/* ============================================================================== This file is part of Obxd synthesizer. Copyright ) 2013-2014 Filatov Vadim Contact author via email : justdat_@_e1.ru This file may be licensed under the terms of of the GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL''). Software distributed under the License is distributed on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language governing rights and limitations. You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ============================================================================== */ #pragma once #include "../PluginProcessor.h" #include "ObxdVoice.h" #include "Motherboard.h" #include "Params.h" #include "ParamSmoother.h" class SynthEngine { private: Motherboard synth; ParamSmoother cutoffSmoother; ParamSmoother pitchWheelSmoother; ParamSmoother modWheelSmoother; float sampleRate; //JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (SynthEngine) public: SynthEngine(): cutoffSmoother(), //synth = new Motherboard(); pitchWheelSmoother(), modWheelSmoother() { } ~SynthEngine() { //delete synth; } void setPlayHead(float bpm,float retrPos) { synth.mlfo.hostSyncRetrigger(bpm,retrPos); } void setSampleRate(float sr) { sampleRate = sr; cutoffSmoother.setSampleRate(sr); pitchWheelSmoother.setSampleRate(sr); modWheelSmoother.setSampleRate(sr); synth.setSampleRate(sr); } void processSample(float *left,float *right) { processCutoffSmoothed(cutoffSmoother.smoothStep()); procPitchWheelSmoothed(pitchWheelSmoother.smoothStep()); procModWheelSmoothed(modWheelSmoother.smoothStep()); synth.processSample(left,right); } void allNotesOff() { for(int i = 0 ; i < 128;i++) { procNoteOff(i); } } void allSoundOff() { allNotesOff(); for(int i = 0 ; i < Motherboard::MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].ResetEnvelope(); } } void sustainOn() { synth.sustainOn(); } void sustainOff() { synth.sustainOff(); } void procLfoSync(float val) { if(val > 0.5) synth.mlfo.setSynced(); else synth.mlfo.setUnsynced(); } void procAsPlayedAlloc(float val) { synth.asPlayedMode = val > 0.5; } void procNoteOn(int noteNo,float velocity) { synth.setNoteOn(noteNo,velocity); } void procNoteOff(int noteNo) { synth.setNoteOff(noteNo); } void procEconomyMode(float val) { synth.economyMode = val>0.5; } #define ForEachVoice(expr) \ for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) \ {\ synth.voices[i].expr;\ }\ void procAmpVelocityAmount(float val) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].vamp= val; } } void procFltVelocityAmount(float val) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].vflt= val; } } void procModWheel(float val) { modWheelSmoother.setSteep(val); } void procModWheelSmoothed(float val) { synth.vibratoAmount = val; } void procModWheelFrequency(float val) { synth.vibratoLfo.setFrequency (logsc(val,3,10)); synth.vibratoEnabled = val>0.05; } void procPitchWheel(float val) { pitchWheelSmoother.setSteep(val); //for(int i = 0 ; i < synth->MAX_VOICES;i++) //{ // synth->voices[i]->pitchWheel = val; //} } inline void procPitchWheelSmoothed(float val) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].pitchWheel = val; } } void setVoiceCount(float param) { synth.setVoiceCount(roundToInt((param*7) +1)); } void procPitchWheelAmount(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].pitchWheelAmt = param>0.5?12:2; } } void procPitchWheelOsc2Only(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].pitchWheelOsc2Only = param>0.5; } } void processPan(float param,int idx) { synth.pannings[idx-1] = param; } void processTune(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.tune = param*2-1; } } void processLegatoMode(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].legatoMode = roundToInt(param*3 + 1) -1; } } void processOctave(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.oct = (roundToInt(param*4) -2)*12; } } void processFilterKeyFollow(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fltKF = param; } } void processSelfOscPush(float param) { ForEachVoice(selfOscPush = param>0.5); ForEachVoice(flt.selfOscPush = param>0.5); } void processUnison(float param) { synth.uni = param>0.5f; } void processPortamento(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].porta =logsc(1-param,0.14,250,150); } } void processVolume(float param) { synth.Volume = linsc(param,0,0.30); } void processLfoFrequency(float param) { synth.mlfo.setRawParam(param); synth.mlfo.setFrequency(logsc(param,0,50,120)); } void processLfoSine(float param) { if(param>0.5) { synth.mlfo.waveForm |=1; } else { synth.mlfo.waveForm&=~1; } } void processLfoSquare(float param) { if(param>0.5) { synth.mlfo.waveForm |=2; } else { synth.mlfo.waveForm&=~2; } } void processLfoSH(float param) { if(param>0.5) { synth.mlfo.waveForm |=4; } else { synth.mlfo.waveForm&=~4; } } void processLfoAmt1(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfoa1 = logsc(logsc(param,0,1,60),0,60,10); } } void processLfoOsc1(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfoo1 = param>0.5; } } void processLfoOsc2(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfoo2 = param>0.5; } } void processLfoFilter(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfof = param>0.5; } } void processLfoPw1(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfopw1 = param>0.5; } } void processLfoPw2(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfopw2 = param>0.5; } } void processLfoAmt2(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].lfoa2 = linsc(param,0,0.7); } } void processDetune(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.totalDetune = logsc(param,0.001,0.90); } } void processPulseWidth(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.pulseWidth = linsc(param,0.0,0.95); } } void processPwEnv(float param) { ForEachVoice (pwenvmod=linsc(param,0,0.85)); } void processPwOfs(float param) { ForEachVoice(pwOfs = linsc(param,0,0.75)); } void processPwEnvBoth(float param) { ForEachVoice(pwEnvBoth = param>0.5); } void processInvertFenv(float param) { ForEachVoice(invertFenv = param>0.5); } void processPitchModBoth(float param) { ForEachVoice(pitchModBoth = param>0.5); } void processOsc2Xmod(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.xmod= param*24; } } void processEnvelopeToPitch(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].envpitchmod= param*36; } } void processOsc2HardSync(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.hardSync = param>0.5; } } void processOsc1Pitch(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc1p = (param * 48); } } void processOsc2Pitch(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc2p = (param * 48); } } void processPitchQuantization(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.quantizeCw = param>0.5; } } void processOsc1Mix(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.o1mx = param; } } void processOsc2Mix(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.o2mx = param; } } void processNoiseMix(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.nmx = logsc(param,0,1,35); } } void processBrightness(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].setBrightness( linsc(param,7000,26000)); } } void processOsc2Det(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc2Det = logsc(param,0.001,0.6); } } void processOsc1Saw(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc1Saw = param>0.5; } } void processOsc1Pulse(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc1Pul = param>0.5; } } void processOsc2Saw(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc2Saw= param>0.5; } } void processOsc2Pulse(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].osc.osc2Pul= param>0.5; } } void processCutoff(float param) { cutoffSmoother.setSteep( linsc(param,0,120)); // for(int i = 0 ; i < synth->MAX_VOICES;i++) // { //synth->voices[i]->cutoff = logsc(param,60,19000,30); // synth->voices[i]->cutoff = linsc(param,0,120); // } } inline void processCutoffSmoothed(float param) { ForEachVoice(cutoff=param); } void processBandpassSw(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { //synth.voices[i].cutoff = logsc(param,60,19000,30); synth.voices[i].flt.bandPassSw = param>0.5; } } void processResonance(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].flt.setResonance(0.991-logsc(1-param,0,0.991,40)); } } void processFourPole(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { //synth.voices[i].flt ; synth.voices[i].fourpole = param>0.5; } } void processMultimode(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { //synth.voices[i].flt ; synth.voices[i].flt.setMultimode(linsc(param,0,1)); } } void processOversampling(float param) { synth.SetOversample(param>0.5); } void processFilterEnvelopeAmt(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fenvamt = linsc(param,0,140); } } void processLoudnessEnvelopeAttack(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].env.setAttack(logsc(param,4,60000,900)); } } void processLoudnessEnvelopeDecay(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].env.setDecay(logsc(param,4,60000,900)); } } void processLoudnessEnvelopeRelease(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].env.setRelease(logsc(param,8,60000,900)); } } void processLoudnessEnvelopeSustain(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].env.setSustain(param); } } void processFilterEnvelopeAttack(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fenv.setAttack(logsc(param,1,60000,900)); } } void processFilterEnvelopeDecay(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fenv.setDecay(logsc(param,1,60000,900)); } } void processFilterEnvelopeRelease(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fenv.setRelease(logsc(param,1,60000,900)); } } void processFilterEnvelopeSustain(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].fenv.setSustain(param); } } void processEnvelopeDetune(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].setEnvDer(linsc(param,0.0,1)); } } void processFilterDetune(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].FltDetAmt = linsc(param,0.0,18); } } void processPortamentoDetune(float param) { for(int i = 0 ; i < synth.MAX_VOICES;i++) { synth.voices[i].PortaDetuneAmt = linsc(param,0.0,0.75); } } void processLoudnessDetune(float param) { ForEachVoice(levelDetuneAmt = linsc(param,0.0,0.67)); } };