"""Nox sessions.""" import functools import os from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent import nox import nox_poetry from nox.sessions import Session # package name package = "smbmc" # python versions supported_versions = ["3.6", "3.7", "3.8", "3.9"] latest_version = supported_versions[-1] # nox settings nox.options.sessions = [f"tests-{latest_version}"] nox.options.reuse_existing_virtualenvs = True locations = ["src", "tests", "noxfile.py", "docs/conf.py"] @nox.session(python=supported_versions) def tests(session: Session) -> None: """Run the test suite. Args: session: The Session object. """ nox_poetry.install(session, nox_poetry.WHEEL) nox_poetry.install(session, "pytest", "betamax") session.run("pytest") @nox.session(python=latest_version) def coverage(session: Session) -> None: """Generate coverage report. Args: session: The Session object. """ nox_poetry.install(session, nox_poetry.WHEEL) nox_poetry.install(session, "pytest", "betamax", "pytest-cov", "coverage[toml]") session.run("pytest", f"--cov={package}", "tests/") def activate_virtualenv_in_precommit_hooks(session: Session) -> None: """Activate virtualenv in hooks installed by pre-commit. This function patches git hooks installed by pre-commit to activate the session's virtual environment. This allows pre-commit to locate hooks in that environment when invoked from git. Args: session: The Session object. """ if session.bin is None: return virtualenv = session.env.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") if virtualenv is None: return hookdir = Path(".git") / "hooks" if not hookdir.is_dir(): return for hook in hookdir.iterdir(): if hook.name.endswith(".sample") or not hook.is_file(): continue text = hook.read_text() bindir = repr(session.bin)[1:-1] # strip quotes if not ( Path("A") == Path("a") and bindir.lower() in text.lower() or bindir in text ): continue lines = text.splitlines() if not (lines[0].startswith("#!") and "python" in lines[0].lower()): continue header = dedent( f"""\ import os os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = {virtualenv!r} os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(( {session.bin!r}, os.environ.get("PATH", ""), )) """ ) lines.insert(1, header) hook.write_text("\n".join(lines)) @nox.session(python=latest_version) def precommit(session: Session) -> None: """Lint using pre-commit. Args: session: The Session object. """ args = session.posargs or [ "run", "--all-files", ] # "--show-diff-on-failure"] nox_poetry.install( session, "black", "darglint", "flake8", "flake8-bandit", "flake8-bugbear", "flake8-docstrings", "flake8-rst-docstrings", "pep8-naming", "pre-commit", "pre-commit-hooks", "reorder-python-imports", ) session.run("pre-commit", *args) if args and args[0] == "install": activate_virtualenv_in_precommit_hooks(session) @nox.session(python=latest_version) def docs(session: Session) -> None: """Build the documentation. Args: session: The Session object. """ output_dir = os.path.join(session.create_tmp(), "output") doctrees, html = map( functools.partial(os.path.join, output_dir), ["doctrees", "html"] ) session.run("rm", "-rf", output_dir, external=True) nox_poetry.install(session, nox_poetry.WHEEL) nox_poetry.install(session, "sphinx", "sphinx-autobuild", "sphinx-rtd-theme") session.cd("docs") sphinx_args = [ "-b", "html", "-W", "-d", doctrees, ".", html, ] if not session.interactive: sphinx_cmd = "sphinx-build" else: sphinx_cmd = "sphinx-autobuild" sphinx_args.insert(0, "--open-browser") session.run(sphinx_cmd, *sphinx_args)