Fork 0

Update PluginEditor.cpp

Clean up.
This commit is contained in:
George Reales 2020-04-24 09:04:52 +02:00
parent 6ab3353117
commit 2efb25b9a9

View file

@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::ObxdAudioProcessorEditor (ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFil
: AudioProcessorEditor (&ownerFilter), processor (ownerFilter)
skinFolder = ownerFilter.getCurrentSkinFolder();
//rebuildComponents (processor);
@ -157,6 +153,7 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::loadSkin(ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFilter){
addMenu (x, y, d,
ImageCache::getFromFile (skinFolder.getChildFile ("menu.png")));
//DBG(" Name: " << name << " X: " <<x <<" Y: "<<y);
@ -169,7 +166,6 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::loadSkin(ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFilter){
for (int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i)
voiceSwitch->addChoice (String (i));
// voiceSwitch ->setValue(ownerFilter.getParameter(VOICE_COUNT),dontSendNotification);
if (legatoSwitch) {
@ -177,7 +173,6 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::loadSkin(ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFilter){
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Keep Filter Envelope");
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Keep Amplitude Envelope");
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Retrig");
// legatoSwitch ->setValue(ownerFilter.getParameter(LEGATOMODE),dontSendNotification);
buttonListAttachments.add (new ButtonList::ButtonListAttachment (ownerFilter.getPluginState(),
ownerFilter.getEngineParameterId (VOICE_COUNT),
@ -187,9 +182,6 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::loadSkin(ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFilter){
ownerFilter.getEngineParameterId (LEGATOMODE),
// Testing: Please delete the line below when coords.xml is updated with menu
// addMenu (10, 10, 40, ImageCache::getFromFile (skinFolder.getChildFile ("menu.png")));
ownerFilter.addChangeListener (this);
@ -213,9 +205,7 @@ ButtonList* ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addList (int x, int y, int width, int heig
ButtonList *bl = new ButtonList (img, height);
bl->setBounds (x, y, width, height);
addAndMakeVisible (bl);
// bl->addListener (this);
return bl;
@ -224,21 +214,13 @@ ButtonList* ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addList (int x, int y, int width, int heig
Knob* ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addKnob (int x, int y, int d, ObxdAudioProcessor& filter, int parameter, String /*name*/, float defval)
Knob* knob = new Knob (ImageCache::getFromFile(skinFolder.getChildFile("knob.png")), 144);
//Label* knobl = new Label();
knob->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
knob->setTextBoxStyle (knob->NoTextBox, true, 0, 0);
knob->setRange (0, 1);
addAndMakeVisible (knob);
knob->setBounds (x, y, d+(d/6), d+(d/6));
// knob->setValue (filter.getParameter (parameter), dontSendNotification);
knob->setTextBoxIsEditable (false);
knob->setDoubleClickReturnValue (true, defval);
// knob->addListener (this);
knobAttachments.add (new Knob::KnobAttachment (filter.getPluginState(),
filter.getEngineParameterId (parameter),
@ -250,57 +232,14 @@ Knob* ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addKnob (int x, int y, int d, ObxdAudioProcessor
void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::clean(){
for (auto knob : {&cutoffKnob,&resonanceKnob,&osc1PitchKnob,&osc2PitchKnob,&osc2DetuneKnob,&volumeKnob, &portamentoKnob,&voiceDetuneKnob,&filterEnvelopeAmtKnob,&pulseWidthKnob,&xmodKnob,&multimodeKnob,&attackKnob,&decayKnob,&sustainKnob,&releaseKnob,
if (*knob){
delete *knob;
*knob = nullptr;
for (auto btn : {&osc1SawButton,&osc2SawButton,&osc1PulButton,&osc2PulButton,&filterKeyFollowButton,&unisonButton,&pitchQuantButton,
if (*btn){
delete *btn;
*btn = nullptr;
for (auto list :{
if (*list){
delete *list;
*list = nullptr;
TooglableButton* ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addButton (int x, int y, int w, int h, ObxdAudioProcessor& filter, int parameter, String name)
TooglableButton* button = new TooglableButton (ImageCache::getFromFile(skinFolder.getChildFile("button.png")));
// button->setButtonStyle(DrawableButton::ButtonStyle::ImageAboveTextLabel);
addAndMakeVisible (button);
button->setBounds (x, y, w, h);
button->setButtonText (name);
// button->setValue(filter.getParameter(parameter),0);
// button->addListener(this);
toggleAttachments.add (new TooglableButton::ToggleAttachment (filter.getPluginState(),
filter.getEngineParameterId (parameter),
@ -333,127 +272,13 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::addMenu (int x, int y, int d, const Image& image)
void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::rebuildComponents (ObxdAudioProcessor& ownerFilter)
skinFolder = ownerFilter.getCurrentSkinFolder();
//bool useClassicSkin = skinFolder.getChildFile ("legato.png").existsAsFile();
ownerFilter.removeChangeListener (this);
// deleteAllChildren(); // WATCH OUT!
setSize (1440, 450);
/* cutoffKnob = addKnob (893, 77, 48, ownerFilter, CUTOFF, "Cutoff", 0.4);
resonanceKnob = addKnob (990, 77, 48, ownerFilter, RESONANCE, "Resonance", 0);
filterEnvelopeAmtKnob = addKnob (1088, 77, 48, ownerFilter, ENVELOPE_AMT, "Envelope", 0);
multimodeKnob = addKnob (990, 167, 48, ownerFilter, MULTIMODE, "Multimode", 0.5);
volumeKnob = addKnob (56, 77, 48, ownerFilter, VOLUME, "Volume", 0.4);
portamentoKnob = addKnob (188, 77, 48, ownerFilter, PORTAMENTO, "Portamento", 0);
osc1PitchKnob = addKnob (593, 77, 48, ownerFilter, OSC1P, "Osc1Pitch", 0);
pulseWidthKnob = addKnob (691, 77, 48, ownerFilter, PW, "PW", 0);
osc2PitchKnob = addKnob (788, 77, 48, ownerFilter, OSC2P, "Osc2Pitch", 0);
osc1MixKnob = addKnob (597, 237, 48, ownerFilter, OSC1MIX, "Osc1", 1);
osc2MixKnob = addKnob (788, 237, 48, ownerFilter, OSC2MIX, "Osc2", 1);
noiseMixKnob = addKnob (691, 237, 48, ownerFilter, NOISEMIX, "Noise", 0);
xmodKnob = addKnob (656, 324, 48, ownerFilter, XMOD, "Xmod", 0);
osc2DetuneKnob = addKnob (800, 324, 48, ownerFilter, OSC2_DET, "Detune", 0);
envPitchModKnob = addKnob (728, 324, 48, ownerFilter, ENVPITCH, "PEnv", 0);
brightnessKnob = addKnob (586, 324, 48, ownerFilter, BRIGHTNESS, "Bri", 1);
attackKnob = addKnob (1182, 165, 48, ownerFilter, LATK, "Atk", 0);
decayKnob = addKnob (1246, 165, 48, ownerFilter, LDEC, "Dec", 0);
sustainKnob = addKnob (1309, 165, 48, ownerFilter, LSUS, "Sus", 1);
releaseKnob = addKnob (1373, 165, 48, ownerFilter, LREL, "Rel", 0);
fattackKnob = addKnob (1182, 75, 48, ownerFilter, FATK, "Atk", 0);
fdecayKnob = addKnob (1246, 75, 48, ownerFilter, FDEC, "Dec", 0);
fsustainKnob = addKnob (1309, 75, 48, ownerFilter, FSUS, "Sus", 1);
freleaseKnob = addKnob (1373, 75, 48, ownerFilter, FREL, "Rel", 0);
lfoFrequencyKnob = addKnob (293, 77, 48, ownerFilter, LFOFREQ, "Freq", 0);
lfoAmt1Knob = addKnob (390, 77, 48, ownerFilter, LFO1AMT, "Pitch", 0);
lfoAmt2Knob = addKnob (488, 77, 48, ownerFilter, LFO2AMT, "PWM", 0);
lfoSinButton = addButton (309, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOSINWAVE, "Sin");
lfoSquareButton = addButton (309, 252, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOSQUAREWAVE, "SQ");
lfoSHButton = addButton (309, 335, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOSHWAVE, "S&H");
lfoOsc1Button = addButton (406, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOOSC1, "Osc1");
lfoOsc2Button = addButton (406, 252, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOOSC2, "Osc2");
lfoFilterButton = addButton (406, 335, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOFILTER, "Filt");
lfoPwm1Button = addButton (504, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOPW1, "Osc1");
lfoPwm2Button = addButton (504, 252, 19, 35, ownerFilter, LFOPW2, "Osc2");
hardSyncButton = addButton (730, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSC2HS, "Sync");
osc1SawButton = addButton (587, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSC1Saw, "S");
osc2SawButton = addButton (782, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSC2Saw, "S");
osc1PulButton = addButton (632, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSC1Pul, "P");
osc2PulButton = addButton (827, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSC2Pul, "P");
pitchQuantButton = addButton (684, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, OSCQuantize, "Step");
filterBPBlendButton = addButton (1082, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, BANDPASS, "Bp");
fourPoleButton = addButton (1127, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, FOURPOLE, "24");
filterHQButton = addButton (932, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, FILTER_WARM, "HQ");
filterKeyFollowButton = addButton (887, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, FLT_KF, "Key");
unisonButton = addButton (205, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, UNISON, "Uni");
tuneKnob = addKnob (30, 252, 48, ownerFilter, TUNE, "Tune", 0.5);
transposeKnob = addKnob (90, 252, 48, ownerFilter, OCTAVE, "Transpose", 0.5);
voiceDetuneKnob = addKnob (188, 252, 48, ownerFilter, UDET, "VoiceDet", 0);
bendLfoRateKnob = addKnob (928, 300, 36, ownerFilter, BENDLFORATE, "ModRate", 0.4);
veloFltEnvKnob = addKnob (1013, 300, 36, ownerFilter, VFLTENV, "VFE", 0);
veloAmpEnvKnob = addKnob (1111, 300, 36, ownerFilter, VAMPENV, "VAE", 0);
midiLearnButton = addButton (74, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, MIDILEARN, "LEA");
midiUnlearnButton = addButton (122, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, UNLEARN, "UNL");
pan1Knob = addKnob (914, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN1, "1", 0.5);
pan2Knob = addKnob (977, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN2, "2", 0.5);
pan3Knob = addKnob (1040, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN3, "3", 0.5);
pan4Knob = addKnob (1103, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN4, "4", 0.5);
pan5Knob = addKnob (1165, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN5, "5", 0.5);
pan6Knob = addKnob (1228, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN6, "6", 0.5);
pan7Knob = addKnob (1290, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN7, "7", 0.5);
pan8Knob = addKnob (1353, 368, 36, ownerFilter, PAN8, "8", 0.5);
bendOsc2OnlyButton = addButton (228, 335, 19, 35, ownerFilter, BENDOSC2, "Osc2");
bendRangeButton = addButton (183, 335, 19, 35, ownerFilter, BENDRANGE, "12");
asPlayedAllocButton = addButton (25, 162, 19, 35, ownerFilter, ASPLAYEDALLOCATION, "APA");
filterDetuneKnob = addKnob (1228, 300, 36, ownerFilter, FILTERDER, "Flt", 0.2);
portamentoDetuneKnob = addKnob (1291, 300, 36, ownerFilter, PORTADER, "Port", 0.2);
envelopeDetuneKnob = addKnob (1353, 300, 36, ownerFilter, ENVDER, "Env", 0.2);
voiceSwitch = addList (124, 338, 17, 24, ownerFilter, VOICE_COUNT, "VoiceCount", ImageCache::getFromMemory (BinaryData::voices_png, BinaryData::voices_pngSize));
for (int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i)
voiceSwitch->addChoice (String (i));
legatoSwitch = addList (25, 338, 65, 24, ownerFilter, LEGATOMODE, "Legato", ImageCache::getFromMemory (BinaryData::legato_png, BinaryData::legato_pngSize));
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Keep All");
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Keep Filter Envelope");
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Keep Amplitude Envelope");
legatoSwitch->addChoice ("Retrig");
buttonListAttachments.add (new ButtonList::ButtonListAttachment (ownerFilter.getPluginState(),
ownerFilter.getEngineParameterId (VOICE_COUNT),
buttonListAttachments.add (new ButtonList::ButtonListAttachment (ownerFilter.getPluginState(),
ownerFilter.getEngineParameterId (LEGATOMODE),
ownerFilter.addChangeListener (this);
@ -521,8 +346,7 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::createMenu (const Point<int> pos)
menu.addSubMenu ("Skins", skinMenu);
//const Point<int> pos = e.getMouseDownScreenPosition();
int result = menu.showAt (Rectangle<int> (pos.getX(), pos.getY(), 1, 1));
@ -569,21 +393,6 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::buttonClicked (Button* b)
//void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* cb)
// ButtonList* bl = (ButtonList*)(cb);
// ObxdAudioProcessor* flt = getFilter();
// #define cp(T) {flt->setParameterNotifyingHost(T,bl->getValue());}
//#define handleCParam(K,T) if (bl == K) {cp(T)} else
// handleCParam(voiceSwitch,VOICE_COUNT)
// handleCParam(legatoSwitch,LEGATOMODE)
// {};
//void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::sliderValueChanged (Slider* c)
void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster* source)
@ -607,83 +416,6 @@ void ObxdAudioProcessorEditor::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e)
if (e.mods.isRightButtonDown() || e.mods.isCommandDown())
createMenu (e.getMouseDownScreenPosition());
// PopupMenu menu;
// PopupMenu skinMenu;
// PopupMenu bankMenu;
// PopupMenu progMenu;
// Array<File> skins;
// const Array<File>& banks = processor.getBankFiles();
// int skinStart = 0;
// {
// DirectoryIterator it(processor.getSkinFolder(), false, "*", File::findDirectories);
// while (it.next())
// {
// skins.addUsingDefaultSort(it.getFile());
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < skins.size(); ++i)
// {
// const File skin = skins.getUnchecked(i);
// skinMenu.addItem(i + skinStart + 1, skin.getFileName(), true, skin.getFileName() == skinFolder.getFileName());
// }
// menu.addSubMenu("Skins", skinMenu);
// }
// int bankStart = 1000;
// {
// const String currentBank = processor.getCurrentBankFile().getFileName();
// for (int i = 0; i < banks.size(); ++i)
// {
// const File bank = banks.getUnchecked(i);
// bankMenu.addItem(i + bankStart + 1, bank.getFileNameWithoutExtension(), true, bank.getFileName() == currentBank);
// }
// menu.addSubMenu("Banks", bankMenu);
// }
// int progStart = 2000;
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < processor.getNumPrograms(); ++i)
// {
// progMenu.addItem(i + progStart + 1, processor.getProgramName(i), true, i == processor.getCurrentProgram());
// }
// menu.addSubMenu("Programs", progMenu);
// }
// const Point<int> pos = e.getMouseDownScreenPosition();
// int result = menu.showAt(Rectangle<int>(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), 1, 1));
// if (result >= (skinStart + 1) && result <= (skinStart + skins.size()))
// {
// result -= 1;
// result -= skinStart;
// const File newSkinFolder = skins.getUnchecked(result);
// processor.setCurrentSkinFolder(newSkinFolder.getFileName());
// //rebuildComponents (processor);
// clean();
// loadSkin(processor);
// }
// else if (result >= (bankStart + 1) && result <= (bankStart + banks.size()))
// {
// result -= 1;
// result -= bankStart;
// const File bankFile = banks.getUnchecked(result);
// processor.loadFromFXBFile (bankFile);
// }
// else if (result >= (progStart + 1) && result <= (progStart + processor.getNumPrograms()))
// {
// result -= 1;
// result -= progStart;
// processor.setCurrentProgram (result);
// }