Fork 0

2215 lines
65 KiB
Executable File

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
#include "singlelinetexteditor.h"
// a word or space that can't be broken down any further
struct TextAtom
String atomText;
float width;
int numChars;
bool isWhitespace() const noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (atomText[0]); }
bool isNewLine() const noexcept { return atomText[0] == '\r' || atomText[0] == '\n'; }
String getText () const
return atomText;
String getTrimmedText () const
return atomText.substring (0, numChars);
// a run of text with a single font and colour
class SingleLineTextEditor::UniformTextSection
UniformTextSection (const String& text, const Font& f, Colour col)
: font (f), colour (col)
initialiseAtoms (text);
UniformTextSection (const UniformTextSection& other)
: font (other.font), colour (other.colour)
atoms.addCopiesOf (other.atoms);
void append (UniformTextSection& other)
if (other.atoms.size() > 0)
int i = 0;
if (TextAtom* const lastAtom = atoms.getLast())
if (! CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (lastAtom->atomText.getLastCharacter()))
TextAtom* const first = other.atoms.getUnchecked(0);
if (! CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (first->atomText[0]))
lastAtom->atomText += first->atomText;
lastAtom->numChars = (uint16) (lastAtom->numChars + first->numChars);
lastAtom->width = font.getStringWidthFloat (lastAtom->getText());
delete first;
atoms.ensureStorageAllocated (atoms.size() + other.atoms.size() - i);
while (i < other.atoms.size())
atoms.add (other.atoms.getUnchecked(i));
other.atoms.clear (false);
UniformTextSection* split (const int indexToBreakAt)
UniformTextSection* const section2 = new UniformTextSection (String(), font, colour);
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); ++i)
TextAtom* const atom = atoms.getUnchecked(i);
const int nextIndex = index + atom->numChars;
if (index == indexToBreakAt)
for (int j = i; j < atoms.size(); ++j)
section2->atoms.add (atoms.getUnchecked (j));
atoms.removeRange (i, atoms.size(), false);
else if (indexToBreakAt >= index && indexToBreakAt < nextIndex)
TextAtom* const secondAtom = new TextAtom();
secondAtom->atomText = atom->atomText.substring (indexToBreakAt - index);
secondAtom->width = font.getStringWidthFloat (secondAtom->getText());
secondAtom->numChars = (uint16) secondAtom->atomText.length();
section2->atoms.add (secondAtom);
atom->atomText = atom->atomText.substring (0, indexToBreakAt - index);
atom->width = font.getStringWidthFloat (atom->getText());
atom->numChars = (uint16) (indexToBreakAt - index);
for (int j = i + 1; j < atoms.size(); ++j)
section2->atoms.add (atoms.getUnchecked (j));
atoms.removeRange (i + 1, atoms.size(), false);
index = nextIndex;
return section2;
void appendAllText (MemoryOutputStream& mo) const
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); ++i)
mo << atoms.getUnchecked(i)->atomText;
void appendSubstring (MemoryOutputStream& mo, const Range<int> range) const
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); ++i)
const TextAtom* const atom = atoms.getUnchecked (i);
const int nextIndex = index + atom->numChars;
if (range.getStart() < nextIndex)
if (range.getEnd() <= index)
const Range<int> r ((range - index).getIntersectionWith (Range<int> (0, (int) atom->numChars)));
if (! r.isEmpty())
mo << atom->atomText.substring (r.getStart(), r.getEnd());
index = nextIndex;
int getTotalLength() const noexcept
int total = 0;
for (int i = atoms.size(); --i >= 0;)
total += atoms.getUnchecked(i)->numChars;
return total;
void setFont (const Font& newFont)
if (font != newFont)
font = newFont;
for (int i = atoms.size(); --i >= 0;)
TextAtom* const atom = atoms.getUnchecked(i);
atom->width = newFont.getStringWidthFloat (atom->getText());
Font font;
Colour colour;
OwnedArray<TextAtom> atoms;
void initialiseAtoms (const String& textToParse)
String::CharPointerType text (textToParse.getCharPointer());
while (! text.isEmpty())
size_t numChars = 0;
String::CharPointerType start (text);
// create a whitespace atom unless it starts with non-ws
if (text.isWhitespace() && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n')
while (text.isWhitespace() && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n');
if (*text == '\r')
if (*text == '\n')
else if (*text == '\n')
while (! (text.isEmpty() || text.isWhitespace()))
TextAtom* const atom = atoms.add (new TextAtom());
atom->atomText = String (start, numChars);
atom->width = font.getStringWidthFloat (atom->getText());
atom->numChars = (uint16) numChars;
UniformTextSection& operator= (const UniformTextSection&);
JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (UniformTextSection)
class SingleLineTextEditor::Iterator
Iterator (const OwnedArray<UniformTextSection>& sectionList,
const float wrapWidth, Justification j)
: indexInText (0),
lineY (0),
lineHeight (0),
maxDescent (0),
atomX (0),
atomRight (0),
atom (nullptr),
currentSection (nullptr),
justification (j),
sections (sectionList),
sectionIndex (0),
atomIndex (0),
wordWrapWidth (wrapWidth)
jassert (wordWrapWidth > 0);
if (sections.size() > 0)
currentSection = sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex);
if (currentSection != nullptr)
Iterator (const Iterator& other)
: indexInText (other.indexInText),
lineY (other.lineY),
lineHeight (other.lineHeight),
maxDescent (other.maxDescent),
atomX (other.atomX),
atomRight (other.atomRight),
atom (other.atom),
currentSection (other.currentSection),
justification (other.justification),
sections (other.sections),
sectionIndex (other.sectionIndex),
atomIndex (other.atomIndex),
wordWrapWidth (other.wordWrapWidth),
tempAtom (other.tempAtom)
bool next()
if (atom == &tempAtom)
const int numRemaining = tempAtom.atomText.length() - tempAtom.numChars;
if (numRemaining > 0)
tempAtom.atomText = tempAtom.atomText.substring (tempAtom.numChars);
atomX = 0;
if (tempAtom.numChars > 0)
lineY += lineHeight;
indexInText += tempAtom.numChars;
GlyphArrangement g;
g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font, atom->getText(), 0.0f, 0.0f);
int split;
for (split = 0; split < g.getNumGlyphs(); ++split)
if (shouldWrap (g.getGlyph (split).getRight()))
if (split > 0 && split <= numRemaining)
tempAtom.numChars = (uint16) split;
tempAtom.width = g.getGlyph (split - 1).getRight();
atomRight = atomX + tempAtom.width;
return true;
bool forceNewLine = false;
if (sectionIndex >= sections.size())
return false;
else if (atomIndex >= currentSection->atoms.size() - 1)
if (atomIndex >= currentSection->atoms.size())
if (++sectionIndex >= sections.size())
return false;
atomIndex = 0;
currentSection = sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex);
const TextAtom* const lastAtom = currentSection->atoms.getUnchecked (atomIndex);
if (! lastAtom->isWhitespace())
// handle the case where the last atom in a section is actually part of the same
// word as the first atom of the next section...
float right = atomRight + lastAtom->width;
float lineHeight2 = lineHeight;
float maxDescent2 = maxDescent;
for (int section = sectionIndex + 1; section < sections.size(); ++section)
const UniformTextSection* const s = sections.getUnchecked (section);
if (s->atoms.size() == 0)
const TextAtom* const nextAtom = s->atoms.getUnchecked (0);
if (nextAtom->isWhitespace())
right += nextAtom->width;
lineHeight2 = jmax (lineHeight2, s->font.getHeight());
maxDescent2 = jmax (maxDescent2, s->font.getDescent());
if (shouldWrap (right))
lineHeight = lineHeight2;
maxDescent = maxDescent2;
forceNewLine = true;
if (s->atoms.size() > 1)
if (atom != nullptr)
atomX = atomRight;
indexInText += atom->numChars;
if (atom->isNewLine())
atom = currentSection->atoms.getUnchecked (atomIndex);
atomRight = atomX + atom->width;
if (shouldWrap (atomRight) || forceNewLine)
if (atom->isWhitespace())
// leave whitespace at the end of a line, but truncate it to avoid scrolling
atomRight = jmin (atomRight, wordWrapWidth);
atomRight = atom->width;
if (shouldWrap (atomRight)) // atom too big to fit on a line, so break it up..
tempAtom = *atom;
tempAtom.width = 0;
tempAtom.numChars = 0;
atom = &tempAtom;
if (atomX > 0)
return next();
return true;
return true;
void beginNewLine()
atomX = 0;
lineY += lineHeight;
int tempSectionIndex = sectionIndex;
int tempAtomIndex = atomIndex;
const UniformTextSection* section = sections.getUnchecked (tempSectionIndex);
lineHeight = section->font.getHeight();
maxDescent = section->font.getDescent();
float x = (atom != nullptr) ? atom->width : 0;
while (! shouldWrap (x))
if (tempSectionIndex >= sections.size())
bool checkSize = false;
if (tempAtomIndex >= section->atoms.size())
if (++tempSectionIndex >= sections.size())
tempAtomIndex = 0;
section = sections.getUnchecked (tempSectionIndex);
checkSize = true;
const TextAtom* const nextAtom = section->atoms.getUnchecked (tempAtomIndex);
if (nextAtom == nullptr)
x += nextAtom->width;
if (shouldWrap (x) || nextAtom->isNewLine())
if (checkSize)
lineHeight = jmax (lineHeight, section->font.getHeight());
maxDescent = jmax (maxDescent, section->font.getDescent());
void draw (Graphics& g, const UniformTextSection*& lastSection) const
if (! atom->isWhitespace())
if (lastSection != currentSection)
lastSection = currentSection;
g.setColour (currentSection->colour);
g.setFont (currentSection->font);
jassert (atom->getTrimmedText().isNotEmpty());
GlyphArrangement ga;
ga.addJustifiedText (currentSection->font, atom->getTrimmedText(),
atomX, lineY + lineHeight - maxDescent, 100.0f, justification);
ga.draw (g);
void addSelection (RectangleList<float>& area, const Range<int> selected) const
const float startX = indexToX (selected.getStart());
const float endX = indexToX (selected.getEnd());
area.add (startX, lineY, endX - startX, lineHeight);
void drawUnderline (Graphics& g, const Range<int> underline, const Colour colour) const
const int startX = roundToInt (indexToX (underline.getStart()));
const int endX = roundToInt (indexToX (underline.getEnd()));
const int baselineY = roundToInt (lineY + currentSection->font.getAscent() + 0.5f);
Graphics::ScopedSaveState state (g);
g.reduceClipRegion (Rectangle<int> (startX, baselineY, endX - startX, 1));
g.fillCheckerBoard (Rectangle<int> (endX, baselineY + 1).toFloat(), 3, 1, colour, Colours::transparentBlack);
void drawSelectedText (Graphics& g,
const Range<int> selected,
const Colour selectedTextColour) const
if (! atom->isWhitespace())
GlyphArrangement ga;
ga.addLineOfText (currentSection->font,
atomX, (float) roundToInt (lineY + lineHeight - maxDescent));
if (selected.getEnd() < indexInText + atom->numChars)
GlyphArrangement ga2 (ga);
ga2.removeRangeOfGlyphs (0, selected.getEnd() - indexInText);
ga.removeRangeOfGlyphs (selected.getEnd() - indexInText, -1);
g.setColour (currentSection->colour);
ga2.draw (g);
if (selected.getStart() > indexInText)
GlyphArrangement ga2 (ga);
ga2.removeRangeOfGlyphs (selected.getStart() - indexInText, -1);
ga.removeRangeOfGlyphs (0, selected.getStart() - indexInText);
g.setColour (currentSection->colour);
ga2.draw (g);
g.setColour (selectedTextColour);
ga.draw (g);
float indexToX (const int indexToFind) const
if (indexToFind <= indexInText)
return atomX;
if (indexToFind >= indexInText + atom->numChars)
return atomRight;
GlyphArrangement g;
g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font,
atomX, 0.0f);
if (indexToFind - indexInText >= g.getNumGlyphs())
return atomRight;
return jmin (atomRight, g.getGlyph (indexToFind - indexInText).getLeft());
int xToIndex (const float xToFind) const
if (xToFind <= atomX || atom->isNewLine())
return indexInText;
if (xToFind >= atomRight)
return indexInText + atom->numChars;
GlyphArrangement g;
g.addLineOfText (currentSection->font,
atomX, 0.0f);
const int numGlyphs = g.getNumGlyphs();
int j;
for (j = 0; j < numGlyphs; ++j)
const PositionedGlyph& pg = g.getGlyph(j);
if ((pg.getLeft() + pg.getRight()) / 2 > xToFind)
return indexInText + j;
bool getCharPosition (const int index, float& cx, float& cy, float& lineHeightFound)
while (next())
if (indexInText + atom->numChars > index)
cx = indexToX (index);
cy = lineY;
lineHeightFound = lineHeight;
return true;
cx = atomX;
cy = lineY;
lineHeightFound = lineHeight;
return false;
int indexInText;
float lineY, lineHeight, maxDescent;
float atomX, atomRight;
const TextAtom* atom;
const UniformTextSection* currentSection;
Justification justification;
const OwnedArray<UniformTextSection>& sections;
int sectionIndex, atomIndex;
const float wordWrapWidth;
TextAtom tempAtom;
Iterator& operator= (const Iterator&);
void moveToEndOfLastAtom()
if (atom != nullptr)
atomX = atomRight;
if (atom->isNewLine())
atomX = 0.0f;
lineY += lineHeight;
bool shouldWrap (const float x) const noexcept
return (x - 0.0001f) >= wordWrapWidth;
class SingleLineTextEditor::InsertAction : public UndoableAction
InsertAction (SingleLineTextEditor& ed,
const String& newText,
const int insertPos,
const Font& newFont,
const Colour newColour,
const int oldCaret,
const int newCaret)
: owner (ed),
text (newText),
insertIndex (insertPos),
oldCaretPos (oldCaret),
newCaretPos (newCaret),
font (newFont),
colour (newColour)
bool perform() override
owner.insert (text, insertIndex, font, colour, nullptr, newCaretPos);
return true;
bool undo() override
owner.remove (Range<int> (insertIndex, insertIndex + text.length()), nullptr, oldCaretPos);
return true;
int getSizeInUnits() override
return text.length() + 16;
SingleLineTextEditor& owner;
const String text;
const int insertIndex, oldCaretPos, newCaretPos;
const Font font;
const Colour colour;
class SingleLineTextEditor::RemoveAction : public UndoableAction
RemoveAction (SingleLineTextEditor& ed,
const Range<int> rangeToRemove,
const int oldCaret,
const int newCaret,
const Array<UniformTextSection*>& oldSections)
: owner (ed),
range (rangeToRemove),
oldCaretPos (oldCaret),
newCaretPos (newCaret)
removedSections.addArray (oldSections);
bool perform() override
owner.remove (range, nullptr, newCaretPos);
return true;
bool undo() override
owner.reinsert (range.getStart(), removedSections);
owner.moveCaretTo (oldCaretPos, false);
return true;
int getSizeInUnits() override
int n = 16;
for (int i = removedSections.size(); --i >= 0;)
n += removedSections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength();
return n;
SingleLineTextEditor& owner;
const Range<int> range;
const int oldCaretPos, newCaretPos;
OwnedArray<UniformTextSection> removedSections;
class SingleLineTextEditor::TextHolderComponent : public Component,
public Timer,
public Value::Listener
TextHolderComponent (SingleLineTextEditor& ed) : owner (ed)
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true);
setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::ParentCursor);
owner.getTextValue().addListener (this);
~TextHolderComponent() override
owner.getTextValue().removeListener (this);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
owner.drawContent (g);
void restartTimer()
startTimer (350);
void timerCallback() override
void valueChanged (Value&) override
SingleLineTextEditor& owner;
namespace TextEditorDefs
const int textChangeMessageId = 0x10003001;
const int returnKeyMessageId = 0x10003002;
const int escapeKeyMessageId = 0x10003003;
const int focusLossMessageId = 0x10003004;
const int maxActionsPerTransaction = 100;
static int getCharacterCategory (const juce_wchar character)
return CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (character)
? 2 : (CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (character) ? 0 : 1);
SingleLineTextEditor::SingleLineTextEditor (const String& name)
: Component (name),
readOnly (false),
caretVisible (true),
popupMenuEnabled (true),
selectAllTextWhenFocused (false),
wasFocused (false),
tabKeyUsed (false),
menuActive (false),
valueTextNeedsUpdating (false),
consumeEscAndReturnKeys (true),
lastTransactionTime (0),
currentFont (14.0f),
totalNumChars (0),
caretPosition (0),
keyboardType (TextInputTarget::textKeyboard),
dragType (notDragging)
setOpaque (true);
setMouseCursor (MouseCursor::IBeamCursor);
textHolder = std::make_unique<TextHolderComponent> (*this);
addAndMakeVisible (*textHolder);
setWantsKeyboardFocus (true);
if (wasFocused)
if (ComponentPeer* const peer = getPeer())
textValue.removeListener (textHolder.get());
textValue.referTo (Value());
textHolder = nullptr;
void SingleLineTextEditor::newTransaction()
lastTransactionTime = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();
bool SingleLineTextEditor::undoOrRedo (const bool shouldUndo)
if (! isReadOnly())
if (shouldUndo ? undoManager.undo()
: undoManager.redo())
return true;
return false;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::undo() { return undoOrRedo (true); }
bool SingleLineTextEditor::redo() { return undoOrRedo (false); }
bool SingleLineTextEditor::isReadOnly() const noexcept
return readOnly || ! isEnabled();
bool SingleLineTextEditor::isTextInputActive() const
return ! isReadOnly();
void SingleLineTextEditor::setTabKeyUsedAsCharacter (const bool shouldTabKeyBeUsed)
tabKeyUsed = shouldTabKeyBeUsed;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setPopupMenuEnabled (const bool b)
popupMenuEnabled = b;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setSelectAllWhenFocused (const bool b)
selectAllTextWhenFocused = b;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setFont (const Font& newFont)
currentFont = newFont;
void SingleLineTextEditor::applyFontToAllText (const Font& newFont)
currentFont = newFont;
const Colour overallColour (findColour (textColourId));
for (int i = sections.size(); --i >= 0;)
UniformTextSection* const uts = sections.getUnchecked (i);
uts->setFont (newFont);
uts->colour = overallColour;
void SingleLineTextEditor::colourChanged()
setOpaque (findColour (backgroundColourId).isOpaque());
void SingleLineTextEditor::lookAndFeelChanged()
caret = nullptr;
void SingleLineTextEditor::enablementChanged()
void SingleLineTextEditor::setCaretVisible (const bool shouldCaretBeVisible)
if (caretVisible != shouldCaretBeVisible)
caretVisible = shouldCaretBeVisible;
void SingleLineTextEditor::recreateCaret()
if (isCaretVisible())
if (caret == nullptr)
caret.reset (getLookAndFeel().createCaretComponent (this));
textHolder->addChildComponent (*caret);
caret = nullptr;
void SingleLineTextEditor::updateCaretPosition()
if (caret != nullptr)
caret->setCaretPosition (getCaretRectangle());
SingleLineTextEditor::LengthAndCharacterRestriction::LengthAndCharacterRestriction (int maxLen, const String& chars)
: allowedCharacters (chars), maxLength (maxLen)
String SingleLineTextEditor::LengthAndCharacterRestriction::filterNewText (SingleLineTextEditor& ed, const String& newInput)
String t (newInput);
if (allowedCharacters.isNotEmpty())
t = t.retainCharacters (allowedCharacters);
if (maxLength > 0)
t = t.substring (0, maxLength - (ed.getTotalNumChars() - ed.getHighlightedRegion().getLength()));
return t;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setInputFilter (InputFilter* newFilter, bool takeOwnership)
inputFilter.set (newFilter, takeOwnership);
void SingleLineTextEditor::setInputRestrictions (const int maxLen, const String& chars)
setInputFilter (new LengthAndCharacterRestriction (maxLen, chars), true);
void SingleLineTextEditor::setTextToShowWhenEmpty (const String& text, Colour colourToUse)
textToShowWhenEmpty = text;
colourForTextWhenEmpty = colourToUse;
void SingleLineTextEditor::clear()
clearInternal (nullptr);
void SingleLineTextEditor::setText (const String& newText,
const bool sendTextChangeMessage)
const int newLength = newText.length();
if (newLength != getTotalNumChars() || getText() != newText)
textValue = newText;
int oldCursorPos = caretPosition;
const bool cursorWasAtEnd = oldCursorPos >= getTotalNumChars();
clearInternal (nullptr);
insert (newText, 0, currentFont, findColour (textColourId), nullptr, caretPosition);
if (cursorWasAtEnd)
oldCursorPos = getTotalNumChars();
moveCaretTo (oldCursorPos, false);
if (sendTextChangeMessage)
void SingleLineTextEditor::updateValueFromText()
if (valueTextNeedsUpdating)
valueTextNeedsUpdating = false;
textValue = getText();
Value& SingleLineTextEditor::getTextValue()
return textValue;
void SingleLineTextEditor::textWasChangedByValue()
if (textValue.getValueSource().getReferenceCount() > 1)
setText (textValue.getValue());
void SingleLineTextEditor::textChanged()
if (listeners.size() > 0)
postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::textChangeMessageId);
if (textValue.getValueSource().getReferenceCount() > 1)
valueTextNeedsUpdating = false;
textValue = getText();
void SingleLineTextEditor::returnPressed() { postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::returnKeyMessageId); }
void SingleLineTextEditor::escapePressed() { postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::escapeKeyMessageId); }
void SingleLineTextEditor::addListener (SingleLineTextEditor::Listener* const l) { listeners.add (l); }
void SingleLineTextEditor::removeListener (SingleLineTextEditor::Listener* const l) { listeners.remove (l); }
void SingleLineTextEditor::timerCallbackInt()
if (hasKeyboardFocus (false) && ! isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent())
wasFocused = true;
const unsigned int now = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();
if (now > lastTransactionTime + 200)
void SingleLineTextEditor::repaintText (const Range<int> range)
if (! range.isEmpty())
float x = 0, y = 0, lh = currentFont.getHeight();
const float wordWrapWidth = getWordWrapWidth();
if (wordWrapWidth > 0)
Iterator i (sections, wordWrapWidth, justification);
i.getCharPosition (range.getStart(), x, y, lh);
const int y1 = (int) y;
int y2;
if (range.getEnd() >= getTotalNumChars())
y2 = textHolder->getHeight();
i.getCharPosition (range.getEnd(), x, y, lh);
y2 = (int) (y + lh * 2.0f);
textHolder->repaint (0, y1, textHolder->getWidth(), y2 - y1);
void SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaret (int newCaretPos)
if (newCaretPos < 0)
newCaretPos = 0;
newCaretPos = jmin (newCaretPos, getTotalNumChars());
if (newCaretPos != getCaretPosition())
caretPosition = newCaretPos;
int SingleLineTextEditor::getCaretPosition() const
return caretPosition;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setCaretPosition (const int newIndex)
moveCaretTo (newIndex, false);
void SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEnd()
moveCaretTo (std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), false);
Rectangle<int> SingleLineTextEditor::getCaretRectangle()
float cursorX, cursorY;
float cursorHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); // (in case the text is empty and the call below doesn't set this value)
getCharPosition (caretPosition, cursorX, cursorY, cursorHeight);
return Rectangle<int> (roundToInt (cursorX), roundToInt (cursorY), 2, roundToInt (cursorHeight));
enum { rightEdgeSpace = 2 };
float SingleLineTextEditor::getWordWrapWidth() const
return std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextWidth() const { return textHolder->getWidth(); }
int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextHeight() const { return textHolder->getHeight(); }
void SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretTo (const int newPosition, const bool isSelecting)
if (isSelecting)
moveCaret (newPosition);
const Range<int> oldSelection (selection);
if (dragType == notDragging)
if (abs (getCaretPosition() - selection.getStart()) < abs (getCaretPosition() - selection.getEnd()))
dragType = draggingSelectionStart;
dragType = draggingSelectionEnd;
if (dragType == draggingSelectionStart)
if (getCaretPosition() >= selection.getEnd())
dragType = draggingSelectionEnd;
selection = Range<int>::between (getCaretPosition(), selection.getEnd());
if (getCaretPosition() < selection.getStart())
dragType = draggingSelectionStart;
selection = Range<int>::between (getCaretPosition(), selection.getStart());
repaintText (selection.getUnionWith (oldSelection));
dragType = notDragging;
repaintText (selection);
moveCaret (newPosition);
selection = Range<int>::emptyRange (getCaretPosition());
int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextIndexAt (const int x, const int y)
return indexAtPosition ((float) x, (float) y);
void SingleLineTextEditor::insertTextAtCaret (const String& t)
String newText (inputFilter != nullptr ? inputFilter->filterNewText (*this, t) : t);
newText = newText.replaceCharacters ("\r\n", " ");
const int insertIndex = selection.getStart();
const int newCaretPos = insertIndex + newText.length();
remove (selection, getUndoManager(),
newText.isNotEmpty() ? newCaretPos - 1 : newCaretPos);
insert (newText, insertIndex, currentFont, findColour (textColourId),
getUndoManager(), newCaretPos);
void SingleLineTextEditor::setHighlightedRegion (const Range<int>& newSelection)
moveCaretTo (newSelection.getStart(), false);
moveCaretTo (newSelection.getEnd(), true);
void SingleLineTextEditor::copy()
const String selectedText (getHighlightedText());
if (selectedText.isNotEmpty())
SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (selectedText);
void SingleLineTextEditor::paste()
if (! isReadOnly())
const String clip (SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard());
if (clip.isNotEmpty())
insertTextAtCaret (clip);
void SingleLineTextEditor::cut()
if (! isReadOnly())
moveCaret (selection.getEnd());
insertTextAtCaret (String());
void SingleLineTextEditor::drawContent (Graphics& g)
Rectangle<int> r = getLocalBounds();
GlyphArrangement ga;
ga.addFittedText (getFont(), getText(),
float (r.getX()), float (r.getY()),
float (r.getWidth()), float (r.getHeight()), justification, 1);
Colour selectedTextColour = findColour (highlightedTextColourId);
Colour normalTextColour = findColour (textColourId);
if (! selection.isEmpty())
g.setColour (findColour (highlightColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (hasKeyboardFocus (true) ? 1.0f : 0.5f));
auto s = selection.getStart();
auto e = selection.getEnd();
float x1, y1, x2, y2, h1, h2;
getCharPosition (s, x1, y1, h1);
getCharPosition (e, x2, y2, h2);
if (x2 - x1 > 0)
g.fillRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, h1);
for (int i = 0; i < ga.getNumGlyphs(); i++)
if (selection.contains (i))
g.setColour (selectedTextColour);
g.setColour (normalTextColour);
ga.getGlyph (i).draw (g);
void SingleLineTextEditor::paint (Graphics& g)
if (LookAndFeelMethods* lfm = dynamic_cast<LookAndFeelMethods*> (&getLookAndFeel()))
lfm->fillSingleLineTextEditorBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this);
void SingleLineTextEditor::paintOverChildren (Graphics& g)
if (textToShowWhenEmpty.isNotEmpty()
&& (! hasKeyboardFocus (false))
&& getTotalNumChars() == 0)
g.setColour (colourForTextWhenEmpty);
g.setFont (getFont());
g.drawText (textToShowWhenEmpty,
0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(),
justification, true);
if (LookAndFeelMethods* lfm = dynamic_cast<LookAndFeelMethods*> (&getLookAndFeel()))
lfm->drawSingleLineTextEditorOutline (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this);
void SingleLineTextEditor::addPopupMenuItems (PopupMenu& m, const MouseEvent*)
const bool writable = ! isReadOnly();
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut, TRANS("Cut"), writable);
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy, TRANS("Copy"), ! selection.isEmpty());
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste, TRANS("Paste"), writable);
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del, TRANS("Delete"), writable);
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll, TRANS("Select All"));
if (getUndoManager() != nullptr)
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::undo, TRANS("Undo"), undoManager.canUndo());
m.addItem (StandardApplicationCommandIDs::redo, TRANS("Redo"), undoManager.canRedo());
void SingleLineTextEditor::performPopupMenuAction (const int menuItemID)
switch (menuItemID)
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::cut: cutToClipboard(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::copy: copyToClipboard(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::paste: pasteFromClipboard(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::del: cut(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::selectAll: selectAll(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::undo: undo(); break;
case StandardApplicationCommandIDs::redo: redo(); break;
default: break;
static void textEditorMenuCallback (int menuResult, SingleLineTextEditor* editor)
if (editor != nullptr && menuResult != 0)
editor->performPopupMenuAction (menuResult);
void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e)
beginDragAutoRepeat (100);
if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused)
if (! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu()))
moveCaretTo (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y),
PopupMenu m;
m.setLookAndFeel (&getLookAndFeel());
addPopupMenuItems (m, &e);
m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (textEditorMenuCallback, this));
void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused)
if (! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu()))
moveCaretTo (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y), true);
void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e)
if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused)
if (e.mouseWasClicked() && ! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu()))
moveCaret (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y));
wasFocused = true;
void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent& e)
int tokenEnd = getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y);
int tokenStart = 0;
if (e.getNumberOfClicks() > 3)
tokenEnd = getTotalNumChars();
const String t (getText());
const int totalLength = getTotalNumChars();
while (tokenEnd < totalLength)
// (note the slight bodge here - it's because iswalnum only checks for alphabetic chars in the current locale)
const juce_wchar c = t [tokenEnd];
if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c > 128)
tokenStart = tokenEnd;
while (tokenStart > 0)
// (note the slight bodge here - it's because iswalnum only checks for alphabetic chars in the current locale)
const juce_wchar c = t [tokenStart - 1];
if (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c > 128)
if (e.getNumberOfClicks() > 2)
while (tokenEnd < totalLength)
const juce_wchar c = t [tokenEnd];
if (c != '\r' && c != '\n')
while (tokenStart > 0)
const juce_wchar c = t [tokenStart - 1];
if (c != '\r' && c != '\n')
moveCaretTo (tokenEnd, false);
moveCaretTo (tokenStart, true);
void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel)
Component::mouseWheelMove (e, wheel);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretWithTransaction (const int newPos, const bool selecting)
moveCaretTo (newPos, selecting);
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretLeft (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting)
int pos = getCaretPosition();
if (moveInWholeWordSteps)
pos = findWordBreakBefore (pos);
return moveCaretWithTransaction (pos, selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretRight (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting)
int pos = getCaretPosition();
if (moveInWholeWordSteps)
pos = findWordBreakAfter (pos);
return moveCaretWithTransaction (pos, selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretUp (bool selecting)
return moveCaretToStartOfLine (selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretDown (bool selecting)
return moveCaretToEndOfLine (selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::pageUp (bool selecting)
return moveCaretToStartOfLine (selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::pageDown (bool selecting)
return moveCaretToEndOfLine (selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToTop (bool selecting)
return moveCaretWithTransaction (0, selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToStartOfLine (bool selecting)
const Rectangle<float> caretPos (getCaretRectangle().toFloat());
return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition (0.0f, caretPos.getY()), selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEnd (bool selecting)
return moveCaretWithTransaction (getTotalNumChars(), selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEndOfLine (bool selecting)
const Rectangle<float> caretPos (getCaretRectangle().toFloat());
return moveCaretWithTransaction (indexAtPosition ((float) textHolder->getWidth(), caretPos.getY()), selecting);
bool SingleLineTextEditor::deleteBackwards (bool moveInWholeWordSteps)
if (moveInWholeWordSteps)
moveCaretTo (findWordBreakBefore (getCaretPosition()), true);
else if (selection.isEmpty() && selection.getStart() > 0)
selection = Range<int> (selection.getEnd() - 1, selection.getEnd());
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::deleteForwards (bool /*moveInWholeWordSteps*/)
if (selection.isEmpty() && selection.getStart() < getTotalNumChars())
selection = Range<int> (selection.getStart(), selection.getStart() + 1);
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::copyToClipboard()
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::cutToClipboard()
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::pasteFromClipboard()
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::selectAll()
moveCaretTo (0, false);
moveCaretTo (getTotalNumChars(), true);
return true;
void SingleLineTextEditor::setEscapeAndReturnKeysConsumed (bool shouldBeConsumed) noexcept
consumeEscAndReturnKeys = shouldBeConsumed;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key)
if (isReadOnly() && key != KeyPress ('c', ModifierKeys::commandModifier, 0))
return false;
if (! TextEditorKeyMapper<SingleLineTextEditor>::invokeKeyFunction (*this, key))
if (key == KeyPress::returnKey)
return consumeEscAndReturnKeys;
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::escapeKey))
moveCaretTo (getCaretPosition(), false);
return consumeEscAndReturnKeys;
else if (key.getTextCharacter() >= ' '
|| (tabKeyUsed && (key.getTextCharacter() == '\t')))
insertTextAtCaret (String::charToString (key.getTextCharacter()));
lastTransactionTime = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();
return false;
return true;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::keyStateChanged (const bool isKeyDown)
if (! isKeyDown)
return false;
if (KeyPress (KeyPress::F4Key, ModifierKeys::altModifier, 0).isCurrentlyDown())
return false; // We need to explicitly allow alt-F4 to pass through on Windows
if ((! consumeEscAndReturnKeys)
&& (KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey).isCurrentlyDown()
|| KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey).isCurrentlyDown()))
return false;
// (overridden to avoid forwarding key events to the parent)
return ! ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers().isCommandDown();
void SingleLineTextEditor::focusGained (FocusChangeType)
if (selectAllTextWhenFocused)
moveCaretTo (0, false);
moveCaretTo (getTotalNumChars(), true);
if (ComponentPeer* const peer = getPeer())
if (! isReadOnly())
peer->textInputRequired (peer->globalToLocal (getScreenPosition()), *this);
void SingleLineTextEditor::focusLost (FocusChangeType)
wasFocused = false;
if (ComponentPeer* const peer = getPeer())
postCommandMessage (TextEditorDefs::focusLossMessageId);
void SingleLineTextEditor::resized()
textHolder->setBounds (getLocalBounds());
void SingleLineTextEditor::handleCommandMessage (const int commandId)
Component::BailOutChecker checker (this);
switch (commandId)
case TextEditorDefs::textChangeMessageId:
listeners.callChecked (checker, &SingleLineTextEditor::Listener::sltextEditorTextChanged, (SingleLineTextEditor&) *this);
case TextEditorDefs::returnKeyMessageId:
listeners.callChecked (checker, &SingleLineTextEditor::Listener::sltextEditorReturnKeyPressed, (SingleLineTextEditor&) *this);
case TextEditorDefs::escapeKeyMessageId:
listeners.callChecked (checker, &SingleLineTextEditor::Listener::sltextEditorEscapeKeyPressed, (SingleLineTextEditor&) *this);
case TextEditorDefs::focusLossMessageId:
listeners.callChecked (checker, &SingleLineTextEditor::Listener::sltextEditorFocusLost, (SingleLineTextEditor&) *this);
void SingleLineTextEditor::setTemporaryUnderlining (const Array<Range<int> >& newUnderlinedSections)
underlinedSections = newUnderlinedSections;
UndoManager* SingleLineTextEditor::getUndoManager() noexcept
return readOnly ? nullptr : &undoManager;
void SingleLineTextEditor::clearInternal (UndoManager* const um)
remove (Range<int> (0, getTotalNumChars()), um, caretPosition);
void SingleLineTextEditor::insert (const String& text,
const int insertIndex,
const Font& font,
const Colour colour,
UndoManager* const um,
const int caretPositionToMoveTo)
if (text.isNotEmpty())
if (um != nullptr)
if (um->getNumActionsInCurrentTransaction() > TextEditorDefs::maxActionsPerTransaction)
um->perform (new InsertAction (*this, text, insertIndex, font, colour,
caretPosition, caretPositionToMoveTo));
repaintText (Range<int> (insertIndex, getTotalNumChars())); // must do this before and after changing the data, in case
// a line gets moved due to word wrap
int index = 0;
int nextIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength();
if (insertIndex == index)
sections.insert (i, new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour));
else if (insertIndex > index && insertIndex < nextIndex)
splitSection (i, insertIndex - index);
sections.insert (i + 1, new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour));
index = nextIndex;
if (nextIndex == insertIndex)
sections.add (new UniformTextSection (text, font, colour));
totalNumChars = -1;
valueTextNeedsUpdating = true;
moveCaretTo (caretPositionToMoveTo, false);
repaintText (Range<int> (insertIndex, getTotalNumChars()));
void SingleLineTextEditor::reinsert (const int insertIndex, const OwnedArray<UniformTextSection>& sectionsToInsert)
int index = 0;
int nextIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength();
if (insertIndex == index)
for (int j = sectionsToInsert.size(); --j >= 0;)
sections.insert (i, new UniformTextSection (*sectionsToInsert.getUnchecked(j)));
else if (insertIndex > index && insertIndex < nextIndex)
splitSection (i, insertIndex - index);
for (int j = sectionsToInsert.size(); --j >= 0;)
sections.insert (i + 1, new UniformTextSection (*sectionsToInsert.getUnchecked(j)));
index = nextIndex;
if (nextIndex == insertIndex)
for (int j = 0; j < sectionsToInsert.size(); ++j)
sections.add (new UniformTextSection (*sectionsToInsert.getUnchecked(j)));
totalNumChars = -1;
valueTextNeedsUpdating = true;
void SingleLineTextEditor::remove (Range<int> range, UndoManager* const um, const int caretPositionToMoveTo)
if (! range.isEmpty())
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
const int nextIndex = index + sections.getUnchecked(i)->getTotalLength();
if (range.getStart() > index && range.getStart() < nextIndex)
splitSection (i, range.getStart() - index);
else if (range.getEnd() > index && range.getEnd() < nextIndex)
splitSection (i, range.getEnd() - index);
index = nextIndex;
if (index > range.getEnd())
index = 0;
if (um != nullptr)
Array<UniformTextSection*> removedSections;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
if (range.getEnd() <= range.getStart())
UniformTextSection* const section = sections.getUnchecked (i);
const int nextIndex = index + section->getTotalLength();
if (range.getStart() <= index && range.getEnd() >= nextIndex)
removedSections.add (new UniformTextSection (*section));
index = nextIndex;
if (um->getNumActionsInCurrentTransaction() > TextEditorDefs::maxActionsPerTransaction)
um->perform (new RemoveAction (*this, range, caretPosition,
caretPositionToMoveTo, removedSections));
Range<int> remainingRange (range);
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
UniformTextSection* const section = sections.getUnchecked (i);
const int nextIndex = index + section->getTotalLength();
if (remainingRange.getStart() <= index && remainingRange.getEnd() >= nextIndex)
sections.remove (i);
remainingRange.setEnd (remainingRange.getEnd() - (nextIndex - index));
if (remainingRange.isEmpty())
index = nextIndex;
totalNumChars = -1;
valueTextNeedsUpdating = true;
moveCaretTo (caretPositionToMoveTo, false);
repaintText (Range<int> (range.getStart(), getTotalNumChars()));
String SingleLineTextEditor::getText() const
MemoryOutputStream mo;
mo.preallocate ((size_t) getTotalNumChars());
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
sections.getUnchecked (i)->appendAllText (mo);
return mo.toUTF8();
String SingleLineTextEditor::getTextInRange (const Range<int>& range) const
if (range.isEmpty())
return String();
MemoryOutputStream mo;
mo.preallocate ((size_t) jmin (getTotalNumChars(), range.getLength()));
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
const UniformTextSection* const s = sections.getUnchecked (i);
const int nextIndex = index + s->getTotalLength();
if (range.getStart() < nextIndex)
if (range.getEnd() <= index)
s->appendSubstring (mo, range - index);
index = nextIndex;
return mo.toUTF8();
String SingleLineTextEditor::getHighlightedText() const
return getTextInRange (selection);
int SingleLineTextEditor::getTotalNumChars() const
if (totalNumChars < 0)
totalNumChars = 0;
for (int i = sections.size(); --i >= 0;)
totalNumChars += sections.getUnchecked (i)->getTotalLength();
return totalNumChars;
bool SingleLineTextEditor::isEmpty() const
return getTotalNumChars() == 0;
void SingleLineTextEditor::getCharPosition (const int index, float& cx, float& cy, float& lineHeight) const
Rectangle<int> r = getLocalBounds();
GlyphArrangement ga;
ga.addFittedText (getFont(), getText(),
float (r.getX()), float (r.getY()),
float (r.getWidth()), float (r.getHeight()), justification, 1);
const int numGlyphs = ga.getNumGlyphs();
if (numGlyphs == 0)
cx = float (r.getCentreX());
cy = 1;
else if (index >= 0 && index < numGlyphs)
PositionedGlyph& pg = ga.getGlyph (index);
cx = pg.getLeft();
cy = pg.getTop();
lineHeight = pg.getBottom() - pg.getTop();
else if (numGlyphs > 0 && numGlyphs == index)
PositionedGlyph& pg = ga.getGlyph (index - 1);
cx = pg.getRight();
cy = pg.getTop();
lineHeight = pg.getBottom() - pg.getTop();
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
lineHeight = 0;
int SingleLineTextEditor::indexAtPosition (const float x, const float)
Rectangle<int> r = getLocalBounds();
GlyphArrangement ga;
ga.addFittedText (getFont(), getText(),
float (r.getX()), float (r.getY()),
float (r.getWidth()), float (r.getHeight()), justification, 1);
const int numGlyphs = ga.getNumGlyphs();
if (numGlyphs > 0)
PositionedGlyph& pg = ga.getGlyph (numGlyphs - 1);
if (x >= pg.getRight())
return numGlyphs;
for (int i = numGlyphs; --i >= 0;)
PositionedGlyph& pg = ga.getGlyph (i);
if (x >= pg.getLeft())
return i;
return getTotalNumChars();
int SingleLineTextEditor::findWordBreakAfter (const int position) const
const String t (getTextInRange (Range<int> (position, position + 512)));
const int totalLength = t.length();
int i = 0;
while (i < totalLength && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t[i]))
const int type = TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t[i]);
while (i < totalLength && type == TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t[i]))
while (i < totalLength && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t[i]))
return position + i;
int SingleLineTextEditor::findWordBreakBefore (const int position) const
if (position <= 0)
return 0;
const int startOfBuffer = jmax (0, position - 512);
const String t (getTextInRange (Range<int> (startOfBuffer, position)));
int i = position - startOfBuffer;
while (i > 0 && CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (t [i - 1]))
if (i > 0)
const int type = TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t [i - 1]);
while (i > 0 && type == TextEditorDefs::getCharacterCategory (t [i - 1]))
jassert (startOfBuffer + i >= 0);
return startOfBuffer + i;
void SingleLineTextEditor::splitSection (const int sectionIndex, const int charToSplitAt)
jassert (sections[sectionIndex] != nullptr);
sections.insert (sectionIndex + 1,
sections.getUnchecked (sectionIndex)->split (charToSplitAt));
void SingleLineTextEditor::coalesceSimilarSections()
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size() - 1; ++i)
UniformTextSection* const s1 = sections.getUnchecked (i);
UniformTextSection* const s2 = sections.getUnchecked (i + 1);
if (s1->font == s2->font
&& s1->colour == s2->colour)
s1->append (*s2);
sections.remove (i + 1);