->setARGB (a, ro, go, bo);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applySepia (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applySepia<PixelARGB> (img, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applySepia<PixelRGB> (img, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyGreyScale (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
uint8 ro = toByte (r * 0.30 + 0.5);
uint8 go = toByte (g * 0.59 + 0.5);
uint8 bo = toByte (b * 0.11 + 0.5);
s->setARGB (a,
toByte (ro + go + bo),
toByte (ro + go + bo),
toByte (ro + go + bo));
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyGreyScale (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyGreyScale<PixelARGB> (img, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyGreyScale<PixelRGB> (img, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applySoften (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image dst (img.getFormat(), w, h, true);
Image::BitmapData srcData (img, Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
Image::BitmapData dstData (dst, Image::BitmapData::writeOnly);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
int ro = 0, go = 0, bo = 0;
uint8 a = 0;
for (int m = -1; m <= 1; m++)
for (int n = -1; n <= 1; n++)
int cx = jlimit (0, w - 1, x + m);
int cy = jlimit (0, h - 1, y + n);
T* s = (T*) srcData.getPixelPointer (cx, cy);
ro += s->getRed();
go += s->getGreen();
bo += s->getBlue();
T* s = (T*) srcData.getPixelPointer (x, y);
a = s->getAlpha();
T* d = (T*) dstData.getPixelPointer (x, y);
d->setARGB (a, toByte (ro / 9), toByte (go / 9), toByte (bo / 9));
img = dst;
void applySoften (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applySoften<PixelARGB> (img, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applySoften<PixelRGB> (img, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applySharpen (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image dst (img.getFormat(), w, h, true);
Image::BitmapData srcData (img, Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
Image::BitmapData dstData (dst, Image::BitmapData::writeOnly);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
auto getPixelPointer = [&] (int cx, int cy) -> T*
cx = jlimit (0, w - 1, cx);
cy = jlimit (0, h - 1, cy);
return (T*) srcData.getPixelPointer (cx, cy);
int ro = 0, go = 0, bo = 0;
uint8 ao = 0;
T* s = getPixelPointer (x, y);
ro = s->getRed() * 5;
go = s->getGreen() * 5;
bo = s->getBlue() * 5;
ao = s->getAlpha();
s = getPixelPointer (x, y - 1);
ro -= s->getRed();
go -= s->getGreen();
bo -= s->getBlue();
s = getPixelPointer (x - 1, y);
ro -= s->getRed();
go -= s->getGreen();
bo -= s->getBlue();
s = getPixelPointer (x + 1, y);
ro -= s->getRed();
go -= s->getGreen();
bo -= s->getBlue();
s = getPixelPointer (x, y + 1);
ro -= s->getRed();
go -= s->getGreen();
bo -= s->getBlue();
T* d = (T*) dstData.getPixelPointer (x, y);
d->setARGB (ao, toByte (ro), toByte (go), toByte (bo));
img = dst;
void applySharpen (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applySharpen<PixelARGB> (img, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applySharpen<PixelRGB> (img, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyGamma (Image& img, float gamma, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
uint8 ro = toByte (std::pow (r / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5);
uint8 go = toByte (std::pow (g / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5);
uint8 bo = toByte (std::pow (b / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5);
s->setARGB (a, ro, go, bo);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyGamma (Image& img, float gamma, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyGamma<PixelARGB> (img, gamma, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyGamma<PixelRGB> (img, gamma, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyInvert (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
uint8 ro = 255 - r;
uint8 go = 255 - g;
uint8 bo = 255 - b;
s->setARGB (a, ro, go, bo);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyInvert (Image& img, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyInvert<PixelARGB> (img, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyInvert<PixelRGB> (img, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyContrast (Image& img, float contrast, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
contrast = (100.0f + contrast) / 100.0f;
contrast = square (contrast);
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
double ro = (double) r / 255.0;
ro = ro - 0.5;
ro = ro * contrast;
ro = ro + 0.5;
ro = ro * 255.0;
double go = (double) g / 255.0;
go = go - 0.5;
go = go * contrast;
go = go + 0.5;
go = go * 255.0;
double bo = (double) b / 255.0;
bo = bo - 0.5;
bo = bo * contrast;
bo = bo + 0.5;
bo = bo * 255.0;
ro = toByte (ro);
go = toByte (go);
bo = toByte (bo);
s->setARGB (a, toByte (ro), toByte (go), toByte (bo));
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyContrast (Image& img, float contrast, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyContrast<PixelARGB> (img, contrast, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyContrast<PixelRGB> (img, contrast, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyBrightnessContrast (Image& img, float brightness, float contrast, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
double multiply = 1;
double divide = 1;
if (contrast < 0)
multiply = contrast + 100;
divide = 100;
else if (contrast > 0)
multiply = 100;
divide = 100 - contrast;
multiply = 1;
divide = 1;
uint8* rgbTable = new uint8[65536];
if (divide == 0)
for (int intensity = 0; intensity < 256; intensity++)
if (intensity + brightness < 128)
rgbTable[intensity] = 0;
rgbTable[intensity] = 255;
else if (divide == 100)
for (int intensity = 0; intensity < 256; intensity++)
int shift = int ((intensity - 127) * multiply / divide + 127 - intensity + brightness);
for (int col = 0; col < 256; col++)
int index = (intensity * 256) + col;
rgbTable[index] = toByte (col + shift);
for (int intensity = 0; intensity < 256; intensity++)
int shift = int ((intensity - 127 + brightness) * multiply / divide + 127 - intensity);
for (int col = 0; col < 256; col++)
int index = (intensity * 256) + col;
rgbTable[index] = toByte (col + shift);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
if (divide == 0)
int i = getIntensity (toByte (r), toByte (g), toByte (b));
uint8 c = rgbTable[i];
s->setARGB (a, c, c, c);
int i = getIntensity (toByte (r), toByte (g), toByte (b));
int shiftIndex = i * 256;
uint8 ro = rgbTable[shiftIndex + r];
uint8 go = rgbTable[shiftIndex + g];
uint8 bo = rgbTable[shiftIndex + b];
ro = toByte (ro);
go = toByte (go);
bo = toByte (bo);
s->setARGB (a, ro, go, bo);
p += data.pixelStride;
delete[] rgbTable;
void applyBrightnessContrast (Image& img, float brightness, float contrast, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyBrightnessContrast<PixelARGB> (img, brightness, contrast, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyBrightnessContrast<PixelRGB> (img, brightness, contrast, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
template <class T>
void applyHueSaturationLightness (Image& img, float hueIn, float saturation, float lightness, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
if (saturation > 100)
saturation = ((saturation - 100) * 3) + 100;
saturation = (saturation * 1024) / 100;
hueIn /= 360.0f;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
int intensity = getIntensity (toByte (r), toByte (g), toByte (b));
int ro = toByte (int (intensity * 1024 + (r - intensity) * saturation) >> 10);
int go = toByte (int (intensity * 1024 + (g - intensity) * saturation) >> 10);
int bo = toByte (int (intensity * 1024 + (b - intensity) * saturation) >> 10);
Colour c (toByte (ro), toByte (go), toByte (bo));
float hue = c.getHue();
hue += hueIn;
while (hue < 0.0f) hue += 1.0f;
while (hue >= 1.0f) hue -= 1.0f;
c = Colour::fromHSV (hue, c.getSaturation(), c.getBrightness(), float (a));
ro = c.getRed();
go = c.getGreen();
bo = c.getBlue();
ro = toByte (ro);
go = toByte (go);
bo = toByte (bo);
s->setARGB (a, toByte (ro), toByte (go), toByte (bo));
if (lightness > 0)
auto blended = blend (PixelARGB (toByte ((lightness * 255) / 100 * (a / 255.0)), 255, 255, 255), convert<T, PixelARGB> (*s));
*s = convert<PixelARGB, T> (blended);
else if (lightness < 0)
auto blended = blend (PixelARGB (toByte ((-lightness * 255) / 100 * (a / 255.0)), 0, 0, 0), convert<T, PixelARGB> (*s));
*s = convert<PixelARGB, T> (blended);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyHueSaturationLightness (Image& img, float hue, float saturation, float lightness, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyHueSaturationLightness<PixelARGB> (img, hue, saturation, lightness, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyHueSaturationLightness<PixelRGB> (img, hue, saturation, lightness, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
Image applyResize (const Image& src, int width, int height)
Image dst (src.getFormat(), width, height, true);
Image::BitmapData srcData (src, Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
Image::BitmapData dstData (dst, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
int channels = 0;
if (src.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) channels = 4;
else if (src.getFormat() == Image::RGB) channels = 3;
else if (src.getFormat() == Image::SingleChannel) channels = 1;
else return {};
// JUCE images may have padding at the end of each scan line.
// Avir expects the image data to be packed. So we need to
// pack and unpack the image data before and after resizing.
HeapBlock<uint8> srcPacked (src.getWidth() * src.getHeight() * channels);
HeapBlock<uint8> dstPacked (dst.getWidth() * dst.getHeight() * channels);
uint8* rawSrc = srcPacked.getData();
uint8* rawDst = dstPacked.getData();
for (int y = 0; y < src.getHeight(); y++)
memcpy (rawSrc + y * src.getWidth() * channels,
srcData.getLinePointer (y),
(size_t) (src.getWidth() * channels));
avir::CImageResizer<avir::fpclass_float4> imageResizer (8);
imageResizer.resizeImage (rawSrc, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight(), 0,
rawDst, dst.getWidth(), dst.getHeight(), channels, 0);
avir::CImageResizer<> imageResizer (8);
imageResizer.resizeImage (rawSrc, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight(), 0,
rawDst, dst.getWidth(), dst.getHeight(), channels, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < dst.getHeight(); y++)
memcpy (dstData.getLinePointer (y),
rawDst + y * dst.getWidth() * channels,
(size_t) (dst.getWidth() * channels));
return dst;
Image applyResize (const Image& src, float factor)
return applyResize (src,
roundToInt (factor * src.getWidth()),
roundToInt (factor * src.getHeight()));
template <class T>
void applyGradientMap (Image& img, const ColourGradient& gradient, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
uint8 r = s->getRed();
uint8 g = s->getGreen();
uint8 b = s->getBlue();
uint8 a = s->getAlpha();
uint8 ro = toByte (r * 0.30 + 0.5);
uint8 go = toByte (g * 0.59 + 0.5);
uint8 bo = toByte (b * 0.11 + 0.5);
float proportion = float (ro + go + bo) / 256.0f;
auto c = gradient.getColourAtPosition (proportion);
s->setARGB (a,
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyGradientMap (Image& img, const ColourGradient& gradient, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyGradientMap<PixelARGB> (img, gradient, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyGradientMap<PixelRGB> (img, gradient, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;
void applyGradientMap (Image& img, const Colour c1, const Colour c2, ThreadPool* threadPool)
ColourGradient g;
g.addColour (0.0, c1);
g.addColour (1.0, c2);
applyGradientMap (img, g, threadPool);
template <class T>
void applyColour (Image& img, Colour c, ThreadPool* threadPool)
const int w = img.getWidth();
const int h = img.getHeight();
threadPool = (w >= 256 || h >= 256) ? threadPool : nullptr;
uint8 r = c.getRed();
uint8 g = c.getGreen();
uint8 b = c.getBlue();
uint8 a = c.getAlpha();
Image::BitmapData data (img, Image::BitmapData::readWrite);
multiThreadedFor<int> (0, h, 1, threadPool, [&] (int y)
uint8* p = data.getLinePointer (y);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
T* s = (T*)p;
s->setARGB (a, r, g, b);
p += data.pixelStride;
void applyColour (Image& img, Colour c, ThreadPool* threadPool)
if (img.getFormat() == Image::ARGB) applyColour<PixelARGB> (img, c, threadPool);
else if (img.getFormat() == Image::RGB) applyColour<PixelRGB> (img, c, threadPool);
else jassertfalse;