# conform to XDG base directory specification set header_cache = $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mutt/headers set message_cachedir = $XDG_DATA_HOME/mutt/messages set mailcap_path = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mutt/mailcap set record = $XDG_DATA_HOME/mutt/record/sent set tmpdir = $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set certificate_file = $XDG_DATA_HOME/mutt/certificates # i like having a clean uncluttered $HOME, sue me # general set mail_check = 0 # mbsync used for mail synchronisation set timeout = 5 # wait 5s for user input set sleep_time = 0 # disable pausing set beep_new # beep when new mail received # mailbox set mbox_type = Maildir # mailbox format set folder = ~/.mail # mailbox storage directory set spoolfile = "+gmail/INBOX" # default mailbox # ssl configuration set ssl_starttls # use STARTTLS if not set set ssl_force_tls # force TLS negotation # composing/sending configuration set editor = "nvim +/^$ +nohlsearch" # place cursor after headers + turn off search highlighting set edit_headers # enable header editing when composing set mime_forward = ask-no # ask if fwd msg as attachments set send_charset = "utf-8" # charset to use when sending # grab rest of the config source ~/.config/mutt/colours source ~/.config/mutt/mailboxes source ~/.config/mutt/layout source ~/.config/mutt/bindings source ~/.config/mutt/macros source ~/.config/mutt/hooks source ~/.config/mutt/notmuch #set read_only # set read-only when messing around with settings