2016-11-07 15:27:14 +13:00
# sidebar colours
color sidebar_new blue black # mailboxes containing new mail
color sidebar_highlight black green # cursor to select mailbox
color sidebar_indicator black blue # current open mailbox
color sidebar_divider blue black # divider between sidebar/index
# general ui
color status blue black # colour for status line
color indicator black blue # currently selected message
color tree cyan default # arrow in threads
# mail colours
color index magenta black ~N # new messages
color index yellow black ~O # old messages
color index red black ~D # to-be-deleted
2016-11-22 09:50:54 +13:00
color index cyan black ~P # self-mail
2016-11-07 15:27:14 +13:00
# index
color index_flags red black '~N' # new messages
color index_flags red black '~O' # old messages
color index_flags yellow black '~P' # self-mail
color index_flags blue black '~Q' # messages replied to
color index_author default black '.*' # author colour
color index_date green default # date colour
color index_label default brightgreen # ???
# quoting depths
color quoted green default
color quoted1 green default
color quoted2 blue default
color quoted3 blue default
# urls
color body yellow black "(https|http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \"\t\r\n]*"
# email addresses
color body yellow black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
color body yellow black "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"