"""Provides the Client class.""" from time import time as now from requests import Session from .ipmi_pmbus import process_pmbus_response from .ipmi_sensor import process_sensor_response from .util import contains_duplicates from .util import contains_valid_items from .util import extract_xml_attr KNOWN_SENSORS = ["pmbus", "sensor"] class Client: """Client used to access Supermicro BMCs.""" def __init__(self, server, username, password): """Initialises an instance of smbmc.Client. Args: server: Address of server in form: ''. username: Username. password: Password. """ self.server = server self.username = username self.password = password self._session = Session() self.last_call = None def login(self): """Login to Supermicro web interface. Fetches a session ID (SID) cookie, which allows access to the rest of the web interface. SID length is approximately 30 minutes, according to the default timeout configuration. Raises: Exception: Authentication Error. """ self._session.post( f"{self.server}/cgi/login.cgi", data={ "name": self.username, "pwd": self.password, }, ) if "SID" in self._session.cookies.get_dict().keys(): self.last_call = now() else: raise Exception("Authentication Error") def get_pmbus_metrics(self): """Acquire metrics for all power supplies. Returns: str: XML response. """ self.last_call = now() r = self._session.post( f"{self.server}/cgi/ipmi.cgi", data={ "Get_PSInfoReadings.XML": "(0,0)", }, ) psu_list = extract_xml_attr(r.text, ".//PSItem") power_supplies = process_pmbus_response(psu_list) return power_supplies def get_sensor_metrics(self): """Acquire metrics for all sensors. Returns: str: XML response. """ self.last_call = now() r = self._session.post( f"{self.server}/cgi/ipmi.cgi", data={ "SENSOR_INFO.XML": "(1,ff)", }, ) sensor_list = extract_xml_attr(r.text, ".//SENSOR") sensors = process_sensor_response(sensor_list) return sensors def get_metrics(self, metrics=["pmbus", "sensor"]): # noqa: C901 """Fetch metrics with minimum network calls. Args: metrics: List of metric(s) to query. Raises: Exception: Argument contains duplicate metrics. Exception: Argument contains invalid metrics. Returns: dict: A dict containing all metrics. """ if contains_duplicates(metrics): raise Exception("metrics array contains duplicates") if not contains_valid_items(KNOWN_SENSORS, metrics): raise Exception("metrics array contains invalid metrics") self.login() result = {} for metric in metrics: values = None if metric == "pmbus": values = self.get_pmbus_metrics() elif metric == "sensor": # pragma: no cover values = self.get_sensor_metrics() result.update({metric: values}) return result