Fork 0
George Reales 5d736e72cc Fixes
Preliminary Themes XML fixing knob sizes and alignments.
Fixed Preset Bar drop down menu screen misplacement.
Fixed screen flickr on preset change on Windows OS.
Updated themes folder error dialog and window size.
Fixed Menu > Manual not loading or found.
2021-09-04 22:16:50 +02:00

96 lines
3.2 KiB

This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Projucer!
Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
and re-saved.
Created with Projucer version: 6.0.8
The Projucer is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited.
#pragma once
//[Headers] -- You can add your own extra header files here --
#include <JuceHeader.h>
class ObxdAudioProcessorEditor;
class CustomLabel: public juce::Label {
CustomLabel (const String& componentName = String(),
const String& labelText = String()): juce::Label(componentName, labelText) {
std::function<void(juce::Point<int> pos)> leftClicked;
void mouseDown (const juce::MouseEvent& event) override {
if (this->getBounds().contains(event.getMouseDownPosition()) && event.mods.isLeftButtonDown()){
An auto-generated component, created by the Projucer.
Describe your class and how it works here!
class PresetBar : public juce::Component,
public Timer,
public juce::Button::Listener
PresetBar (ObxdAudioProcessorEditor &gui);
~PresetBar() override;
//[UserMethods] -- You can add your own custom methods in this section.
void timerCallback() override;
void update();
std::function<void(juce::Point<int> &pos)> leftClicked;
void paint (juce::Graphics& g) override;
void resized() override;
void buttonClicked (juce::Button* buttonThatWasClicked) override;
// Binary resources:
static const char* presetnavigation_svg;
static const int presetnavigation_svgSize;
//[UserVariables] -- You can add your own custom variables in this section.
ObxdAudioProcessorEditor &editor;
std::unique_ptr<CustomLabel> presetNameLb;
std::unique_ptr<juce::ImageButton> previousBtn;
std::unique_ptr<juce::ImageButton> nextBtn;
std::unique_ptr<juce::Drawable> drawable1;
//[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...